DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 3,1020, rWELVE PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE Breakfast Food Pillsbury Cereal 38c Cream Wheat 38c Two Minute Oat Food 20c Roman Meal 40c Steel Cut Oats, package 30c Quaker Oat Meal 28c Force : 18c Bran 20c Fruited Oats 25c Pettyjohns 25c Puff Rice i 15c Puff Wheat 15c Puff Com 15c Shredded Wheat , 15c THREE PHONES TWO, ArAO 1 lUtM, n nime Bucks NTS! 05- At.: . rocery QUALITY HeRe's the IT FfCR FUNNY FMI5T Of X (ulMS THIS HeR6 1 NIN5 PLONKS HS i CAVC " n k iy fr A uenr I Admiral Dewey I Only about S3 Trs ago, it ItfippcncMl tliat cey ' )Hfiil tSX rtlnxttxl hi, now Manila Ba and ruiiffhl a Ikii- jJJ W VsV I V JGw ft&4rr( tie. TliLs battJc aJniusi bKKKtl-s and must Ikjs- j 5 ' I - f Vv K' r1 fv trou in ihr ituuif ruin tin idol of ue na- I (km. M- vrai Ms t-mmjth fur ilie job, ready for tho Mva-ti.n and did not hesitate ai I he critical mo ment. Art yon ready, did yon make duo preparation and liavr yon pot the eownure t" fisht your own hattlcv? A SannjrM v-nmnt i- a wonderful Iwlp to filu your I I L lutk and pave yonr way to success Start one. SWIX4.S ACCOI XT I THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK I PENDLETON, OREGON 'The Strongest Bank In Eastern Oregon." I WAiT TILL VOU'RE THROUGH i SHAVINS. MS AMX7HCN YOU 5N viou VUITM WK rRISNO ON USED CARS We have some exceptional bargains in used cars and the three we quote are exceptional values for sale or trade. , , H 1 1918 Ford roustabout, demountable rims, good tires and Bosch Magneto. 1 1918 Reo Six, newly painted, completely over hauled, good cord tires. 1 1918 Cadillac, excellent condition. Several hun dred dollars under standard used car price on this model. Eastern Oregon Motor Co. 816 Garden St., Near P. O. Phone 1027 DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports The following prices ax the prlcea being paid to producers by Pendlelan business houses. Wherever retail prices are given ths (act will be spe cially mentioned. BtJM sad Poultry. Eggs, 40 cents. Hens. 25 cents. Chickens, 28 cents a pound. Country Ham. Ku. Ham best quality, 28c. j Bacon, best Quality. 40c Butter Fat and BatUr Butter, tl.lt. Pers will be the ones to suffer. General. cattle range- Best -beef steers '.. tl 2.50 13.50 Choice steer. ll.50g-12.50 ood to choice cows nnd 10.25 11.00 .60 9.00 Bulls nest jigm calves . . .- 15.O&MI7.00 '"uium calves 10. OOp 15.00 .-iocners and feeders .. S.00W 8.50 auuntion ln the sheep and ' Iamb trade reflect added w fn Im'.a. .,,.1 ! lower prices are again offering. Tho . market is anything hut he.ltht- ; - General sheep and lamb range- Tfalet price for Onts : Spring, lambs tl6.00 is 00 Ofrened at luno. EM ot mouniains jamba i8 0o it 00 (By i nlted Press.) ! Best valley lambs 14.-516'oo CHICAGO, May 3.Tho highest , Best heavy valley lambs 13.25 14 75 prices ever paid for oats were offered ; Common to medium val today. Chicago board of trade bid-j iv i.l,. ,n.A.... ilders opened May futures at 103 1-3 Yearlings r( "ooBis'oc niiillt- fan thorn im to 105. .vv j " ' " T 8.00 12.00 '" I TTT! Wethers 14. 50 15.50 Mllfstiirr ;iik lligncr shorn Ftoc.s, 3 less. In Portia ml .Market. Trade In the swine alleys at North sliUstuffs continue to go higher in Portland was quiet for ihe closing day me ruruaiiu "t',"""'r ot me week. Receipts were fair, but latest bid is 48 a ton. This is an in- demand was limited, crease of more than tlO over the. low cieneral ho- rinn- j figure of the recent winter and spring Prime mixed ! . . . JU.OOff 16.50 season. omci ," - j Medium mixed 15 60fl00 firmer hold on the ladder and bids for . Rougn heavies . . II ilHll no mwm; PKJVDLETOif, OREGON OPPOSITE HOTEL PENDLKTON Penney Business Methods Save You Money Quantity buying is a powerful factor in our selling of good clothes at the lowest possible levels. The clothing departments of our 297 stores will re quire close to 100,000 suits to satisfy the needs of their customers this year. Every suit is personally selected by a member of our buying staff right at the shops, thereby getting the benefit of the eliminated selling expense to the maker. All our salesmen work hard on moderate salaries, avoiding every unnecessary expense to build up the surplus in which they eventually share by becoming partners in this great organization. Selling for cash only and the saving of delivery expense are further reasons why we sell for less. Your time will be well spent investigate ing the values we offer in good clothes for men nnd young men at$24.75 to $57.50. ALTERATIONS FREE FIT ASSURED J. ci. renney Co- A Nationwide Inst i tu turn rnrn afp nt 167 and 869 a ton. Barley I Is listed at 65.r,0 and $66.50 at Port land and oats at 86 12. 00 r 14.50 Exchange on lireecc Takes Stiff .lump I'pward. Exchange on Greece today shows a stiff upward Jump, the drachmas being quoted at tll.65. It has been $11.30 for a week or more. Sterling, it 83.9J. marks at tl-85 and rrancs it 86.15. are unchanged. Kroner on Norway are 819-55 and on Sweden $21.55. (East Oregonian Special.) WESTON MT. .May 3. Horn to Mr. iand Mrs. Willard Forth. April 2S, a son. weight six pounds. Mrs. John Wroe and children re turned from Burbank, Wash. Wed- The children were jiiHt recov REPUBLIC Truck s Your own transportation needs may indeed be r ecul'ar. nWKJLf SB But they are hardly so different that we cannot point a parallel problem that has been satisfactor ily met by a Republic Truck. Beside our own wide experience, we have the per formance and cost data of 60,000 Republics the world over, in every imaginable line of hauling. Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 rrfivernmeiit B-ef to Hurt Shipiicrs to Portland. Only two loads of livestock came nesday forward to North Portland for the ering from the measles when the baby losing day 01 trie wees. larein "' took Ihe chickenpox. Mr. Wroe Is ex sheep, there were no price changes, ( peeled Friday with the stock, out the entire market reflected weak-j Mr. Holt and Mr. Ijimb of Milton, ness. ; l.were upon the mountain on business Cattle market is affected by the an- this week, "louncement of the opening of the gov. j Miss Gwendolyn Compton and Ter ernment's own store for the sale of(,m,e TVi-h,,,, were absant from high frozen beef. This stock will be Placed j on a(.count of :01s thiB in competition with the fresh local jwecc i toek and the cattle feeders and ship- j Uick Engih raw wven depr Tuea. rangers' camp and numberless deer tracks everywhere. I H. Oowd is expected from Wash tticna. the first of the week, to ship his. potatoes. John English Is expected home on his vacation in June from his 1. . R. government work. He expects to he here in time for the Pioneer Picnic. Mr. Jholns of Walla Walla Is dem onstrating a caterpillar on the W. L Itayburn farm. Mr. Rayburn has or- vralty of California oeauiigm mr nis engine and " run it early and lata. Ed Tocker is coming up from Hold- man with his teams to help Charley -ay get nis crop in. On account of mo extremely late spring work is being rushed to the limit. Flowing has Just commenced. day and five Wednesday near the Little Vernon Hyatt has been quite ill with stomach trouble this week. Dr. MbKlnney Is Heating him, Leonard Kambo of Cmaplne and sis ter. Mrs. Annie Ferguson and daugh ter Sylvia, visited at (he Lansdale lome Tuesdhay. Mrs. ('. M. Ferguson was called to Pendleton Monday to see her little -randwon Jtmmie Ferguson, who had been hurt in an automobile accident .4? little boy was learning to rid. a oicycle and ran into the ear. It was feared he was hurt seriously but hod nearly recovered when his grand mother returned home except for u few large bruises on hla head. Mrs. Wlckman moved up from Pen dleton to bis farm Thursday. MK( .HSU)liIlT. , jacht Emerald, of mora than on. iS2f Pr,M ' . :busand tons, recently arrlvtm her. ltI.ltKI.LEY, Cal.. May 3The I'nl- ,rrvln Hir Ah.,r do fro., hi. f.m. baseball team! n ,, ,, ,..