East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 05, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
:. (1. Brohm', well known farmer
and stockman of the Oamas Prairie, la
one of the flret to drive out over tho
Yellowjacket road thla spring. He ar
rived In Pendleton yeaterday after
noon, having come from the moun
tain! throufh thla route. It ia atlll
rough and autoa are using the Willow
Springs, or atage route, he aays.
Judge A. S. Bennett, who has been
In Pendleton aa a member of the su
preme court bench, wua here 28 yeura
uijo to attend aupreme court session,
aooordtMr to the IQast Oregonlan file
of May a. 1(92. It chronlolea that
"Judge A. Bennett, of The Dalles,
democratic (candidate for aupreme
Judge" waa In Pendleton on (hat date.
An Easy Way to Own
a Fine Phonograph
Aa aole member of an auto party,
Benjamin P. Moras waa In Pendleton
yeaterday, motoring from hla home In
Kpokane to Vancouver, B. ' Mix.
Morse la visiting- relatives at Vancou
ver and will make the return trip with
Mr. Morse. While here Mr. Morse
visited his brother, Roy Morae.
Looking none the worse for the ex
perience, conductor W. 13. Fergus,
who was on ill-fatad I rain .'n. 20 when
the wreck oeeure on tforiday, la $ack
on the run today. Conductor Fergus
iwus standing; with his back to the en
I glne when the collision took place and
' aside from bruises, he win unhurt,
t Most of Ihe lnJuriesto the passengers
conalated of cuts or bruises on the
' head, caused by being thrown forward.
I Lighting future, in the cars were
broken off from the ceiling when the
two engines collided.
Karly in the mornlnjc, lat at night
applfe to the supreme court members
and their pmo of rolf, it tpnear,
At 7 o'clock yeHterday morning, and
probably earlier, only the neibborn
don't arlHe any earlier, Jugfn A. S.
Bennett and Henry J. Hewn were nen
on t he c(urHe of the Pendleton Oolf
club. At 6 luflt evenjnjc they were
ajjain, or poHHibly Ktlll, at It. The an
cient HioUrh Kaine nan i(K fol lower
amonjf ueverni others of the Mate bu
prcine court bench also.
It Pays to Pay Cash at CONROY'S
Prunes, 3 lb 50c
Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs 55c
Bulk Raisins lb. 25c; 25 lb. box, $5.50
Bob White Soap, 7 for 50c
Gold Dust, box , 30c
Sea Foam Washing Powder, box 30c
Palm Olive Soap, each 10c
Why pay more ?
S lb. Box Macaroni ad Spaghetti 60c
Crape Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 25c
Van Camps Pork and Bean
No. 1 tins, 2 for 25c; No, 2 tins, 5 for $1.00
Van Camps Soups, all kinds 2 for 25c
Blue Karo Syrup, No. 5 tins 55c
Mt. Vernon Milk, 2 cans 25c
On a short trip combining business
and politics, W. M. Teterson and A.
H. cox drove to Walla Walla today in
the latter s cur.
W. A. My, of Portland, is In the
city today.
Carl Kngdnhl, of Helix, is spending
a few days In i'ortland.
Martin Schwarz, of Bono, is in Pen
dleton today.
1 It. Apjel of Chicago t is a business
visitor In Ilie city.
K. Sinclair of Portland, is here to
If. R. Weaver is n visitor in the
ity from Kan Francisco. He la at
ho'.-; Pondletoa.
You want to own a beautiful Columbia Grafonola and enjoy all the home com
fortsbut you hate the idea of paying out all the money at once. We have solved
this problem for you. Our easy payment will more than appeal to the music
By paying $5.00 down and $5 a month we will put any of our Columbia Machines
in your home. Each instrument is a beautiful piece of cabinet work, distinguished
by perfect craftsmanship and a satiny sheen of finish, but beneath its singular
grace of proportions is the correctness of acoustic design that makes the Columbia
Grafonola as responsive to every gradation of sound.
Hear the new records in our sound proof parlor.
A Car Load of
Thor Washers
Let us demonstrate one in your
A written guarantee
nies each machine.
PHONE 1037
House Wiring and Electric
Milne Electrical Company
108 East Alta St.
Pendleton, Ore.
Across From Alta Theatre
Tli higher otluctttiunal tax bill and
the two 'mill tax fof elementary aehbota
were unanlnioUHly endorwd by mem
ber of the Pendleton Rotary Club at
the club's weekly luncheon, held today
ut the Commercial Club rooms. Both
nn-auures will come before the people
May 21. Roy Kuley and Jude O. W.
