. B. SAYLOR IS BOOSTED AS HIGHLY FIT CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDGESHIP DAILY EVENING EDITION Number ot oqplra printed of ytaterdnys Dally KdlMon .5,002 ThU papsr Is a tnemoer anl audited by the Audit Hurenu of Circulation!. DAILY EVENING EDITION The Eaat Orearonlan la Baatern Ora ron's rateat newspaper and aa x selling force lvaa to the adrertlM.a over twice the guaranteed paid circu lation In I'endleton and Umatilla ooua ty at any other newapaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 DAILY EASJ "ONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1920. NO. 9467 S3 BAINBRIDGE COLBY RECEIVf p 18IDENTIAL APPOINTMENT AS SECRETARY OF STATE rr L BABY TANK NK WYOiiK. Many trucks were a btthy tank Kolntf to the rescue of one o? TROOPS ENTRAIN FOR MONTESANO TO KEEP ORDER Trial Scene Becomes Focal Point for Increasing Drift of Radicals and Vague and Ugly Rumors Are Heard. GOVERNOR ASKS GUARD AS PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE Trouble Yfet Absent in City Where Case of Alleged Arm istice Day Murderers is Tried But Revolt is Feared. TACliM V mi . ! i S -A carload o urtnier men today i ft camp Lew nr Mont'Miii'i. t.onerul Morrison sent the tr tht refjut'h't of GoVajrnor Hart asked that ft be done an a pre! nry nioustm mora that I Monteaario. id as a result v. w Rathe Por Adequate Guard, "ft win ho to the interest pf both sides to have adequate protection here In cane of emergency, Was tho extent of Allen's comment. Sheriff Perry said seven aliened I. W. W, hitve heen arretted In Montosano etace the trial began. "Though there are many I. W. V. In the county all our reports have been to the effect that they Un fl made themselves very scarce," said Deputy Sheriff (ilhsou. Judge Wilson was not consulted he- fore the call for troops was dispatch ed. He also expressed tin- opinion that there wajf no need for the action thouRh he admitted the "prosecutors might have some Information, t hat I don't know about." One of the rumors vrtltch are said to hnve caused eonskleruhle uneasiness is to the effect that arms: have been smuggled into the county during the pant few weeks and that a Jail deliv ery Is planned If the accused men "seem to be getting the worst of the deal." Alleged Sftijor Itocnllod. Kugeue Harnett. alleged slayer of Warien QHmin, who took t hi stand last week lo claim an alibi, was ra-.i called for a short examination today. He said he talked with several per sons near the I. W. W. hall shortly after the shooting nnd said he would not have had lime to have Rone half a mile away where It Is aliened he hid a gun aft.-r shooting '-rim from the Aval on hotel. Under cross-examination Burnett '.m sior was considerably shftfcan by Prosecutor Abel, when he made the witness admit he mlRht have gone a mile in half an hour after the shooting and before he was seen on the street. Steed Denied. TACOMA, Feb. IB. There has been1 no Indication of any Influx of radicals to Montenano or any other part of southwestern Washington, according to Statements of United State-; depart ment of justice officials here, today, who ha' - been in close touch with the ligation. (Continued on nag a r,. I uncial Is Hold. The funeral of the late Kdwln Neal Cameron was held this afternoon from the Kolsom chapel, with Hex. Al-.fi-ed laOchwood. pastor of the Church of the Redeemer, officiating. I 'a 1 1 benrt'rs "wer John Hoekson. Itrooke Hlekson. Jim Welch. Will Pen land and Wlllurd Bond. Manx beautiful floral offering were sent by friends of the deceased. AIDS IN WAR ON SNOW IN NEW YORK. miwbotnid dtirlm the trucks. the recent snow sto WOOD ALCOHOL JAG IS TOO MUCH EVEN FOR GOSHEN LIZZIE (.OSHK.V. tftd., Keb. 25. lwis I teasonor used wood alcohol in his auto radiator, and parked the mr with the engine, running. It turned around t hraa times then across the curb and sidewalk, tore across several lawns and finally staggered jajnrt a iioum-. n i, REVOLT" COLLAPSES. E OE U. S. Superiors at Washington Warn Dalrymple and Arrest County Attorney Replaced by Conference Request. 