SIXTEEN PAGES SECTION THREE PAGES 11 TO 16 iQre&onian) SIXTEEN PAGES SECTION THREE PAGES 11 TO 16 J DAILY EAST OBEOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1920. j w Q PENDLETON BOY TAKES MDJNPOLE VAULT HY n-ItA.VK RXbVUK) lust Monday and will he continued for n month. Uii'wer Hlllle, assistant conch. In In chnrxe of the squnil. WorklllC out three nights a week. from the runkH but their absence Ih noolo up by innmbi-iH nf thi freshman tan who will bo eligible for the var- j Mlty next full. "If It evir Htopn rainiuK lottK enough to practice, wo win he nif rntsm itKnt," says .llmrnv Hie hnrtlHon, var- I lT.v-i' . An"l('1-I-T,J"AI. COfc.)Jty baseball coach. ''The team has I R Corvallls, April 16 Percy (bean handicapped bv t li- w et weather, unborn, a former member of i he Pen- but experts to Ket out am make food (lleton hlKh school track team, an.l!,1H of the sunshine the first rood weather that comes along." The first games of the season ore I with Willamette I'nlvernlty April 18 arvl 17. EXPERT PICKS REDS TO AGAIN WIN PENNANT IN NATIONAL LEAGUE RACE x 1:10.1100 Pledged for Htadlum J HKATTIJl, Wash., April 15. More; now a freshman at the Oregon Am I cultural College, took place In the pole vault ut the Columbia University In door track meet at Portland last Sat urday, going the height of J 1 feet (J Inches. The first two places were ta ken by the Multnomah Athletic club entries, Hpearow and Mellah. Melvln Larson of Ia Grande, a sophomore, who took fourth place, de- j has lapen secured toward the $600,. feated Unborn in 1915 In the Kaslern I 'no fund for the erection of a new Oregon track meet at La Qrande. Og-1 stadium at the University of Wash born was on the Pendleton track1 I Ington, It 'was announced by the corn team In 19H and 1 1 r. . anil went to ! mittee of alumni and businessmen in Iowa City high school, whero he c l arge today. A week'H state-wide graduated In 1917. ' campaign to raise the remainder of the Spring football Practice Rcgmi 1 necessary funds will be launched Moil Spring football practice was started day. Cincinnati Has 1910 Team In tact and is Figured Strong est With Giants and Pirates as Contenders for Rag. QUAMTY SICItVlOR In Our Vegetable Window Green Peas, per pound, 30c Fresh, Tender Asparagus, per pound, $25c Head Lettuce, 15c per head Hot House Lettuce, 35c per pound. Radishes, per bunch, 10c New Cabbage, per pound, 10c Carrots, Beets, Etc., 18c per pound Cauliflower, 30c, 35c and 40c per head Fresh Toms, 30c per pound Green Onions, 5c per pound. Parsley, Artichokes, Rhubarb, etc. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 "If it's in the Market We Have It" It V HENRY FA It rtEt.I, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) t NEW route, April 15. Right na il.,, ,1.1 c . ...... hl. nil I Ha ,....,! tn tVini than ji 30,000 in promiHand pledge j . uv lllpjJ,flV for tnp lfl2fl r j j With the. tendency of baseball dope tn gi astray, picking a winner is al most ih perilous to one's judgment an 1 Riving a dry lecture in Kntfland. However, if the Cincinnati Reds boat goes down, it will take all the ex- f perts with It as I'at Moran's cha m piona are almost a unanimous choice t repeat, . . The Miracle Man of 1919 has intact 1 the team that Cheated the sensation of Inst season and. won the world's cham- 1 ptoiwhlp. They nosed out seven I cluhs last year and there is no reason j , why they should not leave them be- i hind .u'am for none of the seven have 1 been strengthened to a more dangerous degree. Like the Uraves of 1914, the Rda j may suffer from "Pallia enlargus." j as Johnny Kvers has pointed out. But J on the other hand, us another expert j reason?, the Iletls nvttl hardly fnrpet the pile that landed in their pockets i out of the aeries divvy last fall an 1 money haa-pecuHar powefi of induce- j ment. SANITATION Make a Home Run With A. G. Spaolding Bros, fiat