DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OEEOON, SATURDAY, KEBBUABY 21, 1020. TWENTY PAGES H'Mf',"'l for Im"iii nnnnV R'tHl i ll deliverer on route I, hud a mlrae ulotti pMMipv in .1.1 accident i h ii 1 1 in if ftioUSb i' uny stunt uy it .uuv.e U Whil returning from Keller Inst iilKlit his rar skidded on the Icy ruudH i r; i i.i; down the cm bunk men I uloiit I feet. VVhi'ii Mr. Alt lzer i-cinv-i-ed from corporation tlu, Mnock nu found bimaol! undor the machine, hut In u Ireo top. One lef unit in leti iirui were pinned between ihi- oar and tho tree. The at eldeiit occurred 11 bout H 'clock In the evening, lie succeeded Iti extricating himself by eutt nv I h rough t he tree, which vvuh ii bout three inchcH in dlnmcicr, with a book- t nilc lint It li.ul f'i i I(,iiir in, ni'-'. cillticH an the demand fur the ear 111- and wore ihe knife MmAe mil. When he wuh free ho found the car almost upright one Midi' standing on STUDEBAKER BU.LDS AHEAD OF DEMANDS When the BtudobulCer derided to Invest $ 1 n , In modern ftutosftobllt plMll for Die man- iifucturliitf the, new fttudebakAr Light Six. It upMet a t radii lop In the motor car Industry. Trad It hn won Id have HUKffeMted the erection "f email plant or of devoting a pari f our present factory euuipmeni to she manufacture of thlH new modi, expanding our fa- t creused. New Plant's on -it ii. i ion. The new plant Is of it eel and rnn- lnc hmHM(, Iin,, lh(, nther ,n lh(. troo. ton fis the place was ho hco. . fter rrete const met ion nnd Is- equipped with muehlnerv of the lat.st dewign. In eluding every Known device for effi cient and economlm I manufactured Commodious space (tfad oqulpnioni are provided for the Mfporlmontnl and re search laboratories, ft we'l tin for all divisions of the engineering depart ment. In the new plant will he produced nil castings, forging and stumping for the new Light Six. The hitet heat treating and carbonizing equipment h provided, together with machine shop body plant h n nd a nipt' rn II way and tiaek facilitleK" for shlpplwr. Tho new plant eoyore efcht y-tlve i acre, and the huntings represent more than 1,000,000 so, "a re fed of go ton! floor epare. Thai mean the nd-1 dltlon of 12,000 new employe within! a few monthi with thousands of work men to be added production is In creased. The plant in Ideally sHnntod from a railroad standpoint, with ready access to four Important road. Crawltoff to the road he walked three miles to the farm of William Hamilton j and wan rushed to Wilbur. Although ho badly bruised that he In! una hie to Hit up there are no bones broken. The car will be rained with1 loe'e n m - tackle. One wheel wuh de molished and the wind inlaid broken FRANKLIN ATHLETES A Truck Undteputad supremacy between the athletic teams of the H. H. Franklin and that of the Ilrown-Lip-Chapln Co., Mfg. Co., known as the Automakers, knotvn as t he Jearmakers both of ...i..,. I-.....,. .i. ... r i, ... ",l,"m' nnn r. m u -in . 11- Tn each detail of the plant the safety end welfare of the men and their health and eomfnfl have been of prime consideration. The nest features of modern sanitation, ventilation, lighting and heating- have been Introduced. The completed plant is made up of ten major "buildings. The principal machine shop. 1,100 hf TOO feet nnd one story In height, will alone employ 3 !100 men n majority of whom will be skilled workmen. The foundry, r.on by 130 feet nnd two gtOliflg Msh. will require 1 ,!nn men. The ca rhunlxlng end sprlnc deportment, a I building 1.000 by ion feet, will emplov Tn) men In the forge shop. 1,000 be- I8 feet, the wrvlces f 1 000 men will be need ed. These few fliur" merely serve tn Indicate the magnitude of the un- j dertaklnff. evening, Feb. 7. when the FT nklln athletes triumphed over fhelr rivals by a point score of 39 to 21 In a dual meet held In the big Arch npffl gymnasium of Syracuse Vnlver sity. A crowd of over 3.000 persons wit nessed the sport carnival consisting of a basketball name, B0 -yard dash CAR PLUNGES OVER 50-FOOT BANK: MAN PINNED IN TREE TOP 150- yard dash, a series of boxing bouts, bowling matches and swimming- con ! ti sts. it. Tienialne of the Franklin team, winner uf both the r.O-ynrd dash (and the If 0-yard dash wo tho Indivi dual star of the meet. During the summer of 191JI there was keen rivalry between the baseball t am representing t he two factories (located only a few blocks apart) for first honors in the Syracuse Industrial l.fiujUH, ihe championship and sllvef cup finally going to Franklin. It 1 expected that the C.earmakeis will moke a determined effort to wrest tLe cup back again during the coining summer. WIIiBUR, pr .:d nt nf . 21 J. C rural mall earners Alcoholic Ibjuors ore entirely pro 'hlbited In Turkey and other Moham medan countries. "UGLIEST GIRL IN NEW YORK" BEFORE AND AFTER MILLINERS TRIED THEIR ARTS ON HER I HAULS 1 1-2 TONS AND 75 PER CENT OF ALT, LOADS C OlIUED BJ HORSE OK MOTOR ARE I 1-2 ATONS OR LESS. A One-Ton Maxwell Truck heavily loaded with a stripped Maxwell chassis made a record trip across the mountains to La Grande in the face of almost every obstacle that could be placed before a.n motor driven truck. Snow, mud, washouts etc., making the entire trip on its own power and praetictdly without car or motor trouble of any kind with the exception of one broken bearing. 