PAGE FIFTEEN DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1025. WANT ADS. CLASSIFIED SIXTEEN PAGES Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference NEW TODAY 1 FOR BALE White enameled room set Phone 425. bed- FOR SALE FOR SAIaK Marquis Phone 4F1S. seed wheut- GOOflB EGGS FOU SALE 304 Tur ner St., Mra. Emll Sehaefer. WANTETDTo rent four or five room unfurnished house by May 1 Phone &WOS, ! II FOR SALE Mammoth tollhouse goose eggs 2!i cents each Phone 131-v, of write P. O. Box 305 City. Won MAX WANTS JOl cooking for men. Clan give boot of references. Htato wimih, location etc. Address "71-11" this office. FOR SALE 25 ewes and lambs Charles Tullls. McKay Creek. WANTED ... Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Directory la especially handy foi the out-of-town reader who may want the name and addreaa of responsible business men who represent the folowlng lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt and efficient service. WANTED Good cImh rage at The East Oregonlan office. WANTED Girl for general work Phone 389-W. FOR SALE Two year old choice Jer sey Holsteln heifer and calf Phone SC6-J. FOR SALE 12 head Hhnats, weigh ing 125 each and 4 sows with pigs Phone 21F2. NOTICES Matins Pendleton Aerie No. as. Fraternal Ortier t BmtIm win five dance on Friday evening, Aprir lttth for the benefit of their cemetery fund, -good music- the public Invited. Tickets 7r. cents. All Eagles get busy, tickets on sale by all members. Come and have a good jaxz time ut Eagle-Wo,dman hall. COMsOTTM FOR SALE Five room house, mod ern, with new garage, $3700, 1700 j cash 1012 W. Aha St. FOR SALE fl-roora residence, close in Bargain Oregon Washington Ranches Co., Phone 542. WANTED Any kind of job -work, address "60-B" this office. WANT TO RENT Furnished house Address "70-M" this office. WANTED Experienced candy girl at The Palm Good wages. WANTED Driver and platform man American Ry. Express Co. AUTO TIRES and Where to Buy Them. AUTO TOPS I DRAYMEN L S. BENTLEY & CO diamond Tires Tiro service, oils ! Court St. and accessories Alta snU (harden sis. GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plat. Glass Goodyear and 1 Backs, Side Curtains 201 East OERTSON & MARTY Gates Half Soles, 6000 miles guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. 637 Cottonwood St. AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing. Ill West Alta street. CALL PEN LAND Br?e.. Transfer m to move your household goods. We also pack or store gooA. We do eoun try hauling. Telephone 339. CHICK FOOD Scratch food, toi i bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, mlsd v,riv Umatilla flour at Oram Co. AUTO PAINTING A. M. Boyden, Transfer. Stand at Hennlng s Cigar Store. Phone I. WANTED Woman for general house work Inquire 300 Willow St. PENDLETON RUBBER & SUPPLY CO Barney Oldfleld. Goodrich 811- vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vac- tonwood. uum Cup 305 E. Court. 7 MEN WITH TEARS of experi ence. Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cot- Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. PENDLETON CYCLE CO. Ajax. Re- ! vere and Savage tires. 228 E. Court COL AUCTIONEER DENTIST street. WANTED To rent unfurnished house I SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re- W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer. Call at Sturgis & Storie's Implement Co., for sale dates. FOR SALE Thoroughbred s. C. White Leghorn eggs for hatching. Phone 16F23 Louie Hansen. FOR SALE perchcron stallion, age 7 yeurs, can be seen at O. K. Feed Yard. Inquire Ida M. York, Riverside. Nollt Pendleton Iodgo No. 52 A. F. and A. M. confers the Fellowcraft degree on five candldateH, Thursday evening, April 15th. FOR SALE No. 1 baled alfalfa hay in cur lots. Fur prices write or Phone W. A. leathers, Hermlston, Ore. on or before May 1st l'hone 276-J. WANTED TO RENT Furnished apt., No children Inquire "35-M" this office. WANTED Pasture for 26 head of stooV. R. B. F. Hossington, Hermls ton. Oregon. public and Firestone tires, cords or fabric. 223 E. Court St., Phone 661. WALLACE BROS. Flsk Tires, cords i-r fabric. We do our own adjusting 808-12 Johnson St. WANTED Curtains to do at home Phone 710-M before 8:30 a. m. i after li p. m. WESTERN AUTO CO. United States Tires. Both cord and fabric. Cor. Cottonwood and Water Sis. ATTORNEYS BYNON A BYNON Attorneys at law 16-16-17 Belts building, over Bon" Bros. Telephone 164. GEORGE W. COUTTS. Attorney at l-i w. Room 17, Schmidt block. Noii,.