V WMlllllllMMailWIHmiHIHMinNfHIlllMIIIIMllllllMlltlHIIIHHHIIIItllltllllfMllfllllllHIMIIMlllt tlllllllHlllllllltlllllllllHlllllllimillllllMIHinillllllllimHIIIIIIIHI"MIIM QTy 7 PAPQ A CC advertiser signed a puv i rrvo uu for spacewith a sigh. He was gambling and he knew it. HE SUSPECTED THAT OFTEN THE DICE WERE LOAD ed and that he would not get the circulation for which he was paying. TODAY HE BUYS ADVERTISING SPACE WITH THE - same certainty that he buys any other commodity. It is measured just as surely as the coal for his furnace is meas ured. of Circulations and the A. B.E IS THE AUDIT BUREAU THE MEASURING MACHINC report on a publication is his certificate from an impartial weighmaster. THE BEST PUBLICATIONS IN THE COUNTRY SUPPLY A. B. C. reports to their advertisers. THE EAST OREGONIAN IS ONE OF THAT HONORABLE company. . illlllilltlllllMltlllMlliliiMIMMUIIItSHilHllllHlllllilllllllllllltlllllimillllli IlltMtllKIMHmiltllHIIIIIltllllllM liltllltllil IIIMIIIIIIIHHIMII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH --' -g . . .. .....r. .