PA01 1EN DAILY EAST OREQONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1920 TWELVE PAGES I I I Special News of Umatilla Co. iuiaui run liST i i PREPARE DISS FORMS Kflt Orcgonian 8psiii1. COLlMBIA. April The NeiRh- borhood Otih met with Mi. Henry OIL, Tueffdsy iAmmil After the u nal . orio,i when feveral hn- pnrtsnl :s were dis d, de- Imhlful refreshments were served by t he hortw and t he afternoon as plenuntly piMt Miss KIIh Ma v Harmon la expert oil to VM( the community Saturday, Mn. Anna Sapper ami sister Mrs. Mary Witter made a business trlu to when the making of dress forma will ag-ain be In proe-rese. MIhs l.ydla pool it tie, expert milliner . IVndlfton Wednesday, from K A. C will bo In Hermtston to conduct a. school, the first meeting to be on May , from 3 to 5 p. m. In the library and also on May 6 and S, the hours to be determined later. The ob Ject.oi the meetings being held every other day la to pive those taking the work intervals to. attend home duties while the school will be conducted at I'matilla. Wade Xoble left I a at Friday for Frewim California for a visit of a few weeks with his mother who Is Quite old tiini in declining health. Ho ex pected to stop off at Astoria and trans- t -who business. iftiiiitiiitiniiiiitiiHiiiiniiiinniiiiiiiinitMijiiHiiniiniintiiifiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMi UNLOADED "llashful Mr. Bobtm" thp plajt, put on nt Columbia school Tuesday even ing By Mr. Bertaal, cratnmnr teiu-hi'r w.s a great sumw) from every stand point. The pupils sud Mr. Honsnl also dUM I u Kreat credit for tho work they did. The butldinf was packed. It la hoped there jnay he many such cnter talumehta the future. WilBta Wnupnmnn, sixth Rrade pu pil succeeded In enrrylnsr away the honors n her division at Hermlston in I th declamatory contest held there '' the west end schools. As she won first prize in the county dPAttst held j .aaMOaH if 9 "Nothing wrong with our balance Chesterfield THE right balance of costly Turkish and Domestic tobaccos, propor tioned by experts that s why Chesterfields "satisfy. l v 1 Mary Roberts Rinehsrt Carload of Elgins Including Touring, Scouts and Sedai nt Pendleton last year It is hoped she will still be successful in the finals to ST' be held there M;iy 7. 5j The Catholic Lullsa Alter Soeioty of S Hermiston met at the home of Mrs. S rlins. Keller Thursday afternoon. ATt S or the business session a pjeasant time Sas had by the ladles, over the dainty 5 refreshments served by the hostoss. Interest is aroused over the j " 3. track meets to le held Saturday April ; nnd tho mountain towns south of S 24. The final meet will lie held In j Pendleton was in Ihe community this 5! Pendleton May 1. As In the oratorical week. He has a son living now in giconlests the winners in their different I MhO who is iKvirei.-s . t l.,iyi"ni; an al 3 sections will be the only contestants j falfa farm in this community nnrt " PHILADELPHIA "I jW-nnt to see If It can be done." snaps Mary Roberts Uhlnehart. famous novelist, who lias filed for dele gate to the Republican national convention from Pennsylvania. She wants it decided whether a woman can he a Ueli-Rata to tho national convention from n non suffrago.lato before the adop tion of the Builrage amendment. 1. BLUE MOUNTAIN MOTORS CO. INC 2;at the final one, which 'will bo for tho stiunty championship. Columbia is g j expected to make a slmwi n.-. j Wood Qlbbej f I'kiah was Fbown , thrniuch tho !. ject last week lookinc. t nt Alfalfa land. Ho and a broth. -r. sj Warren, contemplate moving hero in ! ho near future. Andrew BaolUj, ji'inoor of flurdane E "BAYER'' MEANS ASPiRIN IS GENUINE who expects shortly. Mrs. Mary ttoek is h.Te and W' iowa soon to Sit years old. seen fur sbm community and visit here Fatter formerly of Pilot vtstttng her sl.ns. Arthur She expects to leave for visit her mother ' ho is n;ui whom she has not time. Every puff brings you the full, rich flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco and the lively relish of choice Domes tic leaf. ' .4 i And the blend the manufacturer's private formula --can not be copied. I Every package enclosed in glassine, moisture proof paper that seals in the flavor.' 