PAGE ELEVEN " DAILY EAST OREGON IAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1920. TWELVE PAGES WANT ADS .CLASSIFIED Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lobt, Found, For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference WART AD COLUMN AND OUMU1ID DIBKOTOBT Counting (Is ordinary word to the Hue and charged by the line. . Want ada and locale. Hutra Per I4e. First tnaertlon, per line 10c Each add. Insertion, per Hue to One week (els tnaertlon), ajih Innertion. Der line .. Bo 1 mo. each Inaertion, per line- o eacn tnser- In- lo 1 month contract, tlon. pur line 12-month contract, each aertlon, per line No. ada taken (or u I iinea. Minimum charge lie Ada taken over the telephone only from Beat Oregonlan sub scribers and thoae Hated In the Telephone Directory Copy muet be In our office not later than 1:1 o'alodk day of publication. FOR SALE WANTED FOB BALE Marqula Phone 4F13. aaed wheat FOR BALE Whits enameled room cat Pal one 4 20. bad- FOB HALES ONE set of carpenter tool Address -ko-W this office. NEW TODAY FOB RUNT Two unfurlnabed house, keeping rooms Phono 1943. WAMTBD Pasture for 100 head mule. Address "83-8 care this office. FOB RENT Furnished front apt. on Main Ht. room und bath l'houo 100S or 770-R FOB -SALE Qood house tent 14 by 20, near school. Address "Sli-R" care this office. WANTED By axparlenoad girls, work a assistant bookkeeper of clerical work Phono 22S-R. WANTED A woman cook on ranch Phone 10F3. ' " 1 1 - "' 1 " " . ..LZJ.. - aCS , Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Directory Is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of rponibl business the folowlng lines. All are reliable, responsible business concern who stand reaay to give you prompt and efficient service. men who represent WANTED flood clean rags at The Bast Oregorilan office. WANTED At the Arlington Boom chambermaid Apply In person. FOB SAMS Black walnut kitchen cabinet SI 4 Lllleth St., Phone 902-W. CARLOAD OF JACKS from Eastern Oregon Jack Farm on sale at Echo, Oregon. FOB SALE Two 1917 Ford touring cars at a bargain Call at 631 Johnson St. WANTED Woman for general house work Inquire- 300 Willow St. WANTED TO KENT 3 to 5 room house by May 16th Call 204-M. WANTED Pasture for 26 head of StocV. B. B. F. Hossington, Ilermts ton. Oregon AUTO TIRES and Where to Duy Them. I, S. HENT1.EY & .eo.iToodTearaml diamond Tires Tire service, oil and accessories fyHix and Harden sis. AUTO ELECTRIC WORK - CLEANING AND PRESSING OPTICAL AUTO Electric Work of Magneto, starter, Ignition, etc. ectric Service Station, Garden Court streets. alt kinds. MODEL TAILORS A CLEANERS UALlfi RUTUWILlJj ru Jnttr EI. Prralni ud ronairtnK. 30 1 W. Optician. uiaes "" "- and Wehh Ht. Phone 321. Pendleton Ore. eyes, American ing--Pli'mo . National Bank bulld- GERTSON & MARTY- Gates Half Sole, tOOO mlla guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. 937 Cottonwood St. WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. B. Chase Co. FOR KALE Black Minorca for hatching O. K. Feed Yard Phone 616. WANTED Tree trimming, window washing, wall paper and chimney eggs ) cleaning Phono Smithy, 381-J. FOR 8AL13 n-room modern bunga low on north side, 95,0110. Easy terms See Kennedy at Jo Kerley's. FOR BADE! No. 1 baled alfalfa hay in oar lot. Fur price write or P.ione W. A. Leather Hermurton, Or. WANTED AT ONCB- Competent girl for general housework best wages opply 722 Jane St., or Phone 352-J. FOR 8ALr3 Full dress suit, practical ly new I'll - 632 during day or call 201 Water St., evening. FOR SALK Anybody wishing a set of brand new 95 by 6 U. S. Roril Cord Tires at a great discount, Phone 417. POSITION WANTED fly experienc ed typist, also some knowledge of bookkeeping Addrea "31-H" this office. PENDLETON RUBBER A SUPPLY CO Barney Oldfield, Goodrich ail- vertown Cnrd and Pennsylvania Vac uum Cup 305 E. Court. AUTO TOPS UADWA'S AUTO TOPS. Hacks, Side Curtains rMiM at Plate Glass 201 East CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PAHKEIt & BAN FIELD. Designing, Eng!neorlng, Constructing, 10 years experience .'n concrete and brick -construction. Columbia Bg., Portland Or. POULTRY SUPPLIES .mr'ir leoon Scratch food. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolad lereiy. Umatilla Moor A Qrmm Co. i DRAYMEN PENDLETON CYCLE: CO. AJax, Re vere and Savage tires. 228 E. Court street.' AUTO REPAIRING SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re public and Firestone tires, cord or fabric 22 K. Court St., Phone 651. WALLA CB BROS. Flak Tire, cords Jr fabric. We do our own adjusting M)-12 Johnson St. WANTED Work operating farm tractor four year experience write Alfred Fosmark, Gen. Del, Pendleton. WESTERN AUTO CO. United States Tires. Both cord and fabric Cor. Cottonwood and Water Sts. FOR RENT Nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms, 6 1 4 Cosbie St. I reference Inquire at No. 12 upstairs Phone ' Oregon 727-W. I POSITION WANTED By experienc ed bookkeeper and' typist, good A. M. Treinblay, Pendleton FOB SALE Few registered Perch. WANTED Carpenter work special eon stallions from 1 to 4 year old. attention paid to Job work city or Jack Sparks, Pendleton, Oregon or i country. Phone 302-W, call 614 Pilot Rock Pendleton Auto Wage 4 Leavas Pilot Rock at 8am 4 Leave Pendleton at 10:20 a. m. Leave Pilot Bock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. PKHKTNfl & AMNIONS, Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude baker or any make of car. Service at any time. 620 Cottonwood. Phone 203. CALL PEN LAND Brs., Transfer van to move your household good. We also uaek or atore goods. We do eoun- utomobile try hauling. Telephone 239. A. M. Boyden, Transfer. (Stand at Hennlng Cigar Store. Phone 6. PIANO TUNING WE CAN TUNE your piano any wher any lime. Phonograph repalringj. Uarrtnx Music Bouse I'hone 524. 814 Main St, THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glen Ling, 632 Cottonwood. AUCTIONEER DENTIST DR. FLOYD CROUP Dentist Room 109 American Bank Bldg. 'hone 226 Pendleton, Ore. COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgls A storie'a Implement Co., for sale dates. flit. H. M. HANAVAN Koom 7. Temp-e Bids., - Dentistry, Ph me 772. ATTORNEYS BYNON BYNON Attorney at law. 16-16-17 Belts building, over Bond tiros. Telephone 164. ENGRAVEDJDS VISITING CARDS, Wedding An nouncements. Invitations, make de signs and styies to select from. For sale by Ore Ron! an Office. Phone ;4F11. FOR SALE 3 1-2 acres with 4 room ed house, ceiled throughout and new born, at Riverside Term See owner Henry Castor. Llllith St. FOR RENT PT8. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. ! GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. CARTER ft SMYTH E, Attorneys At Law. Office in rear of American National Bank building. FOR SALE One span horses, 1 wag on, harness and hack. Reason ably priced owner leaving town In quire 506 Post St. HELP! W5LP: Wo can give steady employment to several girls or wom en Apply at once at Domestic Laun dry. IF THE PARTY who stole my Ameri can bicycle will return it to the East Oregonlen he won't be prosecuted Jamea Simonton. WANTED- -A good live wire grocery man. one who has had experience and knows the retail business. A crop on 1240 acre good Wheatland very effective proposition to the right ' the price is right See Joe Kerley, In partj Phone 432 or call at 200 West ! sure nee. Loane, Real