75 per cent of all Hauling Can be Done by a Maxwell Truck There are now more than 13,(M)0 Maxwell trucks in use. And not a single business can be found to which the Maxwell isn't adapted. Up to this time there has been listed over 300 kinds of business in which Maxwell trucks are em ployed. They will do everything a five-ton truck will do except haul five tons at one load. Five-ton trucks aren't better. They're merely bigger. Big trucks spend more gas hauling themselves than the Maxwell uses at peak load. How well those Maxwells have done their work is shown by a service record of 99.6 per cent perfection the greatest record ever made by a motor-driven vehicle. $1310, chassis only, f. o. b. Detroit. Electric lights. Electric generator. Worm drive. 2400 lbs. Neil & Barker MAXWELL DEALERS Riverside Phone 180 -Bf" " 1 d I V wSEm mm - i.f !- FAMOUS WOMAN DISCOVERER IS DEAD IN LONDON Mm Oil-son was the widow of the :everend James Young Gibson, a cted translator of Cervantcrs' poetry. n ureanization "iiKliest Kirl In New the proper millinery "Flue fiathers make a fine bird.- That Is what i tall nUtllnera contended and they offered 1100 for th .. .. ti .ii.. tii, .t i.v nmner application of aidfl she CAUld be II MlL-formei! ' oenmj, . t . and eubmitted to the teM Above are the -before and after photographs taken t her to prove the truth of the "fine feathers' adage. LONDON, Feb. 21. The death i reported of KM Margaret Dunlop I Qlbaon, who In 1S96. after nix visits to Mount Sinai, brought to England the ! first leaf of what is known as the He- I brew lOcclclnsticus. With her twin sister, Mrs. Agnes Lewls, she shared the distinction if discovering in Itll the tamOUg Syriac pallmpeeat of the Qoapala in the ; monastery on Mount Sinai. H waa J very dirty, and its leaves were nearly ,'all etUCk together, through their hav- tng remained unturned probably since the last Syrian monk h;d died in tlu1 Btonaatery centuries before. The sisters took about 4 00 photo graphs Of It. When they returned to kSnaland It was identified by I'rofes I snrs Hurkitt and Itcnsley of Cam- ! bridge CJnlvoralty as the Curatonian . fbanueeript, one of the oldest voratone of the QoapaUl extant in any langunge. Another expedition was sent to Slnal and the text was copied. Its publi cation of the text in I h n 4 marked an epoch in the history of Iiritish criticism. DESCHANEL REFUSES CA PARIS. Fcl. 31. Premipr Miller nnd Thurdy offered the reUfnatlon Of the entire Oablnet to Paul Des chanel, ni'M" jiresiilent. wlun he aa sunied fflce yesterday, it is learned today, luit Deschanel refused to ac cept them, requesting Millarand and his ministers to retain their portfolio; Inventor Who Hopes to Get Message From Mart JBl UUILT TO OVERCOME ALL fTR VNSPORTATION WWm DIFFICT LTIES H ! wrai , c , . .. in !1::&:W More r owct mw wprH Cos! Per Mil" Haul, Tire Mile- U W$$m age Doubled, Dependability, II I mm mm ml m Service. jssssmw ranlis by depxee staffs from land, Akron and Newark, Ohio, teams will compete for a silve cup. Cleve-These in. town,-' ed overn Some Town "You advertise this as the "It certainly is," replied the clerk. Well, that may uc a good boost for j hotel, hut it's a terrible knock for tstoii Transcript. -B IjONDON. A judge at West Ham j has to be very precise. "Did your hua I band threaten you?" the Judge asked la woman. "N'o, sir. He said he would j kill me." "Did you assault her " he asked another. "No. certainly not. I only slapped her face." In the hope of picking up a mes sage from Mars or whatever planet 11 is from which It Is tuoilgni sujntua are being received by ihe Marconi plant i .lames Harris Itogc rs ot Hyattsvllle. lid., inventor of underground and I !derseas wireless, will attune his plant j to take messages of wave lengths up to l.'.a.i nelres. This is .".. 110(1 metres longer than the wave lengths used by the Marconi plant. The Hyattsvllle inventor placM his aiaowv eries in the hands of the government unresei cdl iturim; the war. YEOMEN. 500 STRONG. GATHER IN COLUMBUS COLUUBtTS, Pei. lie IfHve hun dred delegates all'l visitors are ex pected to attend the tM annual an nlversiiry convention and realm of Hhadamanthns reremimlal of the Urothorhoo.l of American Yeomen which heyan here today. A feature of the convention will be he Initiation of a (lass of .".no new a.ididates into the main so.iet I 1 A' v " " 7 ! jf j The above Photograph a reproduction of a full car load of Federal Tires received at our store recently. This is the largest single shipment of tires ever received in Pendleton and is another link in our argument that Federal tires are making good there's a reason. Call Our Service Car. Phone KM)