VAGI SIGHT DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 0, 1020. 'If 1': TP Al TP 0 13 .A. IT AL.TA T. CiMAIJi BIT MM . Mffiftrrnrat sr i "THU SPARK MV1M . ' Yltsjrnph pri-vlden a mall bill an eoptimn lly meritorious supporting cum f-r Alice oyos in her newest pic ture. "The Sj.. . r ' Divine," whii li will b Khfwn at the Alta theatre tda The pluveri, all popular Vitafrrnphcrs, are William Oftriton, Jr.. BnS&U Jen Mn. Frank Nor cross nml Alary Oarr. A 1 ieia Ilamwy wrot the M i vy especially fT Miss Joyce, who has a role -f fine apix-al in Marc la Van Ars dauc, who marries, althonirh she does lint lev, to spare her father from threatened, poverty. The action deals with the unusual method employed by the unhappy husland and father to .i w.iki n t he divine spark of mother (love 4.n his wife. To thin end he kid naps his own child, nor la the baby returned until the mother is utterly crushed by a rrlef which hitherto she hail not indicated she was capable of Tom Terris directed the picture at VUi)?r:iph's Brooklyn Mudlo. Ai;t lK TODAY Tl;? first local showing of "Lasoa." a re vnt Universal production directed ; by Norman 1 awn and played by a notable cast, featuring Frank Mayo 'ar.d Kdith Roberts. Is announced for the Arcade theatre today. How to Keep Baby mrnJA - Smiling and Well See that the daily functions are regular and normal YOU can't expect the Utile oik? to be happv and plav ful when the head feeb dull and the stomach bloated. The normal habit of children is to be happy and wlun you notice them cross end fretful yen will usually find constipation is responsible. Perhaps they have missed that daily function so necessary to comfort and health. Look at the tongue and see if ttSe breath is bad. Watch for belching. These are the tell-tale symptoms of con stipation. Tonight pve a litti of Lr. Caldwell's Snip Pepsin, which you can buy at any drug store, and it wiD act in the morn ing and the troublesome symp toms promptly disappear. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. Vnlike the harsher physics it acts gently and without griping so that while grownups can use it freely it can also be given to a tiny baby with perfect safety. Thousand of American families would not think of being withdut a bottle in the house for tha, emergency arises almost daily when it is needed. In spite of the fact that Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each year, many who need its benefits have not yet used it. If you haie not, send your tiame and address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 511 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois "IdXSKix" is based on the famous P'Vin by Prank LVsprez, adapted for the screen by Percy Heath, and pro duced by Universal on a lavish scale. The filming of '"Lus,ca'' required more than ordinary attention to detail for there is scarcely an American who has not read the poem, recited It, or committed It to memory, and has not hereby pictured Indelibly In his mind the spirit of the cattle-ranger who liv ed "In Texas, down by the Itio IS rand," who worshiped the young ranchman at Whoae side she delighted to ride w ho a mixture of lovely saint and petulant imp, finally sacrificed her younjr kin to save that of the man she hived. Tho scetves of "Ixlncu" are laid (hi both sides of the Rio ! ramie. It shows the life of the Mexicans as well as that Of the Texan and gives a picturesque viv of tho wealthy front iersma n's existence during the most colorful per iod in the history of the Ime Star State. Around the story suggested by the poem the author has woven a plot of tho most engrossing interest of love, jealousy and adventure culminating in the great stampede of the herd. Frank Mayo plays the part of More land, t he wealthy young American ranchman; 1-Tdith Roberts was chosen as the ideal player for tho role of I-ascu. other parts are enacted by Veola llarty, Arthur Jasmine and Uoyd Whttlock. In KMtlta beauty ''Itasca" is said to excell most photo productions recently shown. to pat ff to-day's doty until to- It morrow. It' your stomacn la add-diaturbsd take Ki'NOiOS the new aid to digestion eemforl Ma. A pleasant relief from the discomfort ef acid-dyspepsia. MADB BY SCOTT & EOWNB MAKERS OF SCOITS EMULSION inriiit l IIILMIKN 10c ADULTS .J5c famous (N&rVetlVfc attached td the Sec ret Service, he 1 hot on the truil of a gang of thieves that Ihe government is trying to Wipe out. The action In t hi--' epis.