DAILY EVENING EDITION Number o& KJjjgl ,( ,Mt.r4W . 3,051 TH oapor I. member ml audited B the Audits Bureau of Circulation 'lho East Ortfonlaa li Eastern Ore gon's greatest newspaper and a selling fore wives to the advartlaca over twice the guaranteed paid circu lation la Pendleton and Umatilla coun ty of any other newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEE CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1920. NO. 4964 ARCHANGEL FALLS IN SOVIET HANDS DISPATCH CLAIMS DISC ERER OF NORTH P' . IS DEAD AT HOME IN WASHINGTON, D.C. attack AIMS AT A FRENCH MEMOIR WASHIXdTO.V, Feb. 20. Rear Admiral Robert 1-7. -Peary, discoverer the north pole, died today. His death occurred at home here where he wna - n r o i i1""'" i iirir-ui npMr.uion iur iieiniciuuH anemia. MOSCOW MeSSage UeClareS BOl- Following a blood transfusion operation, the admiral showed sliKht im- sllPliki HnVP PTIltlirpH Pitu ! I'r(,vi,nl'nt. und was taken home and thought to be recovering. He appeared . Tl vnj I quite strong yesterday, but suffered a relapse during the night. and Garrison There Has I caught aiicthj fjbvhii fifiriA fluPP tft Rorl Pnrrac I u waH 1,1 lsB,i tnitl Perry, then only SO years old, made his first trip north UUHC UVCI IU neu rUIOBo. ttn(j oaught the Arctic fever, "a malady he was never able to cure." id of MILITARY OPPOSITION PRACTICALLY CRUSHED If Confirmed, News Will Verify Radical Assertion That Fighting is Futile; Word of Victory Not Unexpected. LONDON, Feb. 20. A Moscow des patch today claimed that the bolshe viki captured Art-hansel, and that the garrison there has joined the reds. The military Hltuatln throuStooiit j Hukm1:l liuK lM-en very favorable for tho boUhevikl for tivral wreeka The fall I oi Archangel wan not unexpected. If ' the dispatch is cunfirmed it will prac- -t lea My verify the sovlet'R claim that active military opposition in RuMttftj has been crushed. and caught the Arctic fever, "a malady he was never able to cure." From that date to September, 1 90!t, there was a continuous per planning and effort to reach the top of the world. It was on September 13. 1909, that Peary cast his first shudow of suspicion over the claims of Dr. Frederick Cook that he discovered the north pole. REACHKD POIjE IN 1909 "1 have him nailed," Peary telegraphed his wife. It was on September 5,1 1909, Chat Pary announcement that he had "Nailed the Stars and Stripes ' to the pole," was received in America. That was five days after Cook sent a telegram to Denmark declaring he j bad found the pole. The, final dash for the pole which proved successful started July ;, 1 90 8. His date of discovery is given all April J, 1909. Dining the 4aat two years Peary underwent between 40 and 50 Mood j tranf mdons. i I IN RAILROAD BILL Leaders Say Situation Most Serious in Week But Strike Mention is Carefully Avoided in Discussion of Measure. ORGANIZED LABOR BACKS UNDUE ADVANTAGE CHARGE Section Orders Interstate Com merce Commission to Adjust Rates so Roads Are Assured 5V2 Percent Gain. WASHIxaTl POSTERS WILL INVITE LEGMEN TO BIG FEBRUARY 28 SMOKER ilroad whii h pn d not i en whf FOR STATE DELEGATE IAL Fred K. Schmidt, local attorney, is In mentioned by friend here as a t possible republican candidate for the Small Group of Local Members lZJ. SmiX when seen today, said that he had as yet made no plans to enter politics, but that if he were urged to run and assured of backing, he might consent. The post for those ! i hile serv- j ine corps. ( these me- I SOOd posts overnment I ark of op- people for played! in WILSON'S LATEST NOTE ON ADRIATIC SETTLEMENT IS CONSIDERED fill WORD Reply is Dispatched and Publication During Day of Entire Correspondence is Hoped for by Officials as President is Believed Not Adverse to G iving Out Authentic Statement. 1 M CONSTERNATION REIGNS : Washington Feb. 2o.