II DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Number of Copies printed or Saturday's Dally Edition The Bait Oregonlan la Baatera Ore gon's greatest aewapapar ul " t 7.11 Ins force give, to the afvaMkska over twice the guaranteed pld Blraw- Ttala paper la a member a.ia audited by the Audit Bureau af Circulation. latlon In Pendleton and Umatilla ty of any other aewapapar. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 9479 VOL. 32 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1920. i .w. m mm-v ( n r 1x11 nuns COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ARMIES BATTLE WITH TURKS I , TO AID STARVING Clash in Disputed City Ensues When Extensive Military Demonstration by 20,000 Allies Meets Resistance. MARTIAL LAW DECLARED; CASUALTY WORD LACKING British and Italian Reinforce ments Are Dispatched and Will Swell Garrisons to More Than 50,000 Troops. LONDON, March 8. Allied and Turkish troop clashed today In Con stantinople, official messaire declar ed, Martini law has been declared. Twenty thousand British, French nnd Italian troops made an "extensive mili tary demonstration," the dispatches stated. The Turks resisted and the fighting followed. No details of the casualties have been given. i wmm v TWAIN POINTS mm, plan LAID BY PREMIERS VILLA OUTLAWS DYNAMITE TRAIN; SEIZE AMERICAN ADRIATIC SETTLEMENT MUST BE MUTUAL SAYS Approval Withheld From "Any , Plans Which Assign to Jugo- Handling Raw Materials and Mexican Bandit Leader, With! Slavia Compensation for Ter ritory She is Denied." ill Limit Paper Money, Com bine European Nations for FINDS SLEEP GERM i Aid Armament Reduction. Force of 150, Kills 20 Sol-! diers of Guard, Two Train men and Several Passengers. SURVIVORS REACH JUAREZ , DESCRIBING REBEL ATTACK &IDDOCK Mia Kathryn Barton Paddock, who won fame during the war as the "champion egg frier of the Third Divi sion," is ahout to leave for Near East , ,. , c, i as a relief worker in Armenia. She Is Reinforor-mrnl Sent. , . . , British and Ital- I " " ,,, , ' ..,.. Ian reinforcements now en route to , Constantinople, will swell the allied . garrison In Turkey to 50,000 troops, JVIC"IC JViOTCC The Matin mid today. Ilesldes these, j j W U IvKJ I HiJ 6000 French soldiers are on duty In I the Balkans. PARIS, March 8.- OF PENDLETON Hartzell Dorrce Signed. A decree of divorce was signed to day in the case of I. C. Hartzell vs. Josie K. Hartzell. Turks Have 43,000 WASHINGTON, March 8. Forty three thousand Turkish troops are un der arms In the area In which L'0,000 French, British and Italian soldiers ere reported to have clashed with the Sultan's men. according to Information hero. This Is the strength of the , Turkish regular army, which Is said. Perry Files for Surveyor, to be concentrated In Constantinople. ' Aubrey K. Perry, at present county and Anatolia. surveyor, filed with the county clerk No official word of the reported ! today his petition for the republic-lit ontbreak In Constantinople has been ; nomination for that office In the corn received here yet but military men j Ing prlmurles. have bees expecting-n fight. 1 The Turkish nationalist forces ore ,Tax- TPass slfMUIno Mark, mainlv in the village of Aldln, where; Taxes collected ut the sheriffs of- here are from 10.000 t 15.000 under flee so far total 1113,000 and more o,' aims. There are also known to be " ru" ' " 'here remains but 6000 additional troops In Anatolia. three Weeks In which to pay the first The British, in Aala minor, have I J' r XOM t1" comtaa troons at Konlsh and along the Black ! delinquent. Sea. There are Greek' troops BY HENRY WOOD (United Iresa Staff Correspondent.) PARIS, March 8. The text of a widely discussed economic agreement, 'W hich the council of premiers adopted at the London conference, embraces three main points, .Stephen Lausan.ie. famous French editor today declared, i Reslrlctiona of the issuance of paper Declare FmnlOVe Of U. S. Com money throughout Kurope. i-j . . ri A combine of European nations for; Pany AIS0 Kidnaped TOf Ran systematic buying and distribution of I law materials. steps to ftu'flitatn international re duction of Armaments. I .. j ; sail tie has been In close touch with the French peace delegation. co Villa is "on the war path" in Chi Krance, he predicted, will accept the.huuhuu, according to dispatches re declnioim reached on trade with Rus- eel veil here today.. On March 4 he ia, I lie