SIXTEEN PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGON IAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1020 "DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT" Mark Twain said that "the weather" is talked alout more than any other subject; yet nobody seems to do anything about it. "Service" is something like that; everybody talks about it. but very few' do anything about it. We're doing something: we're giving you the best merchandise on the market and we're backing it with a "reinforced concrete" guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Double-Breasteds They're the thing; young men like tin new ''designs; some with hells ami some without belts. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX have made them along entirely new lines; button spacing very high; coats a little longer; more flare to the skirts; waist lines a trifle higher. Business Men--a fit is guaranteed . - . . . if There's no use going to a tailor if you think you're hard to fit. We're ready to fit you perfectly in a Hart Sehaffner & Marx suit. We'll cut your clothes bill down at least one-third; maybe, one-half; and you'll have all the fine quality, rich all-wool fabrics and style that the most expensive custom tailor would give you. We'll prove it. $35.00 to $85.00 ' t ' w 1 Cbpynght uMl.nartScbaffncr&Mar NEW MANHATTAN SHIRTS $3.50 to $10.00 NEW STETSON AND KNOX HATS $5.00 to $17.50 NEW T. P. W. SPECIAL SHOES $10.00 to $15.00 NEW LEW $2 vvis underwear! 2.00 to $6.50 NEW SMART NECKWEAR 50c to $ 1.50 The Best Values Are Here. PENDLETON? GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE .JnePeoples Mjarehouses, 'li'li,g-it.Hifl.WHf;p"E"Tr PAYS TO TWAOF :H:Wtl;WJ!!jW The Rest Styles Are Here. fiOmrc fgSSSS5Z Tr 1 a mm . Annonncesnents for this depart ment most be mhmttted to tike Jmm Oregonian not later than Friday evening in order to be a pored of publication on Saturday. Baptist Rev. W. H- Cox. Paatar. Residence (ri Bush, Phone 117. Sunday montinf Sunday school, F. M. Riley swpt.. 9:30. Preaching service, 11:00 Speaking. DrAusUn, D. O., sub ject. Inter-church Movement." apectal music and solo. Sunday night B. T. P. U.( Miss Ninta Clark, president, 6:30. Preaching service, 7:30. 9pecfaal music and songs. . These meetings are for you, get your neighbor and enjoy them. A hearty welcome awaits yon. Methodist Robert Edward Gomail, Pastor. The-CJiriat life Interpreted and ap plied to modern life is the work of the church. No church, in this sense, can claim achievement In any complete rer Cold., Crip, or Iaflaeaaa aad as a Preventative, take LAXATiviS BPOMO QUININE Tablets. Iok for E. W. GROVE'S signature on tfce box. fashion. The church must know con ditions of men, individually and socio logically, if her would know Christ's work for today. A better church would make a betteajworld. These statements are suggestive of the content of the pastor's theme, "The Needed Spiritual Impact." Hear if 1 1 : a. m. Sunday School at 10 a- m. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. We meet at the Presbyterian church In the joint revival at 7:30. Everyone who sings please join the choir. Make this first evening meeting effective by your presence. preach in the morning on, "St. Paul's Ideal of Manhood'' and in the evening on "America and the Alien." We would like very much to have you worship with us. A cordial welcome will be yours in this church-home. Junior and Senior C E. will meet at house education committee by Harold iLlttledale, a reporter, who made an In I vestlKULioi fur the New York Hvenintf Post. IuUieran Lutheran services will be held to morrow at 2 o'clock in the Christian Church. Rev. A. Blasberg will preach. 6 p. m. At 7 o'clock, the final church snrvice hegin. space will be re served In the main auditorium for all the new conv. rts, but every member is urged to hi o hand at the beginning Of the aerlc I order to expedite the work of the i r in seating the ex I peeled throng; IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllMIIIiltlltlllinitUIMftllllHlllflllilllf llllfltlflltllltlllllttflllM Sa lat ion Army Sunday services will include knee drill at ; a. m.. Sunday school at 1:30 p m., song service at 3, and Salvation Rally at 8. Everyone is cordially in vited. Captain Jennie Conrad and Lieutenant Lela Forrest in charge. im r Ji of the Redeemer Rev. Alfred Lockwood, Rector. S a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 Sunday school. 