DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 0, 1020. 5LVB PAtifiS )o-po-q-o-o-c miimuniuniimirininriigjiM paoe rovra DR. C. H. DAY os((.tii, Miy.ah'liiii ami Kurweoii AN IXnEITKPKXT NEWSPAPER ImMjpOw.1 Pally and Siml-Wsrkli'. at SUBSCltllTION l: VTI'.S Prntllrton. OrrKnn. by the (IN AIIVANCK) BMT oUKCnVlAN PI RI.ISHlVcJ OO. nally. one year, by mail F.Mi-M at the postoff ! at IVndlr- Daily, six months, by mail ton. Oroarori, aa srcond-clasa mail Pally, throe months by mall matter. Paily, one in .nth by mall IN SALE IN OTHER CITIKS. Pally, one year by carrier i,i ii , i - e...i , , , , .i P.-iily. six months by carrier Imprrla.1 Hotel Nea Stand. Portland nail. (hre(, nlontn,' By crrirr ONE Fll.F, AT Paily. on month, by carrier Chirac Bureau, J0H Security Build- rVml-Weekly. one year, by mall In-. vVaahlnirton. teenth' Street. P. a, N V. Bureau r.01 Fonr- ..imi-iifrM), mi-Weekly. Ix months, by mail four months, by mall A YI N'TKll l'TtOSI'VXT i By Frank 1.. Stanton.) Tlic winter ways are wear?'. The winter ways are Ions: But well-rt-dav for dreams of May There's sunshine still, and sons. II. The tree stand bleak and barren tirim sentinels of woe; But far away red deeps of May Bevund the hills of snow. , III. Out of the night so lonely. Where thick the shadows thronsr. tlod weaves us dreams of sunshine And gixes us souls for sons! Oopyrlsnted by East Otvsonfan Pub. Co. A World-Wide Good Name UP TO THE PORTLAND PRESS mmr HE Oregonian tries to defend its opposition to the normal 4t school measure in 1918 by saying that the school at Monmouth was then not crowded and that it was right in urging that the bill be defeated. But the war was virtually at an end when the election was held in 1918. In fact the armistice was already under consider ation and was signed a week later. Furthermore the normal measure submitted by the legislature specifically provided that if the bill carried no construction work should be undertaken un til after the war or until in the judgment of the officials it was advisable to act. The East Oregonian's charge still stands that the first step towards correcting public school conditions in Oregon is to edu cate the Portland press. The Portland newspapers have been all but indifferent to normal education 'in this state and normal education goes to the very heart of the public school problem. The Oregonian has been no more derelict than the other papers. In fact the Oregonian supported the Pendleton measure in 1916 and an explanation for the Oregonian attitude of 1918 might be found in the fact the editor, Mr. Piper, was then in Europe. But be that as it may, the Oregonian's course in 1918 was wrong and the facts prove it. We have a serious teacher shortage and the shortage is by no means wholly due to insufficient wages. Another reason is that we have an inadequate source of supply. The little school at Monmouth is not serving the needs of the state and never will be able to do so. The facilities are poor and attendance must be limited by the fact there are so few grade pupils in Monmouth that practice teaching can be provided only for a small number of normal students. Some day Oregon must awaken on this subject and the soon er the better. It would help immensely if the Portland press would take a live interest in the subject and put their hearts into the cause, which they have not done in the past. If Port land papers want to attempt further education of the East Ore gonian thev will find this small daily ready to study hard upon the subject but totally unable to see how we are going to secure a fuH supply of normal trained teachers without providing nor mal training facilities. IT WONT HURT TO BE PREPARED This business has not grown just because the automobile business has grown. It has grown because there has grown up in America, and all over the world, a demand for the kind of a motor car Dodge Brothers build. aUax, .., It has grown because the users of these cars have given Dodge Brothers a good name as careful, conscientious manufacturers. The result is that wherever these two words Dodge Brothers are seen, they stand as a symbol of exceptional motor car value, tl Even when they appear, all alone, on a window, or a wall, or a bul letin board, they instantly