Turkish treaty and the decision captured a train near Chihuahua City, lo extend economic, aid to Germany, kidnaped Joseph Williams, American Ijiusanne condemned the decision jengineer and made a speech threaten allowlng the Turk to remain in Con- inK to take trains and towns in that WASHINGTON. March 8. Pres ident Wilson is determined to hold out for settlement of the Adriatic dispute In line with his Ideas of Justice for .lugo-Rla via, according to interpreta tions placed today by the president's rtply to the note of British and French premiers. The president said he would "gladly approve a mutual agreement between Italian anil Jiigo-Slavla governments som and That Third Captive' ti-rritorlal nnd cither fntertntR of any , 1 DIRECT DENIALS MARK REBUTTAL IN I.W.W TRIAL Witnesses for Prosecution Con tradict Testimony for De fense That Soldiers Rushed Hall Before Melee. PLATOON COMMANDER IS POSITIVE ABOUT SHOOTING is Set at Liberty. WASHINGTON, March 8. Francis- stantlnopie, disagreeing with the atti tude of tho French peace representatives. INDIAN YOUTHS DESERT BOOKS FOR HOME ME cectio at will, according to a .state de partment dispatch. Williams Is being held for ransom! The attack was made by a force of 50 men under the personal direction of Villa. A number of people on the train were killed. No reports have come of injury to Americans but two Americans were xobbed. The train was burned. Survivors IN-m-h Juarez. j EL, PASO. March 8. The reported IVniis McFnrland. aged 17, Umatilla capture by Villa of Joseph Williams, ldia n aim bird nation, but that he "cannot pos sibly npprove of any plans which fts signs t Jugo-Slavia, In t he northern districts of Albania, territorial com pensation for what she is deprived of elsewhere." 4 Deputy Sheriff Says Alleged Attempt to Influence Spears is False and Woman's Asser tion Discredits Raid Tale. SET FOR WEDNESDAY l9a PPOF A MAGGSOfA I?Ol,oOXA, Italy Another of man's dista.se enemies has surrendered to KcleiUM. Professor Amoldo fagglora of the Institute of Hygiene here, has isolated the germ of sleeping sickness and Is busy preparing a serum to com- bat the malady. The sleeping sickness germ was "ne of the most elusive in ' fng and alleged attempts to tnfhienco MOXTE&ANO, March 8. Direct contradictions of defense testimony that armistice day parade ra rushed the I. V. W. hail in Centralist, before there was shooting from the hall, was) given by rebuttal witnesses for thm prosecution, today. Various witnesses denied statements of defense wit nesses both regarding the actual shoot WASHINGTON, March 8. Arbitra tion of the railroad wage controversy, under the terms of the Esch -Cummins laws, will start here Wednesday, it was announced today. Representatives of the railroads and 2,000,000 union workers will meet here. Findings and recommendations of this joint commis sion must be ratified by the labor TEAMSTERS HOLD AID FROM EXPRESS CLERKS at Smyrna, Italian forces at K'inien nnu Aldln, and French troops In Olllcia. Syria and Angora. HARDING REFUSES TO CALL SPECIAL SESSION DES MOINES. March 8. Governor Harding today refused to call u spec ial session of the legislature to con sider primary suffrage for women and soldier aid legislation, as suggested by state legislators. Coxites Getting More I'lllltlflll. With the oiH'tiing of the weather, coyotes are reported becoming more plentiful and already this month the county clerk has paid out $?U in coy ote bounties. Twelve males anil 10 femntes have lieen turned in for the bounty, us well us one bobcat. Kin's on Note for 1AX00. The Idaho State LJfe Insurance Co today filed suit against Charles O. Crawford lo colled $193. i;o. alleged due on a promissory note given H. la uHsi-nt us. local agent for the firm YuRima Indian who makes his home 1 erated by passengers of the ill-fated the Umatilla agency, are headed train dynamited near Corralitos last for home and the superintendent of Thursday. the Cheinawa Indian school is look- 1 A few survivors reaching Juarez to- ng for them, says word from the diy stated that Villas band killed 20 school today. soldiers of the train guard, two Mex- The boys, says Major E. Swartz-1 can trainmen and several .Mexican lander, of the agency, were sent to lassengers. the school last October. McFarland.j After robbing the passengers and I who Is a grandson of the late Small burning the train. Villa carried Wil-i Hawli, Is