PAGE HTiflfi DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1020. Special News of Umatilla Co. 52$ SIXTEEN PAGES I ADAMS FOLK HAVE BIG CARNIVAL ON SATURDAY from 5 cents to 1.00 and a largo crowd wn In attendance In spite of the down i.our of rain all had. a bushel of fun and the proceeds were 1 no to r.'-l ncw books for the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Agar and daughter of Athena attended the Adams carnival on Hsi t llrHii v (PliHt Oregonlun Special.) Mr q .,,1 ADA MM, April 15. --Tho Adamn Walla Wnli,. . w. Vople ave a (ret-toether carnival on Land Mrs. J. T. Licuallen on Sunday, rrlduy niKht at the city hall, tuo hall' Mian Mellen Blake who han heen v.vrvU.tWI UUOina Were All SlCk Willi nnflMnnniu.liifliiAnvf. im I n 1 uuiiu tellers for 10 een oiaioa ana Dooths iwere all sick with pneumonia-Influenza at the It of various kinds of fortune j St. Anthonys hospital for the past two and 3 Shntq at the niecr baby I months was able to return to her home cents and all kinds of lunch Sunday, she Is still under Dr. Hut- "use your head to save your sole J.HE sensible, practical man seeks shoes that will give sensible, practical ser vice, comfort and good looks.Thesefeatures must be built right into good shoes. And all these features are combined built into every part of Buckhecht Shoos. BUCKHECHT SHOES , Buckhecht Shoes for you for active men in all walks of life are sold in a variety of styles and leathers from ?8 to f 12 by principal shoe dealers in the West. s..i,i in Pendleton by Iloud Bros, BUCKINGHAM & HECHT MANUFACTURERS terys care and will go to Pendleton until out of all danger. Mrs. Henry Jiane and children of Walla Walla was the Kuest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ijleuallen over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oeoriro Woodward and children were at the county seat Sunday. Sualvan niemer motored to Pendle ton .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Morrison am. 1 niuuroii motored to rendition Sunday.. Jllmmy Lleuallen motored to Pen- Hcton .Saturday. Mrs. Dave stone motored to Pen dl oton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lleuallen motored t Pendleton Monday. - . I . Ivan Itlake and mother were in Pen ! iu in Monday. I'S1 ( Jim Charnpt was in Pendleton Mon- day. . , .gm Mrs. Otas Lleuallen was confined to her homo for the Past week with a lamo foot, caused by steuing on a imi nrork prong. , 1 1 ! Tho Inland Morchantile cunipang has ben serving free lunch for the Past days of hamburger sanwitches and coffee. Miss Wllma Bowyer Is helping Mrs. Charles Shatz to serve the free lunch. Mrs. otas Lleuallen is at the home or her mother Mrs. Jim Chenet. Francis Lleuallen and Doris and Dcna motored to Pendleton Monday. Mrs. Bdna Wallan was In Adams Tuesday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Bd Bushman were In Ada mi Tuesday. There was quite a heavy rain storm In Adams on Monday night. Q. D. Richardson, Adams postmaster was In Pendleton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. will Bowyer an daughter Wilma and Helen were in Pendleton Sunday. Rev. Harlan of Idaho and a former resident of Adams will preach in the Baiitist church Sunday at 11 a. m, umd S p. m. All are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parr were In Pendleton Tuesday. wlMTWf 11 tni I (Jive your child clean, healthy hair Shampoo retularln with Wild 3 root Liquid Shampoo Soap. g Oeanies perfectly, yet doe, e not make hair ana sculp harsh and dry as most eoap doei. Made by the maker of Wild root Hair Tonic. 3 E Sold and Guaranteed b ECONOMY DRUG CO. ARE KEEPING QUIET State the tarty Jtiiet SAN FRANCISCO From the Limousine "That woman who Just passed In a limousine bowed witb marked cor diality," remarked Mr. Jibway. "So she, did, the cat!" snapped Mrs. Jibway. "My dear." "That was Mrs. Dibble. I've been dodging her ever since T hear u, bad bought a. car. She wouldn't hava mussed, catching me out on foot for a I diamond necklace." PiutUurf; Lcad- " if-" iaflP ErivethisNew chalm;e r s 'to Estimate Itsi PForth WHEN you have driven this new Chalmers you will appreciate its marvellous ease of action, its soothing absence of vibration, its great energy results directly iteceable to the Hot Spot and Ram's-horn. Hot Spot is an ingenious device that occupies about six square 'inches It receives from the carburetor gasoline still in a raw, ' heavy state and breaks it up into infinitesimal particles. Then the gasoline, now a "cloud" of dry gas, is rushed into the cylinders via Rams-horn (which has no sharp corners to impede the progress). Thus the cylinders get the kind of "food" they should have, and you get a snap, a "kick" from "gas" that you haven't seen in many a day. ' - ' Somethings you don't get, too, and they are burned bear 1 -.,i;.l.