THE EAST ofcEGONIAN IS THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN THE INLAND EMPIRE GIVING ITS READERS BOTH ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS DAILY EDITION Number of copies printed jt ycatcrdayi 3.085 by the Alldlt Bureau of Circulations. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 32 --- ;y?3fepS " OTTY OFFICIAL PAPEB DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 1920. KO. 9522 WOOD HAS SLIGHT LEAD OVER JOHNSON IN NEW 7RSEY PRIMARY; JOHNSON CLAIMS IT TAMPICO SCENE Of FIGHTING BY RIVAL FACTIONS Many Reports Indicate Spread of Revolt Against Carranza Government; Important City is Taken by Obregon. 400 JOIN REVOLT SAYS REBEL REPORTS THE FRENCH IN FRANKFORT Federal Money Being Deposit ed in American Bands Indi cates Carranza Forces Fear Progress of Uprisings. (By A ... -inn i iv.-- ACil'A l'ltUOTA, April 28. Mazat- i. a port Ml I tic I "iK iri. IVxutt ) Mexico In bring atljuk.-.l by rtrvolu tlonary fortas under ..'ii.-rni Angr-lo Klorr. aocurding to an unconfirmed report rcuelrcd In military lioaduuar- Uts liore today. (By I'mud Prow) SAN ANTONIO, April 28. Flghl tiiK between t'arranzlMtus und rebels has broken out in Tiiinplro. Mexico, according to advices received liere to day. Troops from tlie federal Ki.iii son at Vera Cruz wero ordered to be rushed by boat to Tamplco to aid General Murgula, Die C&rraAm com mander In t lie oil district, reports here aald. Hurgula reported lie waa Iturd pressed by tbe revolutionists. More Koldlcis llciolt. Two relel generals. Gonzales und Gallejros, who revolted u few day uko arc reported to have joined forcea and to be marching on Malamor. In " Htatt- of TamuullpuH, opposite Urowns vllle, Texas. One hundred former aoldiera from Mler garrison. f" miles south of Matamotas, are nald to h.ive joined them.- I'usscnijcrs arriving here today de clared they were on the last train get through from Monterey and lliat the railroad lino waa cut. behind them. No mall nor telegrams huve been re colved from Mexico Olty for two days. That the f'orrania government is much concerned by the movement of re beta in the states of Weuvolenn e-nd ( Tanialipaa is seen In the fact that cus- ! torn officials arc depositing large sums of money in Texas banks. Capture Cuautla. HAN ANTONIO. April 31. Itclicls I under personal commund of General Obregon captured Cuautla. one or tho largest, cities In the state of Morclos. according to private advices received here. Federal battalions totaling 1000 ; men. revolted while enroute to defend Cuautla, reports said. Federals have advanced as far as Cuernavaca, und are now occupying that place, a. HI.-. j stat ed . Ilcports persisted that General May- ; cotle has gone over to the revolution Ists in the state of Oucricrn. lc- taeliments of Mayootte'a soldiers par-1 , tlQiPated in I rvotntlonlsl alla. lt on Cuautla, reports received hero staled. THE FRENCH IN FRANKFORT lHWtlifliiiiliiit fun'ii fnm.Mi urn i m iminin.M.Hiin.i i HHflSMMhk flVHMHI fSPIIVawwwaMainf SORbf! 1 iiJ WOOD MAKES GOOD RACE AGAINST mou tIAKUlISU IIS UtilU; CUA lb LNUUKbbU GOLF CLUB MAY BUILD Favorite Son Had Lead of But 4000 This Forenoon; Massa chusetts Elected Unpledged Delegates to Convention. L' OVERTAKES JAPANESE M'CALL WHO WANTED HOOVER IS BEATEN ! Plans for tho erection of a resf I denru t'J lie occupied by the pntfes i Hionals ' 1 1 1 j . i ' . i " i at th Pendleton Golf 1 u t were tentatively let id last I evenins at the regular sprinff busim mm Lnrinp I pri Fiplri .nr nplpnafpc ; EePorts Indicate Annihilation at Large From Massachus etts With Total of 75,000 Votes Counted Near Noon. RACE RESULTS FROM PRIMARY Each Candidate Has Alterna tely Taken Lead Though First Counting Proved Fa vorable to California Senator meeting "'f the club. twing to the , ' house .shortage in Pendleton, Charier Jefferson, now employe!, as prafes- ( I sional. and hi family, liavc been j i obliged to reside at the club houc. A committee was named to devise ways; - - j and means of erecting it suitable home! COIjUMBIS, April -H. (2 