East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 15, 1920, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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page five
People Here and There
one. of the duties n. navy recruit
ing officer la to attend all burgtt &ath-
; i nrm where there are young men.
Such a miHKton called Chief Quarter
nuiHter Ralph Carr to Walla Walla to
day. The Roving Marlnt'H are to bo In
the Garden City today and Chief Oarr
went over on No. 8 this morning to be
present at their entertainment.
George D. Beaumont whh formerly
a majtw in trie I'niteo KUiteH army,
Hlgnul corps division, bin ho now
working for the Salvation Army, or
ganizing the eoontle.i of ( i m for
Aho forthctmilng drivo in May. Major
Beaumont ha been in thin vicinity
for several days but hurt not received
a definite prumiue off anyone In Uma
tilla county to direct the drive. After
pending yesterday here, he left laet
evening for La Orunde and Bftlterprlee.
the Hiibjcct of the program and on
of the peker in Kobert N. Htnnfield,
Umatilla county wool grower.
Form in starting, running, jumping,
vaulting and other function of field
and track work Ih being tuught tlx
young utudentM of the county wchool
by Cash Wood, county Y. M. . A.
Hecretary, as a part of hln field work.
M r. Wood drove out to Helix thin
morning to couch t he Helix young-
ttterK in their training for the district
and county meetH.
Knb-rt, farmer, who is a "newly-wed"
altd who i uccompanied by Mrs. BSgr
gert; Matthew Hoffman, grain ele;i-
tor operator, and Judge J. G. AdkiH
Bon. Judge AdklHHon Ih circuit judge
and in an ex-farmer of Waaco counly.
Jame S. Johns went to La Grande
on No. H thin morning on a combined
business and pleasure trip and was
accompanied by Mrs. Johns.
f James Wurgi, of Hturgia and Storle,
left last night fur Portland on A short
buatneiw trip.
Harry ffanfield, of the firm of Par
ker and Hanf ield, in in Portland on
I hi si news. His firm wan recently
awarded the contract for the construc
tion of the new $53,000 Hank of Kcho.
Our Stock of
Ah special agent for the Holt Com- ,
pany, H. A. Caldwell covers territory
in Oregon and southeastern Washing- i
ton. He is in Pendleton today vlHit -lng
the firm of Hturgls & Storie Mr. I
Ouldwelf a headquarters a re in Sm-
Kred Fulton, farmer of fitanfield, Is
a Pendleton visitor today, accoini;i n
ied by Mrs. Pulton atid two children.
Mr. Pulton is the son of the late
Charles Pulton, who was United
State! senator from Oregon.
Joel Haviit, who keeps the books of
the Echo Plour Mills in order, is in
I nd b-t on today on a business trip.
It. R, Lew?, of Kcho, is a Pendle-
on buslneea viHar.
The Identity of "Chirr Mukiwakaka
of the I'matillns," who was scheduled
In appear in Portland today at the
Progressive ItNHlnesH Men's club,
dressed In full reualia from the Pen
dleton Woolen Mills, has been kept a
closely guarded secret. The fact re
mains however, that Clnrence Hifthop
left last night for Portland. Oregon
VOOl growing and rnanufneturing is
"H W. Hicks," Is the way it reads
on the Hotel Pendleton register today
but to all the world It is "Jimmy"
Hicks, Mr. Hicks is traveling passen
ger anent for the rnion Pacific: and
Ih In Pendleton on business, Mr.
Hick's wedding w an event of a
year ago, hie wife being Ione Cs
Haer of the Portland Oregonlan.
The grain case in Pendleton has
brought a delegation to this city from
The Dalles. Among those called here
are Albert Roberts, farmer, Herbert
It consists of No. 1 5
Silk Floss, Cotton Felt- I
ed, Cotton Linter, as
well as the cotton com- 1
These mattresses can be had in all sizess. We carry 5
I all grades of Crib Mattresses, moderately priced.
i ni W LI Wmimi ml -
It Pays to Pay Cash at CONROY'S
lluittards Chocolate and Cocoa, the best on the
market. Absolutely pure.
Chocolate, 1 pound 45c
Chocolate, 3pounds $1.25
Cocoa, 1-2 pounds 25c
Why pay more ?