Estate Webb St.. after Saturday May 8th. WANTED Listings; If your property FOR rent An apt. at 307 Aura St. Is for sale come and list it witn us for quick result. Oregon Washing ton Ranches Co., Phone 542. i FOR RENT Furnished Tustln street. Apt. 402 jALL KINDS of automobile repairing $1.00 per hour, by factory expert and guaranteed. Owner can help if de- I sirable 615 Walnut St., off W. Webb. FOR RENT Furnished room IS 14 E. Court. Sleeping FOR SALE 21 room apartment house, completely furnished, close ' w ANTEP Young women in nargain oreitun v aaiiiostoii Ranches Co., Phone 642. FURNITURE FORt SALE H. P. Whitman- Phone 418. Store or office room to learn i FOR RENT- telephone operating. Permanent apply Hotel St. George. positions assured. Salary paid while - FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. fices in Deepaln Building. Of R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Boom 24, Smith-Crawford Building 3. A. IOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office In Despaln Bldg . A. NEWBERRY, Federal Building. Attorney at Law. FOR SALE Lease with outfit learning. Apply to chief operator at ' FOR RENT Small furnished apt. I"1 ... . Inoulro Arlington Rooms. i telephone office. I PETERSON, 6ISHOP & CLARK. At torneys at Law. Rooms 2 and 4 i Smith-Crawford building. OLD LINE Life Insurance Company wants good man or woman to rep NOTICES FOR SALE Two lot, north side, east , retent ,t ln Eastern Oregon, local or front, no grading, no retaining ; -,- nrevlmis exDerience necessary. A real opportunity to go Pioneer Fkmie Twenty-eighth Annual Re-Union, Umatilla County Pioneer Weston, Ore Son, June 4th and 5th. I walls, level, first chum neighborhood I W. D. Humphrey, 107 E. Court St. Attention E3k Pendleton Lodge No. 28. B Elm will, meet In regular Thursday ev. nlntr May 6th and balloting on oandidates. All members urged to be present. By or der of the Exalted Ruler. THOMAS FITZ O-ERALD, Sec FOR QUICK SALE New 6 -room modern house, near Lincoln school 24500, 11100 cash, balance, monthly pay menu. Joe Kerley. Phone 417. ln business for yourself, we will teach you how If you have the ability to learn. Write or call, Wm. J. Holpa. supervisor of agents. Hotel Pendleton. r. O.'fOR SALE 7-room bungalow now a1oii ' under const ruetion. can be finished Initiation I to suit buyer, north aide. Very good location In Improving district Ask Kennedy at Joe Kerley's. FOB SALE ISOOO My thoroughly t modern home at 325 Jane Hi. Hot wattr heat J garage, large basement , SAVts MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR SEWING MACHINE give trouble Phone 766. HEMSTITCHING Mall orders Mrs. Ralph Hassell 417 Bush, Phone IJ1-M. FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooms Inquire 606 Market St. FOR RENT 2-room furnished apt. Adults only 502 Water St. R. M. TURNER. Attorney at Law Booms 7, t, 9. Despaln building. FOR RENT 4 -room furnished apt with sleeping porch Phone 248-M. FOR RENT 6-room house. mornings, 607 College or Phone 215-J JAMES B. PEURY, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Com- I Pany. i . . . RALEY A RALEY Attorneys at Law Office in American National Bank Apii Building. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, outside entrance 514 Lillcth St., Phone 8-02-W. J FRED H. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Room 24, Bmlth-Crawford Law. Bldg. FOR RENT Two-room furnished ; apartment,. Hamilton Court, Phone 344-it. j FOR RENT Furnished housekeep- ; Ine rooms suitable for two 902 E. BATTERIES BATTERIES repaired or recharged new and rental batteries. Electric Service Station. Cor. Garden and Court Team Iwt Uitrr bsatJ sarase. large basement , SAVE YOLBOLD RAOS Lt 1,a i Bluff. Phone 204-M. Ktraved from pasture on Pine reek, i .,. . ... s n rtotl.r. 804 W Kier- I maRe mom into new carpels, nuu one bay mare, roacbed mane, seven 'iamn Ave,, Spokane. Wash. ruggs, portieres, porch pillows, ets- year old, weight about 1300' lbs. One black mare, roached mane, nine or ten years old, weight about 1200 lbs. Owner will pay 22O.60 for return of above described animals. K. A. Stays, B. F. p. 2. Box 95. Freewater, Oregon. Oall For Bids Sealed proposals -wtl be received bp to five o'clock P. M. Saturday, May 16. 1930, for furnishing Umatilla County, Oregon, with. 100 cords of red fir 4ft. FOR SALE 26-room boarding house In Walla Walla, located on one of best street In city. 7 baths, all rooms large. Oood buy. For further par ticulars address "76-C" care East Oregon laa. FOR SALE 144,40 930 acre wheat ranch near Cunningham, Wash. Thl price Induces about 700 acres of wheat and full equipment. It's a wood, and thirty ton of Rock Springs I money maker Liberty Realty Co., 123 West Alta, Phone MARRY AT ONCE! We put you In correspondence with thousands of Charming and refined ladles who wish to marry, many worth from 21,000 to $25,000 and upward. Particulars free, tddress Allen Ward. B 7 5, Valley. Nebruska. lump coal: wood to be cut from green timber and f. 6. b. Pendleton; coal to be delivered to the Umatilla Coy my i.iurary. The Court reserved the right to re ject any and all tilde. Dated this 3rd day of May 1920. R. T. BROWN, County Clerk. CORONER SAYS PORTLAND IE! Spokane, Wash. WE HAVE for Immediate sale at a sacrifice price one of the best large homes In Pendleton. If you are look ins for a real home you will sure be Interested. No trouble to ask us about it Kerley A Lundell. LOST AND FOUND LOST Baby's silk hood on Main St., Saturday night, reward Phone 276-J. FOR BALE One 7 passenger Paige. all cord tires, good condition, newly painted. One 8 passenger Reo, newly painted, 4 new tires, 1 good extra. On Studebaker Roadster, good condition. See Roagland, 722 Cottonwood St. LOST Small black purse with small change and ladles watch liberal reward leave at this office. LOST Small old fashioned broach made from old fashioned cuff but ton, lost between. Main street anu i within -4 or 6 blocks on West Alta small reward leave at E. O. office. TOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms Board across the street. Phone 292-H. 216 Garden. FOR RENT Furnished 3-roomed front apt. on Main St. Phone 1003 or Inquire 775 Aura. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front sleeping room with bath accommo dations, north sjde 385 u FOR RENT 4-rom furnished ntod ern house lights and water fur nished no objections to childre n 16 Willow St. PIIILADKI.PHU DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E. Chase Co., 320 E. Court. Telephone 269. Pendieton. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept., any size, style or shape glass while you wait. B. N. Reber, M. D., 7, 8, 9 Belts Bldg. PIANOS AND PLAYERS HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing ton quality. Players of Individuality. Its the construction that count. See piano on display, write or phone The Itce Hive. 628 Main St., Phone 1079 J. P. Darnall. Factory Bep., KOhler 4s Chase Piano Co. . Painting andPaper Hanging j. v JACKSON Wall paper for sala cheap, painting, paper hanging and kalsomining by day or contract Phone HKM -l Calvin St. PAINTS. Wall I Her. plctura Fram 1ns. I- J. MttAtce. the Psaotloal Paint Man. Lowe Bros., Paints. EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST ! DR. A. M. SIMMONS, eye sight spe- ; cialist Penland Bldg.. .over Tall-j man Drug Co., Phone 436-J. RAJOTEimNQ ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORK 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. C. Blasberg, Prop. RESTAURANT FARM LOANS SNOW A DAYTON, 117 E. Court Bt. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. THE QUELLE. A good plaoe to eat RUGS H3MSTITCHINO at the Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. NEW and attractive ruga made from vour old Ingrain and Brusael ear- i pets by the Walla Walla Fluff RuJ Co.. 1332 -.Valla. Walla Avew vvaua Walla, Wash., Phone 1677. INSURANCE L. M. BULLOCK, Metropolitan Life Insurance Agent. Phone S8S-W. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK SECOND HAND FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING A 8PECLAX.TY Phone 522. Repair work our hobby. We buy and sell household gjpods. Riley A Kemp, 623 Main. SECOND HAND STORE JRING your Junk to the Pendleton Hldo A Junk Co. See us before you ell. L. D. Cameron, Prop. JOB PRINTING I WE BUY AND SELL all klnrs or sec- ond hand goods and shoes. Repalr i Ing a specialty. Martin Key, HO V-. Webb. LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, BUI Headj, Loose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forms, Dodgers, Placards, etc printed to your order. East Oregon Ian Office. . LA I tnrlLLMn VvUHr Caterpillars, harvesters, gas engines, automobiles and general blacksmith lng. Round-Up, Parks A Nc crgall, 212 West Webb. j(0DAJFUJ PERFECT DEVELOPING and print ing for the amateur enlarging Prompt work. Tollman Drujr to. SK0jJpjHNJDEALJH V. STROBLB, dealer ln new and see on d hand goods. Cash paid for second hano goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods 310 Court Phone 271-W. Sewing Machine Repairing CJMOPflArORS DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor office over Cash Market. 209 E. Court; Phone 1053. FOR RENT Two nice clean rooms. Can be made ready for housekeeping or sleeping rooms 210 Willow St. Also 3-rooni apt. fl rt DR. R C. ELLSWORTH Specializing ill uci t una uiscasca uuu j--en women. 9 to 12 - m. 1 to 5:20 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Phone 706, Smith Crawford Building. BB BEAUTIFIED at Mbn Kobo'l shoo. -Tudd Rids.. Phop 10M) DR. uOitETTA H. STARBA 9-10 Feebler Bldg. 9 to 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 9 p. m.; other hours by ap pointment'; " Phones Of. 638, Res. 1169 OWN EQUIPMENT WILL FIGHT HAIRCUT PRICE MOOSKJAW. Bask., May 4. Em ployes of the Canadian Pacific . ASTORIA, May 6 Innulest will be held today Into the death of Mr. Ruth ... i-...,.... r Portland. Her body was found on the rocks at Tillamook Head, freight sheds and roundhouses are go Monday Coroner Hughes, after an ing to combat 75-cent haircuts and Investigation stated that in his opinion have purchased the necessary equlp tlie woman was murderd. Her skull I ment with which a ralr trip will be was fractured and there was a deep dispensed nt a nominal charge to em gush over her eye and bruises about. ployes of those departments. rter men. The woman left her home In Port land Friday morning, according to her hoshnnrt who received a .letter from ber dated at Seaside, ln which she de clared her Intention to commit buI cWe The -cttroner believes, however, t. i,tter wns written after he knew she would be murdered, or possibly In tne presence of the murderer. YPRES VETERAN DIES FROM RESULT OF GAS SPOKANE, Wash., May 5. Wil liam Yell, who served at Ypres with the Cycle Corps nf the Second divi sion, died here yesterdey of tuberculo sis, said to hkve resulted from a gasj Ing he received there In 1916. LONDON, Ma 1. Austen Cham berlain, chancellor of the exchequer, ha carried the whole of his budget proposals. Motions for the rejection 01 an Increase