A COMPLETE LINE OF BASEBALL GOODS. Don't forget and get your FISHING TACKLE ready for your next fishing trip. Just ask me where to go, if I know I will tell you. Sol Baum Exclusive Sporting Goods Store. Hotel Pendleton Bldg. Phone 646 BM lII-" A HARD LUCK FACE FREE SERVICE fikuun Klwuld Ilun Kcemul John McGraw still has that treach erous infield hanging as an 111 omen over the QiAnta. Toting blood In the persons of Oeorge Kelly and Frank FriHch have rej. laced the veterans, Hal 1'hano and Heinle Zimmerman, hut I-JliTy Doyl and Art Fle'oh.'r are still there around the keystone saek and if they were unable to stand the gaff last season It is not easy to reas on that they will I able t bear up under the strain this year. McOraw has one of the best pitching staffs in 1 lu- It-uglin and he should finish second- Pittsburgh and Brooklyn look to have between them the fight for third place. George Oibson will start his first season as a major league managei With a seasoned ball club or ability tliaX should respond to proper handl ing. Brooklyn has all the "makin s f a first division club and will be stronger this .vonr than last seast. j Manager Ttoblnson was exceptionally I fortunate in getting a real find In young Bernie Neis. from the (Canadian ieague, to fill in the place of Tommy Griffith in the outfield. George Mo- hart, a youne pitcher of ability, was ; also an acquisition of merit. OnM Hit Hard Mick ( f 1 g H0V TflEY Pacific Coast l-oag-ue standing.; W. L. Pet Portland 5 'akland 6 Vernon 5 San Francisco 4 Sacramento 3 Seattle 3 Salt Lake 2 Los Angeles 2 .833 I .760 I .556 j .S00 i .429 i .429 ! .333 .222 1 ? For Your farm with Western Electric Back of it THIS outfit furnishes electric power and light easy to put in simple to run gives dependable service. - No better outfit than this is made none has given better service. And electric service is what you want. You get it from this outfit See this, plant in operation. Whero They Play Next Week Los Angeles at Portland, San 1 Francisco at Seattle. Salt Lake versus I Oakland at San Francisco. Sacramento j versus Vernon at Los Angeles. CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St., Opposite Alta Theatre. Vacuum Cleaners Lighting Fixtures HOPPE RUNS OUT 250 DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental X-Ray by Appointment Gyai Arlicuiatea jtranturea. Before going out to Pasadena. Cal., the Cutis were counted a sure one-two- O three club. But misfortune overtook O 1 Fred Mitchell In California. Charley o e 5a Don't Go Up in the Air About your tires troubles when you can come to a service station that will SERVICE YOUR TIRES FREE. That's fair enough, isn't it? L. S. (Spence) BENTLEY CO. Inc. Alta St. Phone 755 Opposite P. 0. Gas, Oils, Greases, Accessories. X o a Hollocher had to have his hand ope rated on, Fred Merkle was hurt and then along came Charley Honwg with an Injury fhat threatens to impair his usefulness for the season. In ad dition the arm of (leorge Tyler failed ( to respond to winter treatment and he ' shows no promise of returning to his I old form. The Cardinals possess potential strength and they may live up to Branch Rickey's annual promise to "do something." The Phils have been built up by Manager Cravath and they will not start the season the j hopeless tallenders they were last ' year. The braves have done nothins to gain strength during the off sea son and they look destined for the un- I enviable position at the end of the column. Hard luck has made the face of Miller Huggins. Yank manager, hard. The first wrinkle came in (trying to get Babe Ruth and Frank Baker lined up. Then fol lowed more tough breaks during the. training camp days, so that the future looks anything but hopeful to the Yanks. -Wll- BK3 LEAGUE EYES CIA'S NilliOlUll l.t;inr Boston 6, Nw York I. Brooklyn !. Philadelphia 2. Pittsburgh 5, St. Liouis 4, (10 inn toft Cincinnati 7. Chicago 3. ni.