i PAO! ET.EVHI TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1020. WANT ADS - m CLASSIFIED Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc Classified for Easy Reference NEW TODAY 1 FOR SALE LOTS OF LOTS for salo at Joe Ker- WANTED FOU RENT Sleeping Tuitln itreet. Room 600 I FOR SALE Marcpjls Phono 4F1J. seed whcat- OR SALE ONE team of horses , fhuun I',,,,,., e FOR SALE Linen Phone mi; -J. buffet scarf- W'ANTED Ctrl at Wistaria. WANTED TO I'hone 216-W. BUY Krag rlfle- WANTBD Bookkeeper Flour & Grain Co. Umatilla - ' il Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Directory Is especially handy foi the out-6f-town read.r who may want the name and adores, of respon'hla business men who raprssant the folowlng lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt and efficient service. and AUTO TIRES Where to Uuy Tin m. AUTO TOPS DRAYMEN 1 POULTRY SUPPLIES 'OADWA'S AUTO TOI'S, Plate Y A. CO. Goodyear and ' Backs, Side Curtains 201 FOOD Scratch food. tovJ. BLEEPING ROOM for rent Gentle man only Phone 476 213 Lewis treat. I t!ij,j FOR SALE White enameled bed room set Phone 426. WANTED Good elban East Oregonian office. rags at The L S. I1I3NT1 diamond .Tires Tire service, oils ' court St. and accessories Alt and Garden St. ; AUT Topa and ,no wiring. HI West Alta street. . .-. . . Mn i'l Trk Glass JALL rmUATIU rjr,.. x.. - - TV f UlllIB, BIIC.'i 1 matlHn Flour . drain va. East ; to move your household gooaa. I also pack or store good. We do sun- try naullng. 'leiepnoni. . ariy. OERTSON A Soles. 8000 MARTY Gates Half miles guaranteed 1-2 j cost of new tires. foil HALE One Howard heater, one buffet, dining chairs, sanitary cot, Iron bed stead and Ironing buard In quire at 303 Matlock St. Lost Rht-Terrler dog, answers to name of "Olnger." White body with yellow spot on head and tall and Ida, no colter 609 W. Court, Phono 738-W. PAINTING and paper hanging neatly done by expert mochanlos, city or country day or contract work. Will calsomino any r-room cottage ISO. 00 R. 1). Avery, Phone 3S-J. Fort SALE Tustln St., -Five room huuse, I'hone 627-M. FOR SALE 26 Charles Tunis, ewes and lambs McKay Creek. CARLOAD OF JACKS from Eastern Oregon Jack Farm on sale at Echo, Oregon. . . WANTED Driver and platform man American Ry. Express Co. I PENDLETON RUBBER & SUPPLY i PA RamDV rilriripM nonriripV, SJU- W ANTED At the Arlington Rooms i .,. nnr P1',vlvanla vac- 637 Cottonwood 8t. AUTO PAINTING A. M. Boyden, Transfer. Stand at Hennlng's Cigar Store. Phone 6. PIANO TUNING chambermaid -Aoly in person WANTED Woman for general house work Inquire 300 Willow St. 7 MEN WITH YEARS of experi ence. Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cot tonwood. Ward A. Hoagland. Prop. DENTIST :uum Cup -306 E. Court. PENDLETON CYCLE' CO. AJax, Re vere and Savage tires. 228 E. Court AUCTIONEER NOTICES Notion Power will be shut off on Sunday, April 25, until 1 p. m. . . Pacific powhr a lioht co. . Attention Knights of Pythias All Pythians are reguested to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Chester Kay, Saturday io a. ra., Folsom's under Diking parlor. BY ORDER C. C. FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for hatching O. K. Feed Yard Phone SIS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of every description for immediate sale. Call A07 College Street. WANTED Woman to cook on ranch rest. permanent Job I'hone 393-W. WANTED TO RENT Furnished apt., i No children Inquire "36-M" this i office. -SIMPSON TIR.E SERVICE CO. Re public and Firestone tirea, cords or ' fabric. 223 E. Court St., Phone 651. COL. W. F. TOIINKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgls A Storle's Implement Co., for sale dates. DR. FLOYD CROUP Dentist -Room 10 American Bank Bldg. 