PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREQOK, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1 020. TWELVE PAGES HE STARTED ME5 The Boxers are Here i Smiley Fuigham, SclcUeT White, Frankie Fontatut, Jchnny Noye end Cuddy Sieve z ar wciking out between 1 and "5 e'esttek in tils Athlstsc grrr.a:ium. Gome and See Them Lt -1 you forget it, select your teat today for the BARGAINS! BARGAINS! I I s f.f.l sTIONs mM THi: rOI'l LUt BAHRAIN SHOP Wash Basins Clothes Brushes Good stiff Bristles 9c The Best Value Offered 1&1 29c 600 Brushes at this price Gray enamel, 50c value. Vegetable Ricers Extra OQr Extra Special Special A regular 50c value. Roller Skates Hidden OQ These Are Balls & The Very Bearings Best Skates I Beginners Skates Sell Here for $1.49 4300 YARDS PERCALE 27c PER YD. of 43 Pillow Tubing i HOUSEHOLD lUIIDV.UtE Wash Goods at Bargain Prices Quilt Coverings Ginghams A most suitable material Special lot of dress glng- for' quilt covering and various ham and apron gingham on other uses. sale. 24c yard 29cYard Utility Cloth Cretonnes Mc goods for shirts, 00 of the moat use aprons, rompers, dresses, etc. ful material for this season 37c Yard 39c Yard BARGAINS KITCHEN HARDWARE 5c Long Coil Springs 6c Carpet Tacks, needle point. Sc Small Biscuit Cutters. 5c Box Polished Tooth Picks. 19c Screen Spring Hinges 15c Mrs. Jordan's Sink Strainers. 4c One Dozen Clothes Pins. ISc Wool Shoe Shine Brush. 5c Silvered Spoons Sc Bees Wtx Per Cake. $e Kitchen Stove Brooms. Me Black Steel Drip Pans. 49c Clothes Lines on Reel Whisk Brooms 19c Asbestos Pads Me Kitchen Pincers lSe Ken's Half Soles, pair Me Soldered Dairy Pails 85c The Best Stove Polish Me Sad Iron Handles Me Quart Enamel Stew Pans lte Large Dinner Pails 89c Heavy Tin Cups lSe Sheet Steel Pry Pans Me Steel Knife Sharpeners Me Steel Wire Clothes Line 33c The Best Way to Make Money is to Save It. Beginning 1500 YARDS OF GEORGETTE CREPE 3N SALE Tomorrow, Friday, April 9th. THREE PRICES $1.95, $2.29 and $2.95 the Yard. This special sale of CSeorpette C'ri'pi's, just at this time when yon will want them. Is for the specific purpose of reducing our stock. Our Inventory showed that we had more Crepes than we need. Every yard was purchased on markets that were much lower than they are today. We could not replace this merchandise at the price the manufacturers want for it and sell it to you for anything like these sale prices. Every piece in stock is on sale. Not a yard reserved. Just think of it 83 Colors From Which to Choose LOT 1 comprises a few odd shades and small length of Georgette that have been selling at 3.00. Priced during the sale at The Yard $1.95 IOT 2 is a tremendous assortment of standard quality Georgette crepes, 40 inches wide in all the various shades of grays, broWTis, navys, Copenha gen, greens, tans, peach, apricot, yellow, light blue, flesh, pink, wistaria, red, also black and white. $3.00 Georgette Crepes in this sale at , The Yard $2.29 IX)T 3 contains the staple shades In our very heaviest high grade Georgette Crepe, an extra qual ity that gives tbje best of service. Colors are navy, black, brown, gray, white, Copen, reindeer, pink, yellow, etc. Every dne of them a $3.50 crepe. On sale at AM The Yard $2.95 GEORGETTE CREPES at these prices are the most economical fabrics in a high grade cloth that you can possibly buy for a dress, waist, blouse or as trimmings, lie sure to take advantage of this sale, beginning tomorrow. Telephone orders accepted. Men's Leather Leggings We now have a most attractive stock of I seat her Legging in pig skin and eow hide. They are just the thing for the automobilist or the man out doors. Prices Range From $7.00 to $12.50 We Announce the Arrival of New POLO COATINGS Gold tone effects, that la a gold color thread running through back grounds of blue and tan. A beautiful cloth for