five feet six inches In liams away and in addition an em-I CHICAGO. March 8. Express han helght and weighs 125 pounds. Johns Ploye o'f an American smelting and diers, and clerks of the American Ex Is about the sanw size. rsfinlng. ooinj , according to the press Company are today continuing It is thought the hoys will not ussengers "" . strike Tor' Increased wages without rench Pendleton as the Portland po- One Set Ftw. .. sign of a break. Danger io the city's lice are aiding In the search. Cma- The unfathomable feature of the ! fod supply through a threatened tilla Indians have a good reputation survivors' story was that Villa, after I strike of express teamsters, and chain at the school and the informal depar- condemning him to hp shot, permitted ture of tho boys comes as n surprise. Hubert I'eitier. American passenger. . 1 go free. . : their support. i VIII the history of bacteriology. LOCAL MAN COUSIN OF OPAL WHITELEY ELKS BUILDING IS NOW 65 PER CENT COMPLETE l addressed the survivor mv. I An embargo on express goods effec- ing he was not a robber, nor an as- tive Saturday will continue "until the In, but was fighting for civil lib- i situatln clears. according to officials erty and would spare the remaining !' f lhr company- a; "-engers out of honor for the mem- Henry Whiteley, employed by the local postoffice, is a cousin of Opal Whiteley, young Oregon girl who is the author of the serial article, "The Story of Opal,' which appeared in the j March Atlantic lonthly and purports ito be Opal's diary from the age of six i years. Mr. Whiteley is a nephew Ed White ley of Cottage Grove, known as the father of Opal until the appearance of ' The Story of Opal," in which the girl attributes her unusual talents to parents who died when she was an in fant. The story tells that she was substituted for another Opal Whiteley fwho died and relates that she was brought to Cottage Grove from Wash ington. Ed Whiteley has always believed feurs in sympathy with the clerks was the child to be his own and is much averted today when union men refused I rieved that the girl is disclaiming. him. Mrs. Whiteley is not living. The defense witnesses to refuse to testify. Francis Moses, former second lieti lenant, who commanded the last pla toon of Centraiia veterans, was posi tive there was no raid before the shootins began. Denying- he ever knew William Ppears, Kllensburg coal miner, who was summoned as a witness, deputy Sheriff McPadden, of Kllensburg, said he never told Spears not to appear aa a witness. Spears testified that Mc Fadden tried to prevent his appear ance. -Ruth Godfrey testified she over heard a conversation between John Patterson and his wife on November 12. She said Patterson told his wife he "had not seen anything." Patter son declared on the stand that a raid preceded the shooting- DATES AND RULES FOR COUNTY MEETS AGED ory of General Angeles, Villa's for mer comrade, whom the Carranxistas executed several months ago. Both the Elks building and the Se curity apartments will be completed and ready to occupy on June i, T. H. Banfield, contractor in charge of the construction, said today. The Elks , Attorney fees of $36 and Interest arelbuuoing is now bo per cent completed, also sought. The rlatntlff is repre- ! while the apartment building is just jsented by Peterson, Bishop & Clark. (getting well under way. .. Virtually all exterior work on the I PARIS, sfMSf AsMtfiSSMBB at WfMtilii -lmtsic home is done, the roof hnvinsr 'Premier POLAND ACCEPTS PEACE PROPOSAL, PARIS HEARS ITALY IS TORN BY . STRIKE OUTRAGES spite precautions. A Summatino dispatch today said P. T. Harbour, of Weston, has been been completed Sunday by a crew i tne proposal of Foreign Minister t , th Trabia and Tallarita mines. deputized as assessor in that region in jworking overtime. One plasterer is at1 ichttchenn of Soviet Rueeta to nego- ater rugr,ing the city hall and break nly soluton is that when the White eys moved from Washington to Cot tage Grove. Mr. Whiteley left his wife nd daughter Opal. A few weeks later .irs. White.'ey and the child joined him. The possibility that the real Idaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Whiteley died and that Mrs. Whiteley substitut ed another child is doubted, for it is 'nought Mr. Whiteley would not have been deceived by such a substitution. Opal Whiteley was known to Cot- - ! tage Grove as a lover of nature