-pre81dent WHEN JANITOR DESTROYS I't 50 M0NTESAN0 EXHIBITS f!OIM hl fInal word on he suhJf. ; It was stated today. One official said j he thought "no further correapond- ' ence will be neceeaary. May I'uhllsh eContent Officials -who are anxious for pub lication of the entire correspondence) I hpe to arrange for the giving out of the notes today. It is believed the j president is not adverse to such action. Summaries of the allies' reply to (President Wilson's first note, publish ed in the L'nited States were today de j clared not authentic by the white house and state department. Ml iN'TESAXO, Feb. 20. Con sternation reigned among attor neys in the syndicalism trial of al leged indu stria lists here today when it was discovered over 50 exhibits In the case were destroyed by the janitor last night. Both sides agreed to proceed with the case without the exhibits. DEBATE OVER HOME RULE IS POSTPONED Will Canvass City for Re cruits Pointing Out Nation wide Benefits of Members- RITAIN'S RUSSIAN on p . Tho Sands are heated, Th Tiger fed, The Camel watered Who said "Bed"? Street parade, exhibition drill by the brigand in their new uniforms, then away to tho bloody fields of Ini tiation Mich la the program for the IXfkkle ceremonial to be held here next Monday. The I.a Crande delegation, the di- tttn. drill team, hug and baggage, will arrive here Monday morning, speak ing of the divan. Its members are in an ugly mood and they promise no mercy for the tyros. One of the members of the divan la a local man. He Is 11. W. Fletcher. Satrap. T. D.Taylor, also of this city, la a member of the dramatic divan, holding the position of official guard. Following ia the official divan: C. K. McCormlck, Royal Vizer; Claude Cooper. Grand Emir: A. M. Cummins, Sheik; C. A. Stephenson. Mahedi; C. M. Humphreys, s. William .Miller, treasurer; Fletcher, Satrap; W. I Overt) Hruce Cox. .Mokauna; M. F Saruk. The dramatic divan consists of F. A. Blrkitt and W. W. Stevens, ea inrts; U. W. McCarthy, master of Mb. order; H. W. Riley and It. C. l.ee, In spectors of. Secret Work; A. W. Nel son, Captain of Hrigands; W. F. Ash man, Master of Properties; C. O. Holton.Klectrician; J. F. Flatcr, band leader; C. B. Mays, band master; James McKlnnla, Sand Heater; Bd Camel Keeper: Warren IM1- Mr. Schmidt never has held offic nor In any other way laKen a active part in politic. It Is underst that, his backers are seeking a man t compete with the two incumbents, t both of whom are from the west end of the county. Pressure is also being brought strongly to induce fi. IX Peterson, of ! Milton, to enter the race for the nom ination for district attorney on the I republican ticket. R. I. Keatnr, in- Pic I cumbent, has already filed his ileclar- son i I ation of seeking the nomination for stopp . reelection hut one branch of the re- : about publican party in the county Is said to I on ea be urging the Milton man to run. by th the: LONDON, Feb. 20. Debate on the I home rule bill was today postponed in . the houae of commons until next week. Jt will probably come up Tuesday. The bill, it is understood, will be practically the same as Lloyd- George outlined when it was Introduc I ed last December. HUSBAND DENIES ALL MRS. HAWLEY'S CHARGES STAGGERED BY NOTE AND MORALE IS LOW Feb. ! ROME, son's Adr gloom" o according to day. ' The Y goring blow I the .lis dlsp as pitiful." stary Sablb Davii Croatian, c; Ion, Judge; Stan E. Woodell, Foo Taylor, , Official ( sy Shell. I Inspector uard. inner T. NEW CADET OFFICERS APPOINTED TODAY BY HIGH SCHOOL LEADER Military appointments for the F dlcton high school cadet corps v nut this morning by Karl rUivihmann. commandant for tho second semester vene onil nro MS follow: Uoyd Austin, first lieutenant; Pern ind lieutenant; ja Sergeants, l.loyo me 4oUnan, Ijtwrence War orDorels, Then re BJ. 'hey are f the school Company 1. i In red, white and blue, nn- nouncin'g the membership drive for Umatilla County's four legion posts, will be placed at every crossroads and in every public place In the county, to morrow. The posters are being put out by Pendleton Post primarily to in vito the other legion men of the coun ty to attend the big smoker and high Jinks which will close the week of campaigning with n boxing and wrestl ing card in Eagle-Woodmen hall Sat urday night. Plana for the membership drive lo cally were worked out in a meeting of the committee of nine yesterday af ternoon. Small groups of local legion members will divide tho town into .lis- QJY OF FIUW1E IS mn ann inmi t m ,.i inn c-. , men during the week, explaining to them benefits to bo derived from legion membership, and enrolling them in the organization. I ron Lobby f;ots Results A 1)111 now before congress provid ing for a $.r)0 bond for each month a man put In service, is being backed strongly by tho legislative committee of the national organization. This