1K'. IHVKi:. Mich., Fob. JC. i feflctligan's "lUiuor revolt" today col lapeod. jcttng on the aivice of su periors at VVlashington, .Major Dalrym ple, prohibit Ion ci.mnil.ssion?r in th central Mates, dropped his warlike prepa rat Ions. Instt ad of arresting County Attorney Mcl onough. Dalry i mplo requested that he accompany i him to Grand Kapids for a conference with District Attorney Walker. Be had changed MCOogtouvh with ! preventing tho prohibit ion Inspector ftfpm retaining tiiaed wine. Dalrmple arrived here at nildniKht with a force of 3". men, all heavily armed. I Wore arriving Dalrymple paSead out extra ammunii I'm. He said reports which reaching him at Mar qtiette indicated that there would be st rious trouble. fcCeponough notified DeJVrmple ho as ready for conference at any time, the Hcssitm was arranged. A telegram from iMlr.vmple's chief today a d vised him to "proceed Very carefully." SK.N Oik 1(11. 1, ' WASHINGTON, F?b. IB Preside WiNon today slRiied the oil land la log bill. LUTHER GOLDMAN TO RESUME BIOLOGICAL SURVEY WORK AFTER YEAR IN ALASKA I. other J. Coldmait. win was em ployed by the local office of the Uni ted Stales Ptotogical Survey before he went to Alaska last April, returned to Pendleton yesterday and announces that he will resume his work? with the survey, wit h heaaqnej ters at l tolee, Idaho. lie will be predatory animal inspector for Idaho, which haves the Oregon-Washington territory to Stan ley jewett. whose headquarters are in this city. Mr. odd man. wh h Mrs. Ooldmnn went to Alaska to investigate the con EUREKA AND INTEGRITY LODGES, 1. 0. 0. F, the iiii'i t. As soon as nrr.i niicmcnts ' hnve boon complete !, the roll will be trunscrilroii and the lodge will tnke, steps toward homo oddfellow build-j Ing on the propertx oppoidte the post-, office. Knroka lodse has existed hen near.; jlv ;.n vo.irs. while Integrity has been 'organize.! since ls. Kureka has about 171 membcri find InteRilty 330. I Both lodges voted by large majorities Idnb rm here. The above picture shows CHARGES AGAINST FORMER EMPEROR MAY BE DROPPED Council of Premiers Changes Attitude Toward Wilhelm and is Now Inclined to Give Up Prosecution. ANNEXATION OF TURKISH TERRITORY FROWNED UPON Dealings With Russia Will be Hurried and Report on In vestigation of Conditions Asked by March 22. j UONDON, Feb. jr. -The council of j premiers Is now Inclined, t drop all ' charie.j against the former kaiser even , if Holland persists Ip her position of ; refusal to head the a 1 tied sugKetion i that she banish Wilhel-n from Kuropc ' li is learned a Ut horitatlvely. Tho council discussed the former emperor late yesterday, it Is learned, i Considering the attitude of the Dutch 1 government, a change In the allied altitude Arae apparent, reliable inform ation asserted. Turkey Discussed It is learned sen: hot f icially that the Council parceled out the sphere of in fluence for various allied powers in . Turkey. It is reported the co-mcil vir tually decided that no Turkish terri j tnry will be annexed by any powers. I but that each shall be allotted its ' "sphere of economic domination. Hurry inss-lan Repoii LiiXnn.V, Feb. 2'. The council of premiers will lose no time in bt.iin- W: tr its report on t he conditions of rlUSSta, II Is indicated today. It Is understood the council requested Al , bert Tin mas, .director of the internn- Uonal la'bbr bureau of tho leesjue of .nations, to report on the Russian sit -' nation on March ft. dition of the fur business. He reports that the fur business Is poor because the country has not yet recovered from the effects of u sWjrtufce id' snow Shoe" rabbit-, which occurs every seven years. The rabbits, which for.tn the principal article of food for the fur beartaaB' a ni mnls and t heir yOUhg, are attacked every Seven years by an alcnuc w hich sweeps the country. Tlo epidemic is caused by a para tContinucd on P-mc ,) LI Step toward tho co nsoIidatiin ol tr'endleton'j two ( di!Viiow lodges wore ci mpleted last ntgtht so far M rendb'ton is comcrned. b the favor nbe action of Kureka lodge with re gard to alsorbin Integrity lodge. Tho iimalKHnuition will take place as soon ns the grand master of Oregon places bis Rtatolp of approval on the merger. Intogritv lodge voted tw wo'ks to join KureKa lodge and the latter'ii ac tion last niriht loft the fond open for SOCIETY GIRL GOES TO CHINA TO WED BUT ALTERS MIND ST. MM. 8, Keb. 26. -Olga I loeknken, socb ty girl, went all the way to China to get married. Mho found her protective groom rhangi (1, and then changed her mi:.', she cabled today. MR. SAVIOR URGED AS DESIRABLE TIMBER FOR COUNTY JUDGE Freewater Man With Business Interests in West End and East