Phelps made alks favortns; the bills.
Matters of civic interest, among
them the new auto camp grounds,
tvere discussed also at today's meet
Inp. With the exception of four mem
bers. Hit entire number of Hotarfans
attended the luncheon, which was the
f irM since the recent org-.i nidation of
the club in this city.
Agenu for
Phot f k rapt 15
ami lift oi.lsj
124-128 E. Webb
Use Our Exchange Department
Phone 548
(iPKwn tatr is Admitted
The estate of the late l. J. droom
was admitted to probate today and C.
Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic
Liquid, Gives Prompt Relief
There is one safe, dependable treat
ment that relieves itching torture and
that cleanses and soothes (he akin.
Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle
of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon
voa will find that irritations, pimples,
blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm
and similar kin troubles will disappear.
Zemo, the penetrating, satisfying
liquid, is all that is needed, for it
banishes most skin eruptions, makes
the skin soft, smooth and healthy.
Tin r nr TTnai fu riiusiin
A good piece of stak is always in order. If you
want a porterhouse, sirloin, tenderloin, flank or round
steak you will find we can meet your every require
ment, and the people of this community know that our
market stands for the best quality in meats of all kinds.
Empire Meat Market
"The Old Reliable"
Established 1890 Phone 18
ioii voi k iic:f(;,xt;riES
Pot Tonpue, per can 25 French Meat Treats, can 25o
Pot Ham, per can 25c Pamjuet Meat Troats, can 25c
Pot Chicken, per can . . . .25c Vienna Sausage, a can . . .20o
Llbbys Deviled Ham, per can . 25c
Gebhardt H Deviled ChUi Meat, per t an . . . . 15c
Morria Veai Loaf, per can :;."
CurtU Sandw ichola, per jar 20o
Morris Lunch Tonpue, halves IOct
Morris launch Tonjrue, N6. 1 55c
Morris Vienna Style Sausage, large cans 40a
Libby's Honed Chicken, per can ..Hfcc
Sinclair's Pickled Pigs' Feet in the jar . 75c
Potato and Club House Salad fresh every day.- Assorted col
meats always on hand.
Two Phones 526
E. Demaris, of Milton, named as ad- doubled.
minlstrator. AV. E. Putnam, George
Ireland and AV. W. Bridgwater were
appointed appraisers.
Many of the new men will
Ma from other parts of Alaska and j
others -will come north from the I
Bs9&. vljJH I (aJBMHHHHM is J
BEST "60"
Tracklayer Tractor
The mqst dependable heavy duty tractor built to meet the
requirements of Umatilla County farmers.
A few of the outstanding features of the SIXTY are:
Ease of operation, accessibility, no wheel, all track, no belts
or chains, all gear driven, turns in own length, 37 anti-friction
timken and Hyatt roller bearings, Manganese steel tracks in
stead of cast iron, working parts completely housed, non-lubricated
rocker joint in track, etc.
Let us show you this tractor at work at twenty fields in
Umatilla county.
Jerard & Temple
Pendleton, Oregon
Taylor lirothers Named Fxectitors
An order naming T. D. Taylor and
AA . . Taylor as joint executors of the
estate of the lata Jackson Nelson was
sigped in probate court today. The
petition of l. Johnson to be named
administrator of the estate with will
attached was denied by the court. The
latter filed application for letters of
administration after the death of
David Taylor, who was executor of the
estate. The will provided, however,
that in the event of the death of Mr.
Taylor, his sons should be named executors.
FroiTt lfJ to 15 endorsements a day
are now reported from various parts
of tho state in the case of the 1.26
mill higher educational bill for the
protection of the work of the State
rntversity, the Oregon Agricultural
College and the Normal school. This
bill has now been endorsed by more
than 300 orgauizat ions.
Multnomah county leads in the
number of endorsements with 6fi.
Vmatilla county is second with 24,
and Clatsop third with lf.
Although U only two unfavorable
resolutions passed jn nil Oregon were
passed in Salem, nevertheless Marion
county is (lose to the front in num
ber of its endorsements, having given
12. Its neighbors. Polk and Clacka
mas, have given 11 each. AVallowa,
Douglas, Pen ton and Deschutes have
given 1 1 each.
Conspicuoua among th endorsers
aro grangers. Pomona Granges, in j
Multnomah County, Polk, Columbia, !
