PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1020. TWELVE PAGES MHiimiiMiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiii!!' :ui: iiiiiiiiiijinitiHiiiiiiuiiiililittiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii iimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiDiiMmmiii nullum iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih" s s Pendleton's Greatest Department Store Bogs ta announce that with the opening of Thursday morning WE BEGIN AN INTENSIVE CAMPAIGN ON H K(;AINS, offering such good cash savors as those' listed herein. A CAMPAIGN TO KNOCK OUT OLD II. GL. (JUILT COVERINGS A pood 28 Inch printed challie of pretty designs and excellent thread. Selling regularly for 30 & 35c. During this campaign 24c ,? I DOOM) FINE DRESS SH( )ES The entire "left overs" from our recent up stairs sale of high grade footwear for women. The very finest of boots. During this campaign 1-3 and 1-2 Price. The Bargain Basement Conquers Bulldog tenacity accomplishes all things the "stay with it" wins. ALL PILLOW TUBING IN THE U. S. IS PRACTIC ALLY EXH AUSTED But we knew that there must be some left somewhere and we continued to try until' we located and bought it all 150 yards practical- ery tine in its quality and 42 inches in its width. ly every yard in the country. last in the U. S. We offer i at 69c until all is sold. Remember this is the 1 LITTLE GIRLS' WASH DRESSES The kind they romp around in, the good, strong gingham kind, selling. . 9Sc to $1.29 FOR INFANTS' DRESSES The finest of India Linons, mercerized "Quality" batiste. Lawns of high quality. All at bargain prices. CALICO I Here is the bargain. 28 in. prints at the lowest prices in all Pendleton. Special 24c the yard. THREAD 3c THE SPOOL 125 yards-40, 50, 60-black, Avhi( EXTENSION SCHOOL HAS INEW TEACHERS' COURSES Ammunrrmmt of four IH'W l'lll'M(l!1 Of FHIKMilll lll'lll'tlt til Nl'llliol I t'il f tlt'l'K h i:, just in ii nuMta by tii llnlvaniU! ut Oregon extension division In n i)ptlC( received loda) by Count) School 8u Hparintendenl V. W. Oreen. Bsoh of a the oaursea la baaed ubon two booka from ibe Ills-ltiO r.-udlnir olrola Hat. The work la ao arranted thai n teacher who ruiiiuli-t. Hi., elulii l.. jj'niM iiml the oxii in iii:t 1 1 ii In all) one s if the oursea la entitled to one aem 5 eater hour unlvemlty credit mid to tin B readtnl circle oertif loatei required for ; professional certificate. Those courma follow the plan of the two n sif(r'ri innt year, wtjitph were sonsldsrtd s,vry supnsasru snaong the (sachsr, Sj Tin' titles of tii.'sr. reading oil i niuiwa anil tin- beoka seed in each Eitre ux follows: 5 eeomtery School Methods c" S jwot-iii iiy for hiuh ki'I l teachers) SiTextn: Col'vin, An introduction to 5hlgh achOQl teaching; and Irmlia, in-ln- olplea hi Becondari education. s 2. Uethoda in Teaching c. course in elementary method,) Texts: Free- man. the Psyeholoiry of the Common 5 Binohai and Parker, Qeoeral Meth- Ode of Teaching In Klein, intary Schools. S Rural School Uanasemsnt and Health Education. Texts: Andre sa, g Health l.'ducatlon In Itnial School:.. s and wiikinsoai, rural s.ii-.oi mg i . I ment. B 4. Educational Sociology. Texts: , KilKleman, .Moral l-Mucalton In School Xjaml Home; and Kobbina the School aa 3 Social Institution. QUICK RELIEF Oct Dr. Edward3' Olive Tablets That Is tho Joyful t ry of thouxnnda ainoe Or, Udtvards produoed uiive Tableta, the suhHtltutc for calntnol. No H a-l aa; results from Iheso llirasallt Utile tableta. They onus- the liver .mil liowels tn ai't norinally. They never force them m unnatural action. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tableta aro a soothing, heallJIaTi vegetable compound Meed with olive oil i If you have i bad tuate, bad breath. feel dull, tired, are constipated or I'll!,, us, you'll find null K ami aure from Dr. Kdwarda' little tillve Tableta at bod time, luc and 160 a box. aueh i ! reel h:hI helpful bearing- up n many of the health problems that ire receiving slate and national at t, urn ii, that wo ahotild be glad If you i-. old five it eapeoJal recommendation to your ti ai'bers. Teachers who do not oare to lake the correspondonco courae In which it la used, may pre Pare ottly tho usual reading clrclo re PERCALE BUNGALOW APRONS Great big roomy ones that sell $1.89 and $1.98. During this campaign 98c ANOTHER ALUMINUM SALE I --' le Rice Boilers of p- ? aluminum of fei . ' (Turing this campaign at t! is xtra spe tlcl price $1.98 FREE A full can of heat with every "Stero" ap plirii e sold duri.ig this campaign. Stero appliances are designed for use with canned heat. We are demonstrating ever' day. CHILDREN'S HOSE There are no other values such as these, offering excellent 60c hose for boys' and girls at the special price 29c PENCILS Ic EACH Sold every where at 2 for 5c I ".ndrsea- 'Health Education In Rural Schools' Is one of the most practical booka on health that has ever been Included on tho readmit clr clo llat." nays the bulletin "It has many helpful hints, for any teacher, but may be Invaluable to the rural teacher who has the desire and the opportunity to help solve health prob lems, not only In her school but In the cummunlty also. This book has NEW CABINET HEAD These are but a few of the hundreds f good things offered during the Intensiv e Campaign to Reduce the II. C. L. A visit to this wonderful Barg lin Basement will surprise you. I I j. PLNDLETONS greatest store InePeoDles Warehous WHEO Vf IPAYS TO TRAD-" STJItiHl1 IIHtMIIHHIIHIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.flHnilllllllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllH llllllllllllllllll I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII: , ; i,' , ;,,,;,,,,,,,,,,, WHOLE FAMILIES FREED FROM GOLDS Mi ll III II ,11 II Hill iif DYED CHILD'S COAT AND HER OLD SKIRT "Diamond Dyes" Made Fad ed, Shabby Apparel as Fresh as New. Half a century breaking colds is behind Dr. King's New DUcovery ronosrfe wahbum&b iskckiits (Continued from pase 1.) while there, ''lark phoned back did not di villa from where he phoning. but was . over the receipts to him. Spent -Money Like Water. ItcassuririK Alwnj's, always very reassurinir FROM the little tots to srandma, every one In tl? family cn use this fiftv-years-lhe stand ard remedv In perfect safety and confident of beneficial results. Incessant couRtilne, disatrrewiMp Krippc. stubhorn cold promptly chocked, the phlefrm dissipated, the eontestion looseuid. Same high quality today ns al ways. IT. Klnss New Discovery Uvea to Its time-tested reputa tion. 60c. and $1.20 a bottle. The Results of Constipation are sick headaches, biliousness, iiervousueea, sallow skin, waste matter tn the body. Correct this imdermininar evil with Dr. KiuR s New Ufe Pi! la. Feel good every day. K.-cp the system cleausod. 20c a bottle. Jjocal persons who became acquain ted with Clark remarked that be waa very tree with his money, lie was not I content to drive about In cars belong ing to the firm but spent many dollurM j on for-bire machines. He often handed the driver a bunch of bills. E asking "Is this enough?" He never accepted the change. Very engag.Ht raao like dime novel fiction, i Clark was Aiier oma nmg a large sum of money about his honesty and the safety of from the Portland firm hv rrmiH ',.....! v.. r ..... mtu j Clark met and dined with Mr. Lively ence Bealaad said today. When Clark ion Sunday with a most undisturbed nbml hta fit machine, in tli Pn- air. The Portland man was not cer- Hand warehouse and asked for re-! tain of the guilt of Clark and after iccipta, he also asked as a acpecial fa idinner decided he would like to look wr to ho niv.i, .-, lev in Hi. I f h 1 hZ r" ascertain house, so that he might do a little Clark was always In a great rush 'Lini hifh ?h.' T. WBre c ."-Of on the cars from time to time, to do business and it is thi? trait 222 tZSS JJ IT I , " Wfr '"-'This reuuest was denied inasmuch as wnlcn iH to have "got him by" In I Th i- i , f1 a" a'rplan' on warehouse receipts are bankable and : numerous Instances. He found Cla, -'Ih, Vi, , , l'owevf' suggested the transfer company could not afford once Pen land and one or two local ithat they first take (l rids in the air. to have the aecurlty liable In anyone's I bankers Inclined to bo conservative. Itn tL tHi whlM am !? rt,',VTn hanrts' however, and they were Inclined to do w-H.r i , h.e P'.'O S- L Saturday night Clark rushed business wilh him only on abnolutolv .Walter P. Ixses. was asked to Uke into the Penland office and said hnlbusiness principles. The bank at him up for a spin. Clark rema'ned ha,i .ni ... ...i..,i in u I Z. ...r ....... .... ,u l. ... . , ! " " u.i Miiico ne oeiiosiiea ine K. lluuie ... i1.. . "i i. out or tne warenous'. tie sanl the waa in flight, returned to th: hot) L receipt was in the bank. Mr. Penland : He left word for Mr. Lively to l.iett ifn-n.,i i,i,n IK. h. ,,.., h. . v... j him therjj at 2:30. When Mr. I.i-.ely receipt before he could release the was being driven down town. Clark, car. Clark assured him that it would Even tho pretense that It is needed by another road, returned to the field, 'be perfectly safe to let it out and for flu medicine cannot be made In He ave oidcrs to Mr. I.eea to take the 'that he could not get the receipt as it behalf of booze in Oeorgla; for actual- air anu towaru i-oriianit and jwaH ,,ast banking hours. When con-1 Iv there Is more booze than flu here I there thejr made their getaway. It vlnced that Mr. Penland would not re-1 and the former Is "mighty scarce," to was leaini"! looaj inal tney lanueu at lease the car lie finally cot one of iheihi-..,- il,. ,.,hiiot .n i. Aiini. r- gasoline and water and (bankers to open the Institution and stltution. IT U.S. PRICES warehouse receipts of Penland Uroth J crs will lose nothing, it Is said. CHICAGO, Feb. 18. Lower prices fur meat .n me