1 V ; ( (. it-, . v '. e.l:i m 3 DEVIL'S PUNCH BOWL ONCE WETTEST SPOT IN GUAM GOES DRY 701 W. Alta St. us told in I '"n i'(iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir 1 Take without feai each "Bayer" package . . . inCKEXS Alfalfa Meal Blood Meal Blanehford s itiik Mash. $2.50 Sks Charcoal . . . Clamshell Cracked Wheat thicken Wheat J. Chickfood (Lilly's. Diamond, Albers) . . . Kfa;n..i-h fcgBmaker (Lilly's), Pkgr. 50c. $1.00 J4.75 Producer Efts-O-Hatch Grit (coarse and fine) Ground Bonet coarse and fine) "ish Meal More KLif. packagre J1.00 sleat Scraps Nest Eggs per dozen 50c Pit Meal Oyster Shell Oat Sprouter '. . Scratch food ... . ". Wire Nests 4"pultr- Tonics (International. Le-Oears, Korineks, conkeys) each 30e. 60c, 11.20 Etouse Killer (International, Le-Gears, ' Korineks. Conkeys) 30c. 60c Lice Liquid (Korineks, Conkeys. Lees) disinfectant. Pheno, noxicide. Pino... White Diarrohae (Lees and Conkeys) Cholera Remedy (Conkeya) -Roup Remedy (Conkeys, Le Oears) . . Itead Ljce Ointment (Conkey's) .. Poultry Pepper (Diamond) Leg Bands, per dozen Oermazone Wire Covered Peed Troughs tJalvenized Wall Founts Three Compartment Feeders 50c, Each 100 Ih. .01 $3.50 .08 7.54 .0 6.00 .03 2.50 .04 3.75 .04 H 4.00 .07 6.00 5.00 4.75 .50 .06, 3.00 .06 5.00 .07 6.00 .08 7.50 . .07 6.50 .03 '4 3.00 12.00 .05 '4 5 00 .30 '5e. 11.00, 1.50 Ton $110.00 ACrANA. Ciinm. April 23. "The Devil's Punch U..wl," nnco tho wetest spot on the Island of W'sim, has !t,ne dry! "The Devil's Punch l'.owl." so named hy T, s. Marines serving here, and a "wonder" always visited by tourists, is a hnsre hole in the ground 20 fect across at top and bottom and bulKlnir In the center to 100 f It is 160 I feet deep and formerly always j Coarso BnrHin X-.arkt held about 20 feet of water. I Hi tiftf p to ofci Hrlt's. i ne water lias completely left J 'I'htf eo.i tho "howl." coi i ob ' r v W V rf s u :i Vm! 1 . r i-m I 1 "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" marked with the safety "Bayer Cross,'' is the genuine Aspirin, proved safe by mill ions and prescribed by physicians fbr ever eighteen years. In each "Bayer" package are safe and proper directions for neuralgia. Colds. Headaches, Toothache. Ear ache, Rheumatism. Lumbago, Neur itis, and for Pain generally'. Handy tin boxes containing twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Drug gists also sell Iarprer "Bayer" pack ages. Aspirin is ttte trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaci dester of Salic licacid. Starfeeders (Aspinivall & COWS .3D-. 61 30-.75 .35-.60 .30-. 60 . . .15 .30 .60 1.25 Brown 90-f 1.80 3.50 Alfalfa Hay (Baled) Hran (Out Own, Make) Hhorts (Our Own Make) Jtfillreed (Our Own Make) Middlings (Our Own Make) Ton; Salt Bricks, large 3.75 Tonic Salt Bricks, small, per case 3.60 Kow Kure, large and Small sizes, each . .60-81.20 Calf Meal (25 lb. sack 2.25 More Milk 1.20 Calf Scour Remedy 60 Hutr Balm 60 Tonics (International. Ie Gears, Conkeys), each .30-.60-$1.20-$2.50-$4.00 Thought His Time Had Come Disappointed "I never was mrire surprised in my life thun when t took the first dose of Mayrs Wonderful Remedy. My stomach trouble had been of eisht years' stand in, s- mMimes fo bad an to cause convulsions, followed by hemorraae. I thought my time in this world was short, and believed it the last medicine I would ever take. It is now eight weeks since, and 1 am feeling better than for many years." it is a simple, harmless prep aration that removes the catarrhal mucous from the intestinal tract and alays the linflammatton which causes j.-radically all stomach, liver and . intestinal ailments, including appen r.0.00 1 dieiti. One dose will convince or 40.00 j money refunded. 