Toilet Paper, 7 ox. crepe, 3 rolls 25c
Crisco 60c, $1.15 and $2.30
Pineapple, No. 2 tins, each 35c
Puff Wheat and Shredded Wheat, each 15c
Ensign Coffee, the white package, pound.... 45c
Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, 2 for 25c
No. 2 tins 5 for $1.00
Prunes . 3 lbs.50c; 6 lbs. $1.00; 50 lb. box, $7.75
j t Ymr money
. . . Your time
Your health
Thor Electric Washer
Simplex Iroiter
VfK'titim I leaner
Your linen in n laundry
VOUT (Ufa Willi lii anil .ami
Your Health and nerves with Unnecfflssry work.
PHONE 1037
Ask for our Kcnionstralor
He will be plr-axil to call oil tfou
Mention nnytliiiitc riwtrii-al In whlt-lt you are Interested.
Wo are also Klm-lrlral Contractors. Kstiniates Given
Milne Electrical Company
Pendleton, Ore.
108 East Alta St. Across From Alta Theatre
Everybody Likes It!
is popular alike with the young, old and in-betweens
From little Tommy to Grandma there comes the one
acclaim that BRAN NEW is ALL right.
For a sparkling delicious thirst-quencher, a bottle of
BRAN NEW hits the spot.
Order it by the case from your grocer or druggist.
If they don't have BRAN NEW just phone us and we
will supply you at once.
FBXUIjKTOX, oregov
-.1 Way to Ilu .lcJju(eJ.
The right of way for tho Ilkvana-
Helix road through Charles JklcCla
j v'h-'h place will be adjusted this after
noon In a meeting? between Judtfo C
H. Marwh, County Commissioner li. E.
i Andej-Ron RntJ Mr. ( 'la vie. The two
officials drove out to Helix thin after
noon. YeHlerday they drove fcp f he
e&gt end of the county.
I "-l.it People Ken- on Floml .Matter.
Joe itainos and Walter Culliford,
; fainierK from Keho, were hero thia
' morula to confer with County Judge
C. H. Marsh and Commissioner H. i'l.
I A nderaon regrnrdinLT rights of Way
through their places for the Old Ore
gon Trail. Ilotli men agreed upon the
rornpensation for damage to their
j places and the matter was adjusted
satisfactorily to both
Hearing on Dependency Sntui'day.
A hearing will be held Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock before County
Judge C. 1. Marnh in the matter of
the alleged dependency of Jesmie.
John and i onuld Kennedy. minor
Children of Homer Kennedy. The
father it alleged to have left the chil
dren in charge of their older sister,
Kfaie MrShane and neglected to sup
port them- He has been cited to ap
pear in court to show cause why the
children should not be taken in charge
by county officials. The petition in
the matter was presented by John
Huiley, Jr., local juvenile officer.
First Half of state Tax Paid.
County Treasurer Grace Gilliam to
day paid the first half of the State tax
due from Umatilla, county on the
1919 roll. The check was for $9S,
IB8.0S. I-ast year the first half of the
faxes amounted to $fI8, 159.80. The
increase is not quite 50 per cent this
Breakfast Food
Quaker Puffed Rice, the package 1 5c
Quaker Puffed Wheat, the package Uic
Quaker Rolled Oata, large size 600
Purity Rolled Oats, large size
Golden Rod Rolled Oats, large size 45c
ftlothers Rolled Oats, large size 4
Uncle Sams Health Food
Albers Pearls of Wheat, a package 30c
Quaker Cracked Wheat, a package 30c
Cream of Barley, the package jOc
Two Minute Oat Food, 3 for 50c
Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuits per package. .15c
Grape Nuts, 3 for 800
Kelloggs Corn Flakes, per packagt 15c
Kelloggs Korn Krisp, per package 15c
Post Toasties 15c
crs Grocery Dept.
Two Phones 526
We are showing some good patterns of Inlaid
Linoleum as well as Print Linoleum.
Our patterns of Felt Base Floor covering as well
as Congoleum is complete.
Agents for
and Records
Cruikshank I way
& Hampton 1 gg
"Quality Counts"
124-128 E. Webb Phone 548
Use Our Exchange Department
How About a Fish Dinner a Dinner
That Will Taste as Good as if Yon Had
Caught the Fish Youself?