-de finds it necessary for him to remove all means of com nmnirution between the several gangs of the thieves at different points Speeding Sjong the road between two nests of the band it a and unwilling to lose any time, Moreno removes the dimmer of telephone and telegraph oommunicaticn between the thieves by I cutting the wires with pistol shots as : ho rides along. The third episode Wll he shown nt the I'astime Theatre today. ALICE JOYCE PASTIME TODAY FIUI STAR PltOVES HIS AHEMTY AS A .MARKSMAN Canadian Premier, Back From Europe, Who Has Gone South for Health ARCADE Thurs., Fri., and Sat. CHILDREN 10c . ADULTS 35c Taken From the Deck of the Service in the army produced a lot of expert rifle shots .anions? the yming men of this country. That was their business. Hut the business of being a motion picture star always has as one of Its needed qualifications tho ability to be a sharpshooter. Antonio Moreno star of the new Vitagraph serial, "Tho Invisible Hand," a rip snorting, shivery mystery detective story of the screen, has the needed Qualifications' of being a crack shot, together with a score of other talents, athletic and otherwise, that are needed in the production of serials such as Vitagraph put out. Playing the role of John Sharpe, Blood Tamed to Water! They Gave Her Up Oakland, Calif.: "A relative was poison ed, her blood turned to water; the doctors gave her up, saia she could never be cured. She finally took Dr. Piene'a Golden Medical Discovery which cured her. We consider it a mira cle. 'I have had sis. operations which left me in a ner vous state, with loss of sleep and aDEHitite. I com menced using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellets. My general health commenced to improve after the first bottle. 1 took six bottles and was cured gained 80 pounds. I wish to give Dr. Pierce the very highest Indorsement for his remedir-s. "-MRS. MAE TBUDOW, 4024 Sutter St. Blood Thin Kidneys Weak Marysville, Calif.: I needed a Ionic; lliy blood was thin, I was run-flown, my hack ached, my , kidneys were weak go bod that T could not even drink milk. I remember ed that mother had always depended oh Dr. Pierce'aGol den Medical Dt covf-ry, so I decid ed to take it. In r. ehort time I was greatly benefited. I continued ftaJdos it and was a well woman." NIKS. J. S BARKEIt, 219&th St. There is but one way to have Rood health, and that is to put and keep your stomach in good order. This is easy to do if you take Dr. Picrc.Vs Golden Medical Discovery. It is a wondciful tonic and blood purifier, and is so safe to take, for it is made of root -nnd herbs end is without alcohol. All druggisti. Liquid or tableta. ; . . ' - - jgjWMHpay IN- THE SPARK DEVINE Caii a wsmun bo without love and affection and re tain his love? Carter Dehsven Comedy "HOODQED" MARCUS fX)EW VAUDEVHJ.E ( Y A 1 1 1 ( UR X)MEDY MA l ,E QUARTETO A Real Bi Time Act. This photograph of Sir Robert Bor den, premier of Canada, was taken on hia recent arrival In Kew York from Europe. His health has not been of the bet and Intend of hurrying back to Canada he has gone to a southern resort. Hefore leaving for the south he conferred with several of his cab inet members in X;v Yurk on matters of pressing importance. 0. S Beautiful Princess Who Will Become the Bride Of the Duke of Sparta uiiiimmiimmiimiiiiHiiimimiiiiiHiiMiHiiinmiimiiiiimmi miimmiiimiiminHiiiimiiiiMiminimuniiiiimmiiMmmmi ! Arcade Today CHILDREIN 10c ADULTS 25c FRAttK tWO m "WitK, EDITH ROBERTS iPo L'ASCA o4 DramaicTale Tor Lovers .0 Gen Submarine u-35 HEAVY MEAT EAflRS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Eat less meat if ycyi feel Back achy or have Bladder trouble. This picture was made for German eyes only and if we had lost you never would have seen it. But our boys seized the negative when they occupied Coblenz and it is to be used as evidence at the trial of the kaiser. Authentic records photographer from the deck of the kaiser "Pet" submarine U-35, during the trip when she sunk 100 allied and neutral ships and took only 6 l'KlSUrNkKS. 