'hone 826 Pendleton, Ore. WE CAN TUNE your piano any hei any time. Phonograph repairing, barrens Music House 814 Main St hone 524. rR. H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry, Room 7. Temp'e Bldg., Ph ne 772. ATTORNEYS FOR SAT. Mammoth toulouse goose eggs 25 cents each pnone 13F5 or write P. O. Box 306 City. WANTED Pasture for 26 stock. R. B. F. Hosslngton, rn Oregon WANTED Curtains to do at home Phone 710-M before 8:30 a. m. or .alter 5 p. m. FOR SALE: Mules; ages from 3 to ! 6 years. -Anyone interested in buy- ' WANTED All around automobile ing call Ed Gnavauch, Stanfield. I painters Modern Auto Painters, j WALLA CR BROS. Flak Tirea, cords head of ! ir 'tbric. We do our own adjusting Hermls-' 808-12 Johnson St. j WESTERN AUTO CO. United States Tires. Both cord and fabric. Cor. .'Cottonwood and Water Sts. BYNON A BYNON Attorneys at law. 16-16-17 Belts building, orar Bond Bros. Telephone 154. GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. Notice to oddfellows The minister of the Christian church will deliver services for our 101st. an niversary. Sunday evening, April 23. All members of Eureka lodge No. 3 2 and visiting brothers' are requested to meet at Oddfellows hall at 6:30 Sun day evening to go In a body In form, BY COMMITTEE. 1110 Water St. FORSALE Anybody wishing a set of! brand new 35 by 5 U. S. Royal Cord WOMAN tires at a great discount, call 417. j 650.00 COOK wanted on ranch- . month till harvest Phone j AUTO ELECTRIC WORK 1UTO Electric Work of air kinds. Magneto, starter, ignition, etc. El ectric Service Station, Main A Water. CA4KTER A SMYTHE, Attorney at I Law. Office in rear of American j National Bank building. ENGRAVED CARDS H I VISITING CARDS, Wedding An nouncements, invitations, iirik, ae eigna find styles to select from For itale by Eat Oregoniau Office. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PIANOS AND PLAYERS HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing ton quality. Players of individuality. Its the construction that counts. Sea Piano on display, write or phone The lice nivc, 62 Main St., Pnone 1076 J. .P. Darnall, Factory Rep., Kohlar hase Piano Co. "painting and Paper Hanging ,aiv."tj Wall Pner. rMeture Ing. i- J. McAtce. the Practical Paint Man. I .owe Broa, Paint. FEB A FEE, Attorney at Law flees in Despaln Building. Of- 10F12, Pendloton, Ore. FOR SALE or trade Studebaker six 7-passenger will take Ford In part j U'ANTED 4 or 5 room modern house payment Inquire 607 Garden St i prefer one close In will pay cash WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. R. Chase Co. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-drawford Building 9. A. IOWELL, Attorney and Counsel- J lor at Law. Office in Despaln Bldg -Address "72-K" this office. AUTO REPAIRING FOR SALE No. 1 baled alfalfa hay In car lots. Fur prices write er POSITION WANTED By experlenc- phon W. A. Leathers, tlermlston, Ora. , ed typist, also some knowledge of bakr.r nr nnv m'-e of ear FOR SALE One Oregon Special com- f -flee. bookkeeping Address "33-H" this of- PERKINS & HEMENT, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude- Service . A. NEWBERRY. Attorney at Law Federal Building. OPTICAL Depr., any size, style oi shape glass while you wait. D. N Reber, M. !.. 7, 8, 9 Beltz Bldg. EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST DrTX M. SIMMONS, ey sight spe cialist Penland Bldg.. over Tall man Drug Co.. Phone 436-J. bine in good shape I'hone 6F11 or write Box 173, Pendleton, Oregon. at any time. 203. 