mean something special and significant to the passer-by. They call up a picture of a par ticular kind of a motor car. , Or, to be exact, a particular kind of motor car workmanship, which people have come to associate with the name Dodge Brothers. . The two words Dodge Brothers are an advertisement in them selves, not merely in America, but the wide world over. t "ffLW The first thought that follows, wherever they are seen, is the thought of a car that is reliable, i The name has come to suggest integrity integrity in the car, and integrity in the manufacturing and business methods of the men who build it. mm0m0lk Such a good name is, of course, almost priceless in vclue. Dodge Brothers are keenly alive to that fact. w.. t&.eej They realize that the permanence of their business rests upon the continuance of that good name, They realize that such a name is a perpetual promise to the people, which must be perpetually fulfilled by a finer and finer product, njl As long as the name is attached to their motor car, Dodge Brother may be depended upon to Safeguard and protect it. -aN0rf! 'As long as they build motor cars they will be the best motor cam Dodge Brothers can build. ItOohiM H iinil lord 'IVleilione 7IH. TftW- -'! Siulth-HldK. Be 740-U 11 1 It M A N CliAlSSKNHS Special Agent Idaho State life Insurance Co. An Old l.ino Companr that does all Its business In the wwt. 210 Beauregard St. ,P. O. Box 38 Phone 227-W. H. S. McKENZIE, M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office: 10-11-12 Belts Building Pendleton. Ore. Dr. Thomas C. Omai t DKNTI8T. Hr: t a. m to 12; l to S p. m. Phone 607 718 Main Street. Over tin Hub I 'em! !( im. Oregon Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous TMseaae aad nttfcajPM of Women. X-Ruy Elec tro Therapeutics. retapTB Hdg. Room 12 Itiorra 1 ELLIS-SCHILLER CO. Cor. Court and Cottonwood. Phone 550 RIEND OF LADYAST0R 3 0LLOWING the civil war there was a period in many re spects like the present. Prices were high, labor became scarce and there was extravagance on the part of many. The final result was a depression that was a whizzer. Some believe history will repeat itself but this will not neces sarily be the case. The banking system is totally different from what it was then and the banking system is the key to it alL The federal reserve system is able to apply remedial measures and is doing so. It is working towards deflation. It advises against undue credits and urges thrift. The soundness of such counsel cannot be questioned. What the future has in store no man can say. One view is that there will be a bump but that it may not be severe and will be followed by a period of extended prosperity. The real ans wer is probably contingent on the degree of common sense that people manifest. But it is time to think of a rainy day and the overcoat and umbrella vou will need if it strikes. It takes all sorts of weather to make the world go round and those who look I for nothing but sunshine make a mistake. a j "Wine is necessary for the soul," walls Maeterlinck, "tho Master," os he im kes his progress across America to the movie cities of the coast. Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices ! East Oregonian Printing Department. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure Catarrhal Dearnesa. and that Is by a constitutional remedy BatSb CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces ot the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the tnucoul lining of the Eustachian Tube. I When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and whttl It IS entirely closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be re- i auced and this tube restored to Its nor- i mal condition, bearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are cause by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed "o'rWDTofiWfor any 1 sr i-v sssxr v&ZbZh I MEDICINE. L " . CHECKING WAR AT ITS SOURCE HE president's position ori the Adriatic issue is that the territorial questions involved should be settled on a basis of justice to ttie people in the territory not with a mere view to placating the rival neighbors who want to grab some thing for their own aggrandisement. It is a new way of hand ling affairs in