End Classed as Winner if He Will Run.. If tin (tattled in the ears of .1. it. Baylor jday then there is i say Ins;, For Mr. truth i being very mueeh talked ab prospective county jutle fo Uma la count. It is nut known yet whether or not Mr. fcayior will consent to become a candidate for the place but be has a host of backers comprising both dem ocrats and republicans, men and wo men. In behalf of the idea that lie should run It Is being pointed out that U rJBaylor Is a I 'inatilla county resi dent of many years standing, has ox tensive business interests in both the east end of the county and in the west end and has a record for Integrity and business capacity. Mr. Saylor's official address is Free water and he has a nice home there. However, he has ranching interests in the west end and is president of the 1 ank ut BeltO He is frequently In i'endleton and has, a son in business in ibis city. Br those who know him be is universal lv acclaimed as just the man for county Judvo proved ho will run. .Air. Savior turn it trig -ben closely in touch with school affairs. Is a good roads advocate nnd known as being progressive minded. The fact that t,e county judge is ! chairman of a board that has the! handling- of more than a million dol-j lars annually of the taxpayers' money ; In this County is causing the judife ship to attract more than usual inter- ! est this spring. The desire is for a businessman who can safeguard the ! taxpayers' Interests and yet serve the ! welfare of the county by seeing as nearly as possible that the maximum Rood Is obtained from the county ex- j penditures. So far difficulty has been I experienced by both pa riles In the matter of securing aVallatttSj materia 1 to run. Mr. Baylor is a democrat and as no democrat has r.nnounced him self for this nomination it is said to : be Mr. Say lor's if he wishes it. His ' backers, however, are by no means; confined to that party and on the j streets today it was freely predicted that the name of tile next county judRe will be J. Ii. Savior If he will hut say the word. GRAND OFFICIAL TO BE ENTERTAINED BY ELKS A birne class of initiates will be presented at the weekly meeting of the Klks.irdgc tomorrow nisdu in honor of the present of District Deputy Grand nxalted Kulcr H- 1. Toney, of Mc Minnville. Dr. Toney will pay his of ficial visit to the lodge tomorrow Bight and an initiation and entertain ment will be put on In his honor. The visit is his annual Inspection of t lie lodge and besides the ritualist ie work, books and accounts will be pre sented to hint. The entertainment committee has arranged for several musical nunrbers and a luncheon and refreshments Wll be served. fficers are expecting a large attendance of n ism bars. in P. O. Weber of S:in PVa&ciaci Pendleton today. PROPRIETOR OF GIRLS' SCHOOL IN PASADENA IS MURDERED AND SUSPECT ENDS OWN LIFE: I os Ai!i:i.i:S. Feb. B, Miss 1 Florence Houael. a ted ro, proprietor or Huntington Hall. exceaave school 1 Tor girls in S nth I'asadena. was Riurderod In be I earlv today. The hs n.sin triefl to oonoaal the crime b aet tlng fire to the building. H. W. Urown formorl h use man ;it ; he school, who is suspected of the crime, committed suicide. lhr fired n bullet into his brain. The body whs found in an out house adjoining the sehool. Herman Honsel, the victim's si year old brother, who lives in an adj.cent winir of the school building, lo.nl the shots. Kxtingulshing tho blaxe. he CHOICE CREATE!! SURPRISE THAN LANSING EPISODE AND SENATE PROMISES TO WAGE FINISH FIGHT AGAINST CONFIRMATION RETAIL MERCHANTS AT WALLA WALLA BOOST ARMY STORE YVAI.I.A WALLA, Feb. j, Retail merchant today irarprfsjed everybody hy boosting for the sale- of army supplies. They said it helped business generally. HEAD MAN OF CAM TRIBE MEETS END BY ASPHYXIATION IN EAST Yumsumkin Blows Out Gas in Room and is Found Dead in Chicago ; Was on Way to Captal on Business. Yumsuiuliin, head man of the Cay- uses and reputed one of the Umatilla I i eservat Ion's wealthiest and most in fluential Indians, Is dead at Chicago ! from pas asphyxiation. Word of his j death was contained in a wire receiv ed ty Superintendent K- u, Swa rt lander, of the agency, this morning. The rcdman was on his way to ' Washington D. C, of his own accord I to object to the present method of ! selling and leasing Indian lands. He j left over the Northern