East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 05, 1920, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Pepple Here and There
llulh Hamilton Rose, manager tor
lilt) enlshawn dancers, wan in Pen
dleton Saturday en route to Vancoii
vor after a tour with the dancers. 8Jiu
report that the dancers experienced
orae severe weather which provod
chilly for aesthetic ankles and that tho
Bills have gone back to Los Angeles.
Children who toll are the apodal
care of tho Child Welfaro Bureau of
the state of which Mrs. Millie B.
TfuSibell is secretary. Mib. Trum
bell Is a Pendleton visitor and is niak-
Rheumatic Pains
Quickly Eased By Panetratlm
Hamlin's Wlxrd Oil
A safe and harmless preparation
to relieve the pains of Rheumatism,
Sciatica, Lame Back and Lumbago is
Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates
quickly, drives out soreness, and lim
bers up stiff aching joints and muscles.
You will find almost daily uses for
it in cases of sudden mishaps or ac
cidents such as sprains, bruises, cuts,
burn.-i, bites ana stings, just as re
Ing an Inspection of tho working con-1 C. P, A. Lonergan, looul manager
dltlons in Pendleton which affect chll- for tho Warren Construction Co., left
drcn, and women as well. She is sec
retary of the Board of Inspectors of
Child Labor ;vico president of the Ka
lional Consumers' League and a mem
ber of tho advisory board of tho Na
tional Child Labor committee.
Rev, B. E. Gorriall loft Sunday aft
ornoon on No. 17 for Klamath Falls
where he will Join a squad which will
speak In the interests of the Inter
church World Movement. He h:td
planned to catch a train south from
Portland at 8 o'clock, but, owing to
the washout near Meacham, delaying
No. 17, was unable to make connec
tions at Portland.
Fred R Bynon. who has been In the
Mist for a number of weeks. Is ex
pected to return to ronuiolon witnin
10 days.
d after )
Ing there iu company with Mr. Bynon
and he haH been detained at Chicago
on business.
Saturday night on
a business trip to 5
ff. r. Peterson, Milton attorney, has
field "with the secretary of state the
announcement of his candidacy for
the office 'of district attorney, ropub
lien n ticket. Mr. Peterson is In Pen
dleton -today.
Two Carloads of sweet potatoes,
rubied' near Fort Btnith, Arkansas, will
sell In Seattle for $3 a bushel when
they, and their owner, a man named
Weir, arrive there. The shipment,
1:100 bushels In all, passed through
Pendleton Sunday afternoon. At thut
price, the sweet potatoes will bring on
the wholesale market slightly less
than ?6 a hundred, which makes them
cheaper than Yakima potatoes. In
Mrs. Bynon recently return- Arkansas the Irish potato sells for
.aaslnc several weeks tour- .5 per hundred. Mr. Weir said, U
which makes It look as though the
northwest Is somewhat slower in get
ting back to reasonable prices than
other sections of the country.
Farmers In North Dakota snmmer-
I fallow their land only once In every
Iflve years. Arthur Foster, formerly of
I .. ,1. ',.., ,.!'.. onvu
liable, too, tor eara-ne, laomacne, Mr . P(,g,er wa8 here Saturday night to week.
" 'in.. tell farmers of Umatilla county about
Get it from druggists for 30 cents. the Non-Partisan league In his state.
If not satisfied return the bottle and :Nor(h Dakota raises spring wheat nl
Ret your money back. m,mt cxcUBiv(,iy un,i Kci about 18
Ever constipated or have sick head- to 29 bushels to the acre which malecs
ache? Just try Wizard, Liver Whips, M,mmcrfallow every other year an un
jferaMeed '"' Pr"mab,e farming.
B. J. Burke, well-known wool dealer
left yesterday for Yakima where he
will look over the early season clip.
Mr. Burke spent a few daya hero last
There were 30 inches of snow on the
level at Meacham on Sunday, Will M.
Peterson said today. In tho woods
out of town it was four feet deep in
places and where it drifted was much
deeper. It rained yesterday afternoon
and evening, however, melting the
snow rapidly and swelling the creeks
In that region. At Gibbon only four
Inches of snow remained lost evening
and this Is going off rapidly. Mr.
Peterson and hi son made the trip to
Meacham on No. 20 and returned on
a freight in the late afternoon.
Since 1894
the Columbia Graphophone Company,
pioneer, leader and creator cf the talking
machine industry, and owner of the funda
mental patents, has been making the best
sound-reproducinginstruments in the world.
the Columbia Grafonola is
the sum of all that has been
done so far by science to
perfect sounds and har
monies. Come in and let us
play for you any Columbia
Grafonola you want to hear.