committee is confindent that the bill ;sition," one will be passed within the coming 60 cat ion in th days, the local post was informed yes terday. Every request that the legion's lobby at Washington has made of congress baa been granted, the local post is in- : Termed. Reforms in the war risk in- i surance were brought about at the ! suggestion of the legion men and : many other matters nre now pending. With a 100 per cent membership of j former service men. the legion be- ; lievos that even better things for the men who fought will bo possible. When tho week's membership drive j opens Monday, legion men from the I four posts will start out to get every j eligible service man. Towns having no potl " ill bo visited by delegates from j adjacent posts and the men given an opportunity to join the post of their choice. Pendleton will send delegates to Pilot Rock. Echo and Helix, BUI nhould a man In Echo care to join i Hermiston post, or the man In Helix, the Athena JWeaton post, he will he eiven that privilege. The drive is for j the legion as a whole, rather than n competition between posts. Athletic Program Looks Good The athletic program for Saturday night February 'is, is coming along in J the best of shape, t M ! Dotted. J"bere will b round boxln Ina match 1 1 d tloh of strikes LONDON', Ee SNOW STOPS PLOWING BUT INSURES MOISTURE WHERE BADLY NEEDED aincil of hp allied a in Vf today Cham led tl total 1 Untie debate emier Miller--Monday, ft is Chancellor lerl&iiv in an at Britain's 56Stfi0n,00f) LAD KILLED BY AUTO B ni welcome oak into th ot th. iff fi pres II horn larlv .pain-st 'IIS of fail-Prea-ul the President Wll note "ca.t a shadow 0 the entire city of Finnic ad vices recei ved here t " PORTLAXD. Feb. 20. Gilbert fvuehle, aged 14, was instantly killed today when he was struck by an au tomobile driven by H. Daughtrey, commission broker. The boy was en route to school on a bicycle. Daughtrey was formerly president ftt the Portland I'nion Stock Yards fomp.vnv, retiring a year ago and po faff to his Umatilla ranch to recuper nfe. He recently returned here to en tor the livestock com mission business in North Portland. OREGON CITY. Feb. 20. A com plete denial of all charges by Mrs. iMarjorie Hawley was made by Willarfll P. Hawley Jr., resident manager of j the Hawley Pulp & Paper company, i in the divorce bu it brought by Mrs. i Hawley and on trial here. Hawley asserted that if he had struck Mrs. Hawley, as she testified, I he had considered the matter trivial jand that the blows were not inten tional. He said he had always been loving and endearing in his manner toward his wife and had always tried to patch up their quarrels. A letter written by Hawley while he was in Oakland, Cal., in 1017, waa introduced, in which he began, "Dear est Baby, Lover. Doll," and signed "Love Man." The letter was filled with endearing terms and he referred to a letter received from Mrs. Hawley as an "angel letter." He wrote that t was the second sent her that day. Mrs. Hawley's case was rested Wed nesday aftei-n-mnd Judge Bagley denied motions by the defense that the case be dismissed and that por tions of the testimony be stricken out. note strut' morale o h said. :ed city i The sit-describ- MONTESANO JURY, INTERRUPTED BY ILLNESS TODAY, VViLl HEAR SANITY REPORT TOMORROW ONE OF FIVE MILLIONS oinmillee three fr I'liminaries, a .wre falls and a J stl-lx- ltvis, see. first sergeant: uno. Harold Hold ner, David Bwftna round wind-up in the boxing program. Several other features of the evening are not being divulged In advance. Men j rearing the legion button or having lire blue card of mcmnersmp win in the only eliKi what post a memb- will be it no liter ft-i h ad in i Reetx mil Hoy dore Janes, I Fanshier. Company 2: Donald Wi fist llentennnt: Sergeant, li,,,, ,..,,..,!( - Rerae&ntd, Smith, Kenneth Bew, ueorge Charles Snyder, Fred Khorman and url Planting. id worth, Richard Richard FOItEION I.OBISI1-5S AtVI-SKO WASHINGTON, 1 that foreign lobbies break down t marine were ! commerce eon (-lark of Beattl 20. Chan t eying American merchr esented to the sonn ttttee. today by MASSACRED BY TURKISH NATIONAL REBELS LONDON', Fob. o" seven Armenia Irict of Adnna. in were massacred 20. The population n villages in the dis Turkish Asia-Minor, by Turkish national ist rebels, according t" semi-nrriciai advices today. The Armenians ap pealed to nllled UthorItlM to provide them arms so that they can protect themselves from the Turks. Advices Indicate that the situation In CUIcia, where ir.0,000 Armenians nre reported in danger of annihilation. ha become mure Bcrioiis. Coarse The situati market is rei l 1 Is bid Market Steady in tho coarse prain with J.