630 Cottonwood. Phone Notion of Payment of City of Pendle ton Improvement Honda. Notice is hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bond Noa. II and 20 Series D. Noa 16 and 17. Series E. and Noa. 15 and 16 Series N, will be paid upon presentation thereof to the undersigned at the American National Bank, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon. Interest on said bonds ceases May 1, 1320 Dated April 16, 120. LEE MoonnouBE, Treasurer, City of Pendleton, By H- W. Dickson, Deputy. TREE TIUMMINO. window washing, ti-i II tin i . r,r aloD nln f ra ri.. t a tirl run SALdv A small improved farm ; chlmney cleaning Phone Smithy, near town or will trade for town'38ij property Inquire "73-P" this office, i THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glen Ixng, 632 Cottonwood. PETERSON, BISHOP A CLARK. At torneys at Law. Rooms and 4 Smith-Crawford building. R. M. TOKNBR. Attornay at Id Room 7. 8, . Despaln building rrr.' rr: .. . . wanted work fua o.ivjv uiiri roaasier, compici-: tractor four operating farm i a overhauled, new top, tires and year experien w r 1 1 1. Alfr...f fiVtamark rien Ttal Pan i ..1 1, . i. iNuiuui otu tuiuy ai western dltton Auto Co. ' . FOR SALE Few registered Perch eon stallions from 1 to 4 year old. Jack Sparks, Pendleton, Oregon or rhone 24F12. FOR BALE! 21 room apartment house, completely furnished, close In Bargain Oregon Washington Ranches Co., Phone 542. WANTED Carpenter work special attention paid to Job work city or country. Phore 302-W, call 614 ' Lillith St Pilot nock Pendleton Auto fttage Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. ra. 4 Leave Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD. Prop. JAMUS B. PET.RY, Attorney at Law. Office ever Taylor Hardware Company. FARM LOANS J. W. JACKSON Wall paper for gale cheap, painting, paper hanging1 and kalsominlng by day or contract I Phone 1034 BIO Calvin St. THE HOUSE PAIN TEE WENDT Tinting Paper ! I angina Estimate Fqrnlabed Phone till Shop, 740 Mam St. RADIATOR REPAIRING SNOW A DAYTON. 117 E. Court St. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. HEMSTITCHjNG lEilSTTTCHlTjGrrTne Singer shop. Mall order promptly attended o. l.Ti AUTO RADIATOR WOI 701 East Alta street. All make of i radiators repaired. Work guaranteed, ; C Blasberg, Prep. RESTAURANT RAt.EY A RALEY Attorneys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. , INSURANCE THE QUELLE. A good place to 1 FRED H. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. WANTfiB---Domestlc Laundry can give steady employment to girls and women Apply at Domestic Laundry Office. FOR RENT Art AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. I FOR SALE Lease with outfit and crop on 1240 acres good Wheatland, the Prion 1 right. See Joe Kcrley, In. surence. Loane, Real Estate. FOR RENT-248-M. -3 room apt Phone MARRIED MAN wishes position on ranch experienced, can handle steam or gas engine Address "76-B" thi office. FOR RENT Furnished Tustln ctreet. Apt. 402 FOR SALE One Burrows adding ma chine, u:ed but few months oheap Onm TCittlonnl reiri-iter pnoi! c, ,n,l if ion u . , 1 viieaj, Aaariiu t i-u 1111s omce WOMAN WANTS WORK By the hour. Will go out and work or do waMhlng, Ironing or plain serving at. 206 Tustln St. TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Anto Stage. 4- Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:36 a. m. and 12:46 p. m. Leave Athena for Pendleton t 1 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Loaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. i Leaves Pendleton ( Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10.00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. BATTERIES RUGS L. M. BULLOCK, Metropolitan Life Insurance Agent. Phono S65-W. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BATTERIES repaired or recharged new and rental batteriea. Mectric Service Station. Cor. Garden and Court JRINQ your Junk to the Pendleton Hide & Junk Co. See us before you ell. L. D. Cameron. Prop. JOB PRINTING NEW and attractive rug made from your old Ingrain and Bruanet ear pets by the Walla Walla Fluff Rug Co., 1332 Walla Walla Avew Walla Walla, Wash., Phone 1677. SECOND HANDFURNITURE PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES iuaranteed for 18 mamh, TV V. Chnjxa Co.. 320 E. Court Telephone 269. Pendieton. W ANTED Cook at woman preferred. Keith Hotel, FOR RENT Furnished room 1114 E. Court. Sleeping FOR R13NT Houae, 414 Jackson St., Phone 686-W or 348-J FOR RENT more of office room apply Hotel St. George. FOR RENT Small furnished apt. Inquire Arlington Rooms. FOR QUICK BALE New 6 -room modern house, near Lincoln school 14600, $1200 cash, balance, monthly payments. Jo Kcrley. Phone 477. FOR RALE 16000 My thoroughly modern home at 226 Jane St. Hot water heat, garage, large basement and 4 lots S. 8. Butler. 804 W. Kler nan Ave., Spokane, Wash. WANTED Listings: If your property Xo, Is for sale comA and list it with us i for quick results. Oregon Washing ton Ranches Co., Phone 542. FOH RENT 3 housekeeping Inquire 606 Market St. FOR RENT Room with bath for gentleman Phone 639-W, 410 Mad- FOR RENT Modern furnished room for two gontlemen Inquire 216 Wlllom. FOR RENT Nice sleeping Board across the (treet. Phone 22-M. 116 Garden. FOR RENT 3 room apl., unfurnish ed, newly papered, no one with children need apply Phone 114-R. MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR SEWING MACHINE trWes trouble Phone 7(6. HEMSTITCHING Mall orde: Ralph Has sell 417 Bush, nrft Mrs. Phone KSNMOftE DININO. ROOM 617 Willow St. Home eooktnr, meal served family style. Breakfast 6 to :30. Lunch 12:08 to 1:20. Dinner 6:80 to 7:30. MONEY TO LOAN In any amount on good Improved farm rand. Very lowest rate of interest. Oregon Washington Ranches Co., Ross C. lAShley Mgr.. Phone 642. IF YOU OWN any Montana land and want to dispose of it come In and see tut. We have some good Inland TOmptnr land to trade for Montana landOregon Washington Ranches Ob. Phono 642. FOR SALE 2000 acre grazing land, fenced with 3 wires; 1,04 0 acres not fenced; 360 acre not fenced. Plenty of water at all ttmea For information write Box 4 2, Kamela, Ore. WANTED Young women to learn telephone operating. Permanent positions assured. Salary paid while learning. Apply to chief operator at telephone office. WANTED Woman cook for ranch. Only dining room and kitchen to care for. No family washing. Must give reference. 260.00 per month un til harvest. Mrs. Glenn E. Soott, Helix Ore., or call 207-R. of Bids for Sidewalk Con struction. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at the office of the City Recorder in Pendleton,. Ore gon, up to 5 o'clock P. M. on the 28th daj- of April 1920, for tho furnishing of all labor and material and the con- CATERPM-LAjiJVOJ Caterpillars, harvesters, gas engine. ! automobiles and general blacksmltl ing. Round-Up Garcge, Parka & Neb ergall, 212 West Webb. LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Loose Leaf Bill, Commer cial Forms, Eodgers, Placards, etc printed to your order. East Oregon ian Office. UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY Phone 522. .Repair work our nobby. We buy and sell household goods. Riley & Kemp, 623 Main. SECOND HAND STORE KODAK FINISHING CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS FOR SALE Building lot. 60 by 100 feet. Paving paid. Sewer water and gas to curb. Fastest imr proving district In city. Price very reasonable Write P. O. Box 647. city. FOR HALE 26-room boarding house in Walla Walla, located on one of best streets In city. 7 baths, all rooms large. Good buy. For further par ticulars addross "76-C" care East Oregonian. rlh OLD LINE Life Insurance Company j "ow on said Court street, adja- north side,' " 7 . cent to the Round-Up grounds. PARKER A BANFIELD. Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 10 years experience in concrete and brick con struction of sidewalk on the following structlon. Columbia Bg., Portland lr. streets of The City of Pendleton, Vin . -, .ir nnroeilio I On the west side of Matlock street, CLEANING AND PRESblNu from the north curb line of Court stret j j to the Bridge ac.-oss the Umatilla J MODEL TAILORS A CLEANERS I river on said Matlock street. Pressing and repairing. 304 W. On Court street on the north side ' Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton Ore. thereof, from tho West curb line of ! Matlock street westerly to the side- j PERFECT DEVELOPING and print- I ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tallman Drug Co. LEGAL BLANKS We BUY AND SELL all klnr's of sec ond hand goods and sftoes. Repair ing a specialty. Martin c Key. 1104 W. Webb. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE. dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hanu goods. Cheapest place to buv household good 210 BV Court CHIROPRACTORS wants good man or woman to rep resent It in Eastern Oregon, local or general agency, no previous experience necessary. A real opportunity to go in buslnoss for yourself, we will teach you how if you have the ability to learn, Write or call, Wm. J. Holpa, supervisor of agents. Hotel Pendleton. BEAUTY SHOP l MB BKAU 1 I lfjl t at Hn nouui I .v. .... TmM mrlcr PhnnA 10R0 FOR SALE Modern 4 room house with good greenhouse in connection. , niurjc rip TUC fill-- ,-n..i,.,. - ,,. tmmlr nx lll na v for UUI '"' the place small oash payment, rest like rent. Ask Kennedy at Joe Ker ley's about It- cent to the Round-Up grounds. All work to be done in conformity with the ordinances of The City of Pendleton governing tho Construction of Sidewalks, The Common Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids at its pleasure. This notice Is published by order of the Common Council of The City of Pendleton, and dated this 16th day of April 1020. THOS. FITZ GERALD,' City. Recorder. DR. LENA A. BOONE. Chiropractor office over Cash Market. 10 E. Court; Phone 1063. DR. R C. ELLSWORTH specializing In nervous diseases and diseases of women. 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 6:30 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Phone 706, Smith Crawford Building. DR. LOR ETTA H. STARBA 9-10 Feebler Bldg. 3 to 12 a. m.: 1:30 to 6 p. m.; other hours by ap pointment; Phones Of. 638, Rea 1169 FOR BALES 1 4 4.40r S0 acre wheat ranch near Cunningham, wasn. This price includes about 700 acres of wheat and full equipment. It a money maker Liberty Realty Co. Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE 106 acre alfalfa, grain and hay ranch on McKay creek; also stock ranch on Meacham creek with 130 head oattle. Will sell one ranch or all. Address owner, Ross Jones, Gibbon, Oregon. LOST AND FOUND LOST Baby's silk hood on Main St., Saturday night, reward Phone 176-J1 LOST Small old fashioned broach WE HAVE for immediate sale at a sacrifice price one of the beet large homes In Pendleton. If you are look ing for a real home you will sure be iKtereitted. No trouble to ask us about it Kcrley A Lundell. FOR SALE Ono 7 passenger Paige, all cord tires, good condition, newly painted. One 6 passenger Rco, newly painted, 4 now tires, 1 good extra. One Studebaker Roadster, good condition. See Hoagland, 722 Cottonwood St. WE BUY, raise and sell fur-bearing -abblts. and other fur-bearing ani mals. List what you have witn us, ntade from old fashioned cuff but- on larg6 lo n. Lost between Main street and siaung Br.ecl.ltv Hill iniein.