East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 15, 1920, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Kr.iic-i Satisfaction
Garnint Mas Stvle
ir ft hasn't there's no middle ground
ami happily that group of people
who recognize this fact and who wish
lo express themselves through apparel
of real distinction is daily growing
larger and larger.
It is the demands of this eager and
enthusiastic patronage thai inspire us
tiv offei JfQU oaly upland of uenume
merit at prices that y u can afford to
Thai ( lonies From our
is to feel tht they are attractive nnd
lijmificri as well as stylish and
One of the outstanding merits of
our apparel is that no one is ever in
the slightest .louht as to its correct
ness, whether it be the wearer or the
Its our especial business to see that
it is RIGHT.
The ni?t popular garment o
all. Warmth without weight,
service without dumsiness.
Smart looking styles, made in
a manner to ;ie you the best
Just the garment for the auto
drier. can t be equaled for the
man in the Meld, jut right for
ojboring around. They haven't
rone up in price as much as
many other garments either.
They range from Si 2.50 to 830.
A very much worn garment. Ser
viceable, warm, good looking and con
venient. We can please you, our stock
is very large be sure and come here
before you buy. Every style you can
want is here.
The Big Jumbo Stitch, slipover or
button stvle, in a wide range of colors,
$7.50 to $20.00.
The Popular Jersey, in plain colors
and body stripes $3.00 to $6.50
Shaker Weave, slipover or button
sweaters $3.50 to $10.00
a m u e b r. Bit-i.iecirini
If you have ever come shirt buying
here you know the sort of values we
are famous for.
We want to emphasize that during
the coming weeks your shirts will be
more and more in evidence.
Better check up, and if you find
yourself short, come here and see the
remarkable values we are showing.
A World of New Patterns and color
combinations are here the best makes
in America guaranteed in every re
spect. Fast colors, perfect fitting, correctly
Work Shirts $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00.
Soft Collar Shirts, a most attractive
assortment of colors, patterns and ma
terials $1.00, $1.50, $2.50 to $7.50
Necsr Band Shirts, French cuffs,
Manhattans, Eagles, Perfectos. The
best of makes, in a wonderful array,
$1.50, $2.00, $3.50 to $5.00.
Silk Shirts, the most popular of all
garments this year. Priced just as low
as the qualitv will permit, $5.00, $7.50,
$10.00 to $22.30. - alftdl
Percolator Special
We have 25 real
good percolators to of
fer on our aluminum
counter and we can say
that they are very good
values at this special
Bargain Basement $2.29
4. i. j MtathiB
Your clothes will cost less for the year if you buy good ones. All-wool quality
lasts longer; looks better. You save because you buy fewer clothes.
That's our idea here; to sell clothes that save for our customers. We sell fewer
clothes to each man-but we sell more value; that's the point. People like such ser
vice they tell their friends. Hart Schaffner & Marx make the clothes; you cant
find any better ones. They're priced from $25.00 to $100.00
Men's Half Hose
It never was so necessary
o be careful about quality
in hose as now. The dyes
must be good. The yarns
must be good, too, and of
course the weaving must be
smooth and even.
We never had as large a
stock of men's hose in the
store as now. Good hose,
dependable and reasonably
Cotton Work Sox, mixed col
ors or plain black, tan,
gray, etc 25c
Lisle and Mercerized Cotton
Sox, in all colors and
sizes 35c and 50c
Pure Thread Silk Hose, all
colors $1.25 ,
Trunks, Traveling
Bags, Suit Cases, Etc.
When traveling, your luggage is
your introduction, the better it is,
the better the xervire you II reeeive
ami the more pleasure you'll hiivo
out of your trip.
Our lugg-atfc is the quality Uiml.
It Ls made and finlyhwi property.
Service if worked into every part
of rt.
Its dependable as well as good
looking and our prices are not too
Trrnks nre priced from
SJ2.54I to $U.OO
Su-a mer Trunks run from
91T.M to S.Vi.OO
ardroln- Trunk, vary from
S:17..V to 2M
Suit ( upft, all leather.. IO to
Suit Caf', earatol, wieker, mat
ting, fibre, etc. . . to SIO.OO
And a wonderful assort ment
from whkh to choose.
; It a iu! I ;.i . - all leather
sin.oo to $.(5.oo
alis- and (;.(-- .1 ' ;tr f"l, tr
. . . . 2.75 to SIO.OO
TVT 1 .
The bright spot of a man's
apparel. This season finds
us wonderfully prepared to
supply your wants in neck
wear. The smart shapes com
bined with the new colors
and patterns make the sea
son's neckwear most attrac
tive ancHapepaling.