- B. P. (. I. Iks Initiation n.nd balloting ror candi dates at regular meeting Thursday at 7: to p. in. By Order of Exalted Ruler. THOU FITS'. GERALD, Sec. Noii.-.- r PuynH'nt of ( ii) of Pendle ln Improvennut Bonds. NoUcs is hereby given that city of Pendleton Improvement Bonds Nos. 18 and 20 Series D. Nos. 16 and 17, Series E, and N'os. 15 and 16 Series N, will be paid upon presentation thereof to the undersigned at the American FOR SALE, One Oregon Special com bine In good shape Phone 6F11 or write Box 173, Pendleton, Oregon. FOR sale- 16 -room apartment, partly furnished Bargain Oregon Washington Ranches Co., Phone 642. Woman" COOK wanted on ranch $60.00 a month till harvest -Phone lOFl'J, Pendleton, Ore. WANTED-Stenographer, tvperienced WB REPAIR anything electrical on AUTO ELECTRIC WORK AUTO Electric Work of air kinds. Magneto, starter, ignition, etc.. El ectric Service. Station, Main & Water. CAI'.TER & SMYTHE, Attorneys a Law. Office in rear of Amerlcar. National Bank building. DR. FLOYD CROUP Dentist Room 109 American Bank Bldg. 'hone 326 Pendleton, Ore. rR. H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry, Room 7, Temple Bids-.. Phme 772. jAJVOJJMN WB CAN" TUNE your piano any whr any time. ihonoitraih repairing. Uarrenn Music Hon- a 14 Main .t.t Phone 524. PIANOS AND PLAYERS ENGRAVED CARDS "ISIT1NG CARDS, Wedding An nouncements, invitations, make de signs and styles to select from. For -ale by East Oregonlan Office. preferred. Address "64 -IV care this office in own hand writing. FOR SALE Dort roadster, complet ly overhauled, new top, tires and paint. Bargain See Rudy at Western Aulo Co. FOR SALE Few registered Perch eon stallions from 1 m 4 veer. old. Jack Sparks, Pendleton, Oregon or Phone 24F12. National Bunk. Pendleton, Comity. Oregon. Interest bonds ceases May 1, 1020 Dated April 15, 1920. LEE MOORHOUSB, Trensurer, City of Pendleton, By H W. Dickson, Deputy. I FOR SALIC 21 room apartment house, completely furnished, close I'niatllla ' ln- Bareralrl Oregon Washington WANTED- Lady to cook on ranch. middle aged. $50.00 per month until harvest Address Box 113 City. POSITION WANTED By experienc ed typist, also some knowledge of bookkeeping Address "33-H" this office. said 1 Handles Co., Phone 54 2. MISCELLANEOUS TREE TRIMMING, window washing, wall paper cleaning, carpet and chimney cleaning Phono Smithy, S81-J. an automobile. W. E. Chane Co. AUTO REPAIRING PERKINS Repairing, baker or any at any time. 203. BEMENjr, Automobile Ford, Chevrolet, Stude make of car. Service 630 Cottonwood. Phone THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. Wo repair any make. Glen Ling, 632 Cottonwood. FEB & FEE, Attorneys at Li floes In Despaln Building. Of R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24. Smith-Crawford Building. . A. IOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office in Despaln Bidg A. NEWBERRY. Attorney at Law Federal Building. PETERSON, BISHOP & CLARK. At torneys at Uw. Rooms 2 and 4 Smith-Crawford building. WANTED Work operating farm FOR OtnCK SALE New 6. room tractor four years experience modern house, near Lincoln school ) write Alfred Fosmark, Gen. Del, Pen- $46(10, $1300 cash, balance, monthly dleton. payments. Joe Kerley. Phone 477. 1 ' FOR SALE A-l milch cow giving 3 gal. milk will give 6 gal. when IF YOUR SEWING MACHINES gives , fresh guaranteed to be right C. E. trouble Phone 766. I Williamson, 1101 E. Railroad atreet - HBMSTITCHING Mall orders Mra ! vh""c 648' ; Ralph Haasell 417 Bush, Phone 1S1-M. WANTED Carpenter work special attention paid to job work city or country. Phor-o S02-W, call 614 Lllltth St. R. M. TUP.NER, Attorney at Law Rooms 7, 6. 