-rc fVoniipnflv fouled snark 1 plugs all traceable to inferior "gas which most engines cannot "digest." Ride in this new Chalmers and you, too, will say: "Chalmers is one of the few great cars of.. ejrvorld." " McLEAN & SNAVELY Main St., Opp. Hotel Pendleton. Phone 222 BY RALPH H. TURNER ( United Press Staff Correspondent. ) TAMPICO, Mexico, April 10. interests in Tampico during theR Two -sources of trouble confronted Al lied interests in Tampico during the war. ""They were the Germans and the I. W. W.. At many times it appeared they -were one and the same. Petro leum was vital to the Allies' conduct of the war and German agents strived with radicalism as a medium to ob struct the flow of oil through sallied channels. "tMjMQj All that is history, but it is interest ing today to observe the prevent status of the Germans and their former ally; to note how thejr have fared since the capitulation on the western front. The Germans are still here, but the support pf an imperial government has vanished and with it has gone a considerable amount of the Teuton self-assurance. AH the Germans can hope to do now all they are trying to do-7-is to regain a bit of their old trade and their 'Id prestige. I. W. W. Also There ' Tho I. W. W. also is here. It is not always referred to with that designa tion. It is sometimes called the Com munist Party, or the Left Wing or Bol shevism. Under any name, however, its aims are the same. But the Ger man backing has deserted the I. W. W., and today tho movement is neither German nor Mexican. Rather it is an international organization, with a Russian-American playing tho leading role. Tho German colony in Tampico, or its leaders, have just gained control of one of the local newspapers. If the Germans achieve their aims through this newspaper their con quest will indeed have been cheaply bought, for it is reliably reported that they are paying but 300 pesos ($150) monthly to preach the story of the new German republic. Still, the Ger mans are not asking a whole lot for theirl mono v. Their ambitions are more modest than in tho old days. The Germans seek to gain the publi cation of news favorable to the Fatherland, to impress upon the Mexicans that some day there will be a Gorman trade revival and to record Germany's progress as a democracy; in short, to recover German prestige to any extent possible. But the Ger mans as a trade menace, or any other kind of menace, are beings of the past. Handle American Goods One more year of the war and Ger man trade probably would have been wholly ruined. As it was, the enemy commerce was shattered beyond iec oenition and the come-back will not b executed quickly. The Germans never entered the field of oil exploita tion, but they were supreme In the hardware business. As bankers, steamship agents and customs brokers they held further commercial advant ages. What Germans-are doing bus iness here now are handling Ameri can goods. There 1 a strike on in Tampico now. a strike of mechanics, employed by the oil companies, who are de manding an increase in wages which averages about 100 per cent- Tht recalls Germany's old friend, the I. W. W. , sp u rned by G erin a n y tod ay be cause the hour of service i past. How would YOU like a raise like this? my and fbr 34 Years Work, CANNOT MEET DEMANDS (By Associated Press.) AN'CHOUAGR, Alaska, April 15. Two coal mines operated by the gov ernment at VsK.'i and Chicaloon on the railroad near here, wore closed yester day when the Alaska engineering com mission, which manages them, 1 an nounced it could not meet wage de mands of tho miners. Onough coal is on hand. William GerUC. assistant chief engineer -of tho commission, announced to supply Alaska twns until the navy depart ment follows its plan of taking over and operating the mines. Tho men wanted a wage increase of 10 percent above the Washington scale, which they said was raised re cently. Gerte said he had received no official advices that an increase had been granted in Washington. Both Gerig and the minors dechirod no "red'' element caused the strike About 2HO men are employed at tho mines. THAT is the Jcind of increase in salary the minister has received. His living expenses have risen just as fast and as far as yours. But he is paid on the average just 52 cents more per church member than he was paid 34 years ago. The Minister Never Fails You Every officer of the Government with a war message to deliver appealed to the ministers first of all. But 80 of the ministers