TWELVE PAGES MM IOC DAILY EAST OREO ONI AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1920. Social and Club News TO UMTIliN T-p II -Alio Mr. U Hctmnafeli expwt lur inoiorrow in hiT holm Caldwell. Idaho, "fur Hay III PanaletOn. M KM Hl'N.IKKK KKTKD MIm Murgarei Bronougb eun-rtaln-ml Bl the UnlvcrsHj club wllh a luncheon MM Friday for MIm Ooro- Ihv Hunsik.-I. v.Im.-i "' Ai.e Bruce Ifcillev was anil this week, and Mum Helen Morgan, finance "f DvM Hunter Oowana. daintily nrriinm.i ni"ic c.-in Inld (or MIm llunuKiT. Minn .lean SK'lilH M aim- as ret Marvin. Mis Klmiwn iucniu- linn. Ml Nellie imiHiaii, .vi rri. Ilasellinnr. M". Kdward ONelll. Mrs. Thomas Metcalf rind the hostess. I'urtland orrgiuilan. Iiik ftvo points. The 'meet" waa fur- ; parents for their assistance la serv to re-'ther developed by rncoa and name, Uut refreshments: Mesdamcs Klrtley, ninr Men division adding Its quota of j Ikiodecke, Mowcry. Lung, l"i ankum. fortnight pounta, Flrat print wn on by Jamw ;oilver and Beck. Mulili and the consolation prise wa ! . Lwrni by llobert .Sams. Mrs. iVghill , "BACKW A1UV I'AItTV TONIOIIT. hiu bi-cn retained to teach the school A "bcKWarU" party Is being anticl- next year, she is granted an increase I paled today by . members and frlonds of 6 2-3 per cent In Bttlary and la to of the Kndeavor Soclclv of tha flirts- ll church. The affair Is scheduled receive IIStI which Is probably the highest salary paid In the county for, unced similar work. At Mm Ban. I NIlKllfl.ASSMBN A UK HOSTS. Memories of old fashioned Rood times wore revived Saturday nlsht at. tha high school pound parly. Sum J Oliver, a sophomore had charge of the affair, which was In honor of the I seniors The program opened wllh a piano ! duet by the Koch sisters, Vashtl Hon- ! kins then sang a contralto solo, as did Norborne Berkeley, another senior. j Kdwin Klrtley and Perry Davis pleas- j ed with a duet. Caroline Schnelter AT DAT DANCTt civkN. Miss Rlna Iloylen of PiVst Rook. Who I- attending . A. t. was among the hosle- at a May IMS oanve Bi- - - ' -,.-. s. Cramer ,., sainrdio evening nt the college. In Rave one or ner lamous readings una, Ms9 the parlors of Waldo hall. The list M V r. r-amer ns a soio. ih iasi mo inle.l a uroua 01 kiiis."" .... for & o'clock this owning iind is to take place s,t the church, tluesls arc to appear with clothing on backward, but by way of compensation, the first Item in the evening's entertainment will be refreshments. Miss Ethel Wirth, as chairman or the social committee, is in charge of the event. visit BIN0IIAM Arriisaa About fifty Pendleton high 'school students visited I'.itmrhain Springs yes terday and rcimrt a fine time. Picnic lunches, swimming and fishing were features of the day's entertainment. Miss olive Rosche and Dorothy FteMl chaperoned the party. who reside at the hail. a .,.e .... a """" " . more and Junker bos, which created WW DAY PICNIO KNJOTKD lota of laughs. The crowd then retir- " Mrs Ann CostSltU and pupils of ,ed to the gym -where gr.mes were play tiool district numb -r ntn celebrated ;ed and refreshments served, after M Day with a delightful picnic on : which the 'VirRinia neel" was danced. Friday With other good things to i The presence of Miss Olive Itosche. est thev roasted wieners and scram- Miss Dorothy Flegel. Miss Mary Jqhns Med eggs, a feature was a spelling i and C. 8. Cramer, faculty members, content. 10 lessons being included and did much to keep the fun going. The. each perfrrtlv spelled lesson count- students wish to thank the following H O V V V A It K li S H O V GREAT ! SPECIAL ft CLEARANCE OF SUITS, COATS, DRESSES See our showing before you decide on your garments. GOOD FEED FOR THOUGHT Take a minute to think about Feed. Poultry and dairy profits come to the man who feeds his chockens and cows well. Well fed chickens and cows are more than healthy, they are productive. mrs. si.rsHiKis aBTortNS Mrs. AlYln Slushcr returned yester day from Chicago, where she. has been visiting her aanshter, -Miss Vera Tern- ( pie who is a student at the National j Kindergarten school. Mrs. Dale I IMNNKlt CO.MMITTKK NAMED Slushcr, who accompanied Mrs. Slush er on the trip East, is now in Kansas City and will return to Pendleton In about two weeks. Make your stock productive, and keep them in healthy condition, too because they are scien tifically measured and mixed. They are the now way of feeding fore real profit. Come and sample our OLYMPIC FEEDS. The Portland Flouring Mills Co. OLYMPIC FEED WAREHOUSE Thompson at Railroad Tracks. Phone 430 THE THOMAS SHOP I Illlllllllllllli IIIIIH mini! IIIIIIIIHI Watch Tomorrow's Big Announcement R ETC UN'S FROM PORTIAND Mrs. C. X. Matlock returned from Portland lust evening uftor spondluK three weeks there visit in with friends. Inuring her absence she also took treatments from a specialist for ear trouble. HflPf'S UPSTAIRS SHOP OVER TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. 2ND FLOOR ENJOY MAY f COUNTRY. Nineteen Kirls of the Methodist Sunday school who arc in the claaa taught by Mrs. F. E. Ivlng were en tertained In a marry way yestenniy when, after the Sunday school hour, machines curried them to the country for n delightful afternoon. The party motored to the Kverett Kinn ranch. 17 miles north of I'en dlcton. machines betnjf driven by C. M. Winn. Warner' Enbysjc Itichard Earnhart, Cyril McAtea and F. E. Kins. The girls played frames, rode horse back, hiked anil later gathered for a delicious picnic dinner out-of-doors. Members of Mrs. King's class in clude Iorene King, Jennie Johnson. Lois Gornall, Edna Kmbysk. Sophia Enbysk. Lillian Markston, Marjorio Payne, Seville Marly. Kola McAtee. I-avelle Ierry. Kdilh lloskins, Evelyn Hall. Fay Evans. Esther Itidgcway. I.ulu Earnhart. rlorothy Hllderrwn. Velma Harris and Riiby 'Vow. Miss Alice Chirk was In the city are being perfected f"r the from Helix Sunday, mother and daughter dinner which XIr- and Mrs. H. Jacobson were In ' will honor 1-omlloton mothers on May Ih city from Adams .Sunday, in. and Miss Helen Raymond who Is) Mrs- Harry Warren was In Ihe city In eMrm of the affair has appointed I from Pendleton Tuesday, a number " pomniltte. Miss Dora-1 Miss Alice Hudson as In the city the iliy Pidwvll in in charge of the menu. I wfore part of tho week visiting friends. M - MIBred Berkeley is chairman of Mrs willard Uradley and small son the proKWln committee and Miss J QUcntin arrived In the city from Pcn- , Evelyn Si imuerville is to manage the i dloton Wednesday and is visiting nt decoration. Miss Elsie Fltsmaurice. the D j . nnster nnd Jess Myrlck Miss ltitu Ferguson and Miss Claire home- Haley are assisting Miss Raymond on I Mr and Mr, Johnson were vis tho general committee and Miss Oene- itor!) n jemieton Wednesday. view I'helps m cnarge 01 mc miteuii j I heads a committee composed or Miss j I Benlah spencer. Miss Nellie Eldrldge. j I Miss Carmen Jones. Miss lleta i Hawkea, Miss Eulu Osborne. Miss Eunice Fowler. Miss Kmily Dohnert, ! Miss Merle Htimpton and Mls Llda I Mc Dona I'd. ATHENA HIGH DEFEATS UMAPINE AT BASEBALL Weak m m Women If you are Tired, Over-Worked, Run Down, Vinol, our Cod Liver and Iron Tonic, will help you. I East Oregoilian Spe ATHENA, May 3. Miss Myrtle Corn arrived in the city from Walla Walla Friday evening to spend week-end at the home Thompson. ial. Ihe ..f Miss Doris OLD NECKTIE $5 HAT $50 PRIZE BB888ala""" j NEW YORK Miss Martha Ryan of Hempstead, L, I., is more popular than ever among the young men of her acquaint ance. She der.lgned and con structed this hat at a total ex pease of less than $5. and won a prize of $50. A discarded necktie and tbo ribbon from a fruit basket were among the materials used. OUR KODAK FINISHING DEPARTMENT is the most com plete in Eastern Oregon. Wei onoiia!i7o on o ri - larjjements. I f you have a good negative, bring it to us. Satisfaction Guaranteed THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. The Rexall Store Arrived ALFALFA HAY WILLAMETTE VALLEY CHEAT JIY. . We sell in any quantity. Ilia Door & Grain Co. Phone 1014, 475, 351 j g ' ' " :JT j . ' n -- crowds Lunrr bear m clevelamd mm RH RKWk jBB Wait and See liiiHiiiiiniiiiiiiitiaiiiiiiii mmm Mrs. George Uerklng was a vis itor in Walla Walla Thursday. Mr. O. W. Hall sjicnt Thuraduy In Walla Walla. Miss Lola Keylor was in the city from Weston Thursday. The Misses Belle, Kllen and Angle Fambrun who are attending school In Wall. i Walla, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rim Pani brun. -M1 F. M. Whltely was in the city from Adams Sunday. Mr and Mrs. ('. M. Kager were vis itors at the Charles' Bond homo in Pendleton Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. I,. I LJeuallon nnd daughters were in the city from Ad ams Sunday. Mrs. Hoyer and daughters. Wilma and Helen were In the city from Ad ams Kuturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. U Watts were visit ors In Fendleton Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. E. A. Dudley loft for Lxmg Beach, California. Wednesday. pine and Athena Krlday afternoon re sulted in a hard-won victory for tho Athena team. The score was 5 to 4. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kstea left for linker, Oregon. Thursday where Mr. listen has McceTHed a position In the drug store there. Mr. and Mrs. Estes have been visiting .relatives in Pendle ton. Mrs. Carl Christian and daughter Leone and Mrs. Wnllan were In the city from Weston Thursday. Miss Ils Grey is In the city from Milton visiting at the home of her als ter, Mrs. Laurence I'lnkerton. I)r. und Mrs. Smith and Mr. and .Mrs. Currnn McFaridcn' went to Walla Walla Friday evening to attend the boxing matches. Mrs. Bert Wilson aud sons left Bel li r da fyor Seattle. They were accom panied by .Miss Ilenlta Carden. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley motor ed to Adams Friday evening. The were accompanied by Mrs. C. M. Kager and daughters. Mrs. Hatcher Says So So. Pittsburg, Tenn. "1 waa in a weak, run-down condition, no appetite and could not sleep. 1 teach school and could hardly keep around. A friend told me about Vinol and it stopped my cough, gave me a good appetite and built me up so I feel stronger in every way." Mrs. C. F. Haicher. , Women who are run-down, nervous, lack energy and working strength should tnke Vinol as it contains Beef and Cod Liver Peptones. Iron and Hypo phosphites, tlie very elements needed to restore a lost appetite, enrich the blood j and create strength. j Vour money back If it failr. Koeppen's Drug store and Drug- rlsts Everywhere. llllllllltllllMlllliniMIIIMIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIllllllimilllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHir Attention, Please ! . . .3" 5 Mr. J. M. Anthers and Mr. C. F. Wolford, factory I 1 representatives for the Vacuette Sweeper are now g i it- r i -. mi l . . ,l 1 r it,:., s in tne city, nicy are iieit; uhuci tue ttuoit-co ui nun I store and for the sole purpose of giving you a thor- 1 ough trial. I Remember that this is not an outside business. I 1 have the exclusive agency for Umatilla County. 2 Each and every machine is guaranteed to me and I 2 stand back of every sale that is made to you. Do not feel as though the demonstrators are Ay s' ing to make you an untried sale. They are working I for the interests of the machine and you will greatly profit by a trial when they call, whether you buy now, later or never. J I liy suffer the discomforts, and embarrassments of a Goitre p. .C preparation (or tfottro ha bene fitcd many. Why pay several liundrrd dollar tor an operation to remote a goitre when O.ti.C. can be obtained for such a cotnparativt;Iy smalt expenditure ? O.G.C. when properly applied give satin factory results, or your money will be refunded. O.G.C is sold direct, by mail oniy. U rite for booklet. Address Dept. 2 O.O.C. CHEMICAL COMPANY Seattle, Washington i - u I M 1 gM,'jmM uhH tit 3 LOOK YOUNG, PRETTY Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens So Naturally that No body can tell. CLEVELAND II might be celled a bare-faced (lb It there wasn't (h picture to prove that bear-bunting is popular In Cleveland's city, limits Bill, a brown bear cub. sis months eld. escaped frosa his pit at tbe eftf park Bill went a cruising in the park. Cops and crowds cassed Bill rr tl hours. Bill eluded 'am. Then he look to tree! ssd Ka jtr JuUa Coaaors cam with rope aud lasoood uUylBJ Hair that loses Hh color end lustre, or when it fadi's, turnji gray, dull dud Iffek-xs; is caused by a lack of .sulphur in ihe hair. Our grandmother' made up a mixture of Husv Tea and Htilphur t keep her locks dark and beautiful, tnd thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beau tiful dark shade of halr'whlch Is so at tractive, use only this old-time recipe. Nowadays we fret this famous mix ture Improved by the addition of other Ingredients hv nuking- as any drua store for a bottle of VVVyeth's Sage and Kulphur Compound," which dark ens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell It has been applied. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears: but what delights the ladles with Wyeth's 8age and Sulphur Compound, Is that, be-J il. beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications. It also brings back the kIoSh and lustre snd gives It in sppenrance of abundance. "A Housewives' dream" realized HONESTLY haven't you always wanted a sweeper that "cleaned deep" and yet required no "connec tions", "plugs"or other time-consuming annoyances? Ifs here now and it's surprisingly low in price 2 3 aCUEUB fac W is not an r strom? suci electric yet it gives you a strong suction to lift up the dust, grit. and ra veilings which are loosened and -swept up by the revolving bristle brush Like most good things, it is amazingly simple and so free from complication and bulky "machinery" that a child can operate it One demonstration completely convinces I ii 1 1 a I - ak. JIB r W. C. Crawford 103 E. Court St. Phone 496 Juiii iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii iiiiiiimiiiiiiii imimimiiiiiiiiiimiiiii