9. Despaln building. Pilot Rock Pendleton Auto Stage e Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:20 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO 8TUBBLEF1ELD, Prop. HATS CLEANED Fine hats a spe- FOR SALE $5000 My thoroughly modern home at 225 Jane St. Hot Office water heat, garage, large basement WANTED Domestlo Laundry can give steady employment to girls and women Apply ac Domestic Laundry Cialty. We clean, block and retrim. land 4 lot S. S. Butler, 804 W. Kier Bend your Stetson Parcel Post. New I nan Ave., Spokane, Wash. York Hat Co., 255 Stark St., Portland,! Oregon. KEN.MORB DINING ROOM 617 Willow St. Home cooking, meals served family style. Breakfast 6 to 8:J0. Lunch 12:00 to 1:30. Dinner 6:30 to 7:30. FOR SALE 2000 acres grazing land. fenced with 3 wires; 1,040 acres not fenced; 360 acres not fenced. Plenty of water at all times. For Information write Box 4 2. Kamela, Ore. WOMAN COOK wanted on ranch $60 per month until harvest, then harveBt wages Address Box 375 Pen dleton, Ore. WANTED TO TRADE 40 acres of good alfalfa land, to trade for city property Oregon Washington Ranch es Co., Phone 542. TIME CAliD Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage. Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:80 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 41 8:20 a, m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10.00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. JAMES B. PEHRT, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Company. RALEY & RALEY Attorneys at Law Office In American National Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Boom 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. BATTERIES BATTERIES repaired or recharged new and rental batteries. Electric Service Station. Cor. Garden and Court Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat JPTICAL Dept., any size, style or shape glass while you wait. D. N. goner, M. D., 7, 8, 9 Beltz Bldg. HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing ton quality. Players of Individuality. Its tha construction that counts. See piano on display, write or phone The IK-,; lllie, 68 Main St., Phone 1076 J. P. Dermill, Factor? Rep.. Kohier at Chase Piano Co. PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. I,. JI. McAfee, the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros., Paints. EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST DR. A. M. SIMMONS, eye sight spe cialist perilurid Bldg., over Tall man Drug Co., l'hone 4 36 -J. J. W. JACKSON Wall paper for sale cheap, painting, paper hanging and kalsominlng by day or contract Phone ftMM uiu CsJvtn st. FARM LOANS 1NOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court St, Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. HEMTITJI IN G IEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mail orders promptly attended to. THE HOUSE PAINTEB WENDT Tinting Paper EH Estimates Furnished Phono 1111 shop. 7 10 Main St. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS- 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed, C. Blasberg, Prop. INSURANCE U M. BULLOCK, Metropolitan Ufa Insurance Agent, Phone 3i-W. JtESTMJRANJ THE QUELLE. A good place to I RUGS JUNK, JUNK, JUNK JRING your Junk to the Pendleton Hide & Junk Co. See us before you ell. L. D. Cameron, Prop. JOB PRINTING PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E. Chase Co., S20 E. Court. Telephone 269. Pendieton. MONEY TO LOAN In any amount on ,w. "... r, r.' , n, ;;; t a gas to curb. -..Mn Ranch.. Co. Re-Ttt PTOVIB district in City. Lashley Mgr., Phone 642. FOR SALE Building lot, north side. j 50 by 100 feet. Paving paid. Sewer Fastest im- Prlce very reasonable Write P. O. Box 647. city. SELL NURSERY STOCK FOR US rOR SALE $44,409930 acre wheat Good Ten-ltory open. Terms at-1 ranCh near Cunningham, Wash, tractive. Write for contract and In- prce icluaes about 700 acres of formation immediately. Salem Nur-jwhea, and (ull equipment. It's a sery Company, Salem. Oregon. 1030 Chemcketa St., LOST AND FOUND LOST Baby's silk hood On Main St Saturday night, reward 276-J. money maker Liberty Realty Co., Spokane, Wash. WANTED Listings; if your property is for sale come and list it with us for quick results. Oregon Washing ton Ranches Co., Phone 542. EXPERIENCED sjrocery salesman wanted good opportunity for right party must have good recommenda tion. Tfoovcrlzed Grocery, Walla Wal la, Wash. WH HAVE for immediate sale at sacrifice price one of the best large homes In Pendleton. If you are look- Phone ; ln; ror a real nome you win sure ue Interested. No trouble to asK us about It Kerley & Lundell. FOUND Auto side curtain and rod Owner may havo same for pay ment of ad. LOST Federal double cable 34 by 4 tire on rim between Pendleton and Cayuse. Finder return to Tom Gillette. LOST About 1 moath ago, bay yearl ing colt. Mine ruached. white stripe on face. For Information address "69-W" this office. LOST Between Pilot Rook and Pendleton 32 by 3 1-2 casing and rim for Dodge car. Finder pleaae oall Jim Whlttakar. Pilot Rook . IX)ST Two mares, one black mare heavy ln foald branded star on left shoulder 1100 pounds fore top cut. One brown mare thin In flesh nine years old weight 1100 pounds. Brand ed IP. right shoulder. Halters on both when lost, liberal reward for infor mation leading to recovery notify snv agent O.