a spring coat, at the Yard $7.00 There are still many APRIL DELINEATORS waiting for subscribers to call. Have you your copy? ANOTHER IMPORTANT SALE Perrin's French Lambskin Gloves Two clasp overseam sewn, all the popular shades of mode, tan, brown, gray, also black and white in your size. The name of this glove Is Corona. Our price per pair is $3.75. On sale Friday and Saturday only at the Pair $2.98 T. P. W. Pure Food Shop In Our HdM Sanitary itaM-niriit. CLEAM.I.YESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Dt-parUmiits Call 22 BUY IOIR EGfiS NOW FOR PACKING April eggs are the best for putting down. Our eggs are strictly fresh, dozen 83c Water Glass, full measure quart bottle 35c T. P. W. White Laundry Roap, 15 bars Si AH) Rose Bath Toilet Soap, 1.' bars JOe Fresh Country Butter. 2 i n:-lds. $1.25 Bring us your eggs.. v fa) Kc and you may trade them out in ui.y rart of the store. CNMETONJi (.-WEST DEPARTMENT STORE t'asmjlUg WMfRl IT PAYS TO THADI EU.II.'lJW'.lJ.Taty READ OUR ADS. IT WILL PAY YOU. TAKE ADVANTAGE of our Special Sales. They'll Save You Money. Here he It! The first ptctutt Of Von Kapp. who started to revolutlot in Germany which re suited In ruin (or the Keds. the nstrachan so close to the Tartars head and heart. Shoca Short or Vamp Tassels long, heavy and gray bob from almost every form of head covering but seem most at home from the little close round Chinese hats of straw, silk faced in contrasting tint. Beads of gayly colored wood in shapes quaint and blzaare girdle crowns of tulle amidst a fluff of tulle for brim and Swaying strands of varicolored beads anchored to opposite sides of fan brimmed Cleopatraesque head dresses hang in festive festoons be neath the chin or chins of ladies ad dicted to the Oriental modes. Foot notes of the season become more and more short vamped and Frenchy as well as ornate of strap, buckle anil bow. Their prices are as high as their French heels and after you have purchased the necessary summer quota of one white pair, one patent kid pair, one brown suede pair and one of grey you will undoubtedly be as short of cash as they are of vamp. They are worth most any sao rtfic however, for so seductively al luring and high arched and small do they make the foot that the female who longs to be a vamp will find the short vamp a telling factor In her heart's desire. RIBBONS COME INTO GLORIFIED SUCCESS AS HAT ADORNMENT BY MARGARET ROHB (Written for the United Press.) Although It's chilly and the ground Has been quite white with snow. Hraniaai mt tha Ammmt in mt Ui seancmxtTTs aoaoiaa ano imsur sec ooanir n aatoa la Ihr abtta of on tha ih r'j fu,i day of DoGembar. ISIS. wad to Um Ittraiaora OMaaaBtfsnrr of lb. atal. of Orcfoa, fmiUDt to law: cmttat. Amount of asul inert said a tl .30S.MD.eo UfOQMS Tct vmwm roroitod dariac B.B37.9SO.KS ms taa taar IS. !- Tata la mail SS.Xtx.1 .S4 nrsST'KSMfEXTS Trt )om paM jMf Ska rear "aWsjdBH adjaauwot npaaa t2.t42.tea 4f OostnaaioB. ujd aauuwa past dartat Ik. aaar 2.2tt.tt1.t Ti i. Ucnmm and faaa Bald torsai to. roar ltS.SOS.2t Is Ml ml ait attar maaaluna dtt.dut Si 3 TalAl nnatM lt.DI.wl II assets t.'a. af real aatata oaoaS (avukat aaJvl Ili.lM l Taaaa af aura, aad booda anal laautat tataa) Loaaa oa ai laMfn and aoUat- aaal sat. d.lttct Caaa i-i baaa. aat on hand rnai la aoan. of coOarttoe T.r.?.-r.rrM'..I.. sn...Tst a It aCbtV 4VsU T,lM.s TT. T. .!. 