gantsni III DAILY EVENING EDITION Number of Copl.a printed of Saturday's Dally. 3,189 Ski dim l mamDaf a.n audited the Audit Bufeau of ClrcuUtlona. GAILY EVENING EDITION The Cut oreonln la Ba.t.m Ora ion'1 rat-at newspaper ' aelllnc force ! to th aartu oTer twice th ituarantaad paljl clraaj latlon In FVndleton and Umatilla tr at any other oewepapar. CITY OmOIAL PAPER OOTJKTY OFWOIAL PAPER I -'EastKQreAonian) VOL. 32 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1920. NO. 0484 GERMANY IS ON THRESHOLD OF CIVIL WAR ..... -.a IpRIISSlAW ARRFMRI Y WATCHFUL POLICY ADOPTED BV U. S. IN REVOLT CRISIS President and State Depart ment Quiet Pending Indica-1 tions of Course Chosen by Allies on Upheaval. COMMANDEfTcONFERS WITH FOCH AT RHINE General Allen With Approxi mately 15,000 Americans at Coblenz Will Enforce Order in District. GIANT HEAD CX-CZAR AMUSES YOUNGSTERS WAHIIINOTON. Muni, If,. I'iimI dent Wlleou unci the Male departmaol have adopted it policy of "watchful walling" pending Imllcutioii of the co urn: which will be taken by the al lles in the German upheaval, Inter cat here Ih centered on a naeeting "which wan held today between Poch. General WUhoii. chief of the UrltUb staff, and Oeneral Allen, commander of the Amerlcuii urmy of occupation In Ocrinany, ut Mayi nee, the French headquarters on the Ithlne. It was said that Allen lias full au thority to participate in the confer ence. He hiui no authority, however, to bind the I'nlted States force, 11 l.s pointed out, except Insofar as he is per mltted by conditions evlHtinK between the United States and Germany. Allen will use bis cnmmnnd, appro ximately ir,.(iio troops at fToblens, lo 1 enforce order In the German territory occupied by American farce, it bln understood that his order direct him , to preserve peace in t he occupied area. ! A. . II . - . . . ' . I ACM SUFFERING TRAILS ISSUANCE i Of STRIKE ORDER Trains Stop Running, Restaur-1 ants Are Closed, Hundreds of Stores Are Looted and Mis ery Seizes Poor. PRUSSIAN ASSEMBLY REPUDIATES KAPP; DOOM IS FORECAST NEW DICTATOR DECLARED READY TO QUIT HIS POST P Aft 10. Mar. 15. The foreign offtake today received a Herlln dis patch stating that the Prussian assembly has repudiated Kapp. bead of the revolulloninta and re fused to ohey his ord'T declaring the aasembly dissolved.- BY HKXIIV WOOD fl'iiltcd Press Staff Correspond ent.) PAULS. March J .1.- -Latest In formation which tho French for eign office received today Indi cates that the revolutionary move ment in ilermany is doomed to failure Majority socialists and democrats and even. Home re actionary elements have repudiat ed tin- revolution, advices state. RULE DISSENSION HURLING NATION INTO BLOODSHED Counter Revolution Meets Vary ! ing .Success in West and Scores Die in Disorders at Kiel and Frankfort. Effectiveness of Walkout, Call ed by Ebert. Suggests Chasm in Kapp Support and Immi nent Turn of Tide. P. H. S. TAKES COUNTY KAPP ORDERS RELEASE OF WILHELM'S COUSIN much the same the world over, as this exclusive phot ora direct from Moeoow sHaws. The head of Alexana r 111. I ni' m iuii :i:h t ill iiiibii uimiiK nil! iii'imii- 111 a museum I i Muscow. Kids are pretty Russian Imivh stand fascinated liy tho Riant lii an retime. The li.ilshrvists arc preparing lo re-erect It LODGE SUBSTITUTE RESERVATION IS ADOPTED BY SENATE; OTHER MEASURES MEET DEFEAT QUEEN MARY IS FOND OF KITCHEN NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Is In Hospital. Mi .. Georgia Am an operation at St. today. lei son umlfi went Ant lion v 'a lu spital WASH I Hi .T 2i March IK. The senate today adopted the Ixalge sub .stitiite reservation to Article ten, by a iwtiiutc reservation to Article 10 by a Walsh offered an ' amendment to the IvodKe substitute, stating the t'nited SLatca would regard with grave , concern uny aggrcssi-m Jy one Knro i pea n nation against a not her. It was rejected by .H to 41. FOR BASEBALL REVIVAL Parks Ova While l ino W