53.00 I 46.00 j 67.00 : JKMSsi; Lbs. ioo lbs. Tons! Barley (whole) 04 3.S5 73.00 j Barley (Rolled) 04 3.75 75.00 i Oats (whole) 04 3.65 73.00 Oats (Rolled) 04- 3.75 75.00 j Re 0 4.25 82.00 j DOLL, THROBBING OR VIOLENT HEADACHE Ir. James' Headache Powders f'lcnr Your Mend ami Slop .Neuralaia Pain at Once 10 Cents u Package YOUNG PEOPLE'S PARTY AT RiETH IS ENJOYED (By Assoeiated Tress.) RIETH. April 2:1. A party was re cently Riven at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Snyder. Those present were Clarenee and Iluth Snider, MtM Simmons. Miss I'errv, Allen Kennedy. Paul Tetre.iu. Max Livingston, Jay Suimnn, Cloorse Swartz. Kuth Ellis, r.illlun Woods, Lillian English. Bessie Heath and Clarence Viles. The even ins was spent In playing garner and music. Dainty refreshments were served and a good time reported by all. Mrs. I,. Livingston, Mrs. W. F. Ellis. Mrs. Am nd. Lillian Englind and Lit. lie Woods -were Pendleton visitors Thursday. Ruth Snider is still suffering with whooping cough. foarse yrahv market to iy In to tliov Jhje ttrtiifftfa ii 1 1 s M- tinme.lii e 'clivory is bid at $.1 in thtf 1'ftri and exchange, acpord;tiy: to ficuves furuiiheJ by tho UmatlUi Flour GraLn Cc. For future .ship ment coin is bid at 166.50. Mill " d is 143.50 a . at the mills and bar lev 664.60. Oatfl arc bid at and J62. I Love la blind to the interest of all 'ad companies. American Girl Whose Romance with Baronet Is Revealed by Suit You take Dr. James' Headache Willamette Valley Hay Oall Cure (Dan Patch, Conkey s. Le Gears. International) each 30-. 60 Healing Powders (Korineks. Le Cears).. .30-. 60 Wlster (Korineks. Le (Sears) I1.20-1.T5 Liniment (Dan Patch. Conkey's, Korineks) .30-. 60-. $2. 00 Colic Remedies ( International, Korineks. Conkey's) 60-11.20 Distemper Remedies (International, Conkeys 60-. 75 "Torm Powder (International. Le Gears) .60-11.20 Tonic Capsules (Korineks) l.fO Physic Capsules (Korineks) 1.20 Diarrohea Capsult (Korineks) 1.20 Hoof Remedy (Korineks) 0 dope Remedy (Conkey's) . . CO Rheumatic Remedy (Coukey's) 60 Ijimberneck Remedy (Conkeys) 90 Bronchitis Remedy (Conkej ri 75 IKMis Corn (whole) Corn (vracked) Hogfeed Hog Worm Powder, each .60-I.2'.-3.uO Hog Tonic, each M:ini .Alfalfa Seed Oorn Kwect Knsilaee Seed t!orn Yellow Dent timothy Heed 19 Auuf lower Seed 20 Garden Seeds, each 05-.10-.20 i nn ii untant H:.rd Wheat Flour, ; II). sks. 7.2', sk.. tltUt bbl. Pendleton Kofi Wheat Flour. 140 lb. sks. t'.r.o sk. Whole Wheat Flour. 1" lb. .71 rVMiv Flour. 4 1-4 lo. .6; $1.00 Ih. sax , Skookuui, 4 1-4 Ih. lil . !.(( lb. aax. Whits lleans. t'.iv 100 4.0-i.ui. Umatilla Flour & Grain Company Phone 351, 1011,475 your head clears and all neuralgia, and pain fades awav. It's the ouiekest 87.00 fanf HL,rpSt relief for headache. wheth ! ei dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve racking. Send someone to tho drug I store and get a dime package now. Quit suffering it's so needless. Be sure you get Dr. James' Headache Powders then there will be no disappointment. .05 .5 .04 .47 .20 .20 4,r,o 4.75 3.75 4 5.00 80 00 87.00 70.00 35.00 20.50 18.50 No Guess Work If you come here to have! your optical work done you vill find modern equipment, a verv careful examination of your eyes is made and when glasses are needed they are ground to the exact requirements of your vision. 15 yeai-s experience at your sei"vice. 1 aaaaHK- 'WHB y WWmm W ' " ': il-j i H ,JBBm "The bible says there will bo no marying in hea,ven, aid Willie. "I i wonder if that it true." Whooping Cotigli In thim disca3j it is important that .he cough bo ltept loose ajid expec toration easy. This i best accomplish Jd by giving' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. That preparation also tends (o liquify tho tough, mucous, making it easier to expectorate and renders the fits of coughing '. s. frequent and Iobs severe. It has been used in many epidemics of this disease witn the best results. It cor.talnsn nd codeine or other narcotic. Took a Severe Cold "Our five year old In Paul took a severe cold last winter that settled on his lungs