WHUUJUU v 1 i 1AGB SIT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1920. TWELVE PAGES Social and Club News WOMAN' n 'B To MKKT (A. C. Funk. The Woman' club of Pendleton li ' Christian: Life in the Family Dr. to nipft tomorrow afternoon ni 2 J, F. Morgan. , r,,"'k " lh cIil rorttn of the library Knlo-yin the event were Mr. and nd a ,. ioKi.ua on "Thrift has beeu MlH. j w. Mnloney Mr. and Mrs. W rhMcn to launch the ;..mity of the V. ,,,, Mr. Bm Bp, user. Mr. and Mr oraanlimtlon. Mm. S. P. Stumta, Mrs J. u McPherson Mrs 'K. A. rn. i mint's .1aiM1. sirs. ,. .1. cwcii ci,., , ... r dainty table and tutor served in a to- ken to ho pivs- ntcd fcb Mix. Avis-n . j siding at the coffee urns wore Mr. Mrs. S. A. Low. II and Mrs. Trostail. j Oood wishes uml epcrsslonn Of regret j leading Mary May Stevens highest numltor found. A .short program included; Recitation Mr, Davis Heading Mary May Htovens Heading Alice O'Danlel Vocal Solon ... Mrs. LouIb Lumpkin Mr. Fergusons home was eharni lrgly decked with bright carnation .in! tulips and n delicious luncheon was served during the final hour. gay little 'sta I'm and stripes" surmounting! each mound of salad. Additional ftteeta who enjoyed Mr. Pd Mr. K. it. Ahtrn h will h. h tenses for tomorrow ' affair and the charter of the rluh :- still pen with a oordta welcome extended to all Pen dleton women. and Mrs. L. 1 'nnncy. .! M. Cornoltaon, Mr. and Mr. Da hi UJasj Mrs. Ulan, Sr.. Mr. and Mr. J. F. Moruun, Miss Katherine. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. MeLeniV Mr. and Mrs. Ooorr;e Feebler. Mr and Mrs. J. K. Arkell. Mrs U M. Uowman. Mrs. liaj McCarroll, Mrs. Klla Stoolffre Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McRae. Mr. aiul 1 Ferguson' hospitality Catty of (Vrvallia, Mra. j Mrs. Trestrall. Mrs, Simpson Mi1- and Mrs R. R, MeOulley. Mr. ami Mis. L. j A. Reese and A. C. Funk. CLASS KN.li -YS n.wgrKT. A social and lw liquet was given by the 111 hie cla of t be 1 'resb teriau church last evening In the church mr Mff and the event, followed by a toast . piogiam was grtatb enjoyed. Thc n. A R MEETING TOMOHROW .omn.ittee in charae of the dinner in- Tn mmtw,-i t k- i a i meet tomorrow at 4 p. in. in the com mittee room or the library. The meet ing is called fir the lection of dele- 1.71 T CS to lh ut.iltf rnf.un..u a ml 1 fx men Mrs. Reese, Mrs. Rennet h McKa-o, nstrneti.r of the as toastniaster. eluded Mrs. Spenser Shfpard nnd Mrs. and IV. W. Orecn, 1 'ihle claKS, preside.! '.' he program of re the following talks: What Our Bible Class Should Do I -avid Class. Retullon of Rlble Class to Pasto and Church Work J. M. Cornelison. Mow to Induce Bixalneaa Men to At tend J. W. Maloney. t'ampaign for Members- H. K. Mc I.a n. Hlble Cluss and "Toeo' Mrs. 1 Ponney. discu.ss hi at the la ss which was postponed MfUiaf meetingr. MU. AND M HS. AVlStN HON'ORED As a charminp "Adlen" to Mr. and Mrs. Kncene T. Avison. Hushee Chap ter, Ck E. S., entertained with a recep tion in their honor following a regular meeting of the lodgte last evening. Kerns nnd a profusion of pink carna ge Girls tions decked the dining room where a . . buffet supper was served and a cluster Heliglous Education for Children of the lovely bio ma centered over their departure were snowi rcu on the he nor guests each of whom foade a sttt it talk response. Mr. and Mrs. Avison departed today j on o. ; for Portland enrowta to Ore- j w. c. T. V. KNJOVs PROQ.RXM gori City near where they are to make a praise service with an interesting their home on a delightful country ' program followed by a tea hour was place on the Malalla lliver. The Avl- I enjoyed yesterday by W. C. T. l. mom s us formerly resided W Oregon Cttylbara nnd friend. The affair was held and they have a numoer of relative. In the club room of the library anil In tbcre. itereting talk supplemented by mu- e ate marked a delightful ufternoon. Mrs. S. A. LdWH discussed the his tory of the eighteenth constitutional a me I'll men t ehronlcliim events which covered a period of 142 years. 