-in iiii Lfjno Chicago D, Detroit 2, (1J innings.) Cleveland 5. St. ijouis o. Philadelphia 3. Now York 1. Washington-Boston, no game, wet. WALLA WAILA, April 15 Ham JT-oppe, champion balkline bill iard player of the world, guve o splendid exhibitions at the t'ommer- f cial Club rooms yesterday, appearing before a mixed audience in the after ; non and before the men of the ciub. in the evening". Preceding the exhibition g-ames, in which C. C. Peterson of St. Louis was, Hoppe's opponent, Mr. Peterson gave i a brief lecture on billiards, playing position, cueing the ball, and the var-! loua shots, and following the exhibition game Mr. Peter-son demonstrated boui wonderful trick and fancy shots. His. control of the ivory balls in the fancy; shooting was almost uncanny. In the exhibition game Hoppe ran ! out in four innings. His high run was 199 in the third inning, and in the! fourth inning he reached the 250 mark without missing, and apparently was good for many more. The score by innings follows. Peterson .... 8 '2 12 Hoppe 22 3 199 27 I Office 1 hone ISO. Home Phone 74 CECIL COSPEB public AcoormTAjrr DTCOK5 TAX ADVISm Smith-Crawford Flag. 04Mtt Pendleton Slotm Phone ltt PHONE 600 VERNON BEATS ANGELS IN ONLY GAME OF DAY ClerairMJ Bramn. Characters K at herine. a Xorth western Co-ed; Margaret, a minister's wife. Place History class. Property A Greek notebook belonging to i Ma rgai et's husband. Katherine (to Margaret Oh ! So you take your notes down in short hand. How lovely! Boston Transcript. t "n com pi et ed i n n i n g. The heavy rain in the evening kept down the attendance and only about 1 ilrt enthusiasts showed up, hut they took a deep interest in the exhibition. A number of Milton-Preewater en thusiasts attended. COLLEGES RASKB.VLL At Princeton, X. J. Princeton 6; j Villa Nova 4. At New Haven Yale 6; Fordham 4. j At West Point Army 4; Stevens, Institute 4 (called In 11th. darkness). At Annapolis Navy 12; St. Marys 0. Meat that you want. DOWNEY MARKET J Oakland The more you see of automobiles, the better you will like the Oakland 25 miles on gas 10,000 mile on tires O. E. Holdman Auto Co. O. E. HOLDMAN, Pre. PAIGE OAKLAND 832 Cottonwood Phone 337 9 i I 5 LOSANT.KI.K?!. rai.. April IS. , Vernon defeated LXM Anltelen, S to 2, in the peennd (tame of the series, ach lavlng the Victory by outplaying the Ansrels in every department. The Tim ix took the lead from the jump hen .1. Mitchell doubled to rinht and ; scored on Chadbourne'a triple to cen- : tor and Kdlncton singled to right, coring fhadhotirne. The Angel pitchers could not hold the Tigers. Other games postponed on account t rain. WHITMAN ELECTS RICH TO CAPTAIN HOOP FIVE WAULA W.Md.A. April 1 1, Sabin Rich, freshman, wat elected to captain the Whitman basket ba II tosscrs for r.ext year by the championship Qtttlttet who were awarded letters yesterday. Those who received letters for has- ! ketball were: "Sticks" Pement, eett I ter: "Pirlch" Oarver. forward; Pen : i Peterson, fftwird; Bill WHsn. guard: ; I flebtn Pich, forward. and Marvin Riiard. As a mieeleus for next year's ! tram. Carver and Ulch will be back 'as well ns Knndson and iurlan. who showed Hp well in the varwltv home; ' ffixmes. A strong second tam of I freshmen will also make a strong hidl for the varsity next year. KtV Better Tires not More Tires Moie and more motorists in this Country are learning that the rem edy for high tire ousts lies in better tires not more tires. Cut Your Tire Upkeep With a Diamond Dare Tire & Supply Company 224 East Court Phone 134 Morrow County Wheat Land We are obliged to announce that the prices on all our list ings in Morrow Co. will ad vance from $2.50 to $5.00 per acre May 1st. The quality of the land and crop conditions justify this. Rut why not make this extra money yourself? Kerley & Lundell 721 Main St. Phone 477 r