and he had terrible coughing spells. We were getting worried about him as i (:- medicine wo gave him din not help him In the least, a neighbor spoke no highly of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy tliat I got a bottle of it, and the dose benefited him mo much that I continued giving It to him until hwas cured," writes Mrs. Frank 'rocker, Pana.111. Ills Stomach Trouble Over John H. Barker, BMtte Creek, Mich. write "I wriM troubled with heartburn, Indjpeatlon and liver complaint unth Ibegan using Chamberlaln'-i Tablets, then my troublo was over." If you are 1 roubled with Indigestion or conMips tlon (tfve them a trial. They will do you good. 1 GUSSnS Op. x 0 TO FIT V4XJH F.vts ItVSfSi' PIKATtOON HOT NOTIff: AMf IUCAN Arl.BA.MW LUJILOIMi. ftNtXE I ON Phone 609 Speculation over a mysterioiia $i00.- Oimi darongo suit filed In New York against Sir lingo Cuniffee-Owon, Itrlt ish baronet and talmrco raan said to bo worth $40,000,000. by Marvelle C. Urice, better known as Monte Brlce, Bong write, also of New York, has been inerensed by tho revelation that Lady Cunif fe-Owen, the young Amerl ean wife of sir Hugo and formerly the wife of Monte Ilriee, obtained a divorce on Nov. 7, 1918, only seven weeks beforo she married Sir Hugo. Combined with this Internetlog guess ing as to tho exact nature of Brine's damage suit, !s comment on the bril liant social progress of Lady Onn-liffe-owen. She was Mias Helen RlfSftl eth Olher of Washington, I'a. When she was seventeen years old she went to New York and mm first a cabaret singer and later a movie actress. She married Brlce In 1914. it la undxrslood that Hir Hugo gave her I4.00ii.000 and a $.10,000 pearl necklace as brliiai p.rurcnta. DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYSJSE SALTS If your Back hurts or Bladder bothers, drink lots of water. When ydjur kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't (?et seared and proceed to load youi stomach with a lot of drujfs that excite the kidneys and irritate the en t ire urine ry tract. Keep your kidneys clean like yon keep your ttpwela clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmle snlts which re mevetf the body 'a urinous waste and Htimulato them to their normal activ ity. Tho function of the kidney is to filter the Wood. In 84 hours they strain from It r,00 groins of add and waste, so we can readly understand t ho vital importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharm acist ahout four ouneoe of Jad Solta: take a tablespoonful Hi-a glaee of wat er beforo breakfast eeeh mornlnir for n. few days and your Wdneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from i he acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with 11 thin, and has been need for Ronerations to clean and Httmulatc clogged kfdnws: also to neu tralise the acids in eiine so it no longer Is a source of Irritation, thun endlmr bladder weakness. Jad Salts in Inexpensive; cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent II thla-water drink w fetch everyone should take now and then lo keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up tho watr drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what been re o of your kldeey trouble and backache, THE FIRS! NATIONAL BANK of Pendleton rMENIIEnaB TrtDrnAt. aseuvr aafi Y s T t. nmKi Offers an unexcelled banking service to in dividuals and corporations; transacts a general banking business and maintains special departments with facilities of the highest character. Acts as administrator of estates, or as ex ecutor or trustee under wills. PENDLETON, OREGON Lil Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department. Union Pacific System Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Switchmen Wanted Men experienced in railroad yard work wanted by O.-W. R. & N. Cn. to .ake place of switchmen who have walked out, hat who claim they are not striking. Their a: i on not authorized by Railroad Brotherhoo L;. Apply to T. F. O'Brien, Agent at Oepot.