and ROME, March 8. Strike disorders . could tell the story of birds, flowers, are reported from all sections of the , trees and animals. She had a huge country. Troops are on duty in many jCoilection of butterflies, rocks, plants sections, but outrages daily occur de- and insects, reach nir a total of ifi 000 March S. The Rumanian j 'uida-Yoevod. has accepted j place of . W. Avery, resigned, and , work on the cement work of the exter srarnowoiK ioua. mr, i laroour win i,,r and all the other outside men. tiate peace. a c c i id i 11 g t o a d ispat ch WESTDN NEARLY DONE assess in the W eston and Weston bricklayers, etc., ore to bend their en-j One other report said the long Mountai n regions. C. I1 sessor, will go to Athena with materials start William t here, at work Strain, as- -r(roa 0w on the anartment build-. heralded attack upon Poland by soviet UGS tomorrow ' jng Plastering of the interior of the ing the windows with stones. Naples dispatches said the strike of iron workers in that district contin- and Inst ructions to noMoa, ms iepui jodKe building will begin two weeks from today and meanwhile the lath ing will he placed. There are 37 men employed by Parker & Banfield, con- aptain Page Here Captain Page, assistant state army i recruiting officer, with headquarters in Portland, was In the city yesterday j on his monthly tour of inspection, and for a conference with Sergeant Green- Up, head of the local recruiting office. I Captain Page who left, last night for Portland, says ho likes Pendleton and ! country, It was his first visit here. tractors, on the two jobs. LA GRANDE FIVE COMING FOR RETURN GAME HERE trading of the state highway route near nnd through Hie town of Weston Is nearlnn completion and will be com- pleted within two or inree ( cordinx to Roadmaster R. K. Phelps. As soon as the grading there is com pleted, the camp will be moved to the Winn place, about four miles beyond Weston, where between 20.000 nnd 24,000 yards of dirt will be moved. The county now has at work two tractors nnd (traders on the road from Havana to Helix and probably a week more will see the grading of the 10 miles compieieo. " able to unv a fine when brouKhl before high school probably will ndvenise " i tne ,,,,, ,, m,i,,g. As a result, The Ii Grande sound, r bids for the graveling of this reinn. j . Anpa MeKay (f tn1 cM9h, expect to arrive hei wnrn irum r i armies has started. So far it is re ported the Poles have successfully de fended themselves. Tho coming conference of Baltic states, not including Lithuania, "will i first seek a union of eastern coun- Kmploves of private interurban lines in the 5lome district, struck to day. Florence reported a strike of marble and stone workers, the men de manding higher wages. The strike of cinema workers which tries," General pilsudski, Polish leader has been on for several days, has ar- dec-Ui red in an interview telegraphed here today. He said Polish troops do not fear the present Uolshevlk offensive. oused the greatest public interest. It is estimated 50,000 are out. chiefly mechanics, carpenters and extra actors. April 24 is the last day on which the grades and hih school athletes of TJmatilfa county may have their sec ional traelt and field' meets, the di rector j de idee! in their meeting here n Saturday. Satuiday, May 1. will be he date of the county championship meet on the Round-Cp grounds, Pen d'.eton. The county has been divided into five districts, ireindintf the schools about Milton-Preewater, Weston Athena, Pendleton. West End and Pi lot Kock. The lespoctive district su pervisors are: Harry P. Bowers, O. A. Hndley. H. K. fulow, Howard Drew, and I. O. Russell, The sectional meets are held to de termine the i preventatives to the county meet at Pendleton. In these rsity of Oregon and is known to meets, a distr.ct may enter two con- several Pendleton people who met her tesxnnis in eacn eent ii oesirea. ins at college. She lived all alone In a tiny events are as oatiir.ed in the state house on the outskirts of Eugene. Rec- 'course of study ;.th!etic program. The ords at the college show that she gavej-Iasse8 are '' we'yht. Class A, Includ the name of Charles Edward Whiteley those of Th pounds and under; as father and guardian, and said she!c'la&s p those of lPf rounds and un was born at Colton, Washington, joer. Class C. those of 115 pounds and though the editor of the Atlantic says;undpr