1 Mstrict Attorney Hoseoe I. Keator addressed the meeting on law enforce ment, declaring it to be an art and en listing the Interest of every citizen to whom has been given the talent. He declared the work of the W. C. T. IT. is not finished and appealed for action in com bat t Ing waywardness of young Lela boys and girl of the coming genera tion, Mr. Keator declared present ef forts are not strong enough and that through the home comes the dominant influence. A tea table, charmln In Its ' ap- pointment. was centered by snowdrop blossoms and calla lilies decked the club room. Mr. S. A. Lowell and Mrs J. 11. Haley presided at the tea urns nnd in charge of serving were Mrs. M Mathews. Mrs. William Koedeeke Mrs. James Akey and Mrs. J. W. Ma-oney. Mlts. rBROVBON ut'STHSS At the home of Mr. M. A. Fergu son. 1 1 2 Jefferson street, yesterday mefnben of the tSuay Hee Club f the Maccabees and a few additional friends njoyed a delightful afternoon. son of Washington's birthday rilUf the motif for a tiuttpi tl fly irri; ed a ft;i by Iffn C. were greeted at the d nial maids, represented by H. Conroy and Mrs. Snsa it pavne, Mrs. Marv Mct:ee, Mr Taylor and Mrs. Tillie Walters. A feature of the affair wuh a sur prise to Mrs. llattie U ivis which took the form of a handkerchief shower. Mrs. Havis' birthday being today. An other enjoyable diversion was a search for hidden hatchets, honors and dainty trophies lall.ng to Mrs. Conroy and Can You Write a Headline for This? Foley's Honey nnd Tar is the est known and most successful amiiy cough medicine on the narket and the following letter s positively true and genuine: Sayi "It Acts Like Magic" Gilbert Fltm -Int. 3)1 1 RudIon Av.,Loi Anf dcs. Al., wnlcs: i ntvu mucli pLaiure in taiilVin 0 tb vary rat bn?.i( my Umily and I have 'nvo,: irom the uie of Falsy'i Honey and Ttv. 1 tMiitrvtly attfl like ntntfir, and tu mv mind thr nothing on th market that can eo-niwrn with I. Wnanever thr are ny " ,uf houhali utrar.nf irom heavy ccMt or bad eouh or ioarteneia, w t once get a bottle irom our Lirpl ii . i i T.v nd altar ona or two donei obtain n itant rr kef. Your company daaarvaa great rrad't or auch a valuable production and from our own xerience a cannot do otherwise but i-ecom. nand it la our (rianda and this we willingly do ma wi t continue 10 ao so. Foley's . Honey and Tar COMPOUND ' I . :.i;S THE THROAT of pl.leflm md mucus, stops that tickling, apens tno ill passages for caster breathing ami coats he raw, inflamed surfaces with a heal eg, soothing medicine. Coughs that ''hang on" after 'he grip er "flu' are relieved by Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold Kvcrywhcra. THE THOMAS SHOP AUTHORATATIVE GARMENTS FOR SPRING. Reflecting the Latest Models of tlie New Mode. HOWS UPSTAIRS AI'I'.MSi: siior nil: wt)Mi:x The New Coats are Here in Great Variety Short, jaunty models for sport and oth er wear. Polo Cloth, Camel's Hair, Heather Jersey, Covert Cloth, Silvertone Cloth, etc. Reasonably Priced, $22.50 to $95.00 SEE OUR SPLENDID SHOWING OF SEPARATE SKIRTS ar I.RAVB OX POUTLVXO VISIT. Mr. and Mrx. K. V. Mn'onins loft ;thls morning fr a visit In IVrtlaiul. IAKKUAL tfl CHCCflSB DTNNrrn. ! Com iiletl nsr a rar ile voted to the Istncly of China Current Literature irlub memlers this afternoon enjoyed 'a special Chinese dinner prepared for ithem at flney's p.'irh-r in Pendleton "Chinatown." M.':nl.ers met at the club room of the library at one o'clock and after the interesting meal, for j whirl cc vers were lair, - tr 2 2. they adjourned to t he Imnic of Mrs. K. P, Tulloch ot Jaokaon street, and the Oriental fete is beinir enjoyed durinp jthe later afternoon hours with Chi j nese mn.slc and iran.es. The unique lflSfl clnh annual was in ifharpre of Mrs. Charles Marsh Mrs. jXorborne Berkelev, Mrs. Charles Bond and Mrs. James Welch. 2M FLOOR TAYI.OH III. I Hi. ILEOIOX DANCE A svcrKzs. , The dance hebl hv the American i n Eaele-W'ocd man hall last eveninir was n big success, several hundred I couples having dropped in fur an evening of dancine. The hall was dec- orated in the national colore and niu tafe was furnished by n legion orches jtra, The committee in rharfe con sNted of Frank Klncaid. Charles Vin , ier, Iloscoe Vaughan and Ftoger Kay. Ll TIII.lt ;! OAI X TO REStME m . ' s?s-aa, BRING US YOUR FILMS FOR EXPERT DEVELOPING AND PRINTING We maintain one of the best equipped ko iak finishing depart ments in Oregon with in expert photo rrapher in charge. CVe make a specialty if enlarging. Now is .he time to look over four old negatives jnd have the good )nes enlarged. We guarantee good work. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. The Rexall Store XICiilT FltO.XKS 1032, 319W, 693.U (Continued from page L ) Arc Pa reacts of Son. A little son was born this morhing tn Mr. and Mrs. A. Hasmussen, at ftbeir home. 310 Thompson street. The new arrival weighs 6 1-3 pounds. site which completes the cycle every seven eurs. The rabbits were attack ed by the parasite in 191 . which caused a great shortage of food for lynx, foxes, etc. Since the short age of young fur bearing animals has been noticeable, as the majority of the animals killed have been the adult ones. Mr. Goldman predicts that by next year the fur business will begi n to i m p rove as rabbits will be more plentiful. Fishing Good. Mining, another Alaskan industry, has suffered b"eause of the high cost of operation of mines, be tays. Mr. Ooldman says that this, coupled with the war has had a marked effect upon the population, which was onee fin, 000 before the war and Is now aho-.t 1T., 000. The fishing industry, however, says Mr. Goldman, us there i is good, says Mr. Goldman, us there TE SELL ALFALFA SEED AT EXTRA LOW PRICES. PHONE W 5 1 OR 47 5 Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. Pendleton, Oregon. Cuticura Ointment Best For .Rough Red Hands NothinR more effective in aoothins and dealing chapped, cracked, .-.ching or Bleed ing hands. Bathe them each night in a trong hot lather of Cuiicura Soap. Dry and rub in Cuticura Ointment, and wear old gloves during he night. Result: soft, white hands. Cuticcra Talcum Powder Do not fail to test the fascinating fra- Eince of this exquisitely scented face, by. dusting and slcin perfuming powder Delicate, delightful. dirtingu. rt impartA trrhe person a charm tncuntparablc Cuti cura Soap. Ointment and Talcu.fi every where at 25c each. . For sample pf ea.chfr.ck address: "Crfti cari. Pop. ST, MMra,Mua." UBwCuticura Soap -Savos without mog. is an abundance of salmon and ball but. A new Industry which pronitse. well is the raising of reindeer for meat and for their hides. They live on deer moss. Price of food In Alaska ar; very high, he says. The 25 cent piece is the smallest coin used so 2.r cents t. one of the favorite prices for small articles. Flour, rice. etc.. cost 25 cents a pound. Kggs are $1.50 a doztn. Mooh9 and caribou and other meats are plentiful, as are vegetables which thrive beneath the midnight sun and grow to an unusual size. Winter ( onsidcrctl Mild. The winter was considered a mild on states Mr, Goldman. and the spring "break-up" Is on the way. Hy April 1. be predict the snow will be gone, and snow will not fall to any great extent until next November. The coldest weather experienced by Mr. Goldman Was 70 below zero. He vis ited Ketchikan, Cordova and Tnchor age. and later went into the interior as far as Fairbanks. He made the return trip to the coast by snow shoe and sailed from Cordova. The trip to Seattle took five days. Mr. and Mrs. Goldman expect to leave soon for Boiso as Mr. Goldman will take up his duties March L Mrs. Goldman returned from Alaska a few weeks ago, und hnn been visiting hei parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Coutts. has been afloat of the possibility of trouble, even of armed intervention on behalf of the defendants. Thus far no clns-h of any nature has occurred. With uniformed men of the Ameri can Ltficn walking the same streets as the I. W. W., not an instance of op en friction hnr arisen. L'ut it has been conceded that the elements of trouble ire prevent Threrttenlng letters of ironymous origin have been frequent. Information Source Kept M ONT KSA MO, Fe h. II . Con n t y peace officers today denied they were consulted before the request for troop.) lq be sent to preserve order hero dur ing the Ontralia murder trial was sent to Governnr Hart by rrosecuting Attorney Alln. AlthoiiRh ugly rumors were current during the early part of the trial and that gatherings of L W. W. industrialists for the purpose of jal! delivery might be expected, no very definite reports were received, the Allen refused to commit himself on fhe source of his information that Urmsr ana rumcra that Jail delivery w... -e at.ienipi.ed.'' "James Ball, Juror numbf? 