-.s for fnt $59 and $fi J41 apaln. U looked up barley trad. the ma iH.ited steady tda their former level. Corn t. Portland exchange at ! mniedlato shipment and ' are shipment. Oats are 1 uith mill feed quoted at rin- drought in California' n as a possible aid to the which has been out f fur mure than a month Cabled from Central Kurwe: Kive million children, under the are of 1 5t .ire upon Ihe verge of starvation ntral Kurope where tho Ameiicnr Relief Mmtntotrattoft and th-' I !rd "ris are fichtir battles w!th hu Five cents, contrib.iled by An: ericans. will feed one of those chlldr-n one tLy. A dollar will feed tw MO.VTBSAXO. Feb. 20. Illness of Juror Parr today delayed the Central ia murder trial. Judge Wilson an- w tmiu m in- lltTllt after he received the nhvsician"s re- poit that Parr was unable to appear. The juror has a hiffh fever and in fluenza is suspected. MOXTRRAN'O, Feb. 20. The Cen tralia murder trial will be continued IOLU03TOW even though Juror Parr is i unable to attend court, according- to Judge Wilson. He said if Parr can 'not be present, one of two alternates jwill be sworn in to replace him. iCoi nty Physician Fitz. who examin ed the sick juror, was unable today to determine if Parr is suffering from in , f luenza. 1 lober t s Kxa m i ued . ! The report of thre alienists who will lestify regarding the mental con dition ( f Ivoren Koberts, one of tht de fendants, will be submitted to the jury unicrn w. They examined him. "Whatever the testimony will be in reft) rd t 1 i obert s, t he case a ga inst the ether nine men will not be affect ed in any wav,'' Special Prosecutor j ! Cunningham said. PoflltS ,to J.oophole. Cunningham also pointed to a seri otn? loophole in the self-defense the- I ,ory which Defense Attorne Vande-i voor aavanced. He said under the Washington law self defense cannot be! claimed by a person who resists an 1 i.lleged attack on persons "not in his presence." Thus the men in various! buildings or on Seminary hill at Cen- , inula cannot claim self defense as cuter maintained. 6 ' AIR MAIL FROM N. Y. TO PACIFIC FAVORED WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. The sen ate postoffice committee today voted to recommend the establishment of an air mail route from New York, to San Francisco and for dropping tho present routes between New York and Washington and New York and Chicago. PHONE CALL FOILS THIEVES OPERATING WITH AUTO TRUCK SCAPPOOSE, Feb. 20. Mike Cal lahan of Scappoose accidentally spoil ed neatly laid planes of auto truck robbers. "Hello, Price; have you sold your mill?' he injuired of D. W. Price of the Scappoose Lumber company over the phone Tuesday morning. "No" an s w er ed Price. "Well, there is a man here loading machinery on a truck,' Callahan re plied. Price and Deputy Sheriff George Grant rushed toward the mill. On the way they met the truck load of machinery, camouflaged with hay. The alleged thieves were taken to St. Helens to await court action. HOUSE COMMITTEE VOTES FOR MILITARY TRAINING W A SI 1 1 NGTON. Feb. 20. U ni ver sa 1 military training to be instituted July 1, 192 2, was approved today by ho house military committee by a vote of 11 to nine. POLICEMAN KILLED IN DUBLIN MELEE Weajlx S5 I rom the report of Major I.e Moorhouso. wenther observer. Maximum, 42. Minimum. 27. Rarometer. 29. 45. Precipitation, .02. DUBLIN, Feb. 0. A policeman lis killed, another slightly wounileil. mi a civilian dangerously wounileil. n (Uhttnii her,, kite last nifrht. It is ot learned whether the police were mbu h, ,l or Hi.- hooting occurred vhen th-i attempted raids. One policeman was wounded when aiders attacked the police barracks ; n .West Kim rv W dnesday niRht, it is "irncd. The attacking party, after 1 rinir on the building for three hours, finally succeeded in bombing it and Mowing aw. tv one wall. Seven police lien in the barracks kept up a con t annus fithl and finally repulsed the 1 TUT urriTurt H mil nuuiiLr FORECAST ToniRht and Saturday gen erally fair. owing to a break in prices.