p. m.) i for the use of the elub's profesBioiial. Jite fiKurcw hJiow tw( 'xm! delefiateM j Officer l"r tho ensuing: year were M-ie elted in oacfi of llu tuvlftli, ' Elected, the Inetimbent.s all being- re- ! Hixteentli and liven! j -si-rond di-tri:l i lainod nr anoiher term. Dr. Y. I. .in yesterday' priinarv, VHid is be-1 : MeXary is atiain president, John Lam- lied to haie a ri;:IitUu; rhaiiw to win of Force in District of Niko- laevsk, Jap Warships Try to j WOOD LED BY 533 Reach the Scene. VOTES AT 11:45 A. M. birth is secretary and II. V. Dlckaon treasurer. Committees were named by President M r.Vary to have charge of entertainment. grounds, and toutinaments. The club went on record as opposed to tbe use of its clubhouse for social affairs given by non-members. The treasurer's report showed the club to be healthy financially and to have 07 active members at this time. The iriounds committee - was in structed to pfoceed with the making ' f " J ft choice. jof permanent greens by oiling. Hand and oil are to be ordered and, the put : ting greens made proof against wind (and dust storms. two more, 1 fording is leading Wood, I 75,157, to 71,567. (By Associated Presw.) "OH MJ S. April i!S. litr! re I urns today from yftenlay's primary in Ohio, w ith 582 pPOrtttCtfl la kin-, allowed that S: nator Ilardins: was ( leading GflttonU Wood by over 2,(H0 i ctes. . Addftional munis Inter today Indicated that :ts and possibly 40 of , 18 delegates to the republican national convention will lie i!eiged to Hard- (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, April 28 Japanese giiards in the district of Nikolaevsk,' eastern Hiberia, are believed to hav been annihilated and several hundred! Japanese residents, including tho j Japanese, consul there, massacred, ac cording to an official statement Issued tho the Japanese foreign office and made public today by the state depart ment. The Japanese statement said suspension of communication with the district rendered it impossible to as certain the real state of affairs, but it was evident a "serious upheaval" had taken place. ! Democratic Delegates Pledged to Governor Edwards Were Elected Without Opposition; Ofticial Count Awaited. TKKNTOV, April 2. (3 p. in.) Wood is leading Johrwon. according to laU-st returns, 4D.770 to 49,837. 762 DEPORTATION WARRANTS ISSUED (Tty United Press. ) COLUMm'H, April 28. Unofficial : returns from 2R57 precincts in the! presidential preferential vote show i Harding is leading Wood by less than j 4000. Senator Harding's managers claim 4 2 of Ohio's delegates to the republi can convention. .Managers of Wood .Tohnsoii Claims State NKW VOItK, April 28. (a p. m.) Johnson headquarter issued a state ment at 5 p. m. (Xew York time,) thai llm "nlifrtniin. j-ti.'lKir IS ltttlinSS Efforts to dispatch a military relief Howl in New Jersey by 40 votes expedition failed duo to ice. Mean- wiUl (mJy twenty prctncts missing. time, however, the Japanese sent an j expedition to Alexandrovskl, accom- i AswH-iat-d IreM.) pained by two war ships, which reach- j NEWARK, April" 28 General Iron ed its destination April 22 and found Wofjd Is still leadii: Senator Hl the Japanese residents in that district rnm Johnson Uib afternoon In New safe- j Jersey's primary contort. The all- fornian who took the lead early last night, losing it later, gained this mom - wwinu uioc ul itasi eigni acre- j 0 gates ana pernaps oiil- delegate at rtnnriwna Withdraw Tokio, April 24. (Delayed) Two ; Japanese warshipa landed at Alexan- drofsky, a Siberian port about 450 t miles north of Vladisostok. according Heie are the first pictures showing French troops occupying the city of Krankfert in Germany. , hove General lemetz, in command; below a pa '.rol of French Infantrymen detailed to guard food supplies. ' toy Associated Press.) WASinXOTOV, April 28.