East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 17, 1920, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News of Pendleton
Hon l Born.
A little aun was born Monday to Mr,
and Mm. !" F. I'Vanel, at HI. An
thony'a hospital.
In c . smith VMM
Chuuncey Hmlth, of While Salmon,
la vlaltlnK I'endleton friends. Mr.
Smith spent 21 montha overseas hm a
member of the railway1 engineers, lie
la farming near White tfalmou.
Iiiri'liuwH (Mikluml i iu -
Dr, Pruncla Adams, of Hermlalon,
mid Herbert 10. Crean, of thla city, are
driving new Oakland pin purchased
from the Umatilla Motor Company.
It. t'arr on iuxtiiIIIhk I'irty.
ONy Recorder imb-rni-, ,i.
nomas Kiu ;erald, city recorder.
wiih not ut hla of floe thla morning-, e
ln III ut home with a cold. John
llallcy Jr.. handled the office dur
ing the Judge's absence.
11. Carr, of the local office for navy j s Imol 1 action on Today.
recrultlnic, la In the eitat end of the
county on recruiting duty.
Ilrownell In n-l l.
Cyril O. Brownell. of Umatilla,, la In
Itedmond In the Interests of the Gen
eral Wood campaign committee. Kf
forta are being made by the central
Oregon towna to aecure a vlalt of
either the Hooaevelt or General Wood
.pedal tralna when they reach Oregon
In' Murch and April.
Will i: nun Tomorrow.
The achoul election fur the rallfl
Hon or rejection of the 1 20-1 Hi I bud- I
get, la being held thla afternoon In I
lc city I, all. The oolllnir In llubl
Stunloy Jewett, of the local office of , The budaet en. for an aaa r...
the V. 8. Illaloglcul Survey, will re- year'a expenaea.
turn tomorrow from an Jnapectlon trip '
In Dteschutea county.
has moved her hemstitch
ing; machine from Laatz
Apt. 13, to 417 Bush St.
Phone 281 -M
Called Home My I mini. , illie
Miss Irene MawkH. teacher of the
Will Hot urn March o. ! fourth grade at Hawthorne school,
W. 1. fhamberlaln. deputy Income , ,eft toduy for her h)n)(, , ,,,JmnK.r
tax collector, will return to I'endlc- Wash., In reaponae to word that cr
ton Murch 6. He la In Kcho on buai- fattier, mother and sister are 111 with
neaa connected with the gathering of the Influenza or pneumonia.
income tax rcturna.
KxanUiuttlon U lie Held.
An examination to fill a vacancy In
thla, the position of grazing assistant for
Mother In Kansas III
Wlllluni Dale left on No. 4
morning for hla old home In Kanaaa, Ithe foreat aervlce will be held In Pei
culled by the aerioua Illness of hla dlcton April 7 and 8. The salary for
the poaltlon la from 11200 to $l.r,00 a
year und the poaltlon la open for inch
only. , ,
More smallx Tlian I in.
Th flu eolilemir haa vlrtatlallv run
Ita eourae. according to John Halley Snow fiime Fii.nl Mountain
Jr., who haa been acting aa special ' acre la i.ui lime anow ten in the
oi-arantlne officer. Thero are now mountains, according to word recclv
moro new cases of smallpox than flu!a" 'he Imatllla National Forest
being reported. l.cs than one case of i Keservo office. In spite of the deep
influenza a duv la the record of the now " winter, there will probably
uo u kiiui luijc o i water, a ue (o i ni
Kieat run off, cuuued by the frozen
i be
I'.-fi m.veral days.
Tastes So Good
EVERY INGREDIENT used in "Holium" is carefully
tested in the Bakery'g Chemistry Laboratory, PRO
PORTIONS accurately measured and combined,
THEN BAKED bv scientific rule in A MAMMOTH
TRAVELING OVEN, which bakes 4,000 LOAVES
AN HOUR, SO PERFECTLY that you can depend
on each loaw being- JUST RIGHT.