13, was chosen to replace Juror Parr, who was .1, when the trial was resumed. Hau ler of the tafluen&a epidemic is over, according to physicians. There is a sprightly spontaneity and variety about Ihese new garments. The jaunty sport and mannish iailor-made are very popular. The more dressy jcar rienls. too. are in m?"t demand. In fact, all the best ii the newest are here assembled. Price Are Very Moderate. COMPARISON ESPECIALLY INVITED n c- nsldared o no of the plays M$t school MtudentH and promises to I make a real htt. OmI of Thanks We dei-tire to extend to the. many kind friends our heartfelt thanks and lpprcciatlon for the beautiful floral if faring and kindness extended dur ing our sad bereavement in the death of our beloved daughter and sister, Mrs. Bell WJlnar. URA M All Y A. ftClTRPRz" MfUL D. I- PHKLPS. IMPORTANT ACTIVITY SHE DYES HER OLD jmOJLATJJOASSIT VOI'NG MK.V for Ital'way Mall Clerks. 1110 month. Kxperience unneces sar'. For free particulars, exaniin- atious, write J. Leonard (former Gov- rr.ment Kxaminor) 949 Kqultable tldaf-f Washington, D. C. oth- to Retail Clcrk-s There will bo a meeting tonight, February 2."th in ITtalOtl hall. All urg ed to be ireent. Dramatics at Pendleton high school irt deveb ptrig into an activity of con sider, ible size. Oil Thursday Mlsn Bf fle Duff's Knglih claM iHll present for the student body a dramatiztition of "Silas Marner," wi itteti s'inil drama tized by the students. The classk study "f the l.ook way taken up by the clasM Inst semester. One week later the dramatic club, under the direction of C. S. Cramer, expects to present "Trp lrdlK"l Son." comedy. Ted Strauglin ptaVa the part of the prodigal son. The clob hss put on a number of good productions dur ing the year and the success of which have been due largely to the untiring efforts of the director, C. S. Tamer, and of the president, David Swanson. March 12 Is the date w hich has been set for the junior plny, "Pa's New Housekeeper' Claude Snow and David .Swunson are playing thu leads. This ''Diamond Dyes" Make Fad ed, Shabby Apparel so Fresh and Stylish. Don't worry about perfect results. Lse "Diamond Dyes," gjaranteed t" glvp a new. rich, fadeless color to any f.'brle, whether is bo wool. silk, linan, cotton or mixed goods, drensen blouses, stockings, nklrts, children's con tit, feathers, draperies, c-.verinn-The Direction Hook with each pack age tells no plainly how to diamond dye over nny color that you can not make a mistake. To match any material, have drug gist nhow you ''Diamond Dye" t'olor Card. TROOPS ENTRAIN FOR MONT I: (Continued from page 1.) MON'TKSAXO, Feb. 25. Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett of San Fran cisco, commandinc the western de partment of the army, has authorized the commanding officer at Camp ewis. VVashinmon, to comply with the re juest of Governor Hart of Washing ton that troops be assigned to Monte- sano during the remainder of the T. W W. trials here as a precautionary measure. The increasing drift of radicals to .Montesano. now the focal point of I. W. W. Interest, coupled with VBCUS but Igly rumors and threats that have reached the ears of state counsel, tapped Herman Allen prosecuting at-t.-rney for lewis county, to call upon governor Louis F. Hart yesterday aft- pillll i f 9 v f d. i a I Many New Rugs for Yon I full the like Baled Alfalfa Hay For Sale Any Quantity UMATILLA FLOUR Sc. GRAIN CO. Phone 351 and 1014 1300 West Alt emeon for t he assignment of a Company of regular infantry to scene of the trial. l-reoi riion Anticipated. "We wil not let the boyn die j di.es.'' Is one statement attributed t" the bidden leaders of the I. W. W. do jfense ifnlfylng that direct revolution ary action may he resorted to In th je'-ent Ihe defendants are found guilty of the murder of Warren O. Grimm Jone rf the fotir leylonarien who ni-t AitU in the armistice-day ambuscade. The art ion r-t Prosecutor Allen In calling for military protection for thf ; Mor,tf.-ir,o trlnl i- dictated. he de I claresi, by the d-s'rp of the state to pTPcvp if. p ace and insure a fair trial, protecting both the inter ests of the j ros'-cullon and the de- We have been busy all morning unpacking and displaying many clever patterns in Wilton and Axniinster Rugs. They are beautiful in design and texture. You will say that the Heroti Wilton is the prettiest covering you have ever seen. Most every size is included in this lot. The smaller ones to match the larger ones, and just the right shade to match the rest of your furniture. Visit our store look these rugs over. You will he pleased. W. C. CRAWFORD Complete Home Furnisher 103 E. Court St Phone 496 Itone-i Afloat. o trial first oet 1. . ....