DAILY EAST OREOOKIAUr, PENDtETON, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1020. TWELVE PAOES Special News of Umatilla Co. PJLOX ten J SCHOOL TO SMOTE PLAYLET FOR LYCEUM H: i nml Kulunliiy. Mr. Ituxarll attended 1 (he M.iwonlc Indite. Hennie Smith lj confined to hit ni imln with a rctx-ctirence of In- Mr. Smith hnn heen In Kl- nahcrir. Wustiliugton during the Win er months. Mr. and Mr. Albert Boylen ant REV. IRELAND HOLDS SERIES AT ADAMS io eniiuren nioiurvu to A. lams sat- (Rust Oi-ocronia n s, ,0,1.1 , -v I. r. 1 Thov BlMint Ciih.Ui- ..lit. . n . . ' t . 1 I "nnt'iiMii i'ln-vim. r j m iwi i rn. A 1 KC". 1 8. Rev Mr nml PII.ot ROCK, Kb. is The first, Boylwi. parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mrs. J. E. Ireland, of Psndteton held attraction. Tom Bkevhlll. of the l.y- -.elntrrs. ! revival In the Habitat Church on Sun- cum Course, which wan to bo Riven In Mlses elm. Smith and Verona dnv morn I njr nt u a m and at H D IMIoi i:,.r.k on February f, was cancell- , Fulletiwelder spent Saturday wilh and attended Sunday school at 10 a m rd because of the Influenza apldamlc lrlends In Tendleton. They motored home to Pendleton n'fter iue 10 ine run mal inr nipcn crniH'i mm.. n n. ji'mi nai nmin -were -nurch, students have sold a (treat many of business visitors In Pilot Rock FTl-1 Prof, and Mra A p r.,,. . (ieos.in tickets. A three act high I'ay. daughter Mav of Keith -...-., .h school play will be substituted for the fourth attraction, which will be pre sented later In the spring. The "Old Faahloned iliils." the second number in the course will bo rendered in Tilot Rock. February CI. Mrs. Sallie Kennison has returned to her home in Pilot liock. after sev eral weeks visit with her daughter Mrs. Clara Wild of Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson leave this week for the T. S. Gibson ranch 15 miles south f Pilot Rock where they will assist In caring for the ranch. During the winter months Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have been residing here In the Guy Wilson home. Beout Master KIden Hutchinson, and i sevettil Boy Scout hiked up East j Birch Creek on Sunday afternoon They went ns far as the M. T. Raker ( ranch where they stopped and had a "welner roast." Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Edwards were Pendleton visitors Thursday. Mr. Ed wards was in from his ranch south of Pilot Rock for the week-end. Prof, and Mrs. J. A. Russell, and son Elmo were visitors in Pendleton Friday j week en u or Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ueuallen Sun- nay. Mr. and Mrs. RovoMa I.leuallen and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallan attended the movies on Saturday evening in Pendleton. Or. and Mrs. McFnul of Pendleton motored to Adams Sunday and were the guests for dinner nt her sisters, Mrs. Ella Howling, who accompained them home In the evening to remain Earl Abbott spent the I with friends In Tendleton. The Pilot Rock Raseball team has begun practice and intends to do some fast work this year. They will have their first game with the high school team, which is practicing every even Ing after school. Mrs. Rajtter Hutchinson left for Portland Monday In order to take one of her periodical treatments. Mrs. Hutchinson came In from her ranch their guest for a few days .-xiiu.i, huh siifm in? nigui wun ner Aetata, Miss Cora Grant. The blooming buttercups. brigfht sunshine, and green hills enticed a eroup of people to drive to "Duffs Crove" Sunday afternoon for a picnic. Those in the party were Misses Verona j Pullenwelder, Alta Smith, Alta Boylen, Velma Smith, and M. D. Orange, t'corge Carnes, Robert Boylen, Mr. LongviUe, Victor Bracher and Mr. and MM, WHllam Glass. Roy Muhuols was in Pendleton Sun. day trying :n aecure a nurse for the I Mrs. Darr returned to her home In Adams after visiting with her mother in Idaho for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Otas Ueuallen were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chenet Sunday. Mrs. Ella Marlon was a Pendleton visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dames left Sunday evening In responce to a telegram from N'ampa. Idaho, mating that their daughter Mrs. Pearl Burk is very 111 with influenza-pneumonia. A large circle of relatives and Kimer w eirncr ran.l.y. The five mem- friends attended the funeral of Mrs. bers of the Wegnor family are 111 with John Runoh nt Athena Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Royer and dnugh Back-Ache Up With