near tutuie ire pre dli ted by the American instituto of meat packers today. Resumption of i ii . war meat Industries in foreign countries and the low rale of foreign c: .i hange will force the prices down, the institute declared in a abatement issued hero. n cited tho fact that ktncland imw i. i I Of band seven months 'allpply of bacon. As a result American bacon, i rmerly exported to Brit i in must fit il i market In the United St.:!, . JUP6E B. PA YNS ' WASHINGTON John Barton Payne succeeds Franklin K. Lane, who resigned, as secretary of the intrirlor. He was superior court Judge in Chicago and, later, gen eral counsel of tbe Emergency Fleet Corporation. Don't worry about perfect results, l se "Diamond Pyea," guaranteed to give i new rich, fadeless color to any fAbrlc, whether It be wool, silk, linen OOt ton or mixed gooda, dresaea, MSUSSS, stocking) draperies, cover ings. The Wroctlon Book with each pack age tells ao plainly how to diamond dye over any color that you can net make a mistake. To match any material, have drug glst show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. AN INSIDE BATH MAXES YOU LOOK AND FEEL FRESH Says a glam of hot water with phosphate before breakfast keeps illness away. J'hyMlrftmH the word ovor reeoiTi natnd th iiiHlde hath, declarinir thin i-i of vairtiy mom import a n'o than out mI(J cloiinirnp.fN, 5eWlfsV1&e k(n pnro (1 not a)Hirh ImpdritiOS into the blood, cauKing ill health, while tho pores in the ten yarda of bowels do. Ml-ii ;liiU wom,f-i, ur. urg) to drink each morning; lofor breAkfaat, a flasf of hot water with & tennpoonful of ltincHt'ne phoMphate In It, as a harnile.w meunn of helping to waah tho HtoD.arh. Ilvor, kidneys and bowel the prcvioua Osy'a indlirestlble roatatia U poteona, our bile and tox ins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying tho jtltraentiiry canal before eating more fond. Thoso who wake up with !ad breath i iiiiii-il tongue, nasty tasto or have a dull, aching head, fallow complexion, acid stomach; others who have bilious attacks or onHtlpation. should obtain a ijunrter pound of limestone phos Thate at the drug store. This will eoat very little but is sufficient to show the value pf inside bathing. REM ADMIRAL BENSON Floating Specks ( Jv"frra tho pvnc Arvr crw11c - v 'i a. i ii, ' viu.. T " i-i ' ' -f palpitation of the heart, less appetite or craving for sweet or sour kinds of food are signs of self-poisoning by products of poorly digested or imperfectly eliminated food waste which have entered the blood. Beecham's Pills assist to restore normal action of liver, stomach and kidneys. i ra Kcho to Uik White Truck When men will invest one and two million dollars in White trucks they must be the best and cheapest or they would not buy them. They are the best truck a farmer can buy. There are many reasons for it. Frentzel-Wailes Motor Co Pendleton, Ore. Phone 46 THE WHITE CO, Cleveland, Ohio. NEW ARRIVELS IN LADIES' PUMPS AND OXFORDS We are receiving them daily in styles and patterns that will please everyone. Get them "While They're Hot" New today a beautiful pump creation in brown glazed kid. Built high in front; has a light turn sole and a high Louis leather heel. It fits like a glove. Price, the pair $13.00 Same style in black. Price the pair $12.00 Beautiful and sensible Brown Calf Oxford; medium leather military heels and long receding toes. Goodyear welt soles. Fits well and will give ex cellent service. Priced at, the pair $12.50 We have many other styles to show you when you come in. Watch our windows. Tell your foot troubles to our foot experts. They are specially trained to serve you. WASTN'riTON, Fell. II. Itr-ar Ad miral Uenmin, retired, will be the new Chairman of the United xtaiea HhlpnlnR hourd It waa announced at the whlta houae today. Beecham's Pills Sold by druggists throughout tho world. In boxes. 10c. 25c. V PInil70N UMMYSt MPVKTnl.NT SToRf. housQ ir i RELIERJO BLISTER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the B'. ni or Sting Musterote h a clean, white ointment made with t'-.s oil cf mustard. It does all the work of H13 oli'-fashioned mustard plaster docs It better and does not blis ter. You do not have to bother with a cloth. You simply rub it on and usually the pain is gone I Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. Tbey will gladly tell you what relief it gives from sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, !curiey, rheumatism, lumbago, pains md aches cf the bck or Joints, sprains, re mi;sck3, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, ccMs tf ths chect (It often pre vents pneumonra), 30c sr.d fr.c jire; hospitU sise 20. S PHONE 24 PHONE 24 THE HIGH GRADE COFFEE Diamond W No better coffee to be had at any price and every pound guaranteed to please. Sold here at : I 1 pound can 3 pound can 5 pound can 60c $1.70 $2.75 Sanitary Grocery The Most in Value The Best in Quality PHONE 24 PHONE 24 5