In the excess profits duty and the corporation tax were de feated In the house of commons to night by. a vote of 2S7to 25. Mr. Chamberlain. defending his proposals, said it was his duty to make a real effort while trade wus pros perous to reduce the vast innd of debt which was n potential danger to the country's credit. If the Japanese continue to be thrown out of Siberia towns (hey may uttlm:itol decide that they are not (ally w9lcom. . DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Olivia Figures That It Must Work in Some Cases. r all man I PIMISH.MEN DEFEAT INDIANS. ' KniKNB, Or.. May 5. The 1'nl Iversity of Oregon freshmen truck team tlefeatetl the Cltemawa Indian school stjuad In a duel meet here j Tuesday afternoon by a score of 84 to ,56. The relay race was the decided .event of the afternoon as th score i stood. 5 9to 66 ln the freshmen' fa vor before this event. The Oregon team, composed of ObeWeuffer. Wyatt, Phillips and Collins, won this event by several yards. The 1'sual Common t In an Infant school the teacher choso the miracle of Ihe water being turned into wine as the subject of the usual Bible lesson. In telling the story she occasion ally asked a few questions. One of them was: "When the new wine wns brought to the governor of the feast, what did he say?" A little girl, remembering what she hid heard, prebahly on some festive occasion, called out: "Here's luck! " Cleveland Plain Dealer. OLIVIA, SeEM"To BE CJiMTEl Ol,TtlECF-'S A A UflPTj W6LEM ASOUMD- A UTT Tc'IkSASD urge vin1HE HWSVJC4lK. i .HAVE To HELP k- AMP i 8 O HELP I I' ' IjI weli.TuaTs tiooDExVeeiEMce. slPR?06SO, if foe. Vcu J A WAV- Vou'LL KNOW! THAT HME EVEC Howl T DoTMlMGS Wheh You GET MACRIEO- .JMES- j -vr la LEGAL BLANKS LAUNDRY ALL MAKES of Sewing Machines re- paired and cleaned at Singer store. .! THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE l-ECJAIj BljANKS of every description, i IT" 2rTTw" Blank Deeds. Leases. Writs. Bill of A STEAM CABINET BATH ln connec sales. Contracts, Subpoenas. Affidavit. tlon with Swedish ' Complaints. Summons, etc.. tor sale exercise w.ll keep you in gpod condition Eai Oregon Ian office. ; both physically and mental If you are sick a course of our treatments will build you up again. Taylor Bias;., over Taylor Hdw. store. Phone 1079-W SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC The most up-to,-date effectual lead ! ing Science practised. K. F. Gibson, P. S. T.; N. D. Room 13 Pee'oler Bldg. ! SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER ' LAND SURVEY General engineering work. Z. A. Lansdale, C E-, River- I side, Pendleton Ore. EVERY Article I-aundered Perfectly. There's an agent ln your town. Troy Lautidry. 608 Garden St. jvwpjj;ojyiERE SHIRTS Llntlgrcn & FTanseen, 735 Main St. OSTEOPATH TAILORS DR. O. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Sitrireon. Judd Bldg., Tele phones. Office, 508: Residence S79-W BB, i,kna McCuN.NBI.L Osteopa thic physician nnd surn;eonTemplo j Bldg. Office I'hone 34 7-J, Res., 760-.T. Over Tall man Drnar Oo. Hardly "Pop!" "Von, my son." "This pnper says a fool is born every minute." "Yes. my boy." "Well, pop, the slmk Isn't respon sible for them, loo, Is It?" Yonker gta.te.iman. , Pm't BE iMPtfriExT -roc oicut one Wilt OPME AUW One OP "P est?. 0AYS' wy.u,iF sosieThsvlG CVw"r UAturil HtETrt tWJ I'M GolHG To DO A LITTLE PROPOS1M6 MWSE1-F'. I I II aTT iTstTal II I I I an OLIVIA DoVtfO I WELL. All I KNOW ISlHAT REALLN PBOPOSE fuiwLOMs--. " Some Bread THAT Butternut made with milk fresh every morning, 15c PLENTY OF HOME GROWN VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRIES, 35c The Dean Taiom Co, Meat Dept. Phone 86 Grocery Dept. Phone 688