anc' Class D. unlimited, she was born "where, we have no j For stlrhs the only events used are knowledge." the dashes and the baseball throw. The 12-pound shot for boys has been eliminated and the half mile relay shortened to 440 yards. The half and rjsUMter mile run for the high schooi Mitries have aMo bean eliminated. The high school 'eauis will ccntest in the interesting University sepcimens. She attended Tickets for the Iji Grande-Pendle- Throo Drunks In ourt. !ton basketball game were placed on Sunday produced three drunks for sale this morning by Allen Folsom. the nolle hut not a one of them was student body manager of Pendleton ON WEDNESDAY EVENING RESERVATIONS FOR EVANS LECTURE NOW BEING MADE the Warren paving plant there is i n ue Jamos J in(s Khrh )s ,n f(r f)vo dayi oal hoop tosBerfl. Tnc p. n. s. bo) to start operations. Tne "ral ' I unlaeg a mnd oomra to the rescue and nro working hard in order that the tn be done will be the pining of sey- ( n!WOS!MM, hv thP may put up a good fight. The publ eral blocks In the town of Milton, ift-1 ta invllod u ,he gaj,le. ... . . . ...in ho lnln i ..... . . lers and YWrines- and day morning lo do battle with the lo- iys ey er whlrn mo noi -- toward Jry Creek. The plant at Athena will open work later. MsAdoo PbOUOM tt bile Tile tS'iidletiin team consists of Ter- Jeson, center: Straughn ami Lswrence. l.lquor Man Taken lo Pnrtlniul. forwunls; Sbnoitton and Klrtley, Deputy V. A Marshal P. H. Tichenor guards. ' left this morning for Portland with Mike Peters, recently held li the feu - Petitions for placing the name of i mil court on a charge of giving Honor William O McAdoo on the liallot for to Indians. Ho also arrested Doc nresldent have arrived in Pendleton Kmld on a similar charge, preferred I.,- Hlmieii by those wanting that by the Indian agent last week, hut ientlema. endorsed as tho democra. xlnM gay, bond In the sum of B00 fie hoice from Oregon. Judge J. W for his appearance in court when call Maloney has one of the petitions Which ; ed Aompanylng the mai-slia. was t lWiaiU,tur.n . m " have a cenam gnarn over iuiuvn pi bshii hi vhii m a speified J from Maker county. j number of counties in the slate. PRESIDENT KERR TO MEET 0. A. C. ALUMN Tickets for the Lyceum course number are on sale at Thompson's drug store. Adult holders of season tickets may get reservations free in place of the refund, which is made necessary because of the failure of the Bertha Farner company to appear. There are only a limited number of reservations and a large number of season tickets are out, so those sea son ticket holders who wish free res- i orvntions are advised to obtain them at once. Arthur Walwyn, humorist, is 1 the first ly ceo in number. He will peak at the high sehool auditorium next Thursday evening. A larpe crowd is expected as Mr. Kvans Is fa mous and his prosram is reported to be interesting and Instructive. SENATE ADOPTS FOUR RESERVATIONS TO PACT - Shoots Former Wife. , SEATTLE, Marcn S. Enraged up on finding a man calling on his wife, from w horn he has been se pa ra t ed a year, K. R. McCormick. mechanic, t reaular oroaxam of track and field shot and killed Mrs. McOormick. and levcnta as o r lined f tn state Inter then turned the gun on himself Sat- scholastic scheriUtSft. unlay. He died a few hours later in ! , a hospital. Mrs. McCormlck's caller, B&ir she had been severelv beaten by former husband before the firing arted. Children Tcsttxl at Clinic WASHINGTON". March S. The senate, in rapid succession today ad opted four reservations, covering dis armaments. rights of nationals, pro tection of American rights under alien property clauses o the treaty, and a reservation to the labor section of the treaty. This followed agreement to limit the vote to JO minutes to a sen ator. Theree were no debates on some ot the reservations Six children were examined at the children's clinic held Saturday at the city hall. Dr. HI CI. Vinson, ot the Parker System of dentistry, and Dr. Johnson, of the State Hoepital, with Misj Florence It. Smile- and Mift Lei a Cole, r'hetalth n ureses, conducted thi examinations, assisted by Pendleton woiiKMi. Mrs. W R. Wyrick will take charge oX arrangements for the clinic OLCOTT ACCEPTS OFFER TO INVESTIGATE OFFICE The senate agreed to limit debate 'n future during the absence of Mrs SAI.KM. Murch 8. State Treasurer O. P. Hoff. in a letter to Governor Ben