Pacific 10 ; days ago. expecting to join Thomas Yallup, a prom men. Yakima Indian, tt Pasco. Tho Indian's, ucjtth wca uue to hi having blown out tho gas. according information reac.'dnir tho agency Whether Yallup was with him or he was making tho trip alone has not been determined. His body will be sent here for burial. Yumsumkin, or Johnson Sumkiti as he was also known, lived on his land about one mile south of - Adams. He was uSTIiet' of 320 acres of the best land in that section and also had an interest in another SO acre tract. His wealth is estimated by Major Swartz landcr nt $80,000. He was 65 years old and is survived by his wife Petints a sister of the late Chief Uma nine, and a 15-year-nld-daiiehter, Josephine who is attending the Catholic school on the reservation. "He was wea 1 1 h y . very sm a rt and vary shrewd " Major leo ICoorhou se. former Indian agent, said of Yumsum j kin today when appraised of his tin jt'mely end. "He always held onto his ; lands and wanted the other Indians ' tit di likewise. He was on his way to : Washington to personally seek relief from the system which allows the In dtans to sell out nnd then find them selves without land or money." i YiunstimMn. according to the major i means "drizzly Pear's Shirt." WASH IX' .T N . Feb. - Mexican bandits today captured Harry Hogarty, American, superintendent of a smelter in the state of Duranso. and are hold ing him for ransom the state depart nent today announced. Little Son Born. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I.eckleider are the parents of a little son born this morning. HORSE WEIGHED IN WITH LOAD OF COAL CUSVEtiAND. !! 35. Official. today started taVMUtatlon ' ""' I companies, following .it attempt of a eltlaen to attach horse he said was weighed in with his load ol coal. found his sister dead in bed. Hhe bad boon shot. Brown and his wife, who Is house keeper at the school freuuentlv quar reled. Miss II ousel is wild to have taken the Wt man's part. She received an anonymous let tor recently w a ru ing her against fire. Deputy sheriffs today found the m-irrier, and arson bud been premedit ated for some time. e idrntly. A nuri ber of old niatresses. furniture and other i expects stored In the attic hs been saturated with distillate, but not ignited. The murderer ignited a quan tity of excelsior and placed It in the kitchen nnd pantry. New Oficial While Strong Supporter of Administration Has Been Generally Regarded as Progressive Republican and Was Actively Identified With Roosevelt Campaign. WASHINGTON". Feb. 25. Palnbridge Colby was today appointed secre tary of state, the white house announced. The. appointment was more of a surprise than the resignation of Secretary Lansing at President Wilson's request. While Colby has been a string sup porter of the Wilson administration, he has been generally regarded as a pro gressive 'republican. He was actively identified with the Theodore Roosevelt campaign of 1812 and was later candidate for governor and senator of New York on the progressive ticket. Colby's ciosest connection with the Wilson administration was when he was a member of the United States shipping board. He resigned a few months ago. j PETERSON IS WILSON I Will be waged against the confirmation 0f olhy. It Is nusual for the senate j to oppose the president's selection of In his declaration filed with WeU cabinet, but the senators declared nominating ietltion for delegate to (hjg m be folIht to a fini-oV the democratic national convention Will M. Peterson expressed his princi ples as follows: 1 believe America should be govern ed by fearless, liberty-loving, square- dealing citizens; that democratic pnn- j ti ughes, the repuinican nominee, uol ciptee. advocated by Jefferson, Jack- by was one of nine progressives who son, Cleveland, Wilson and Senator insisted upon Roosevelt's nomination Chamberlain, are best for Americans: by the progressives. After the noml that Congress, politically opposing nation of Hughes by the republican President Wilson, has Impeded pro-1 convention, Roosevelt wired the pro gress, kept business unsettled, uncer- ' gressives urlng that they endorse the tain, and added oppressive burdens: former supreme court Justice. When that the League of Nations, advocated the CDnV0ntion did that Colby refused by President Wilson, should have sen- to accept .Hughes and Joined the