-W. R. N. R. R. WE BUY, raise and sell fur-bcarlng babbits, and other fur-bearing ani mals. List what you have with us. stating your lowest prices on large lot shipments. The Fur & Specialty Farming Co., 516-617 N. P. Ave, Far go. North Dakota. For Trade Inland Empire land to trade for good Montana land. Ore- gnu. Washington Ranches Co., Ross C. Lashley. Mgr Phone 542, Pendleton Oregon. FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. FOR RENT Furnished Tustin street. Apts. 402 WANTED Young women to learn telephone operating. Permanent positions assured. Salary paid while learning. Apply to chief operator at telephone office. OLD LINE Life Insurance Company wants good man or woman to rep resent It ln Eastern Oregon, local or general agency, no previous experience necessary. A real opportunity to go in business for yourself, we will teach you how If you have the ability to learn. Write or call. Win. J. Holpa. upervlsor of agents. Hotel Pendleton. BEAUTY SHOP BB BEAUTIFIED at Mies Robb'i hnn. .Tlldo Bide.. Phnn 1 0Bfl CATERPILLAR WORK Caterpillars, harvesters, gas engines, automobiles and general blacksmith lng. Round-Up, Parka A Neb crgall, 212 West Webb. NEW and attractive rugs mad from your old Ingrain and Brueael asur pets by the Walla Walla Fluff RiJ Co., 1332 Walla Walla Ave, Walla Walla, Wash., Phone 1677. SECOND HAND FURNITURE LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Heads, Looso Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forms, Dodgers, Placards, etc nrinted to your order. East Oregon lan Office. UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY Phone 5 22. Repair work our hobby. Bill We D"y and sel1 household goods,! i'.lley & Kemp, oZ3 main. SECOND HAND STORE PERFECT DEVELOPING and print ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tall man Drag Co. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS S B:XKRITTCY In the District Court of the Vnited States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Dean Iong, Bank rupt. To the creditors of Dean of Pendleton In the County of XTmatilla and District aforesaid Bankrupt. notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of April A. D. 1920 the said Dean Long was duly adjudicated a Bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the of- I flee of the undersigned Referee in , "yT county, Oregon on April 26th A. D. 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day PARKER & BAN FIELD. Designing, Engeering, Constructing, 10 years experience in concrete and brick con struction. Columbia Bg., Portland Or. MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 645 Main St. Phone 321. Pendleton, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS BOONE, Chiropraotor office over Cash Market. t0 E. Court; Phone 1063. LEGAL BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS of every description, Blank Deeds, Leases, Writs, Bill of sales. Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits Complaints, Summons, etc., for sale at East Oregonian Office. WE BUT AND SELL all kinds of sec ond hand goods and shoes. Repair ing a specialty. Martin St Keys, 310ft W. Webb. LAUNDRY EVERT Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent in your town. Troy Laundry. 608 Garden St. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand (roods. Cash paid (or second hanu goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods 210 H- Court Phone 271-W. Sewing Machine Repairing ALL MAKES of Sewing Machines re paired and cleaned at Singer store. MADE TO MEASURE at which time and place, the Creditors j UK R c ELLSWORTH specializing may intend prove and (Us their claims ,n nerVous diseases and diseases of appoint a Trustee, examine the Bank-Iwcmcn 9 to , m j to 5:J0 p ra nipt, and transact such other business : j,PnnKS 7 to 8. Phone 706, Smith as may properly come before said , Cl awford Building. meetinjr. Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore gon this 12th day of April A. tX 1920. THOS. PITZ GERALD, Refereo in Bankruptcy. DR. 1.0RETTA H. STARBA t-10 Peebler Bid?. 9 to 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 5 p. nr.; other hours by ap pointment; Phones Of. 638, Res. 116 DOINGS OF THE DUFFS ANOTHER IMPORTANT MATTER COMES UP. 3Y ALLMAN vicu., f-i for Tua C0 BALLCAMR-TmE First Tim& tu FIRE TAKES CANNERY AT PRINCE RUPERT WITH $150,000 LOSS PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, April 15. Word reached hero today that fire Sunday destroyed a fish cannery .it Iverness, near here, with a loss esti mated at $150,000. FARM LANDS FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 902 BT. Bluff St. FOR RENT Large Sleeping room 708 Cosbie Bt. roil RENT 2 sleeping rooms ln quire 517 Ann St. WANTED Cook at woman preferred. Reith Hotel, FOR RENT Furnished room 1314 B. Court. Sleeping FOR RENT 1-room cabin, furnished or unfurnished 120 Thompson St. FOR RENT Room gentleman Phone Ison. with bath for 39-W, 410 Mad- FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in suitable for one or two men Phone 366-R. FOR RENT Ntca sleeping Board across the street. S92-M. 215 Garden. rooms. Phone Toe" ' t opportunity In Cen tral Alberta and Ssskathewan are ricn parK muds. upon prslrlo ready for r!rw. Internerned with trees, which afford excellent shelter for stock. Here Brain growing, dairying and live stock raising nrf being carried c.n successful ly. The country Is Ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific Rail way Is offering a large ares of these fertile lands In Lloydmlnater and Hst tleford districts. This fertile land will become the home of thousands of pros perous farmers. On similar land Sca ler Wheeler grows tho world's prize wheat Near Llovdmlnster the world's nrlie osts have been grown, and butter of the highest quality Is made. A man can aoon become Independent on a farm In this district. These landa can he liniiBht now at pr a "" :"'" ranch mile, oonth of Hnlilmnn lift 00 en acre You pay in per rem. 11 - - " land la purchased under settlement about Feb. 1st., one bay mare mule, 4 conditions, no further payment of prjn-iyear 0&t branded T. C. and U. C. on ?ien' snnnu7p.0yfn,0nr.1 Vn'teVe.r" Is". I left atlfle. white -pot on or about right p'r cent. M. B. THOKNTON. Rupt. of i hip bone. Suitable reward for return Colonisation, Canadian Pacific Rs'l-or information leading to recovery of P'Or RENT 3 room apt., unfurnish ed, newly papered, no one wltn children need apply Phone 214-R. Tom, ru- UAve To TAKE A Couple. HiVRS OF VoilCTIne. "&OAV - I Oh I VUS UAVP All IMPoRTAMT MAYVeC HERE I WAWT To CO OVER VIITH Vot- p-'JUST CoikKi I vie re Vco goiuc oor f c -r-E I 'I' "-A" ' w H" Kstray Notion Strayed from the Will Campbell I i I Lh?Ei L F"T T"e- u,s mr. puff ti BALL GAME? fni HfTS A Ml JUTE TWO IT j ' 1 1 I o the Re A Ball season isoPEl . ru. Get em , ) grahoswIdH' c ' SHIRTS Lindgren & Franseen, 735 Main St. THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE A STEAM CABINET BATH ln connec tion with Swedish massage and ex ercise will keep you ln good condition both physically and mcntaly, If you are sick a course of our treatments will build you up again. Taylor Bldg., over Taylor Hdw. store. Phone 1079-W OSTEOPATH 5UGGSJTVEJlUiRTjC ! The most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised. El F. Gibson, P. S. T.; X. D. Room li peebler Bldg. DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd Bldg., Tele phones, Office, 608; Residence 279-W. DR. LENA MoCONNELL Osteopa tic Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 5 and G Temple Bhlg., Main and Webb. Office phone 34T-.T. Res 760-J. Of fice hours 9-12 to 1-5. SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER OPTICAL DALE ROTIIWELL Optometrist and Optician. Glasses ground to fit your eyes. American National Bank build ing Phono 6U9. LAND SURVEY General engineering work. .. A. Lanfldale, c. E., River side. Pendleton Ore. TAILORS Otpt Tallmiui Prnff Co. IF Sugar Corn 5 cans $1.00 This is a strictly No. 1 corn, and we guarantee every can to give satisfaction. Buy it by the case or dozen. BUTTERNUT BREAD Made with milk, fresh every morning 15 Cents The Dean Tafom Co. Meat Dept Phone 86 Grocery Dept Phone 688 J T. O. Taylor, Pendleton, Ore, bar la. same.