4.itT.t. Tolal . MJtH.tsO.fM Tata! aaada .immtmt m Orssaa. LIABUJTIR Vtaai rialaaa f ir laaaaa I SMll kv IhAIm atiMkl anaa of STSrw-.t . II T4 A anaal af aeaaraod aaaaakaaa Waal ii.ll I" i rkau X J4T.77T SI Ik7faajafc. aad kiakiiasa :AJI AM aki SaMluaa ttVtM.M I .!. af ti .tee. mo M . u a r nasNiM o Tur tea a --" -sas- a t. . ,. da ,-s . II III r'i I.iu V -F a Xt UiKTT laT KiTitK 111 Its really joyous Springtime For the calendars say so; And the hat treeft and the shoe trees Arts in Woo a i, the windows show. N'ETW YORK, April 8. Time -was when we used to fondly believe the; 'hat of straw denoted Spring: and sum- j mer! Surely no one could make such 1 a sad mistake nowadays. To be sure ' a few straw hats do begin to appear atop chic heads when snow drifts start to melt beneath the urge of spring. By the time the first pussy j willows purr and robins twitter straw ' hats have been cast aside however, and confections of taffeta, tulle, rib- I bon or satin crown the coiffures of the spring and summer maids and j matrons. The hats of hair so frail and airy of weave, abloom with gorgeous flora, are the most appropriate and season- ably summery hats on view but the ; tnajority of the close little turbans of I satin, taffeta and ribbon suggest fall and Winter quite as much as Spring. Feather trimmings, straggly glycerin -ed ostrich, aigrettes and Paradise, adorn the Spring chapeaux Irrespec tive of the seasomu Flowers do or nament models but raffia, beads, tas sels and ribbons give them a close run 1 for popularity. Lfke lUndenau-trn Days Ribbons especially have come Into a glorified success as a hat adorn- i ment this season. Entire turbans and i brimmed hats are made of narrow rib- bon woven together like those paper! mats of kindergarten days. Wide ( brimmed horse hair hats have im- i vrense sashes of wide pastel tinted I ssttn ribbon tied around their crowns j and dripping soft wide ends and loops. almost to the waist line. Frayed rib bons offers a novel trimming that promises many smart effects. A close turban made of narrow bands of alter nating varicolored ribbons quaintly with narrow rose hued grosgrain rib bona sewed together in neat and vert! cal rows that fray out in a riot of silky i rent. rosy iiuir at io nrlm edge. Another quaint ribbon conceit U a tall narrow CHICAGO HAS GREATEST HOME LACK IN HISTORY CHICAGO, April 8. Chicago faces the greatest home famine in its his tory, according to Itobert Bartlett Jr., manager of a real estate concern here. "Practically every available space for sub-dividing has been sold," Bart letl said. "It isn't the land question that's worrying real estate dealers it's the building question. "There are more families In Chica go now than it has room for. Build ers are unable to erect hnuaes because of the high price and scarcity of ma terial. Material can't bo touched re gardless of the money the contractor is able to pay. VVhcre the material goes I cannot say definitely. The only plausible reason I can find for the shortage Is the large number of factories under construction. Dealers seem to give this class of trade pref erence to the home builder. If dras tic means are not adopted soon to cope with the altuation. Chicago will lost a great number of its populace be cause of the Inability to house them. "The situation is so pressing that many people are moving Into unfin ished buildings with possibly no roof, or unheated. There are many build ings in Chicago now under construc tion with little hope of immediate completion. "Because of the building shortage ...c. . i.iiiuin, ui mree 10 live are required to live in a single room where they are forced to pay unheard of frayed presents a surface not unlike turban of midnight blue satin shaped tne grooved hair edged back of the like a Cossak s cap which Is com armadillo. A small round hat of rose pletely covered with wee wiggly loops straw has a turned up brim all faced of tiny blue velvet ribbon to simulate COME TO JOIN TANK SWEETHEARTS rmrnm ffllakt Calda LAJtAWTaS BatOHf O QViKim Tablt. ' relieve me neaaarne sr cur I ns mc OoldL A tonic laxative and germ de stroyer, look ror tigasMre sc. w-1 (.;!, f" om bo. Wc ass& Jii&ly ""aaar Laaaaaffs ' Aaaav JbaLas B B'V SmjSKmWmmWam "' . j. . ' MQB,aSi-JEljflegfiJ H jaJaWjHH tyaaaaaa aaVaMaasaaM? -S jL a BVK f mm Cecils Parisot of Ai- r m,-:M. PWX t in twia. NEW YORK -Miss Angela VI egnet (Left) came til the way from Uege. Belgium, to America to Bavrrr her soldier sweetheart, Lyle Zooynen of Washington, for merty with the First Division Ma chine Gun Crew. And with her Cecile Parisot of At- fortrille. Franc (right), to cap kdar love adrentaret with Charles K oaen bat-gar . of Cleveland, for merly member of the A. E. F. The two brides-to-be have Just landed on Us 8. kt. Lapland. IkA r.f REALTY TRANSFERS ICKK11S. Florence M. Coffman to Marion Manning, J2300. Its 8. s, 10 and 11 Block 92, Res. Add. Pendleton. Marion U Van Bchoiack to Jas Cunha, $1400. XE 1-4 XW 1-t and W 1-2 XB 1-4 Bee. J9, NW 1-4 NW 1-4, Sec. 20 and NEJ 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec 1, Tp. 2. K R. 34. A. K. 'Smythe to Jos Cunha, 11400. SB 1-4- Sec. , and SW 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 16, Tp. 2, 8. R. Z. Dan P. Smythe to Jos. Ciinhn 14f0. SW 1-4 SW 1-4 Sec. 5. M 1-2 .NW 1-4. Sec. 8. NB 1-4 MB 1-4 Sec. NW 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 1, Tp. 2, S. It. 34. Lovi Bldrldge to Margaret A Hughes 1200. Mete and bound tract In Sec. It, Tp. 1, B. It. 32, E. W. M. Umatilla Karm Lauids Co. to John Nol son $10. Mete and bound tract in Sec. 33, Tp. B, N. R. 28. Umatilla Farm Lands Co. to P. L. Duncan, $10. Mete and bound tract in Sec. S3. Tp. 5, N. R. 28. Kllza Preston to Jos. Payant $3301). 3 lots S, , 11 and 12, Bee. 15, Tp N. R. 85. W. K. Putman to Tum-a-lum Lum ber Co.. $1. Mete nnd bound tract in Ireland's addition, Milton. I.. I.. Lieuallen to J. I Lleiiallen Jr.. $1. 1-2 Interest In H 1-2 NW 1-4, and lots 3 and 4, Sec. S, Tp. 1 N.. R. 14. Wm. J. McLam to John Hoffman. $:..'". portion of SW 1-4 SB 1-4 In See, 14: W 1-2 NB 1-4: 12 1-2 NB 1-4 NW 1-4: S 1-2 NW 1-4: W 1-2 fkB 1-4: 1-2 SW 1-4 and NW 1-4 8W 1-4, Sec 2, Tp. 4, N. R. 27. Horace J. Van Scholaek to Joseph Cunha. $840. 8E 1-4 NE 1-4 Sec. 1. SW l-i KV7. l- Sec, ?o, 8W -1 SW Big Boxing Smoker Saturday Night Tickets at The Cosy or Charles Company. Ringside, $5.50, grandstand $3.85 and $2.20. 1-4 Sec. 17, Tp. 2. 8. R. 34 Dan V. Smythe to jo. Cunha. $&, 880. Lands In Sees. 27, 28, 33, 34, TP. 1, 8 R. 84: and Sees. 33, 84, Tp. Jt, 8. R. 34 and Sees. 9 and 18, TP. 2. 8 R. 34. Ada Hinkle to John S. Bcull. $2000. E 1-2 XB 1-4. Sec. 20, Tp. 3 N. It. 28. R. H. Wilcox to Mrs. a B. Huldwln $3000. North 35 feet of Lot 8, block 6, original town of Pendleton Fay Sturtevant Lovell to Mark A. Sturtevant, $1. Mete and bound tracts in sees. 8 and 17, Tp, 1, s. R. JJ. Mark A. Sturtevant to W. B. and Twig Hinkle. $10. Mete and bound tracts in Sees 8 to 17, Tp. 1 8. R. 32. Hnrry Fulsom to Frankie F. Cox, $5000. i.i, t 6 and 8 24 feet of Lot 5. nioi k 10, original town of Pendleton, i Hilly McKay to H. W. Collins, $i,. 00. Se 1-4 NW 1-4, Sec. 12, Tp. 2. N. Est 33. e J. H. Ralsy to Florence M. Coffman !$l. Lot. 9, block 92, Itcs. Add. Pendleton. TURKISH SUIT AMD JAZZ DRESS SHOWN laaaam aBBSkaaaaf Bn txi jjHBH J Iflas rf Bkjfrar, ast) IvSsI :.; . ss qTLs Kvxji Jaaaaaaaaa aSSal Saaaaaaaaa -Saaaalf Today's shopping tour disclosed a novelty, the new Jaxt dr In net. in satin. In cloth for "jatx" refers to embroidery. . v Illustrated is a (lidding model of navy twill with an apron I effect of silk cord and wooden beads. Beside lt Is one of the most 1 Interesting of spring's tailored. 'suits. It's Turkish. The skirt con sists of two equsl widths of material, trlcotlne, with a space left tree at either side tor the feet. . I n1 w I V r The Life Giving Elements of Wheat and Barley are found in the ready-cooked food GrapeNuts The vital mineral salts so much needed forrepairhig daily wear and tear and for building sound body tissues , abound in this food of fine flavor. should have its Nuts Every daily i Grape vfcdr by Potturm Cereal Caattle Cr?A.Mkh.