It Pays to Pay Cash at CONROY'S
Federal Milk, 8 cans
Pisco 60c, $1.15 and $2.30
Van Camp's Pork and Beans
No. 1 tins 2 for 25c, case 4 doz. $5.90
No. 2 tins. . 5 for $1.00, case 3 doz. $6.35
Van Camp's Soups, 8 cans $1,00
. . Case 4 doz $5.50
Sugarck . . 7816.00
Corn Meal, sack 60c
Rice .......... 1 lb. 17 V2c; 6 lbs. $1.00
Red Mexican Beans, 14 lbs $1 00
Marshmallow Syrup No. 5, 80c; No. 10, $1.50
Del Monte Catsup, pint bottle 25c
The Maccabees are carrying eut a
program of expansion and Nixon N.
Christy, district manager, is active In
aiding to expansion process. Mr.
Christy, who was in the city yesterday
has his headquarters In La Grande but
was formerly located in Portland.
Potato, pound 30c
Club House, pound 40c
Fruit Salad (in cans) each 50c
Premium Frankfurters, pound 30c
Premium Veal Loaf, pound 50
Premium Summer Sausage, pound 85c
Italian Salami, pound 90c
Smoked Chip Beef, pound 75c
Tillamook, pound 45c
Swiss, pound 75c
Pimento, pound .'. 70c
Marlins New York, pound 65c
Roqueford, pound $2.00
Neuychatel, each 10c
Lumburger, pound 55e
Edam, each $1.75
McLarens Imperial, jar 15c, 25c and 30c
Cammembert, each 45c
Grocery Department
Two Phones 526
The Kntjfhts Templar Kuatcr service
Pendleton hrouffht H. W. Irew to
IVndlcton yesterday from Kcho. Mr.
I Drew Is principal of the Kcho school
and was formerly principal of the
I Athena school and of ttie Helix school.
"Quality Counts"
Use Our Exchange Department
124-128 E. Webb Phone 548
Conim I: Hh ionorw (X to Echo
County JudKO O, H. Marsh and
Commissioner H. E Anderson drove
to Echo todav to meet with citizens
there who are dissatisfied with the de
cision of tho state highway commis
sion to build the Old Oregon Trail on
the ea-st side of the town. Only by
placing the highway route that way
cttn the state expect $113,500 from the
I government post road funds, the coin
I misaionera say.
What the Simplex aavea In
time and wages, la worth look
ins Into. An ironing- that re
quires half a day to do tay hand.
the Simplex does In an
The Simplex will
finish a table cloth
perfectly in three
minutes, bringing j
out the design as I
tho It were newly I
purchased. Kn ex
perienced hand
laundress requires
from 25 to 45 min
utes. Save yourself
and your clothes by
using one of these,
machines. Call 1037
and we will be
pleased to tell you
more about this
hour. I
108 Fast Alta St.
Opposite Alta Theatre
Misft CounJluiii to Return
i Mian Hlelen Counihan, instructor In
Home- Hygiene and care of the sick,
will return to Pendleton from Seattle
on Tuesday. She was called away by
the death of her father, the late James
Counihan. Miss Counihan will con
duct her classes in Hermiston on Wed
nesday, in Weston on Thursday, in
Athena on Friday, and in Pilot Hock
on Saturday. She will resume her
classes in Pendleton next Monday
April 12.
MOTOR TO WALLA. WALLA. (gram. Miss Laura Mclntyre of Athe-
Miss Sophia Fikan, Miss Elsie Mor- ' na. Miss Kthel XewqtiiHt of Pendleton,
ton. Miss Vera Bullock B. B. Orton, Mrs. A. Heishman, James Licuallen
J. V. Rew and Ed Catrett, formed a of Adams.
Empire Meat Market
"The Old Reliable"
Established 1890 Phone 18
After the dinner, eight motor loads
motor party which last evening
Walla Walla for its destination. An : of additional friends called for an in-
evening at the new Mercv theater was formal evening and the party ad-
1 journed to the ball room of the Wood
lard home to spend several informal
hours at cards or dancings
KMatc Is Admitted.
The. estate of the late Mrs. E. J.
Mathias, formerly of Milton, who died
in Canada is 1910. was admitted to
probate today. The estate consists of
300 acres of city property in Milton.
.T. M. Mathias. husband of Mrs. Ma
thins, Is the heir. O. E. Smith. George
A. Price and Bruce Shangle wer0 ap
pointed appraisers.
Sues to Collect $450.-1 1.
J. R. Haley today brought suit
against L V. Henderson to collect
$450.4 1, alleged due on a promissory
note given June 25, 1917. Tnterest
rom that date, less, J IS, is also asked.
I. J. Warner is attorney for Mr. Haley.
Decidedly unique and extremely de
lightful was a dinner Saturday eve
ning for which Mr. and Mrs. George
Woodard were hosts at their attractive
country home near Adams. The
Woodards recently returned from a
winter's visit to Hawaii and trophies
brought from the Islands served to
make the affair most charming. Ha
waiian scenes replaced the pictures Just because you start the day wor
on the walls and as the guests were ried and tired, with aching head, burn
summoned to the dining room they ing and bearing down pains in th
were greeted by little Miss Delpha i back worn out before the day begins
WOOOan as a wee ana uaimy nuia da not think you have to ntav in tht
Uric Acid Treatment
75e BollJc (32 doses) lit EE
Hula maid and each was presented
with a gay lei, tho yellow wreath worn
by tho islanders on festal occasions.