W, Itlchway forfeited hail in po lice court today for having parked his ear over one nf the while liiteH mark- 1 1 : K I he safct lam I f in traiiHg rcsSWd i I'KItLIN. March l today Indicate that Uerrnany l divided l In allegiance to the new revolutionary government. Th" old Khert republi- m government In tho south German tfnJhDi according to advices, has not eepted the new revidutiin. There is 'fear in many quarters that ttermany is 'at the beginning of a grave civil war. K sscii dispatch said serious dis turbances occurred there today, Z0 persons tefng killed and over 80 wounded. Hundreds of stores were ; looted. Kapp loosing I.ehis. It is reiiorted lhat Dr. Kapp. dicta : tor of the revolutionary government, is ready to resign, and will charge a J coalition of parties to form a new rev a baseball tenm ren rewnutlve of Pendleton l urowlng runs and player alike are clamoring Two Traffic 'ionii i- INnel. for a meeting soon at 'Which definite plana for a season can bo outlined. The need, they say. la for a manager t. be found who can assemble a team, ar range a schedule und put through a ; u c -f-snf ii I season . When Fourth of July come the boys want the city to Ih among those to have a team in tho competition. A speedy semi-pro town team that will play not only the teams from Pilot I from K. J. Graham, waived eaaralna Roelv Echo. Weston and Itleth. but La. Hon in Justice court this morning and Grande, Walla Walla and other larger , was bound over to the grand Jury In Evereti Two Traffic iola t. -i - Pinel. l.-c Johnson eraa find jr. by Judge Fitz Ceiald toda for leaxing" the en gine of his car running while the car was unattended. . George Strand was fined $2 for parking his ear OB the left side of the street. Youth Hound Over. Clair Hughes, who is held in the county jail on a charge of larceny places as well, Ik wanted. . league of legion men, n local church league, or Industrial association is secondary to the plan. With all the old stars back from service and a large number .f new men In buslneaa here, there Is declar ed material for a representative Pendle ton nine that would be hard to beat.. Many service teams, semi-pro nines and college teams are represented in ! derly the material here and the main need at present, they nay, Is a dependable pitcher. ' nc hundred thlrt - three men a nd women acknowledged Christianity during the six weeks revival services held at the Christian church by Kvan geliKts Wllhlte and Gates. The great er number of the converts affiliated with the Christian church, while oth ers became members of other denom inations. Yesterday marked the close of tho viva I, and t he evangelists left for I J'.verett. arming ton, t o continue the work. The Sunday service in the everl I n g was mar k ed by a n i m praaatvg ceremony, when the new members of the church formed a circle which ex- (tended around the inside of the PoUoe .ct 975 In line. church auditorium, with the old mem- A second session of the city police l(ors forming the outer circle. Kvan court today netted tTT, In fines from J-eliat Wilhite gave his farewell ad flvr who were nrrested Saturday night Idreaa at tho service REVIVAL SERVICE WINS 133 TO CHRISTIANITY PARIS SOGiETY VVOMEN KNEW SAILING ORDERS IS CHARGE OF SIMS I J .IK).V. March 1 5. Queen .Mary knows as much about a kitchen as any suburban house- wife. - When the royal .family decided to spend an hour at the "Ideal Home Kxhlbitjon" which is tak- Ing place at Olyrnpia, that hour dragged on to two because the queen and Princess Alary could n t olutionary government, tear themselves away from the The general strike i now largely model kitchens., 'effective. Trains have stopped run- The nueeft-.wair shown every de- ning, the water supply is off in many vice for lightening the house- i districts and Restaurants are closed, wlfafl labor nml she and Princess Suffering Is beginning to bo acute. Mu-'y grew iuite eager In their particularly among the