receive less income than govern ment economists figure as a minimum for the support of an average family. When hospitals need money they enlist the support of the ministers and receive it But when sickness visits the minister or the members of his family they must be treated in a charity ward. His pay is less than a day laborer's. We Pay Him Half the Wages of a Mechanic 8 out of every 10 ministers receive less than $20 a week about half the pay of a mechanic. Anal of these pitifully in adequate salaries, how much do you contribute ? Nothing if you are outside the church ; an average of less than 3c a day if you are a church member. . All of us share in the benefits of Christian ministers to the community. They marry us; bury us; baptize our children; visit us when we are sick. In their hands is the spiritual training of the youth. We Are All Profiteers at Their Expense Part of the Interchurch World program is this a living wage for every minister of Jesus Christ; an efficient plant and a chance to do a big man's job. If you want better preachers, help to pay the preachers better. It's the best investment for your community and for your children that you can make. Interchurch WORLD MOVEMENT 45 WEST 18th STREET, N'EW YORK CITY The publication of this advertisement is made possible through the cooperation of SO dWiosu'n a tfun a. meetings. Tho convention concludes April 20. i W. P. Harford. Omaha, president off the organization, will preside. Other leader present are Mrs. Stephen B. Penrose, Walla Walla, Wash., former j president of tho association, and aowj vice-president; Mrs. W. A. Moses, sec- j ond vice-president ; Mrs. John French, chairman of tho executive committee ; of the national boa rd; Mrs. Robert , K. Hpeer, president of the National board; Mrs. John P. Rocker-feller, Jr.; ; Miss Eliza Butler, sister of Nicholas , Murray Butler, president of Columbia university; Mrs. William Adams Brown, New York city and Mrs, James Cushman, vice-president of J the national board. . . When George Washington was elect ed President he was one of the rich est men in America, "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. "Y. W." MEETS TO TALK POST WAR PROBLEMS dy R VET AND. o.. April 1'. Post war problems and the social and eco nomic uuestions engendered during the period f the war were tinder con sideration at the sixth annual conven tion of Young Women's Christian As sociation convention, which opened her yesterday. Kn My organization leaders. I secretaries, members and educators j were expected to participate in the i seneral debates and scores of sectional A few cents buys "Danderine.' Aft T a napplication of 'Danderine" you ' can not find a fallen hair or any dan- If druf f. besides every b;ir shows new life, vigor, brightness, more GOlOT and , Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices-. East Oregonian Printing Department. FOR SALE WIIIiVT L.AXDS. GRAZING LANDS, TIMBER LANDS, CITY" PUOI'KIITV Conditions crcnted by Uio war compels our early return to relatives and estates in Uie Far East and demand the use of oil otir aviillnble funds and soeurltlcs. and to meet ttiese eondltions and demands we offer for immediate sale all of our iroierty in Oregon, consisting of FARMS ANI FARM IAXDS in Ynrtous parcels and ration sly locatod in Cniaiilla and ITarney counties. Included in the above about 8 On acres wheat In crop on ino separate farms. Our interest in same to go with land. TIMUKIt. TIMBER l.MS and Gnuinc Lands, in large tract situated in I'rnatilia, Vnion and Uarney couutiea. Same an- exceptionally well watered and present loaaea ei-y pire at the end of this year. FIXE REStPEXGEB, houses and lots ami vacant city property located In Fendlctnn anil oilier cities. Above residences now in ilil1 by good tenants eiorpt one. wliitii is occupied bv owners, and will be sold with furnituie, tr desired. This liouar. ir not sold inside of n days, will Ik- rented to a satisfactory tenant, who will purclinsc furniture at a aluation. VACANT CITY 1,TS. ranging in price from 33 to $3500, an. cording to location. Also about t 1 -J acres of desirable garden property In the west end of tlie city. ALL OF WinCH WE WILL SKIT, and are goin to sell. In par cels muI lots to suit purchasers and on easy and satisfac tory terras of payment. Liberty lioan Bonds of any seises will he accepted at market value upon aay first payment ami secured aates at 7 per cent annual Interest upon all deferred puiuents. CALL VPOX.WRITF on PIIONK to an or either of o at 0T College street, phoue il -J. IVndleton. Oregon, for fartkar description or particulars of auy property desired. JOHN VERT JESSIE S. VERT