The Hawaiian national colors, yellow
and red marked appointments of the
table and In the center was an inter
esting cluster of coral, lava from the
volcano Kileauea, and artistic branch
er of coffee berries. Pictures brought
back by the hosts made pleasing fa
vors, hut perhaps the most delightful
ly unique feature of tho dinner was the
fact thut t he entire monuo consisted
Woman tllven Olvorce and Oil Id.
Clara Met arty was given a decree
if divorce from Amos McCarty last
atUl'dnV in circuit r-nncl Bha la
awarded the custody of their minor
Be strong and well, (let rid of the
pains, stiff joints, sore muscles, rheu
mntie suffering, aching hack or kid
ney trouble canted hy Acids.
Get more sleep. If your rest is bro
ken hn If a dozen times a night, you
will appreciate the comfort and
strength this treatment gives.
Rh4 omntlum, kidney and hlarider trou
ble, and nil other ailments due to ex-
COHHiv.- -,.-!,! n,,t.,r ..h l
of imported Hawaiian dishes. Covers I stubborn, yield to The Williams Treat
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Josephn ' tnent.
Scott, Dr. and Mrs. Fred lAeuallen
Dr. and Mrs. E. K Ingram, all of Pen
dleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bailey of
Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Wood
ard, Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Parks. Wal
la Walla, guests of Dr. and Mrs, In-
j Send this notice and 10 n uts to pay
part cost of postage, packing, etc., to
The Dr. D. A. Williams Co.. S 1149, p. O.
tlldir., East Hampton. Conn. Ynu will
receive a 7ic. bottle (,12 riost-n) free, by
parcel pnpt. Nn further ohiptin on
your part. Only one free bottle to any
family or address.
We wish to announce thaf we have opened a
Blacksmith and Horse Shoeing Shop in the Alta
feed barns on Clay St., between Alta and Webb
St. and are prepared to do all kinds of plow work,
spring work, wagon making and truck bed build
ing. Horse Shoeing a specialty. Give us a trial,
satisfaction guaranteed.
619 Clay St.
Between Alta and Webb
Are Your Teeth
Bothering You?
y... x
11 With the new starting and
I I liffhtinsr system. An ideal
cut for the ranch. We have
I four for quick delivery. See I I
i us now, ;
i i a-cr. -an, ci,. A..!., rv.
l lit AND E.
Miss Harriott Young returned today
from n QrHnd, where she spent the
week-end visitlnK relatives.
mrs. r,T3iss is msmn
Mrs. Bi 13. Oeliw nd little son. Jack
Chalmers GMttt, are here from Van
couver and are the nuests of Mrs. n.
T. lister. Mr. Oelss arrived here Fri
day and spent the week-end, returntna
yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. lielss re
tormer Pendleton residents.
Mrs. I.ynwood I.lvermoi'e left this
afterni"'n for Siiokane where she will
spent the next month as the fcuest of
Mls Mabel Powers.
mmhs AxnnTtsox rnN-VALRjarlNO
Friends of Miss Oeorl Aiulurson
"will be glad to loam that she la con-j
valeselng satisfactorily from a recant I
operation undorg-one nt St. Anthony'a
to her home In the Kast OMBonMn
Iniildlnir after an illness of is daya.
Mra. FTank Frailer Is In Pendleton
from irillaide Home as the mio-i M
Mrs. Cliatiea Hamilton.
WHEN your teeth arc bothering
you, the first step is to find out
what the trouble is. You must go to
a dentist, get him to examine your
mouth and give you advice.
A mistake in advice leads to all
sorts of trouble, so it is highly im
portant to get good jdvice in tho
Registered Dentists using the Tl. R.
Parker System examine and treat so
many patients that the advice they
give is founded upon much experi
ence, lne man who docs things over
and over many times becomes very skillful, and you can
depend upon what he says and does.
If your teeth are bothering you. go to any E. R. Parker
System ottice and have them examined without charge.
You will find prices moderate for any work you need.
Good advice, if followed, always leads to good results.
Registered" Dentists Using the
Dr. Robert V. Patton
Pr P. Q, Vinson rr. A. J. Howard
, . Tf5 Mam tfiresv m
209 E. Court Phone 445
Pay Cash for Groceries and
save from 10 per cent to 25 per
cent on your month's bill.
Try our plan for one month
and we will prove this saving to
you. There are lots of people
who are not overlooking this
saving. Why not you? There
is only one way for you to save
and that is the cash plan and
pay for your groceries and not
some one else that you are
forced to do on credit.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
209 East Court St.