dem- atoriai approval; mat a leaner von- gres, using business sense, can save the taxpayers t5rto.oao.oOO.no annual ly; that we have (00,000 useless office holders who should be hoeing corn, picking cotton, draining swamps, indi cating desert lands, and following other useful employment. Print on the ballot: Fewer office holders, greater economy and effi ciency in the business of government. INTO PENDLETON POST Between 75 and SO new members j for Pendleton Post. American Degion, hitve been obtained since the Febru- nry meeting Of the post and the drive ! under way this week Is expected to add t between 104 and 300 more In thecity j The Kllis-Schiller Motor Co., today and towns adjacent. Membership awarded a contract to Angel! & Bel cards are being mailed out as rapidly vail, local contractors, for the erection as applications are received, so that ;0f their new salesroom at the corner all legion men will le able to attend !of gatn and Water streets and work the big smoker Saturday night in thewiU start tomorrow morning. The l-o?le-Woodmen hall. plana were drawn by Doyle A Iteese, Tho triji to the west end of the architects who designed the Elko ebuhty taken by some of the local men ;home am, the security apartments. Monday was cnieiiy to auveruw iwn smoker, no attempt being made by l a... . Tnilnv me pan) w wn ui ujwi.v-t- however, a carload or committeemen went out to Helix at an early hour :nd will siMnd most of the day in sign ing up service men for the local post. The Fast Oregonian today is pub shlng a blank replica of the applica tion for. membership and service men who are not now members of any post are asked to fill this out and send it to the post which they cart- to join. Posts are located in Hertnlston, Pen dleton. Weston nnd Milton. For Pen dleton Post, the annual dues are $ 2 and membership buttons 25 cents ad ditional. The committee members who went to Helix today are: Dr. C. W- lessen, v E. Randall, Karl Williams and C. C Yinicr. Yinicr. . YE AO fll n MAM 1U0 T tAn ULU MAN . t $ DEAD AT TAC0MA 1 TAC'M., Feb. 21. Raphael Grant. Iwhoaa father was a contemporary of loaorue WushinRion. died here venter- lay at the ape of lao years ami s Months. He is survived iy two nrotn- rs. who are 14 and II yaan of aze. Mr Qr&nl was born in Norfolk, Connecticut, and was a doscendent of Matthew iJrant. who came from New Knuland with the I'ilRrims. President Grant was from the same ancestor. Weailier Kr.-m the report of Major Lee Moor house, weather observer. Maximum. 19, . Minimum. 18. i ltarometer, 23.9.1. hB right boons, Colby, following a conference with President Wilson this morning, re I fused to make a statement. pending (Confirmation of his nomination by the senate. He declined to state his po litical affiliations now. Several senators said a bitter fight Supported Wilson. Colby campaigned for President Wilson in 1916 after the progressive convention that year had endorsed ocr;aj, in BUpport of Wilson. The appointment Is believed to have ; been decided upon very recently. i friends who d with him in New York Sunday declared he had no in timation of his ajipolntment at that j time. Ilreaks Party Unc Some politicians saw In Wilson's ( appointment an Indication that the j president believes party lines are be ; ing eradicated. In this connection, they recalled his famous letter of con ! cratulatlnns to Governor Coolidge of Massachusetts, when the latter was re elected. MOTOR CO. AWARDS T The building will cover 73 by 75 feet be of brick and terra cotta and one storv high. The interior will be fin ished with tile floor, will have a rest room with fireplace and be strictly a show and salesroom. The front will be of plate jilass extending to the side walk. The contract calls for comple tion of the structure by June 1. D. D. 1'helps will install the plumbing. TEEL PROJECT WORK AWAITS GUARANTEE Wnrt mi th.. I". . 1 lii . t.mi...r T. . ... . ,, , ,h .state Kt.aranteea the Interest OB the bonds, it is practically certain thai te state win guarantee the I is within a short time and work will then be resumed. Ur. David n. Hill. olonization agent or ,ht. ,,rojecl m9a t(,ilt the work has ie,, procraaaina rapidly and in siiito ,r the taraporary cawathm of con- truction. the Warren Construction ,,mpany rivea assurance that the pro will be completed by March I, nimm FORECAST Tonight and Thursday fair. fa. 'P 1