HOE TEN DAILY EAST OBjCrOWAK, PfcNDLBTON, OBEGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 8 -Jin ,i m i Jill! j L.iU.JlKswaac ,. . uu m' ' 1 11 (month la 87 per cent (higher than County Library NEWS NOTES HOURS 10:00 ulST Htm 7 to I.- SUNMK 2 n s . March of lain year. In Pendleton .Horn- the March circulation of 1,11 volumes read In the homes exceeded the Ills March total by St per cent Also never before has the rural school .cin ulatlon of 1,111 volumes taken In to the farm homes reached so high figure for a single month. Statistics for March, 1920 At cessions 8 Registrations of readers Central, adult tS Central. Juveuila . . 3 Biggest March in History of, Library. The i Imitation record for March thl year far -xrrl! all previous March record.. The comuy and city total of 7.77J hooka circulated In the one 118 69 Branches, adult . . Hranchea, Juvenile M Til 1820 TWELVE PAOB6 I About HJicumatlsm People are learning that it Is only waste of time any money to take medical Internally for chronic and musclar rheumatism, and about ninety-nine out of a hundred cases are one or the other of these varieties. All that Is really necessary to afford relief Is to apply Charherlain'e IJnl ment freely. Try It. It costs but S3 cents per bottle. Itrge site 60 cents, lxi Your lies Kveryone should do all he can to Provide for his familv nnri in nr.lnr to do this he must keep his physical sstem in the best condition possible. No one can reasonably hope to do much when he Is half sick a good share of the time. If you are con- siipated, bilious or troubled with In- digestion get a package of Chamber- Iain"s Tablets and follow the plain printed directions, and you will soon! oe leeiing alright and able to do a day's wnt r "tr Week Stoma -h As a general rule all you need to do l to adopt a diet suited to your age and occupation and to keep your bow els regular. When you feel that you have eaten too much and when consti pated, take one of Chamberlain's Tab lets. DRINK HOT WATER BEFOFOREAKFAST Sy you really fed clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ilL H you are accustomed to wake up wtth coated tongue, foul breath or dull headache; or if your meals sour wd ferment, you have a real surprise awaiting you. To-morrow morning, immediately pon arising, drink a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it. This is intended to first neutralize and then wash out of your stomach, liver, kidneys and thirty feet of intestines all the indigestible waste, poisons, sour bile and toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening and purify ing the entire alimentary canal. Those subject to headache, back aches, bilious attacks, constipation or stomach trouble, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store and legin enjoy ing this morning inside bath. Just as hot water and soap cleanse, purify and freshen the skin, so hot water and a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Limestone phos phate is an Inexpensive white powder and almost tasteless. f t Tty suffer the discomforts and embarrassments of a Goitre? O G. C. preparation for goitre bat bese Died many. Why pay sen-raJ hundred dollars for an opt-ration to n-rr :. a soitrc when O.G.C. can t.: e-obtain' d for such a comparatively smallcxpenditure? O.G.C.whtm oroivri v annlifft vivs factory reseat, or nir mnnfy wiU be rt icndrc. u.tj.L.. i uld direct, by mail tmtj. Writ.- for booklet. Address Dept. 2 O.O.C. CHEMtCA I, COMPANY Seattle. Washington Get Well At The SWEDISH INSTITUTE SWEDISH MASSAGE, STEAM-BATHS MEDICAL GYM NASTICS. ELECTRICITY A trial treatment will convince you. Consultation free. fi Taylor Hardware liulJdlng a'do its machinery. wwvwawBAwwMMifil PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) FOR OIL HEATERS C00KST0VES AND LAMPS STANDARD OIL COMPANY ICAllrORNlAl tt C0PAQ4 Kk 1 aMMairal IN ZV . Total SSI Circulation Central, adult 1749 Central, Juvenile 1440 S189 Branches, adult SSSS Branches, juvenile 1131 3383 ! Rural schools 1181 Totul .-. 7733 j9 shipments of books containing 462 " shipments to Individuals I containing tt I Books to J5 rural schools. . . SSI I Books spnt to branches 14J I r1oks mended. 28 plus US br 145 j Transient readers registered .... 