--A total of 762 deportation warrants have been issued by the department of labor as a resuu or r.'inicai rains ny me oepari- centers, ment of Justice, Assistant Secretary Post said today in a letter to Chair man Johnson, of the house Immigra tion committee, writing in a reply to an inquiry by Johnson. i titin, captured th entire 4H democraii ,' deJegate.s. Johnson's large w-rftten-in j vote of 8078. as far ag tabulated, sur ' prised politicians. He received his I votes largely in Industrial and railroad war office communique. The Kussian troops retreated south without resistance an official report declared. Japanese residents of the city were token aboard the war vessels. TO TEST LEGALITY OF SURVEY OF PENDLETON PLAYGROUND NEEDS WILL BE MADE WITH VIEW ( K GETTING EXPERT ADVICE ON SUBJECT DELAYED BY CAUCUS Move Started by Parent-Teach-i crs Associations Will be j Carried Out; Outside Worker I Will be Asked to Serve. of -1000 Heroic. Hy Assachited Press) AOt,A PRICTA, April 28 Approxi mately 4000 Carranza troops at J'artul. .limine and, re volted yesterday, acconling to Infor mation given out hern today by Gen eral dalles, commander of tho revo lutionists in northwest Mexico. (By Associated Press.) rorrcn iv anknk, April si, Cau cuses umong svernl faoHons delayed tho calling of the Idaho re4ubljcan convention which met here today t" ChOoSe eight delegates to the 'national convention at Chocago. Ill KL PAHO, April 28. Ituiz Sando val. Mexican consul general here, to day confirmed reports of a revolt In Chihuahua City yesterday, but said ho lacked detailed information. MILLIONAIRE DisMki s .or.i; . ( Py Associated Press.) BYUACM-:, N. V.. Apr'l js.-- Weeds Inc., Blnghainton clothiers were in dicted today on charges of profiteer ing. Qua of eight counts was based on testimony of T. B. Crary, million aire, that he paid for a suit cost ing cndleton will secure a survey lOCSlI p;i grnilnd needs with a view to utfcortalhlng from expert au tlifrilv w hat. shoiibl be undertaken hprs alojfiJi this line. . j to ibis erfect was formally ti ken yesterd;i y afternoon wheti a eommittep representing the various) I' uent-Te;ic-l-rs associations. the W'Maian's Club, Commercial Associa tlon and the Council mot in the rooms nf the assoeiiit ion. To Superintendent AUfttln has Ettsn entruded the task of securing some nne to potke the Bttrvay and It Is irob alde that an extension worker from (Uy I'nitcd Press.) TOKIO, April 23. ( Delayed I Drastic regulaons compelling nil larmed Kusslans in the Siberia terri tory occupied b)' .laimnese troops to (withdraw have been submitted to the ! Russian pro visional government, ac 1 cording to a war office communique today. .Ml Russia n warships a rms, imunitluUH and harraeks must be tem , porartty turned over tr$ j panee troops, the oMiin;ituni said, t vm mu Inleations must be promptly rsstored, Tlu' troops withdrawal order allows oidy n small number of Ttussian pnlie I to remain within 0 kilometers of all places where Japs 1180 troops are sta j Honed, the communique said. The de jmands also Include withdrawal of armed Russian d f rom certain strate i gie points on the trans -Siberian rail I road, t ( 'not inued on page S.) es clearly vei l' II ulll lh '.tix'i u'd thai the liatl.x a" printcil today sUih 'that the cliv nmnager Srou1d drau 'a -alary -hoiild tlie manaucr plan be art . opted here. I ho ohangc i- inude t i nnn-l an UnikrOMSlOll IM7IU "y sonic WASHINGTON, April 2S. Mexican ' that the manager would ot In- n snlj t icd man. ndr pUMi I no aVivio rebel forces captutod the town of Al-1 would Ih paid the i oiiiiiiiioners. or would OOUncilmel draw pay should xirndo. souih of Vera Crux. Monday, j (hey he authorfwd t 'iiidoy a paid inangot'. an official dispatch to tno stuio ue partment said today. T fassneJiustts I'npltxlg (By TTnited Press.) BOSTON, April 28. Massachusetts republicans will send 29 unpledged delegates to the Chicago convention, according to returns fron yesterday's prisnary Wexaj will receive support of six district delegates. Ixidge leads the field, 'with 75,000 votes for delegate at large. Kx-Govcrnnr McCall, pledged to vote for Hoover, was defeated by over ten thousand. Tho Walsh slato was elected in the democratic contest. Kx congressman OVonnell. running in