poorer classes, dla union of the scientific com- Strike Order Wins, monsenseness of it. In some quarters there is a dispo- a . Aft444 l-sition to believe that the revolution ; will be short lived. effectiveness of tho gene ralyUrike, called by Kbert. hc for hp left Herlln Saturday, is be j lieved by many to show that Kapp -jhas not the support of a majority of the people. Pendleton high school won the de- bate championship of I'matilla count Keports here Sfitr(Iav night by decisions over both the Kcho negative and the Milton af firmative teams on the question. Re solved: That the United States should take immediate steps toward the na tionalization of the coal deposlta and petroleum resources. The decision here was unanimVs for Pendleton and at Milton two to one for Pendleton. Echo, by losing here and winning French War Office Prepares to Double Number of Effective Troops Following Sequel to Restaurant Insult. m BY HENRY WOOD, (t'nited Press Staff 'orrespondent.) PARIS, March 15. Dispatches to day indicate that the revolutionary coup, seizing the Berlin government, now threatens to throw Germany Into a bloody civil war. A Zurich dispatch 'said that 50 prisoners were killed in 'disordes at Kiel and 20 killed and over j 00 wounded in fighting at Frankfort. Dr. Kapp has ordered the r lease over the Milton negative at Echo, took (of Prince Joachin, the former kaiser's second place. Both Stilton teams lost, Arthur Rudd and Norbone Berkeley representing the affirmative here, won la clear-cut decision over Jack Stan I field and Homer fppinger, of Echo I before a small-si-ped audience. Mary I Clarke and Lloyd Austin represented j Pendleton's negative at Milton. The Condon high school debaters will meet Pendleton either Friday or Saturday of this week in an elimina tien contest for the right to partici pate at Eugene for the state cham pionship. It is undecided whether the affirmative team will debate here or at Condon. LEGION PLACES TICKETS TO HALLOILL CONCERT cousin, a dispatch said. Joachim Is held for the incident of March 6 when two French army officers were attack ed in the restaurant of the Hotel Ad Ion because they refused to stand when the orchestra played a German patriotic song. French to I"repare. The French war office Is preparing to double its number of effective troops. LONDON', March 15. Soldiers and strikers clashed today in Berlin, ac cording to authoritative advice. One soldier was killed and a number of persons were wounded, the advices said. $30 bond. His alleged accomplice Peter Kushman. was brought here to ddy on No. 1 7 from, Pocatello, Idaho, by Deputy Sheriff Joe I a U ley. Admiral Declares Navy Depart ment Risked Peace Time Code Known to Enemy, and Troop Arrival Was Luck. BV CARL D- GROAT. t 'nited press Staff Correspondent. ) Reports regarding the whereabouts of Ebert and Noske are conflicting, j , There Is no confirmation of reports I that they have been arrested. It is 'stated In some quarters that Noske is j raising a force to act against the revolution. Seize 4 1wnm LONDON', March 15. Lloyd Ceorge announced in the house of common that German counter revolutionist are in possession of 45 towns, accord ing to latest advices. Lloyd George said latest advice showed that the military movement is spreading rapidly. Fighting has ec- ' . ... .. i cured in Breslau. Hamburg, KieU I Leipzig and Chemnitz. A military coup was executed In Munich, accord ing to the premier's announcement. . Fightinsr ft moody. on charges of being drunk and disor- Th NM who p 1 ea d ed guilty to the chart;- am) paid their S jf each were : Glen Rust, John Doe, Jesse Carson and Bob Devalt. John John son forfeited I "t bail on the Mint chcargc, by failure to apepar for trial. VISITS ROUND-UP CITY j At the morning service. 