-, , ,.,..,i ,,. that bent the University of Chicago , from goutmpton. England, around here ( to 2 recently will leave for a : tn. wrld a ma. of a wwk (n tour ot tne eastern pari ot ihe coun- H.wsll the Krnerald steamed for Van- try on May 13. The track university's couver B, c tennis team is planning a similar trip and the track and field team will go i Since lesving Southampton N'overn east for the western conference and her 22, 1919. the Emerald has touched American intercollegiate meets. at Olbraltar, N. African ports. Sues, ! ' Ceylon. f41ngnpore. Java points, thgT. ' HfWOLTM:, T. H., May 1. Tho FIJis. Samoa and Tahiti. You Can't Rub It Away; Rheumatism is in the Blood Liniments Wttl Never Cure. If you are- fflicte(h vith Rheu matism, wny waste time vjitu lini ments, lotions and other local appli cations that never did cure Rheu matism, and never will? Do not try to rub the pain away. Try the sensible plan of finding the cause of the pain, and go after that. Remove the cauSc, and you remove the pain. You will never be rid of Rheu matism until yon cleanse your blood of the germs that cause the disease. S. S. S. has never had an equal as a blood purifier and score of sufferepi guy that it has cleansed their blood of Rheumatism, and re moved all trace of the disease from their system. on the right treatment to-day. Spe cial medical advice free. Address Medics Director, 111 Swift Lab' oratory, Atlanta, Gs. Humors Come to tlie Surface in the spring as in no other season. They don't run themselves all off that way, however, but mnstlyremain in the system. Hood's Sarsaparilla removes them, wards off danger, makes good health sure. CO-EDS BASEBALL RACE AT 0. A. C. OPENS ON TUESDAY IN GYMNASIUM ;ORBOOM AOUQICULTCRAL COL-1 5 LBfiE. May 3. Girls' Intercluax bn-. S ball at the college will slart Tuesday 1 3 when the seniors meet the freshmen in ,5 the initial game to be held in the women's gymnasium, according to thejj schedule announced by Miss Lois J-jj Itankin. coach. Every class will play's a game with each remaining class, the (5 one winning the greatest number; 5 gaining the champonship. A large 9 number of girls are Interested In this I sport and the teams are practicing during every available hour. Tho captains elected this week are Gene vieve Goldstaub, sophomore, and Cath erine Barhyte, freshman. ''HlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII FRESH CREAM Direct from the farm. It whips. Docs the Price of Wheat Mean Anything? Willi the price of wheat for this yoai's crop es timated at S2.00 10 s:t.oo a I undid, isn't now a good lime n Imp In and take, advauOnge of Mne of the LEASES and WHEAT RANCHES we have for sale? I letter Invcsllgale Hicsc and make a CUlt.('F tills year. bi"1 on I2HO acres. ISO with a good stand of fall whear. Home 'tin plowed, stock and equipment, plenty of water, at 1 2,000.00 l.'-a-e on 464) acres, 2 10 In Tall ulwat. I8S acres In hi-miner-fallow, good stock and equipment and cIomi to town $7,500.00 Irrlgaffcd ranches In Yakima alley and In Vma- tllTn county. Canaduiii Pacific Hallway IjiihIs. I'lirm Loans. QUIZ MEX REBEL Snow & Dayton "We Sell Land,f "WE SELL LA WD" 117 Fast Court Phone 1072 HEL ENTATK FARM LOANS I.N'SI RNCE Jb-9' fly ' 7 F ' SAUVAOOf; Z-li --V& ALVARADO Clover Nook Dairy Glen H. Roberts, Prop. 60ft Main St. llllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIll WASH.NOTON General Sal vador Alrarado, Mexican rebel leader of the new Sonora govern ment, has been subpeosd to ap pear before the Fall Investigating committee In connection wltb cer tain alleged action, of his sine, he first same to this country, sev-'. eral months sgo to plead the cause of his government before , Acason Trucks Acasotv Motor Trucks have never been built to meet a popular price. Quality construction in stead of quantity production has always been the basis of Acason manufacture, and personal inter est in the welfare of every Acason owner is the dominant thought of the entire Acason organiza tion. . The selection of every unit is based upon its proven ability and reputation for service. The per fect balance and combination of the unita used have been developed from the "Owner First" point of view. It is due to this fact that the new series Acason Motor Trucks are today "The Most Powerful Truck in America." Oregon Motor Garage WCORPO RATED Distributors Cadillac, Hudson, buick. emex and acason trucks Phone 468 " 1 9-1 21 W Court th. 8tst. PsparUneBt. wk