5 .Catalogue and shelf cards made !,s meetings In library. Attendance 1004- Fines collected Bal. on hand Mar 1, 190 (10.75 Monthly receipts 56. SG 47.60 Expenses . , Bal. on hand Mar. Rental collection Bal. on hand Mar. Monthly receipts 1 $32.18 L 1920 9 .58 5 119 1 00 Expenses Bal. on hand Mar. 31 t .19 Branch Circulation Milton S50 Hermiston 34 Athena 568 Freewater i. ... 350 Echo 305 Weston 298 I'matilla 536 Pilot Rock 150 Ferndale 78 Helix 73 I'maplne 28 Ukiah S3 ..7. a. . .X4 . . Total 3383 The City Manager Plan Two books, recently off the press, which deal with tha city manager form of government are among the latest purchases at the County Li brary and are now ready for circula tion. They will be reserved in the order of application for those who wish to inform themselves on this timely sub ject. Call at the library or phone 394 for a reserve privilege on these or any other informational books no matters of interest and if the book Is out at the moment, one can be assured that notification will be sent as soon as the busy book is returned to the library. City Manager in Dayton, Ohio, by C. City Manager in Day ton, Ohio, by C. E. High tor and others. This volume gives the actual rec ord of four years of commission-man ager government in Dayton (1914 1317) and compares them with the four preceeding years under the may or-council plan )1910-1913. Other cities throughout the country have turned to Dayton for information as to the working of the city-manager plan. This book answers hundreds of questions about the experiment which are constantly being asked by civic leaders in other communities through out the country. Mr. Rrg-htor offers a statement of fact, not an argument." A clear non-controversial record. It ; illustrated with photographs and statistics showing Dayton before and after the new system was installed." The presentation of the essential facts by Mr. Richtor, former director of the Dayton Bureau of research, Is precise, clear, and full of interesting sidelights. He has, in fact, created a new model for municipal publicity." New Municipal Jrogram, by Clinton I Woodruff. 'This book is one of the National Municipal League series. To explain nd justify their conclusions, the va rious members of the league s com mittee on municipal program have co operated in producing this volume. To each was assigned a specific subject for treatment, and to the editor the welding of them together. Municipal government In America has assumed leading position among questions of (government and this report Is offered , ,- mnlri Kit Inn tn th MnlUtinn of those y bases of the problem having to 1 The committee s The committee'a conclusion which are emooaiea in a moaei cny tnirwr fform a very valuable appendix so that the book Is doubly valuable alike to jthe student and to the charter drafts- ; man. The "New- Municipal Program" Is put forth with the hope that it mar be a substantial contribution to charter HAVt tNOfilB Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets If your Ekin is yellow complexion paliirf tongue coated appetite poor voij rave a bad taste fn your mouth Or. Edwards' Olive Tablets a tub rtitute for calomel were prepared by 1. Edwards after 17 yean of tfudje. l.Edrds'OTvcTableUareapure6 vtrlabfecompound mixed withotnreoA Von trill know them by their oHve cos To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes), no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy bk childhood days you must get at the cause. f Edw ard,- Oirre Tablet act on the liver and bowel Kke cakanei - yet have no dangerous after effect! They start the ble and overcome con- SSSw Z2 H bWJ,4l i vuoieliUyaiAtbti4ea3iogr(xuitii revision and a stimulating: facor In de- Jveloplng American charer making alone; sound lines." Book for Young Mothers The County Library has purchased several copies of the latest edition of the "Care and Feeding; of Children" by Dr. Jj, B. Ifolt. Note U being made at the library of the birth notices In the newspapers and postal cards aire then sent to the parents With the informt- Uoi ttuU this) book U available for trieTr free uae. "The foremost authority on bableH In America -here answer many per plexinK Questions which are apt to confront the mother or nurse-the lit tle things abdtit bathing, feeding and diet, clothing, exercise, ailments, etc., which come up efery day." SHIPPING