I ii i Lincoln, and otner counties nnd nu- :
Divorce Decree Signed maiM Wtoordlnat granges have sent
A decree of divorce was signed today endorsements. Conspicuous also are)
Jn favor of Martha i:nger from Joseph American Region posts, which are in
Ulnger. A division of property be- terted because there nre 1S00 ex-:
tween the two Is stipulated in tha de- service men at the University atd the
cree. ,j j Agricultural College, who will he suf-1
, ferers if the bill fails to paws. Amor-
County Commissioners Meet. lean legion posts have given ondor.o-
The county commissioners convened tnents In the following places: Paker.
at 10 o'clock this mTnlng In their May I Halfway. Marshfleld. Kosebnrg, Al- !
meeting and heard petitions from a ' bnny. Ralem. DallaV Pendleton, Ia i
number of county property owners ' OramJe Molalla. Knterpriso Hrrmis
regarding roads and related matters ton, Kichland a nd At hena-Weston
of business. No definite action wae The executive committee of the Amor-
Want summi ReCorned
Henry T. Hart today brought suit !
against John J. Casserly for judgment
for $1000. Whlofl the plaintiff alleges
b paid the latter on a contract. The
contract, the plaintiff avers, waa can-,
celled by the defendant but the money 1
has not been refunded. He is repre
sented, in the action by S. A. Ijowell
and Hi J. AVarner.
MVnnuicl Wants Title CleawMl.
Kyle McDaniel today brought suit
In circuit court against L. E. Stewart,
et al, to clear title to several 'parcels ;
of land In section sr., township 6 north, '
range 84 east. The planitiff is repre
sented in the action by S. D. Peterson.
The Ford One Ton Truck Is serving business
just as faithfully and economically as does the
Ford Touring Car serve all the people faithfully
and economica!ly.The Ford Truck is a neces
sity to the grocer both in delivering goods and
in bringing goods from the stations, docks and
from the country. It is an ideal motor car
because there isn't a want of the farmer or
business man that it doesn't supply in the way
jof quick transportation at a minimum expense.
Come in, examine the Truck, and let us talk,
.over the subject,
Corner Water and .Tohn-ou Phone -108
taken on any of the requests.
Martin gre license Issued.
A marriage license was issued at the
county clerk's office late Tuesday to
Charles Archie Payne and Miss Nettle
Norman, both of whom reside in Pendleton.
i lean Legion of Oregon has als
i dorsed It.
Ilerniiston Has ileal necord.
Per the first four months of this
year the Hermlston school leads nil
districts in the county in the amount'
of thrift starAps purchased Ijy itn pu
pils, according to announcement of the
county school superintendent's office
today. Several other schools are mak-
nr exceptionally Rood records, how
3 FriVXISHF.D AITS, for rent 402
Tnatin St.
For colds that "hanp on" and for
lingering; roughs that follow tho "flu",
there Is one safe family cough medi
cine sold from the Atlantic to the
I'aclflc. Mrs. A. B. Griffith, Box 154,
Andrews, lnd.. writes: "last winter
my family alt had tho 'flu. T tried
Foley's Koney and Tar and never saw
! anything better. From now on T will
not. h. without It in the house." Don't
I let children suffer from croup or
whooping cough when this reliable
remedy can he so easily procured.
siik. nSBM nvi: now
Aches and pains often indicate kid
ney out of order. Your kidneys sure
ly need help and quickly when your
hands or feet are swollen and you feel
dull and slugatsh. loate your appetite
JtTNEAlT, Alaska. May 4. Approx
imately 4(100 men are to be employed
on conatructlon work on the govern
ment railroad In Alaska this y.ar.
Colonel rederlck Me.ira. president Of ! and your energy and there is a puffy
the Alaaka Engineering Commission, look under the eyea. Mrs. I. Clihson
announced here recently while on hla 1 1 Sth FJdtson St.. I-aJunts. Colo., writes:
railroad now, Haars said. As soon aaj 'My kidneys were giving me a great
way to Anchorage to lake charge of deal of trouhle for some time. I took
construction. I Foley K'dney rills and they helped
I over jooi men are working on the mo right awty. I feel fine now.
iwaslhsr permit the fores will bo 'Sold everywhere.
209 E. Court Phone 445
Jelly, 7 oz. Jar, 2 for 35c
Brooms, $1.35 value, each 95c
Flour, 49 lb. Sack Snowdrift $3.15
Butter, Creamery, roll $1.25
Hams, Picnic, per pound 26c
Coffee, 5 lbs. for $2.35
Milk, Carnation, large 15c
Milk, Carnation, small. 2 for 15c
Lard, Holly No. 5, each $1.45
Lard, Holly No. 10, each $2.85
Lard, Swifts, 5 pounds net $1.75 '
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Leas
209 East Court St.