1 1 Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7;30 Evening Prayer and Sermon. Two very helpful and constructive i services have been arranged for you for this Lord' Day. Tbe messages are virile and timely. The Rector will Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist, holds services at 813 1-2 Main street. (First stairway north of the Inland Fmpire Bank.) Sunday services are at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. The sub ject of the lesson-sermon for Sunday, March 14, "Substance." Sunday school starts at 10 a. m. A Wednesday evening meeting which includes testimonials of healing, is held at 8 o'clock. The Reading Room which Is maintained at the same ad dress is open to the public daily ex cept Sundays and holidays, from 1:30 to 5 p. tt.j where the Bible and au thorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. , The Reading Room is also open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock, except Wednesdays and Sundays, for reading only. FAILURE CHAR I0NAL TO WASH1NV;tOV, Mar. 13. Charges that the federal board for vocational education ihh made a disastrous fail ure of the rehabilitation of wounded servicemen were filed today with the FRANCE WILL PROTEST STATEMENT OF WILSON PARIS, aiarch J3. The French government will probably ask further explanation of the charges which l President Wilson made In a letter to Senator Hitchcock that the militaristic party in France was in the ascend ancy. It is reported here, however, ! the newsfwiper IIntransitreant said to-; day, that any protest France may Imako will be unofficial. I White Truck I (!. I. S. Church) Mormon Meeting and Sunday school to be held in the Moose hall on Main street. Sunday school at 10:30 and meeting at 11:30. Elders in charge O. L. Gale and G. L. Frlckson, We also have our Conference Pres ident J. O. Smith from Yakima, He is corning down here to give us a won derful talk on some of tho facts of our church and some of the things that we believe in. All are invited to attend this meeting. If anyone desire any Information Inquire of us, we will tell you anything that you desire. We room at 30J K. Court street Phone 268-R. All the driving force of a White motor, which get full power from every atom of fuel, is ap plied to the wheels near the rim; higher lever age is secured. Whites have a very positive drive. Frentzel-Wailes Motor Co Pendleton, Ore. Phone 46 THE WHITE CO- Cleveland, Ohio. Aaumu.tlie Siw. II-It-IS Ad nitron IT (Sunday Service) First ChrlHtian Church, It. Tj. no-' I '-ui i r Minister. Residence 615 ! Blaine street Phone 799-M. rrurinff the revival. Sunday has heen an eventful day. Next Lord's day is (expected t be t he climax of the won-t derf ul fampalsn for Christ and the .church. Every member, new and old, I will be on hand to contribute to the' success of tho cloning day. The day' will begin with the Dlble school at 9:4". a. m., Sunt. DeHart, who wan ab sent last fWnday at his mother's bed side, will be at hut post. He fully ex pect at least two hundred In the j classes. Communion at 11 a. m. will: be a memorable service. The ern ctating elders and dearons will all lie men who have united with the church during the present revival. The theme of Evangelist Wllhlte's morning dis course will be "Fruits of Faithful ness." A basket dinner will be served hy the Indies Aid In the spacious dining hall of the church to which all the new members and their friends are special ly invited guests. Toasts will be re sponded to at the close of the dinner. Mr. Joe Scott will preside as toast-master. I irMNUjiiiwmnMiiinfiriutuiHyumrmitH'-m A CHILD 9 la as height an its viwion in keen. No expane or car should be s spared In correctina a child's vision. For ItH entire future and success in life "depends on this one factor, 55 s "cioop VISION.' I Bring 'iiur Child to Dr. Simmons. J I will ajni no rains in bring- in it eyes to ultimate perfection, H Dr. A. M. SIMMONS Eye Sight Specialist i Ijculnml liuiiijiiul 2 Over Talluum Drug More Pimm- 1M-J iilllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SINGERS WANTED TONIGHT AT THE THE LITTLE WHITE CHURCH BY THE COURT HOUSE Saturday Evening at 7. J. W. McCALLlM WILL ORGANIZE A UNITED CHOIR. mmem HiiMitiiai'iuviiiiini NEW WALL PAPER JUST RECEIVED 2000 rolls of snappy designs and prices that will surprise. Just call J. W. JACKSON, the Paper and Paint Man he will show his paper and give prices in all kinds of work. Phone 1034 616 Calvin Do You Want to Make Some Real Money? If you do investigate our listings in Morrow Co. Whcatlands. We also have all kinds of City Property. Kerley & Lundell 721 Main St. Phone 477