The qualities are good,
too. Knitted ties are very
popular and our assortment
Dl the mis large.
Our list of prices range
from 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1,
$2.00 to $4.00.
Men's Glve
Here is where rr-n I (love iiu.ililv
a Our immense stock In Chid
he hest makes in the country.
Ores Clloves. ilrivlnir clows
Auto Glo
ride sasoi
The leat
"rly tonne
Work loves.
it of each kind.
are Rood an,l prop
mil Anmat. Th
rectly ishioneii ani
Von like ti aee a boy weB-lfcswanl
vjiii1 boy, or any fitlier. I'm a uoimI r lean
"ut. hnk lad in a ..! htokiiu; adit of
rtothm, ami Ik -, a ju.v tj llio eye of err
body. Tin trouble i- that m many of tbe
lothes for hfys fiinil keep u that well
lfMMd tMk. TtaeyVe all rlht tin- first day
r NO hut After that f
Mart Schaffner
Dress Gloves $1.50 to $1.75
Driving Gloves $2.50 to $5
Auto Gloves $4.50 to $7.50
Gauntlet Gloves $2.50 to $5
Wrist Gloves $2.00 to $4.50
Qualitv COUnt triors in
gloves than in any other article.
& Marx
make cfothcfl for boyS And we sell them.
IJte're made kmmI ns fatlier' clothes
BJt'VtuoJ fmbricfl ; Nt f tailoriniz; nml
"nffnlar bo" styles.
We can satisfy T0V ami the MOV.
Men's Separate Pants
I here never was a lime n hen
tneni tenrbraie pnnta wen in wmek
aapMHU aenuuid ma now. This ptn
nomenu) demand is caused by ih
e-xtrcjinaly bigrh com of suits. ...
8omo limi-M an extra pair of
pmmm win aave yon from bavtag i'
paacluMu a -nil for moptlta. f you
-should need any extra panta, now
s die tone to buy them, our vtbch
im aaoxt complete.
eToratedbi, Cmeimprea, Scrgca,
tf. The 1k's( rr the prlee. no mat
er what the price.
83.50 to 815.00
fiepGODles forehousG,
Ml styles and all sizes. Everv
tliiu; front the regular sitse
uiht shirt to the, lig extra size
"hotel" nigjbt shirt in rhusUh,
oxford, soisette and oOtinfi flan
nel. Priced from $2.00 to S5.00
Purpajama stock affords a
wide choice too. embracing a
fine ran
of fabrics in light,
medium and heavy weights.
Priced from. ... $2.50 to $5.00
Silk Pajamas toftlO.OO.
Never before have we shown such an
elaborate varietv of choice hats.
The best of makes, all with most en
viable reputations. Dependable and
individual. Hats with real character.
Every new and wanted style is here.
We can fit your head. We can become
your face. We can please your purse.
You'll be pleased if vou buv here, $3.50,
$$5.00, $7.50, $10.00 to $20.00.
Underwear of Comfort and
Quality for Men.
You are going to need light weight,
warm weather, underwear soon.
We may be just a little ahead of the
season with our showing, but the fact is we
bought there undergarments at a remark
ably low figure and we're passing them
along to the early buyers who appreciate
the fact that underwear prices are mount
ing upwards nearly every week.
Come in and see them at least. Our stock
includes every weight and wanted mate
rial, cotton, cotton and wool, wool, silk,
silk and maco, etc.
Cotton Union Suits, in athletic, short
sleeves, knee length and long sleeve,
anklle length. Priced from $1.50 to $3.50
Lisle, Sea Island Cotton, etc., in all the dif
ferent styles. Ribbed or flat weaves.
Light, and medium heavy weights.
Priced from $1.75 to $5.00
Silk and Mercerized Union Suits Most
beautiful garments, perfect fitting and
good. Priced from $5.00 to $15.00
Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers $1.25 ea.
Rerby Ribbed Shirts and Drawers $1.25 ea.
Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers $1.25 ea.
Some Families Own As Many as Four
Butcher Knives
nd among (hi- whole lot there is not OXK gmu one.
Would it not he a pleasure to own a nulehvr knife
equally us rc.o.I hs any foun.l in the heat bnti her
.hop? ;
Tlie luiruain lbi.-llM'iit Often. f:iuhl Sly tea of
kni WM
nil han i made and oil flash lempereil. These kni.es
fcr? mad'- to use, not merely lo anil.
Priced 90c, $1.25 and $1.7S