The fish we sell are shipped direct from
the nets the kind we select for our own
tahles--fresh, firm, tasty. Call or phone
for a supply while we have a good assort
ment. Empire Meat Market
"The Old Reliable
Established 1890
Phone 18
Comity tlwlffp Marries Couple.
Frank Harnet, of Pendleton, and
.l is. Helle Kothroek of Adams, were
issued a marriage license at tlie
; county clerk's office this morning and
id ft V miillili.y !..,., Ba Mniul I..-
JiidKe (. H. AfSrsh in his offices.
iGetJs Judgment oti Ohl Claim.
! Joseph Uixhy today was given a
j judgment against Charles E. Hall for
$136 and interest from Jan. 31. 3914,
together with costs of the action in
circuit court.
Crte Dragging; Along.
The case of Jack & Haiti vs. the
(Farmers' I'nion Grain Agency i.s in its
'fourth day in circuit court today and
the taking of testimony by the de
fense is expected to be completed late
tottay. TB plaintiffs attorneys have
a Jong rebuttal, which is expected to
take until noon tomorrow to com
plete. It is considered probable that
the case will be given to the jury late
Friday. Several expert witnesses
have been examined for t he defense
and much of a technical nature in
troduced as evidence.
The city championship in the coun
ty Oratorical and Declamatory con
test will be decided tonight at Ihe high
school, when representatives from
Washington, Hawthorne, Lincoln and
Field schools will compete. The city
champions will meet champions from
other county schools in May.
A representative from the first and
second division in each school will
compete. The first division comprises
the third, fourth and fifth grades
white the second division comprises
the sixth, seventh and eighth grades.
The Lincoln school will be repre
sented by Robert Miller, fifth grade,
and James Stimsm, eighth grade.
Field school, of which the pupils are
all in the first division, will be repre
sented by Irene Swanson. Georginnna
FTesselman. fourth grade and Thelma
Akey, eighth grade, will represent the
Hawthorne school. Washington school
will have for its contestants Mary Toy
Amoreux, sixth grade, and Itrnice
(lornall, third grade.
Defective vision caused by age like itself creeps on
5 almost unawares. Only when the signs are so unmistak-
I able that the most inexperienced can understand, do we
5 realize that we are becoming blind.
Have Me Examine Your Eyes Now and Fit Them
Wiih Proper Glasses.
jjj Eye Sight Specialist
EE Penlitnd Ruilding EE
5 Over Tallman Drug Store . . Phone 436-J H
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregonian Printing Department.
S!T. PAt'U April 1ft, Hob Tiutler.
fastest n:nn of the Mtnneisota football
team last fall, who -won a place on ner
eral all-conference and one or two all-
weft ern my t Meal elevens, is lost to .
the 1!0 Gophers.
ltutler, who runs tho 100 yards in
"ten flat." and whose all-around play:
at Kunr l, particularly his sensational ,
work in pelting- down on Minnesota
kicks n nil downing tho receiver of
punts featured 1 I pomes, lias quit i
the niiivrshy. He will po east to
school in tho fall- Dartmouth is his
choice, as he playeU on the Green's
freshman team and is eligible for the;
varsity now. I
The best dressed men you'll see on the street, in the
office or ANYWHERE, wear tailored to order clothes.
The reason is individuality.
Have us tailor your now
c lollies to order. Select your
favored stylo and woolens
Exclusive Dealers
The Ford car can well be called the "peoples
car," because there are more than 3,000,000 of
them in daily operation. That is about four
to one of the nearest follower in the motor car
industry. This would not be so if the Ford car
had not for sixteen years proven its superiority
in service, in durability, and in the low cost for
operation and maintenance; this would not be
so if the Ford car was not so easy to understand,
so simple in construction that anybody and
everybody can safely drive it. Let us have
your order for on now to avoid delay in
Cor. Water and Johnson. Phone 408
Shirts to Order
735 Main Phone 4G6
209 E. Court Phone 445
Why pay from 45 cents to 65 cents for your
Coffee when we have a very fine bulk coffee at a
very low price.
This will be our every day price. Try this Cof
fee and lower your Coffee bill from 10 per cent to
25 per cent.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
209 East Court St.