BY BARGE COMES BACK AGAIN CINCINNATI. Ohio, May 4. Ship ping by barge down the Ohio river I "coming back," according to river men. A few years ago indication were that freighting hy barge, would soon be 4 thing of the past becauM, of the quicker transportation hy rail, riowever. ine tables nave turned. nuncnes, ana to inp ngniiy tnrougn blouses, stockings, skirts, rhlldren's Hlnce the beginning of the war,, other steps of the old dancing school. I eonts. feathers, draperies, coverings, freight congestion, coupled with acuta , Tor a time they were embarrassed as. The Direction Book with each pack car short. Haa forced manutactdr- waving handkerchiefs In the air they are telle o plainly how to diamond er to seek every known mean of pirouetted on one toe with an arm and . dye. over any color that you can not transportation. hand extended, but they have since make a mistake. nuiomo.Dii manuiarturer were i imsen in ins nance ana appear 10 en- t match any material, have drug iartleularTy hard hit: Joy It. gut h(.w you "Diamond Dy" Color Lt jrer a faw enterprising; dealer I The object of the dancing; instruc-1 card. TV x famous Lucky Strike cigarette. You'll like it; millions of other men like it. It is the popular cigarette at present time. And why? Because made of Burley tobacco and because it's toasted. Think crackers- - toasting. And, of course, Burley tobacco is better toasted. Bound to be. Toasting brings out all the Burley flavor; im proves it. Lucky Strike.the real Burley cigarette it's toasted. PAre you a pipe emoker? Then try Lucky Strike pipe tobacco. Made from the finest Burley tobacco that money can buy. The toasting process seals in the Burley flavor and takes out every bit of bite. It's toasted. I Guaranteed jy -which means that if you don't like LUCKY STRIK E Cigarettes you can get your money back from the dealer. along the Mississippi as far south as New Orleans began driving their cars overland from Detroit and other cities to Cincinnati where they loaded them on barges to be pushed !y tug to their destination. The cOst'ls said lo have heeit about the same as1 shipping by rail and to have been, much quicker. PRACTICE FOLK DANCING (By Associated Press.) AMHEftOT, Hass., May 5. Folk dancing as training for football Is be ing given candidates for the Massachu. setts Agricultural College eleven this apring. Instead of lunging and charg ing against a tackling dummy, husky candidates for places on the "Aggies" line are being taught the Intricacies and graces of the English folk dances. Thirty men, with the broadness of shoulder and bulk of frame necessary to the efficient football lineman, are learning to do gracefully the handker chief folk-dance known as 'L'audanum STRI ICE JU, OW! About this Wfc'ty of bread, muffins, flavor improved by the co-ordination of mind and muscle and to kee. ft the players constantly "on their toes! ami: links cost ij,Qoo.obo ( fiy Associated Press) WAHHINOTox, May . Operation of telegruph and telephone companies during the war cost the government H. 000, 000, Postmaster General llurleson informed congress toduy In asking an Immediate appropriation of that amount to llquldute affaire of the fedu-al wire administration. DYED HER BLOUSE, WANOCOAIhSiS iif 1 B mmm . ij i s m on o uyes" Turned Faded, Shabby, Old Ap- parel into New. Ion't worry about perfect results. Ue "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. dresses. it's S IICIIMAN CLAUKHE.MC8 Special Agent Idaho State Life Insurance Co. An Old Line Company that doe all It business in tbe wast. 210 Beauregard St. P. o. Box It Phone tJ7-W. S Guaranteed Expert 9 PHOTO WORK Wp rlnn'f i'tia -Vi 9 just been it been satisfactory 4 ut 1 R done S "Tallman's" we make 5 9 4 sr at 8 it satisfactory, Films in before 10 m. out at 5 p. m. Films in between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. out at noon next day. Enlarging a Specialty. S T.nW.. n n. . lullllWII & U) B fullng Druggist KRYPIDK dira I FAR Vision in the Letts W " t IX ' 11 inn WITH TWO. PAIR OF GLASSES KRYPTDKS giis you both far and n" vision in the same lens. Here thev are f Uteri te m'vr. you eftmtort. and Raia?np- Hnrl -rr TV is -"winnr IS 4 pr ASSCS CflOUNO TO FIT Mik Fvrs KNSf S DtiPLkfAT r n mi (mr umwv r AMERICAN NATl. BAM K BIJ IIDI NO. rLPiULLION. Phon609