iilcott today, requested a thorough piobe of the bond buyinjr transaction of his office. The government compile -y instructing Attorney General Brown lo c-'iiduct an investigation before a grand jury of competent jurisdiction. he will return filled. It is necessary to number of signers in l-Yreler TVople Want Itank. Petition bus been filed with Milo I In I . ..... ii. I .titer Mllo ft. Huffman, son of Pert Huff man, former editor of the Kast Orego- plan, is editor of the Delburne Pro- President V. J. Kerr of the Oregon giess. u weekly newspaper published Agricultural College is to he In Pen- at Delburne on the Grand Trunk rail ill, ton Krtdov evenine for the purpose 'oad 100 miles north of Calsary. Pp of meeting with Pmstilln county on his return from Canada a few days stud. -ills of the ug'i -lonn ert hronunt witn nun a on trealy reservations so as to get Quickly to Article 10. With exception of Article 1 the debate will be limit ed on all remaining reservations to 20 minutes for each senator. M. O. IVnnett, who l.s leaving soon for a trip Knst. lAmrtcen Additions Sunday. STEAMER "GULLIF0RD" IS BELIEVED LOST SUSPENSION OF WORK, NOT STRIKE. WEAPON ADOPTED BY MINERS NEW YOltK. March 8. ltepresent- the ..alumni and former students of the ago ,ionn vert orougni wnn nun a ancen oi aniniicite miners, in a pre- Ktate bunk examiner for a charter rorlauaool of which he is the hen.l A rail ussnm ".v vaj ......... iinniui nieiunn nen- iouay are un- aM ,,.,,, bnnk at Freewater. There 1 for such a merlin.; has been isued hy lot of the experiences of the former rlcrstoo.I to have decided ir case their i.i sr. nrominent oeraons In thelfhaile liesnain. nresl.lenl of the local Pendleton boy. Early in the war negiU"ons with i.peii tors extend ei i.t end town who will hold stock In n tho enterprise nnd It Is reported here ' In that i limit or jiiiuii win hi' piucen on the stock which any peison may hold. presotu Early In the war A. ('. club, the gathering to be held mum MM me age in enusieu in .i np.on.l April I. "there nihv f su the auditorium of the county II- Calgary battalion but because of his pension of work- but no stiUe." i.rriPV years was kept in l annua. However Owing to the noted guest who is to o i reaching IS he reenlisteil and was h.. hMni a la rm -it i oinbi nee seems cut to Siberia where he sered for a jnoo kxphi ss i.i:iiKs opt. CHICAGO. March s. Memhers assured and is desired. All graduutes, ear In the nnauiun army, .iier nis ,nP Hrot herbooil of Jtallwa stuileiits or former students living In eturn home he went to work for the employed by the American 1 t.. the meeting, l'elhurne Progress anil later on ne- company here struck today. of Vrom ,h, reno-t of Major I.ee Moor- Who are to be orricers or tne 'nstitu houe, weather observer. "on in not usee. ..lined, butmri of the v.Tlmi.m urn i mercliant : end well-to-do, businessmen ... ' . . '--.i i..rl..A..a ..r Kreewater are renorteil I this eountv nro invlti Minimum, 82. . .. m, ' , ...., i.. i,a . - rum. sol., ownei' olid llllblisher of tile ?00ft nf IBM in.-tnl.. is of Ihp nnio he in ine orKlln iwn ion. riwwn-, inp v. . . .-.. . r " "-- . - -- - l...nL- -.1 orosent Is n branch net ve in nasi years I. lit bus not hail a paper. in' tiiiuiiiuiis ivn i ciiuicmii .in... i nr. ivioanu un ineiTiise an Olerks. Kx press Probably Fourteen people unite.! with the NEW YORK. March . It Is be First Christian church Sunday in the lieved the shipping board steamer revival services being conducted by Guilford sank after it was abondond Evangelist Wilhito an.l Gat.-s. The bv the crew off Nantucket lightship to Interest In these special services hastily. shown no signs of slackening. Instead I ' here has been a steady increase in attendance and r. suits weekly. H far tlie greatest throns ever seen in the church wnn present Sunday night to hear Mr. WUhlte't setnion on "Mother Home and Heaven." After the Bible drill by the ehll.lren. Prof. Gates sang "The HV.lv Gity." At the conclusion ot the evening sermon 12 persons were "Milieu "The Sorrow of old Age Without Religion" will he the eermon th.-me tonight. THE WEATHER FORECAST Manometer, Barometer rain. 29.R0. falling. Indication Ito nf tort mi the I'iral National Bank ut Milton, nuellng since the war. years ugv. I $35 a month. MaafteM Man Here j. o. Mci'oy. of Stan field, chair man of 4b- st-htHil tK.nr.1. spent the day in Pemllvlou on ousinesa. a