dependently, polled only 6000 of tho twenty thousand votes the democrats cast. I A petition w;is field with tho circuit court today asking that hody to ex amino inlo the "regularity and validity of the organization and proceedings of the West Extension Irrigation dis trict and to render judgment thereon. The petition waa filed by tho directors of the district, A. E. McFarland, J. G. Camp and Bmmett Callahan, through the district's attorney. J. T. Hinkle. The district was organized in an election held in Morrow 'and Umatilla counties last spring. The directors later held an election at which it was in, but rim general also regained so mo of Uio votes he had lost. . Wood had a lead of 533 veto at one o'clock this afternoon. iMKiTrs IS iki:bt (By Awatcd Preas.) VKWAltK, April 28. (4 P- m.) ! Althouarh IMS out of aoai election ilistriits gave Wood a lead of M4, tlioj result of tlie preferential primary alignment of tho state's 28 delegates apiieared stiU hi doubt late today TiKn BV 5.13 f 11:45 A. M.) VHWARK. Airil SR. With 1 dis tricts mi-sing. Wood ' leadlnjt son by 533 votes. Wood Took Iiwl ( By United Press. I TliKNTON". April 28. .Wood tooM i tho lead in the New Jersey's preal-j ! dential preference primary with unj I official returns from 1803 election : districts out of 200.'., showing the sen-) eral leading. The vote reported gives i Wood 48.390 and Johnson 47,50. i The race will remain in doubt until all election district are heard from, t An offic-aJ count may be needed to FANCY SHOT EXPERT TO GIVE FREE EXHIBITIONS C. J. Mills, fancy sh'd and pool ex-j pert, will Rive free exhibitions of his j skill at Chinese billiards, finger hill-' iards and fancy shooting at the Cosy; Billiard parlors tonlftM anil tomorrow. I His first exhibition will take place at j I o'clock tonight, while tomorrow at j tho same hmir and al at 3 o'clock ho ! will play. One of the features of his showing! here will toe exhibition ol fancy shots; on the KnKlish nr snooker billiard ta ble. Mr. Mdls has played virtually all the towns agreed that the district should enter j decide the results, i ne iea sees-, Into contract with the United States between Johnson and Wood from tha for water rights, etc. Now tbe district ' "me ln' Ilrsc re" were re,. u. desires that Us actions be declared lo- ! Unite States senatora Ivdge and gal or not legal, as the court may find , Frelinghuysen. who announced thej by an investigation. '" support the presidential candi Judge C. W". Phelps today set M011- date receiving the endorsement of th day. Hay St, at to o'clock as the time, j voters are probably chosen. rSc-OoT- ' ernor .NorsioKes, piougen 10 v ... j running third with a commandlnl ' lead. Tlie fourth place Is in douo" with Slate Senator Runyan, pledget to Wood, leading the balance of thi i field by a narrow margin. Tho democratic "big Tour" whlcr will support Governor Edwards, ii I elected without opposition. and the county court house as the place, of the hearing OB the petition. coonseTloIaTIme named to salvador WASHINGTON". April 2.1. Presi dent Wilson today nominated Peter Augustus Jay of Rhode Island, conn- n the coast and brings high seller of the embassy at Home, lo be recommendations "With him. minister to Salvador. KI. PASO, April 28.- Although ' neither Carranza officials nor i Ibreffon revolutionists hero could confirm ru- j mors of flghtlm? in Chihuahua City. Ohrcgon fotldwers claimed Hie Shlhua- ; hua state Capital had been captured without bloodshed. All Indications, are enrranssa's hold on the border state is slipping. Obregon followers claim the Juarez garrison Is on the, verge of revolt and that n spirit of: mutiny Is spreading throughout thej Carranza army. POI.KS trIVKN Bit; LOAN. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, April 28. The American Tied CroRs today announced gift of two million Polish marks to the Polish Bed Cross to enable it to i equip and maintain three hospitals In an effort to further stay the spread of I typhus. POHTIiANI I,IVlTOCK MAIIKITT (By Associated Press.) POKTUANI). April 18. Cattle are weak. hogs, sheep, butter and eggs lire steady and all are unchanged. VOTE YOUR SENTIMENTS ON THE CITY MANAGER PLAN: In order to ascertain sentiment on the city manajrer plan for Pendleton a test vote will be taken by the East Oregonian. Men and women eligible to vote in the city are invited to express their views on the lollowin"; points: 1 1 favor the city manager plan, to be worked ( under a non salaried commission of five ( elected at large, the manager to be paid.... ( 2 I favor the city manager plan, to be ( operated under the present council of ( eight, elected by wards ( Mars X 0 I believe this is not an appropriate time for ( presenting this subject and that it should ( be deferred ( Name .'. Address .' .Fill out this blank and mail it to the East Oregonian. Your name jill not be published. (By Associated Press) INDI AN W'OI.IH. Ind.. April L' I William Hay. colored, 1 !, was sen- L tenced to te electrocuted August K, in ' criminal OOllrl here last night when a I Jury returned a verdict of. girilty of ' murder in the first degree. Ray Is snld to have stabbed to death 14 year Id Maillia Huff, a white girl. April SUSPECTED ROBBER !S SON OF SLEUTH IN CASE SPECIAL CAR PULLS OUT AT 1:15 A. M. TOMORROW CARRYING LOCAL MASONS TO R KER CONSISTORY " Portland Shrine Train Friday MINISTER FAILS TO GUALIFY AS HIGHBALL EXPERT; CASE DROPPED PROFITS ABE TOO QRKAT. (Hy Associated Press.) CHATTANOOGA. April 28. charged with profiteering specific-all: with selling club sandwiches at 6 cents each, or at a profit of more tha: : 30 cents. Ous and Pete Tomgras an. . Pete Mlningcr. cafe proprietors, wer indicted today by a federal grand Jar) here. M. O. Thompson, another cafi proprietor. Indicted on the sain, charge. Is accused of selling milk a 15 cents a glass, or at a profit oT 1 cents. Night Will Pick Up Second Pendleton Delegation, Bound lor Saturday Session. NKVV YORK. April 2S.--Thnmas He&tay restaurant proprietor, arrrstt-il on u charge of violating the Volstead art, was released when llev lr. John (By AssoefutoVl Tress) I Stratton failed to qualify as an cx- KV OKI, KAN'S. l.u.. April S t pert on Siotch hiRhballs. BOrtiwtre Myer, a detoetivc, accom- j - panted by a city policeman. la in j TWO Will VISIT SIN KTI..WH. wait early today for n .nuspecte-1 rob-1 CHICAOO, April 8. Wilbur H. bi'i. The intruder soon appeared, was! Urooks of Cleveland, president f tho seized and then he was f on nil to he ; Western i :lf Asse-eiation. and .l.tnvs the detective's son. Pleas for niere were unavailtnK and the Hon was tukon to the jull by hi father. ii MiMA AXS Si:i'K SYMPATHY AOl'A PK1KTA, April 18. Ameri can dealers in tlie pamblitiK halls here who went on strike eterday for high er wanes today are attempting to or- with K. XuRent of K.tnsas City, president of the Trans-Mississippi tlolf Associa tion will attend a conference Iti New York Friday between nc present 1 1 cs of arious associations ami the spe ciat 1'nited St a :es tTolf Association conimittee setectel to go abroad to discuss revision of the rules of golf committee of the Royal nf,d ganize pla yer? i sympathetic strike among the Ancient Golf Club Scotland. of St. Andrews, Twenty-five nanipi today wcro on the list of Pendleton Masons who will h ave hy special car tonicht for Faker to attend the first I-astern Oregon Scottish Rite consistory which takes place tomorrow and Friday. Several more arc expected to join the party bofore. No. 4 pulls out at 1:15 tomor row- morning with the Masons aboard An equal ti umber of reservations ha e alsi been nr tdo for tho Shrine special car which will be attached to the Portland shrine special train com ing throutrh here during tho early hours .f Saturday. It is thought pos atbtl that two slciKis will be needed to acconirniMlnte all those who will at tend the Shrine meeting on Saturday. THcmv-fiM- UMed Those who are listed as passengers (Continued on page 6.) Reported by Major lo Moorhou observer. Maximum. Minimum, 49. ltarometr. 29.50. TMATOB FORECAST Tonlclit am rhurs. ocea clonal rain. "1