3 reels of horrible facts. To Make a Big Show Bigger Henry Lehrman Presents A TWf LIGHT BABY 4 Keels 01 Keai coineay 'complications. No man or woman who oatH meat I regularly can mako a mistake hy flushing the kidney occasionally, saya a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which SXdtSB the kid neys, they become overworked from tho strain, gt Fluggtah and fail to fil ter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we ret nick. Nearly all rheumatfsm, headache, liver trouble, nervousness, dizincfts, sisSSjIsSSlMSS and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment JTOtt feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment. Irregular of passago or at tended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Baits from any pharmacy; take a taWespoonful in a glnsn of water be fore breakfast and Jn a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous sain is made frum the acid of grapes and lemon Juice combined with lithla. and has lein us-d for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also I to neutralize the acids in urine so it no j ! K A. 1 b m TO STORY ever scrrninl t"U mrtre beaotifal turrrativa than '"I.SCA," the arattiaita Snanish eirl w'ici eav.- hem lit.- that hor lover might live. For sheer nobtUt of ehararter. tor courage and fearlnMtiies-, i.VSt.A wul thrul j on, will make 'i gulp will make yon love her, f.r henelf alone. In thh nlav vt:i -will mm li.'iiuUttinc FRANK MAYO am! beautiful V.'litli Kohens. A Btory within a ft7v. tplendidly laid. SES I T. I HAROLD LLOYD IN "I IE VP BIG CHIEF" ' " nmiimiimiiiiimiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllIllllMlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllMllilllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIII.MIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllilillllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll TO HANDLE BIG SHOOT wat, la Walla, Mafch 9, ThejJ Walla WulIa.Kod and CJun Qlub hSS I apointed the foltowinf cotnmlttoe t" s iirrango for the Pacific coat handicap S trap tournament hero June 1 to 1G. 'S Trnnsportatlon T. o. Webster, Z. B Himmick; nnd W. U. Love. - Housing Charles M Ivenn, I.uis I II. I torn ine and W. H. Ixve. rr Ammunition W. if. Meyers, W. It. LS Love and (. D. Lenfcsty. fl TroKram -t'harleH .MeK'nn, C. V. 9 Dement and JatneS While. " PASTIME loday re n 5c Adults 20c This photojrraph nf the beautiful PrtllURsS KVizt both of RoumanlS was mate -whenAher engagement was nn noun ed recently to the Dukf of Spar ta, former Crown Prince of Grofece. Whiff- rabbit pkins rose from 5 cent to 80 cents in the St. Lmls fur market. Hors-H are bringing tS,000 marks in parts of Germany. The Beauty xf The Lily can be yours. Its wonderfully pure. soft, pearly white ap- pcaranre, free from nil T blemishes, win be com- mra'ila tt ti norfer f beauty of your skin and complexion If you will uj Tteslcnlng after 2S years' preiddenry of Cornell 1 'nl vers! ty, Ja ob Gould otmrmafl mym he MwfSj In "roa onably frequent changes in the office of chief executive." STOP CATARRH! OPEN f I NOSTRILS AND HEAD f Says Cream Applied In Nostrils ! Kelieves Ilcad-Colds at Once. t i MAT pTJBblsn COURT ACCTDW CJIKAflO. Mnrch . InstructlMl lonr cau Irritation, thii. ending the j,lry ,n a ,., ulti ju()lfn Torr(. I.ladrtr-r wrakmm. ,on- tn ,i,e Falc rourtt lniav ri( Jad .wjiIIh U Inexpensive and cannot that a nowHpapcr lias a rlcht to pub. Injure; makea a dnllBhtful effervesi. nt nh what transpires In judicial pro-llthia-waler drink which everyone rudlnc. cv.n thonirh lh- cl.lence il nhonld lake now and then to keep the not true, and the publication may In kidnrya clean and active and Ihe blooi i Jure the citizen because it Is In thu pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney interest of the public that coura hould be epaa, If your nostrils are clogged 0Iid your 5 Ecad Is stuffed nnd you can't brenthe'iT freely lecause of a cdd or calnrrh. )5 Juat get a umall bottle of Kly'n Cream S H.ilm at'nuy drug storo. Apply a little of this fragrant, nntlsepdc cream Into S your nostrils and let it pahetrata 5 through every air passage of y,ir head, soothing nnd henling the In flam. 5 ed, swollen miicnu, membrane and you 9 L'et Instant relief. 5 Ah! how good It feels. Titur n- s- H til are open, your head Is clear, nd 5 n ore hawking, snuffllux, blnwinx:- no mora hotidache, drynesH or struggling S l.reotli. Kly'i Team Halm Is Just E what sufferers from head colds and ANTONIO MORENO In THE INVISIBLE HAND Episode No. 3 WINGED DEATH Actual Bombing of a Submarine. Baby Marie Osborne in GETAWAY KATE. Universal Comedy THE BULL THROWER Icutarrb. need, it's a delight, ; llilllilimilllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHillll