TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1920. : , . Ifaco, drot'a nn In an automobile and entered the building, demanding that Mr. Tabor put nut nana up. Think- in tt a rnerry Joke on the part of Home id' his friends, Mr. Tabor laughingly Malted to arise, when one of the ban dit fired a shot, the bullet Just miss ing Mr. Tabor's heart and passing through the body, lodging In a refrlli-eratoi-back of Mr. Tabor. VUtlm Is I lobbed. The two highwaymen then pro-) coeded to searen their victim, taking all of the money he had on his per-, son, his watch and other valuables. Mr Tabor was a man who always car- From Bullet Wound Inflicted I ri " "."JLS S land most any time could pull a thou by Hold Up Men. jsand dollars out of his pocket. Tabor na'j who nun m. v,iu 01 iu'in, hlch $1000 REWARD PUT UP FOR CAPTURE OF ISLAND CIFY THUGS Lee Tabor, Proprietor of Soft Drink Establishment, Dies FRANK! WEBB ANXIOUS I mecTTYTClSJ i Mmtm TO FIGHT BUD STEVENS AT SMOKER ON APRIL 10 SQUASH TENNIS CHAMPION WHOSE VICTORY GIVES YALE CLUB TITLE FOR FIRST TIME Boy Who Lost Decision to Local Man in Last Meeting Wants Chance in Semi-Windup on Legion's Big Card. m OJUOT March lounty holdup JUUjtH I'll) UI 1.1UUII I "Ulll . II. im U...H j nun win, ,..,. i. th hlhw.-ivinen ed five hundred dollars reward for the;"'' i.ijiiine VI in,- luuuma woo omwi Aftr the duy night. Immediately Chairman McKennon of the city com- ! mission of Iji Grande called that body together and the city posted a five hundred dollar reward. This makes a total of one thousnndf dollars offered for the apprehension of the guilty ones. Speculation Is rife as to who it was that committed the crime but If the rffioeru have any clu of value they have not been given out to the public. Victim Olce. Tabor, well known proprietor of the soft drink establishment at Island City, died Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the result of a wound Inflicted in hold-up Friday evening. The hold-up, aa near as can be learned, was singed nbolit 9 o'clock Friday night, when Mr. Tabor was alone In his place of business, playing a game of sohialic. Two men, dress ed In blue overalls and Jumpers, each v. Ith a blue hundkcrcchlcf covering his Trnnkie Webb, who is ono of Fred Anderson's sparring partners, wants to meet Bud Stevens In the senU-wlndup of the coming American Iyeglon smok er, nwv set for Saturday night. April 10, in Happy Canyon. Webb has chal lenged Stevens to a return match, the bandits left. Mr. Tabor afterward. wn "TV" "Hi V-"."T ne openeo miu " "' , .. h,.,l iwiiuc r:: "i... k.j to Mr Tab, ir s! winner to take the entire purse put up .u . .1.1. lima Tnt.or was fast los- ' for 'he liout. in, strength but was able to tell of the' I" prevloiw meeting. Stevens won hold.un and give a description of the; the decision over Webb but the latter n en, which he j-aid he did not know. Medical old was hurriedly called, but yw that he was not In the prime con Edition for a gruelling battle and he- doctors said there was little chance j lleves he can take noddy's measure if till for the r a wound. covcry of Tabor from such DEMPSEY MAY FACE CHARGE ON MANN ACT IOS AXOEL.E8, March 15. Charg es Involving the Mann act may be filed against Jack Dermises, heavy weight champion, according to federal I officials today. They said 31 letters Iwhieh Dempsey wrote to .is divorced wife are Incriminating and have been I presented to the grand Jury. Of Utmost Importance Pure, emulsified cod-liver oil SPOKANE AND TOWNS OF is not medicine as many are EMPIRE TO FORM LEAGUE prone to think cf medicine. SCOTT'S EMULSION SPKIiAEX, March K,. The Rpo ! kane City Ilaseball league passed out of existence recently with the forma tion of the Inland Umpire league and I the election of George Varnell as pres. iuent of the organization. The. new ' league was formed at a .meeting of is a form ot growth-nounsnment , wl), lnclude two Spokane teams land four teams from iniana f-roiiiro towns favorably located for circuit i games. Tbe series win open ,w i- and close Labor Day that is of utmost importance to many children. That Jjnost children relish and thrivm on Scoff's is a t raiMtn accepted the world over. Give Sott 'a to th cWdren sad watck tbea grow stroag! Scott A Son. Bloomaeld. If. J. Srrtai Iieosoiiablo Our position simply l that a -woman who Is ahle to pay IOOO for furs ought to contribute something to the support f the BOO, Dallas News. yi'.UJTY sKitvici: SANITATION VEGETABLES With the coming of Spring and coming into the market of Spring vegetables, it will pay you to watch our window. Everything on the mar ket, clean, fresh and crisp. Pendleton Trading Co. "If it's in the Market We Have It." given a chance. There are unite numlx'r of local fans who would not be amiss to seeing these two boys matched. It la possible that Fred Anderson will lie one of the men considered seriously fur the headline event. He Is now claiming the lightweight cham pionship of the coast and Is much in demand. The legion bora in making up their card are going to get the best two boys for a headllner that good I'endleton money can buy. With a division of the tasks already made In the committee of seven ap pointed by Post Commander H. J. Warner, plans for the boxing card are ccmlns along well. Dozens of local sportsmen have signified their willing ness to take one or more ringside seats at no matter what the price so long as a couple of hoys are matched for the hcndliner who will fight all the way of the 10 rounds. Care is going to be taken to get all the boxers, from the iiirtaln raiser to the finish, evenly matched. Willing boys who will fight and not merely spar, are to be lined up. VimiMi- ,f. C'ordier For the first time in tne history of the national amateur squash tennis tournament the title has failed to go to the Harvard Club: The champion ship has Just been won on the Columbia Coif courts in New York city by Au gusle J. Cordier. of the Vale Club. He defeated Anderson Dana, of the Har vard Club. In straight sets. The new champion's decisive victory was due to a happy blending of speed and strategy. ORGANIZED BASEBALL ADOPTS NEW RULINGS TO GO VERNJ 920 PLAY Frea Unliveries Barred, Catch ers Get Credit for Throwing Out Would-Be Stealers and Other Changes Made. CillCAOO. flareh 16. Here arc the ninendmert to tbe rules of organ-l lead baseball in tabloid form: Freak pitch Ing deliveries forbidden, except the t-ntbnii, which will be bar rel l.ext fa!!. Catchers forbidden to step from be-j hind the batsman to aid an intention-i al pass. Umpire to decide whether a game; is postponed. Olft stolen bases not to be recorded in otllcial box scores. Schedules must be completed even if Barnes have to he transferred. No sales of players in tne American league after July 1 and In the Nation al league after August 1, except on waivers. All home runs to be recorded as ! .such. With two out in the last half of tne ninth and the score tied, batsman to be credited with number of bases run- HABITS OF STEELHEAO WILL BE INVESTIGATED The fish and game commission expects to cooperate with the U. S. bureau of fisheries In determining the rapidity with which the ateelheads mi grate from the lower Rogue river to the upper reaches in Josephine and Jackson counties. State Game Warden Carl Shoemaker announced Saturday. Professor Willis H. Rich of the bureau headipiarters at 'Berkeley. Cal., will mark the fish by attaching a silver button to one of the fins. The fish will be turned loose and efforts will be made to check up on the time of the arrival of the fish around Grants Pass and above. This U Just a portion of the infor mation the fish and game commission will get together, said Shoemaker. It will also ascertain through anglers and commercial fishermen the time at which salmon and steelheads appear in the Rogue at different points of the water stages, jn order that efforts may be made to work nut a solution of the Rogue river controversy. -'pokane, Wash." Women of this y have formed a Consumers league combat the high cost of living. WF-STRRV KT.FXTI.IC FARM LKUITTXO PLANTS H WTFIt I'KKSSl IU! I'I MPINC; .SYSTFls CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St., Opposite Alta Theatre. Vacuum Cleaners Lighting Fixtures There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard But the old fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the piaster and without the blister. Musterole does it. It is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet does not blister the tenderest skin. Gently massage Musterole in with the finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re liefhow speedily the) pain disappears. Use Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges tion pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, cprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental X-Ray by .ppolutmant Gyt Articulated Dentures. Inland Empire Bank Bids i Offloe Phone ttO. Home Phone "94 CECIL COSPEB PUBLIC AOOOlXNTAirr EN COME TAX ADVISra mlth-Crawford P2df. Opoit Pandleton flaa Phona 101 PHONE 600 Itenson Enough Jack: Why do you all that at tornev "necessity?" Jock: Because he knows no law. California Wampus. ner .ilifanaai nn Vi i a hit 1.-11 llB4 kit a tVtn hfl t TV 1 1 i 1 . t hf1 btMrmn is trying to avoid it is dead. CmtChftr to be charspd wun an er ror if ie drops the third strike and the batsnjan reaches first. Players to bo credited with batting and fielding records made In games thrown 't on protests. Catchers to receive credit In box sm -'s for men who are thrown out when trying to steal. , First baseman to receive an error if he fall to touch the bag when pos sible after taking a throwp ball . LARGE FAT ROASTING HENS MILK FED VEAL PRIME RIB ROASTS v LEG LAMB FRESIf VEAL LOAF ; CALVES LIVER j NUFFCED Phone 187 LIBERTY MARKET 10LKKIMUIS ! Darkhnrse Newman, athletic roach I . i.-.ii.,- kl4l ucbeol. last week I III 1 lie 'u,.- ....... - resinned and will BO on ine inioi. i Newman formerly played football al O. A. C.. and took the position as ath letic coiii h and instructor In physical education in The Dalles' schools Inst The former captain of an Oreson CKie football team has several hun dred acres in Idaho which he left In tthalY of another wnn ne came wi The Dalles ;is coach, but the land de ... ,..ds his Immediate attention and is forced to go to it. He will remain there Until the middle of next week straightening- out his affairs. While he has no definite plans re jfatrdhil coaching again next fall, he that he will again take up the Work of tutoriiiB an eleven. His work here both as a physical director and a conch of both baseball ml liasketball stamped him as bring an equal or anv high school Instructor In the north west With but one letter man back the season he took BOM OI material which averaged around tin nounds ami in worked them into a Bowarntt though light combination. The locnl nigh school bovs srored 97 point In one unn.e. and the defeat chinue.i against them was from a team which out-weighed the locals al mi ;u pounds tj the man. Do You Want to Make Some Real Money? If you do investigate our listings in Morrow Co. Wheatlands. We also have all kinds of City Property. Kerley & Lundell 721 Main St. Phone 477 It's a safe bet that no shop holds better steaks than ours. DOWNEY MARKET for the NEW WALL PAPER JUST RECEIVED 2000 rolls of snappy designs and prices that will surprise. Just call J. W. JACKSON, the Taper and Paint Man he will show his paper and give prices in all kinds of work. . Phone 1034 1 Calvin Extra Fine in Metak Extra Fine in Mileage. Neil $t Barker Co MAXWELL DEALERS Riverside Phon 180