Europe but it is the right way. You may say it is none of our business, but it is. The old way breeds warfare and warfare involves us as we have learned at the price of many billions and 100,000 soldier graves. If we are to assure peace we must get to the heart of the trouble and stop it at the source. That is exactly what Wilson is doing on the Adriatic. More power to him. AGAES GILME?S I NEW YORK Miss Agnes Chal I iers, member of the Grand Rap I Is, Mich., board ot education and : close friend of Lady Astor, has turned to the United States ( ter a visit to Lady Astor's home 1 . Cle radon. Eng. She lit the au- :or of "The King's Cupbearer." 3. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. DR. W. H. REYNOLDS Chiropractic Nerve Specialist. Rooms 1 and 2 Inland Kmplre Bank Bldg. Telephone 1018 Hrs. 10-12 a- m. 1:10-5 p. m. Salem may become the Butte of Oregon, says the Daily Statesman. Why knock? STOP SICK HEADACHE OR NEURALGIA PAIN I Get Intunt Relief With a JO Cent I'urkajpn of Ir. JamoV Jfeailaelie IHmtlers Sttp Suffering: 9 If You ve Any Doubts as to whether coffee Is a friend to vour nerves, drinx two or three cupfuls at bedtime and think about it charing the wakeful night. -feiH also think of POSTUM 300 FEET BELOW DAM S Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing headache yield in Just a few moments to Dr. James' Headache l'owdern which cost only 10 centa a package at any drug store. It's the quickest, surest headache relief In the wholo world. Don't suffer! Relieve e agony and distress now! You can. IlloiiB of men and women have nnd that headache or neuralgia mis- :g ery is needless. let what you miiiiiMiimiiiiiMiiiitiitiiiiinriiiiiiiiuiiii i TO WHOM IT MAY INTKRIOST I Thin Is to certify that I have sr. suffered from lung and liver all- ments for years withoot getting iny results by taking other rem- s edles and doctoring. Finally I Bj waB recommended to try Chinese a doctor K. J. York's roots and 1 nerbs treatment for a month. Sj Now I find myself a sound and es! healthy person again, for I am J writing this- few lines In praising 1 :hls Chinese doctor. MRS. M. J. POOLE, B 4 30 8th St., So.. Portland, Ore. S K. J. York, the well-known Chinese doctor, cures any acute J5 tnd chronic diseases if people rr who are sick, can call to see him. 5 K. 3. YORK CHIM0SE MKI. S" CO. No. 12 N. 7tb Bt. Walla Walla, Wash. Do You Want to Make Some Real Money? If you do investigate our listings in Morrow Co. Wheatlands. We also have all kinds of City Properly. Kirley & Lundell 721 Main St. Phone 477 HAYNES America' Ftrat Cmr VELVETY power is an apt descrip tion of the response of the Haynes motor a confident, unwor ried center of strength. Character in a car is your standard of judgment. Known character is an asset to any car and a great satisfaction to. its owner. The new Haynes combines the four essential factors of character beauty, strength, power and comfort. Let us make an appoint' mem to acquaint you With the new Haynes. Umatilla Auto Co. 809 Garden Street Phone 417 Automotive Htmw. 11-12-1:1 Admission IVcc When Your Neighbor Calls Are J w v . mm 1 -r SB M r" You rroud of Your WaHsif m fr I Tmtf iiitiiittiiiifiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiriiiiiii iiten Fishinff of any kind or in any man ner in the Umafilla riwr from 'the Hrmintftn Iarn fr a distance ot300) ftwM. down the river, will he ottoed 1 March Zt, accord. ru to the edict of the 1 State F"wh and Game Commission. It will remain cloned until again orpened : by the oommbwion. The commlsidon nays the action in , nereoaary in order to protect the trout and other flh inhabiting the t'matil- la. The order by the com m bunion feayn that any peraon found fiahinir in the cloned part from and after March .11 will be prosecuted. Lat yar the com m Ian ion found it ImMIV to cloae fishlrur, in Mearham i i.v la order to protect Um trout. HaYOUR Hons. on Oat s&IBdw Don't you want to make a favorable impression on your friends who drop m fo'r an evening's chat? Don't you want your neighbors to appreciate your excellent taste in the mat ter of home furnishing? , Better brighten up the home with some of this season's handsome wall paper now on display at L. J. McATEE 'The Practical Paint Man" 513 Main Phone 158 8