12 men who 1 dared he Was ,aro new members acted as elders and deacons for the communion service. At I noon a banquet was served in the I bagemcnt of 1 he church. Joseph N i Scott acted as tost master and talks were given by I he officers of . the uhurch and others. The salary of the pastor. Rev. Ft, I. Pussaharger, was increased $400 tfchlocl yeair'a.1 the business meet ing yesterday, -troop live France and Kugland have heard of Pendleton and Its Round-Up from Commander J. 11. Ulackburn. for the man who was executive officer of the vi-cat. The eotnintttM adjourned a Leviathan during- the war iM not back- month ago to meet March I " but no ward In remarking that the big show anu u neement wil ever made locall: Is the best In the world. He likes Itfsince that time. so well that this year he plans to bring j Mrs. Blackburn and their 12 year old I ChMlihig Meting Meld on to see it. Clothing nieeiings for Wheal Meeting Falls Through. A ci nimlttcc nieeling of the grower of ea-stct n I irccu), etensJ'e- ly advertised in the Portland papers, making total rtf $4L80 failed lo material!'.' t.'dsy, for some Joaeph N. Scott was elected reason unknown lo OOgl wheat imi'vieclor at the meeting. The treeting was, to have considered Tin Mini of SUM", collected from the advisability of adopting coopera- Liu. free will offering! during the re marketing plan for the sale fjvival, was presented to the evanmri- ists. It is the only remuneration they reei ie. WASHINGTON, March 13. Negli gence by the navy department in pro tecting troop transports early in the war was virtually charged by Admiral S:m resuming testimony ls?f're the senate naval Inquiry today. He de- ''horrif ied" at the lack of precautions he discovered concern ing troop movements and asserted that t he first tra ruiport reached France safely largely through "good luoKV He declared inadefpiate arrange ments were, made for distroyer escort through the danger zone. Sims -harge-d that society women at 1 1 her lags in Paris, knew of f lines before nava 1 officials Tickets were placed on sale today by the American Legion for the con cert to be given In Happy Canyon next Thursday night Hallow ell Concert Co., of Chicago. Several legion men have the tickets and will canvass the town thoroughly before tickets are placed on sale fn Music lovers of the city are evi- FRANKFORT, March K,.-The dencing considerable Interest in the counter revolution is meeting with appearance of this troupe, according rj..ys , . , " ZL TlES lo C. C. Vtnier, who is in charge of according to unofficial reports today, publicity for the legion committee. I TJe. old government has been defeat- Bach of the 10 members is an artist In hh line and they have been well re- LOXTMDN, March 15. General Von Reived throughout the state. Luettwitx. minister of defense of the! Frank McCuIlough, well-known le- new government, today declared the -glon man in liaker, wrote L Strike at Krupps. NDON, March 15. A Berlin di pan h today Bays a general strike has j been called in the great Krupp steel works at Kssen. Flan lra.stle Supprcsslcui. the corn- general strike will be suppressed, the n.Mtee lure a rhigh recommendation revolutionists using machine guns ifiof the concert company, necessary, a Rerlin dispatch asserted.! La Grande and Knterprise reports also snealt highly of their concert. EBERT REFUSES TO year, find General Pershhig did He declar loir di-'e' the haw department used an out-I worn, peace time rode even after he j warned them the Germans knew the j Cheeks which a friend gave him to kev. Failure of the Germans to sink i cash are said by Tex Burnet! to be re many -transports was largely due to ! sponsible for his being in the county a desire hot' to unduly embitter the jail today, charged with obtaining T iiitetl States. Sims thought. Ho as- 'money under false pretenses. Sheriff scried thai the sailing of the first des t'wrs whs' published In papers In CASHING FRIEND'S CHECK four AMERICANS DIE IS BLAMED FOR ARREST IN BARRACKS BLAZE ed in several cities, following bloody ; fighting. It is stated. Forces loyal to Ebert are said to j have been compelled to retire from Schwerln, at Weimar, the new gov ernment is also said to have been (victorious. The counter revolution ary flag is flying over the barracks at j Mulheim. The volunteer corps Is sup ; porting the Kapp regime. Following a general strike at Han ; over, work men and students engaged iin sanguinary battle. The students ! occupied railway buildings. Commander Mark burn, who was a Pendleton visitor yesterday says that when In ICnglsnd he had no trouble gaining an attentive audience when he deseribed Til Taylor. "To make tho picture vivid,'" said the Commander. "I remarked lhat the sheriff smiled but twice a year and that when he did a flock of admirers followed him. And one of . my llsternrrs replied, 'what a chii h he must be.' " When the Commander visited the Round -I rp he wns presented by It. Alexander with a flaming "Let 'er Ttuck" handkerchief. It Is worn now by the -Commander whrn oOCtflon Warrentn and Is nn unfailing sign of a real party, w hich. It seems, happens was Pendleton opened today at the library wlpl MlM Jessie Bites of o. a. y., and Miss Klia May Harmon, home dsmonstrutlon agent. In charge. The lessons today were on the commercial pattern. Ijite In the week other subjects will be ta ken UP. Anvom who tvtihu (n'urii.n . ----- --f "-('. tiou regarding the school is asked lovith i lie Berlin revolution leb'phone Miss Harmon, phone 162. declared In' an Interview Berlin, four days before the actually reached Q u eeast oWri. ENTER NEGOTIATES MARTIN WILLIAMS IS IA IN DN, i r n 1 1 1 c n i The classes are .pen t o Hie. public. Fined for l-u ng Vouth irlc, A well known Vltlsen, giving Hi name of John Doe, was fined $ ami t In costs today iu jusi iee court for a) March I .V The F.bei t has refuyed to negotiate i- Egbert i red en j s. Egbert WASHINGTON, March IS. ritnfi- Ham Alarttn Williams, solicitor in th (today according to dlSpatOBca I I nlinlkJ iWtth III l'aflllS fllll L thr outcome of th- present niartment of agriculture, has been .situation. Ho said; "The new Berlin government has already offered to ne- jpran in the navy, The tommander h:is rrosaed the ocesn 40 time. 54 of the trips being mad" during the v ar alsiard h MTlathan. He l now inspo tor of re orbiting stations and lhat w - th.- pur P sn of bin visit here yesterdax He as h guest at the home f Mr. and Mr. David Nelson while In the city. r,nd left last night for Rpokane. ds but We hstVe refuserl take the ground that la' th.. new irovernmenl in Berlin 1- es nor Officer I-y- renroaent any party group It Is merely reckless driving. I.. ri onrtisHns who have seised power .1 u slice aoe ii. i -a rues also gave the man a lecture and Issued a Warning that idhers offending In a like munner ' may be given more than the minimum ' fine. KOftlala with u (owing n youth under (be age of Ifi atsul'Meh . W to drive a motor vchii le. Th irreated by Ttmffl chs rged with j temp' rai il ." ohojieh .i Lnue, the day. in mis: white ioner of internal n house announced Taylor und District Attorney Ken-tor i t his afternoon Interviewed Bumell ships further, to establish his guilt or In nocence. j The alleged friend gave Burnell a immlMT of checks which he cashed jwiih no protest. One of the checks. I however, Is said to haVo been refused ' k the I'jniks and the payee called for Bumcll's arrest. He protests his inno- : jvviiui: vi o ui iui GILBERT M'KAY. 75, IS CALLED BY DEATH Soviet Kopuhlkj Sot Vpk F A RIB, March 15. Marshal F-. h ltday recommended that allied troops joccupy the Ruhr industrial district w vsiUNOTON. March is.-Kour ;" """"S to unofficial rc- A,nori,,,n sol.lic s won- kllU-.l In a ! I'rt rvachlnB hero. -iZ., ,,v,..l th- ..nmMkH of. 13 reported a republic of soviet. T'nitcil States troops at Maii li tbe war department was ad vise. I by Qeneral Oram today. Vladivostok."" "ern Prociaimeu av ."enweriniurt. Hof and v .,r tl, Hn.l .MIM .re A!- . Ml IKC Ht M'ltlM ll. evaml. r ljil.eau. Oakland. Calif.: Mer- ' ''-OtlX. March 15 A Munich rll Martin. Tulsa. Okla.; Julius Mor- P-'teh .today says workers there , w s, inL.ri, 1,1 N'. J.. and James I" ''"" " general sirme. Brantley of ritzs-erald. Ga. dia-havo I Wil- "VILLA TREATED ME FINE," SAYS WILLIAMS,- i lid Itulcrs AnrrMcd. bONl)n, March IS. The new rman Cabinet haj ordered the ar Bl et former Minister of Financo Krjibergcr. nays a dis(atch today. An l-.bert and I tiancelior liaU- ill he arrested for high treason. to- PROCLAIMED SET UP l UKHIJN, March 15. A dispatch today announce that restoration of the monarchy ha hen prorlnimed In Ihi-Vuria. : Ifontli is Hon! nr Party, I James Robert Ferguson, the son nf I Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Ferguson, was host on Saturday evening for a (he later party. After attending the mov 'ing picture show the guests enjoyed ef rcshtnents ir, u nn no me. REBEL LEADER BURNS BRIDGES, HALTS TRAINS , . NEW JERSEY PERMITTED TD ATTACK PROHIBITION d yes- sc ereJ paraly- IIINirroN. March IS. The su-! -ouli today grantnd the appll-J New Jersey to institute h suit tribunal attacking oonstttu- i tonal prohibition. ' (lllhet McKay, aged 7 j lerday ;ifter an Illness I Weeks. His death whs du I sis. j Besides lira. McKay, he is survived t by two n u Khters. Mrs. Myrtle Tnompaon, of this city and Mrs. ! I'bilena lnv, of 1'orlland and a son. f Clyde McKay, of Pendleton. Mi McKay ssj born In W leconsan ui 1S4.V IBo has made his home in this being released by idty for the past year ;uid a half , F!iienl services will tie held tomor- row from the BTOWn chapel at :t p m under the auspices of the Christian St ience church. KI. PASO, March lo. Joseph Wil li in is. American mining engineer, ar rived here t"day following his release ty Villa who took Williams prisoner !at the holdup oi a Mexican train on 1 March 4. "Villa treated me fine." amid Williams. "He said nothing abi.ut a ransom and his men actually j loaned me money with which to play pokf r." "Villa appeared fat and well dress ed." said Williams. "I had no more thrilling adventure than coming with in 4" lcet of a mountain lion while making m wa . unai nieil. through the mountains toward Torrcn after Vnin.M Will SupMri Kapp. UOXDOX. March 18. A dispatch today says that conservatives, nation alists and liberals are agreed to sup port Dictator Kapp provided expert ministers are appointed, and election writs issued within a month. W fa to I't iicks rrl-. Frcntzel A W'ailes are today un loading three four ton White trucks. The trucks nre the firit White trucks io arrive lure in the past eight months. ively decorated with M. 1 atrick s col- letween .Ilmlnez and Toireon ac ors. green cum ,H aim i'ui- i-iun ecroig io repons i oua . n--. .s. Much R. Fighting be- WM isii in Baas, ,i iranies Jit the Fer- Iwmii VllIM ., . ritrnintlHtns has Mrs M. IV iVlinelt. her mother The table was nttrar- t taised a siispension of train service Mrs W. H. Lyons of Seattle, and her. xMlatioii Pamr Tonight. aunt, Mr, waiter rt. rin.r oi ..ew Th(, AaSotnob41e Association of Pen York and Mrs. Heuiiett's llttel daugh- ,neton Min hold its annual danoe to- carrying out the Plea, wun candies along the border near here claim tnc iei .n.ntM w.nim n)Kht itt Happy anyon. ssasjcaai nnd afeamrocks for favors. ;uests rebel leader ha launched a new mill- day. Mrs. liennett ami Mrs. Fltor oommittees are in charge and eer were Audene Hodgson. Violet Hodg-Uary campaign. Small railway jWtll leave tonight for the east while effort has been ma . Mnn.'.t HiMlttn. Jack Isaminger.! bridges around BachUnna have been Mr- lvni and granddaughter will go dance a decided C lean Pattoa and Marvin King ' m i u 1 b Villtstas. tW f WeajBej r utile !on will he decorated for have t he The pavih Ihe occasion From the report of Major Lee Moor house, weather observer. Maximum. r0. inimiim. SI. k Barometer, 29.13, T J' III THE WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and Tuesday rain; warmer to- uight. I