Penetrating Hamlin's Wizard Oil A harmless and effective prepara tion to relieve the pains of Rheuma tism, sciatica. Lame Back and L.um- flu. Dr. and Mrs. L. M Spaulding were ip Pilot Rock Sunday. Miss Lorena Byrd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Byrd was operated upon Sunday and is doing well. Mrs. Etta Stubblefield, small son Wayne and daughter Miss Emily will leave Thursday for Drummond. Idaho where they will join Mr. Stubblefield. The Stubblefields will make their home In Idaho. ters Wilma and Hellen were in Adams Sunday. Miss Reta Ferguson of Tendleton was the guestof Miss Beulah Sponsor over Sunday in Adams. Hellen Rlake. Gwendolyn McTntyre and Beulah Sponsor all of Pendleton high school left on Sunday on the 4:17 after spending the week end at home in Adams. Miss Nellie Darr returned to Pen dleton Sunday where she is teaching at the Uncoln school. i M- ,! M mm xr L- T . I r. 1 . .,,.., , V. -, UWKU 15 lldllllllia OliJlU KJll. l UCU- ' u POl- ell In Ti!r. T.,r.U viitin I'JS&gVb IfZr ShiPPand brther l if -hrte.; and children of imnrles j.nipp. Pendleton were the guests of Mrs. You have no idea how useful it will 1 "SP8" Ro' and Cecil Brown were , French, her mother, over- Sunday. be found in cases of event dav ail- ' ""'t'..11 . ore saturaay Robert will remain the guest of his ment or mishap, when tKTre is need of ta " Dm;cnasea tne "utn grandmother for a short time. an immediate healing, antiseptic an- , room of th Green Onragp. on Willow Mrs. Eimer Pitard and son Herbert rdiVatJnn ; f .,:- lrpot ana at tne present is tearing it bruises, cuts, bums, bites and stings. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Jrer constipated or have sick head tUie? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pick pills, 33 cents. Guaranteed. down. E. Ft. Iester returned to Pilot Rock Monday accompained by his wife, and two weeks old daughter. Flu and Colds How They Can Be Prevented Sleep Well Eat Wisely Ex ercise Regularly Avoid Per sons Having Colds Don't ' Worry. KEEP AIR PASSAGES CLEAN KRYPTOK LENSES give the wearer far and near vision in the same pair of glass es. Why bother with two pair? Kryptoks are gTound from wonderfully clear crystal glass and the lower part is in visible. SEE DALE ROTHWELL Optometrist ami Optician American National Bank Bulletins Phone SOU Inflamed Air Passages Make Ideal Breeding Grounds for Fiu Germs. Ilu Tills Year Is Milder who have been so ill with the influ enza are on the road to recovery and are at the home of Mrs. Mary Pi cards in Adams for a few weeks visit. Postmaster G- O. Richardson has shipped In a box of smelt every day and found ready sale for them. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McConnell of Athena moved back home to their ranch east of Adams and will soon tegin spring- work. Miss Sylvia Christopher returned to school in Pendleton Sunday after spending the week end at home. Mips Hellen Blake and Sylvia Chris topher were the guests of Mrs. Plant ing- In Pendleton Monday for tea. Mrs. T. Christopher is able to be out afiain alter being confined to her home on the ranch with flu. T. M. Whitely has been at home for the past week with a bad cold. The Adams public school reopened on Monday morning- with the usual i number. 4. In attendance. There are still a few cases of whooping; cough. J. O. Hhles and son John and Suli van lteimer motored to Adams Mon day on business. Mrs. John Spencer was a Pendleton visitor Saturday. Dr. F. A. Ueuallen was called to pop Mrs. Winder who was sick with a bad cold. Joe McCollum of Pendleton and Why More Small Cars Come Equipped With Goodyear Tires l'Z fear, more small cars, using 30 x 3-, Zjx 3V2 or 31 x 4-inch tires, were factory- j equipped with Goodyear Tires than with , any other kind. This is plainly a result of the high reladvc value produced in these small-car tires by Goodyear's enormous resources and scrupu lous care. They represent the same intense endeavor to supply utmost satisfaction in tire6 diat has laid the basis for the marked preference which exists everywhere for Goodyear Tires in the larger $88. This real Ooodyear value in tires is available for your Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or other small car, at our nearest Service Station. Go there for these tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. no 00 30x 3 Goodyear Double-Cure Fabric, All -Weather Tread 30xi'A Goodyear Single-Cure l -76 Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread 1 ( Goodyear HaSV 'fourisr Tube! are thick, iitrong tube that reinforce casings properly. Why ride a Rood casing with a CMp tube J Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube cost little more than tubes of less maatfV 30x3'i site in waUr- -On proof bag ) , " l!ST!mmmmmmmmnmmmammmmmmKmmmmmmmr' """w mmu M ii ilu - 1 1 1 in I ni-iiiin. 