--. - - to. Iist within 4 or 6 blocks on West Alta small reward leave at E. O. office. STRAYICTD from my place 12 miles N. W. of Pendleton. 3 head of mules, branded B. H. on right shoulder, H dash on left hip. Will give llheral re ward for Information leading to same Phone 14F12 or Wtite Jim Harvey. City . The Fur Farming Co., 616-617 N. P. Ave, Far n. North Dakota. POIITI.AN'D. Anril steady, choice steers are $11 to 612; sheep are steady, spring lambs 17 ro II; hogs are quiet, prime mixed at 17 and 17:16; eggs, selling price case counts, .17c lo 38c; butter, ezlrns. r,S to 55 ft, Mixed Inrmlrur and Hay Lands $14.00 to $24.00 Per Aero Twenty years to pay, with 2 per cent interest rate first two years and 6 per cent after two years. No pay ments for the first three years except orhtlnal rmstnent of 10 per cent ot purchase price of land. No taxes on 5. Cattle are ' stock or Improvements. Unlimited free grazing land adjacent. This Is stockman's opportunity. For special rates and data of next Inspection trip, see Snow Dayton "We Sell Land" Looti I Representatives PSSljuijll Pa cific Jtftilwny Lands, Things Have Got to Look Right When Helen's Mother Arrives. rJlOAi, RT.ANKS of every description Blank Deeds, Leases, Writs, Bill of : Phone 271-W. sales, uuniram, ouujjucum, . ,. J . , Complaints, Summons, etc., for sale at j SeWing Machine Repairing LAUNDRY ALL MAKES of Sewing Machines re paired and cleaned at Singer store. EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly: , There' an agent in your town. Troy Laundry. 608 Garden St. THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE MADE TO MEASURE SHIRTS Idndgren I ranseen, 735 Main St. I A STEAM CABINET BATH In Connec- I tlon with Swedish massage and ex ercise will keep you In good condition (both physically and mentaly. If you are sick a course of our treatments will Build you up again. Taylor Bids;., over Taylor Hdw. store. Phone 1079-W , 5UGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC The most up-to-date effectual lead llng science practised. 6J)E. F. Gibson, ' P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Feebler Bldg. DR G. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physl- j SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER clan and Surgeon. Judd Bldg.. Tele- phones. Office, 608; Residence 279-W. SURVEY General engineering work Z A. Ijinsdale, C. E-. River- DR. LENA McCONNELLOsteopa. work. tic Phvsiclan and Snrgeon. Rooms !3'"- B and 6 Temple Bldg., Main and Webb. Office phone 34 7-J. Res. 760-J. Of fice hours 9-12 to 1-5. OSTEOPATH TAILORS OPTICAL DALE ROTHWELL Optometrist and Optician. Glasses ground to fit your eyes, American National Bank build in s- -Phone BOO. Over Tallman Drug Co. o.v?J MORMIM MlSTAH DUFF-1 3 rts! - f , Too eosN cerm' PeaiW HEfrTo f l . . t. is-t i i B s OH,Tc4, Voo KA.O irerrR. GcvVoi SOPPEK. XXtuAXNli TSsnCHV- Tmihgs vjilI PHOSAB4.T BC A UTTL6 upset abowto hece! Fat Hens FOR SUNDAY DINNER PHONE EARLY PEAS EARLY JUNE SIFTED These Are Good Quality, Sweet and tender, 30c tin CHILE CON CARNE WITH BEANS 3 cans 50c BUTTERNUT BREAD In White, Rye, French and Whole Wheat You will be satisfied ; others are. The Dean Tafom Co. Meat Dept Phone 86 Grocery Dept. Phone 688