1-Wlinl-wiii. mi i r-rn-tr- m MW Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Disease and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Electro Therapeutics. Temple Uldg. Room 12 Phone 416 While we know very little more about the flu row than we did last nr the germ Itself has never been positively identified still most au thorities agree that the flu frerms are 1 former resident of Adams, returned to breather in. If the system Is In good Adams. He will move In the T. M. shape and the membrane or lining of i Whitely cottage and make Adams hirf the air passages is In healthy condi- j future home, tion these grems are thrown off. ! 1 1 A good plan U to melt a little Vick's VapoRub in a spoon night and mprn ing and inhale the vapors, also apply a little up the nostrils several times a i day, especially just before being ex posed to crowds. Trat All Colds Promptly COMMITTEE BANQUETS AS GUESTS OF MOES a third of Jluwley's property, estifi-t-ed to be vorth $200,000. Judge George R. Vaffley of Washington coun ty is hearing the case. A Rollavle Tough Modi inc. "I have given ChamberlainH Cough Remedy to my five children on occas sion without number for the past fif teen years. It Is the only remedy I could rely upon to cure coughs and colds and for croup it has no equal. The children take willingly" writes Mrs. C O. Xesblt, Vandergrift, Pa. The lK-st I Ever Vsed KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Drug Store Tliat Serve Yoti Ilea. Above all. keen free from colds. colds irritate the lining of the air pas-I (EaM Oregonian Special.) sages and make them real breeding HELIX, Feb. is. F. H. Moes, pres grounds for germs. Prompt use of'ident of the Helix Commercial club, Vick's VapoRub aids in preventing : waB host at a banquet for the mem colds. For head colds, sore throat orders of the community hall commit hoarseness, rub Vicks wel over the tec on Friday evening. The banquet throat and chest and cover with a'wa served by Mr. and Mrs. Alspach, warm flannel cloth. For deep chest t of the Commercial Hotel, eclds, severe sore throat or bronchitis,! The Baptist Bible class gave a fare hot wet towels should first be applied well party in honor of Miss Craw, to the throat, chest and back between There was a large attendance and the shoulder blades to open the pores, i many games were played. A dainty Then Vicks should be rubbed In over j lunch followed.' Miss Craw left for the parts until the skin is red spread Chicago on Tuesday. on thickly and covered with two thick- jiHS Mary Montgomery is spending j.e-tv I a fert. days in Pendleton visiting with This is what Mrs. A. W. Milne, Pt. rieorge, Unrh says of Chamberlain's Tablets for biliousness and constipa tion. Get them at the drug store. They only cost a Quarter. Digestion and AsBimilatinn It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimil ated that, gives strength and vitality to the system. It Is claimed that only one half as much food Is required when It it thoroughly masticated. If you are troubled with indigestion. i mastication your food thoroughly and and take one of Chamberlain's Tab lets immediately after supper and see ir you do not feel much better In a day or two. neck body n esses or hot flannel cloths the clothing loose around the so the vapor, released by the heat, may be freely Inhaled. These vapors, Inhaled with each breath, carry the medication directly to the lungs and air passages. At the same time Vicks is absorbed thru and stimulates the skin, thus aiding to re lieve the congestion within. Vhc of External Treatment for Colds t her three sons. Miss Sarah also left for Pendleton to be with her broth ers. Professor Reed is teaching all the hi-jh school nil .S ets this week, as Miss Moorehend will not be here un til next week. Mis? Ivalee, McKInncy, who hai been visiting her parents In Wetlm during the fltt, ifis returned to tak-j InrreaHing.. iup her studies.. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ghormley rl Vick's VapoRub Is the discovery of Pe..d.eoii are v siting relatives h?r?. a North Cap Una druggist who found j ,Ui. foHrfe - i '.r has been m!1tifl how to combine in ftalve form, theicr aiyter, Mm Dudley, of Ixi :ros standard time tested remedies. Cam- J Wa-h. phor Menthol Eucalyptus Tiimc, j.:d Koip r.nd lack If awl who etc. o that when the salve Is applied haV(1 f,.,efU tMe winter In ci in'j t o the body heat, these ingredients are ; rc, .,rnet ;o C -x Saturday, liberated in the form of vapors. j v .it.r m1 II .1 Garrett w e Pen QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY! i Take tablespoonful of Salts if Back hurts or Bladder bothers. CHANDLER S ( X Famous For Its Marvelous Motor Baled Alfalfa Hay For Sale Any Quantity UMATILLA FLOUR A GRAIN CO, Phone 351 ami 1014 1300 Wm Alia tllctcn v'u.itrr i day. FAMILY LIFE BARED IN DIVORCE CASE OF OREGON CITY COUPLE Vicks is particularly recommended I for children's croup or colds, since it ' lj externally applied and therefore can be used freely and often without the slightest harmful effects. The i-t evidence of the valup of Vicks Is the steady Increasing number I rf people who have been converted to the use of this "outside" treatment. OUEGOX CITY, Feb. IT. The pri Beginning with the customers of a Sate married life of Mrs. Mnrjorin small retail drug store, the use of,jrawiey and Wlllard P. Hawley Jr., Vicks has fTCnm year by year state . .j, ... manager of the Hawley Pulp by state until now more than JT mil- & Paper company, was bared by Mrs. 'lion Jars are used annually. And this Hawley this morning in her suit for In spite of the fact that Vicks Is a new '(Vorce, Mrs. Hawley the first witness furm of treatment to many folk M-called, occupied the stand oil morn the N'nh and West. Vicks can be tng. had at ail Aruftzlrta in three .-i7s - ILiwIev is scel.Inir a divorce. 0c, He or $l ?0. -ustody of thclf young duughur JM We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood Is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kideny trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free tho blood of thia Irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish ; the el im (native tissues clog and thus the waste in retained In the blood to poison the entire syHtem W hen your k Idneys a ch e and feel like lumps of lead, and you have sting ing pains in the back or the urine is coludy. full of sediment, or the bladder is irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have se vere headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, acid stomnch or rheumatism In bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts ; take a tablespoon fvd In a glass of w iter before breakfast each morning and In a few days your kid r.eyn will art fine. This famous salts la made from the acid of grapes and Umon juice, combined with llthia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neu tralize the ncldn In urine no it Is no ' ngf ngpource of irritation, thus end ng urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salta is Inexpensive nnd cannot injure; makes a delightful efferves cent lit hia -water drink, nnd nobody ran make a mistake hy taking a little occasionally a kqt p the kidney rl an ind nctlve. i: You Don't Want to Wait Next Spring', Order Now TAST.-year'9 Productto! of the Chandler Six was of record volume and JL- this year's product v ill double it: but if you rion't want to wait for your new Chandler next spring, we would suggest that you order it now. This year's automobile shows have attracted crowds greater than ever before, partly perhaps because hundreds of thousands of Americans were unable to secure new cars last year. And these great crowds of motor enthusiasts have found no better value In the whole exhibit of six cylinder cars than that which Chandler offers. Chandler leads so distinctly In the medium-priced fine car field because It does offer such splendid value; because of its really marvelou3 motor developed through seven yearn of production in the Chandler plant and seven years' service on the road In the hands of a host of owners- be cause of its sturdy, dependable mechanical construction throughout the entire chassis; and because of its attractive and comfortable body. Compare them all, all the sixes, then picK out your, It will bo a Chandler if yovi asK Chandler owners.' SIX HANDSOME BODY TYPES S.nn.ra.senter Taurine Car. S189S Four.Pa,senter . WtM Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, Si975 S.v.n-Pa.nt.r Sedan. S2S9S Four-Pussenger Coupe. IJ7M Limoutiru. $3193 (All frhm f. .. . CltnltmA McLEAN & SNA VELY Main St., Opp. Hotel Pendleton. phone 222 CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO I I III