We receive "HOLSUM" Bread DIRECT from THE
BIG 4,000 LOAF TRAVELING OVEN every morning
FULL WEIGHT, 1 lb. and 1 1-2 lb. loaves 10c and ISc
' Waste Less Buy the Best"
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both
Fine Groceries and Meats
condition of the ground when
hiiow fell.
I iidfKinihloi lns Through
Thirty-five undesirable aliens. gath
i ercd at various points on the coast.
passed through I'endleton last evening
OH No. 18. bound for Kills Inland, New
Vork, from whence they will be de
ported to their native lands. Most of
the prisoners were men with criminal
records. Officers of the immigration
service were in charge of the two cars
containing the aliens.
.'..in- IuIkc Kale Foroe.
Robert O. Hremmer. who has been
connected with the I'endleton Auto
Co., for several months as a sales
man. today uccepted a si miliar posi
lion with the ITmatlllu Motor Sales
Corporation, local dealers in Paige
and Oakland cars. Mr. Hremmer has
been engaged In the electrical and an
tomobile sales business since he came
to I'endleton a year ago.
II Men Are Knitted.
Kleven men were made knights at
the degree session of Damon lodyt
N'o. 4. K. of P. last night. Three of
these, Charles Wood, Frank Debach
and OUf Sloper, were given work In
the esquire or second rank, before
taking the knight, or third rank. The
other eight who were knighted were:
Van Carr. Klwyn Huffman. Archie
Rugg. J. 0 Morris, A. Thomas, R. O
Rremmer, C.len F. Ryan and Glen H
Me Before
The Fire"
Liability insurance on a car listed at the
factory between $1199 and $2499 only
costs you $28.12 per year.
Even the court costs for a personal injury
to some one would cost you more than the
amount of the premium, say nothing of the
attorney's fees and the judgment sustained.
Ptowtas BaSfaa,
rarmers below town are plowing
unci it la thought that within a few
days the plowing will be general near
1 cndleton. For many years February
- haa been the approximate date up
on which plowing begins In tgiis re
gion and thla year will probably be
no exception. Because of the ap
proach or the plowing season, the
tractor show, scheduled for February
s, a anil 6 and postponed because of
me mriuenza epidemic, has been def
initely cancelled.
721 Main
Pendleton i !
i - .i. . .J ' n H ' -
. Iiiiian i.ui Wins.
Jennie Johnson, a freshman, won
the bread baking contest which was
held at I'endleton high school yester
day afternoon. Her grade was si per
cm. Kcine Stephens came next with
S5 per cent. Klght girls, all of whom
arc members of Miss Voorheoa- dome'
tic science class, took part In the con
test. Mrs. H. Marsh was the judge.
The bread was Judged on the follow
ing points, shape. In par cent; baking.
II per cent: cor, 10 per cent; flavor,
0 per cent, and texture. IS per cent.
Insurance, Loans,
Real Estate, Grain
M il Inspect l-lrr Trut'ks.
Fire Chief W. R. Hingold will 1P.
part on No. 1 tonight for l'ortland
" here he will join Mayor Vaughan to
morrow for the purpose of witnessing
demonstrations of the various fire
fucks in use by the Portland depart
ment. Manuel Fricdly. a member of
fire committee, saw n dem.in.m
tion ast week when he was In the me
tropolis, but the other members. Joe
Ell and Claud Fen land, probably will
be unable to witness the workouts. I
cry on most of the models Is slow
Use the
2 Phones 52(i
Other Depts.
Um llu
Phones Groetrj
1 Phones SSI
Other Depts.
The New Spring Things
Are Flowing in Daily
Every express, every freight brings us
stock as they arrive. Come down and have
WO( )L JERSEY $450 AND $5.00
Finest quality wool jersey
in the leading shades for
spring wear, also in heather
i mixtures, 52 in. wide. Splendid
for suits and dresses. Always
looks good and docs not
wrinkle. Make up a garment
.of our Wool Jersey.
PLAID WOOLENS $4.00 TO' $8.50 YD.
The Plaids we're showing are different in styles
and coloring than we have ever shown. Of the best
quality and finish. They make up into most desir
able skirts. Buy a length and make up one.
something new. We're putting thei in
a look. We'll be glad to show yon.
FON$2.00 TO $3.75 YD.
Offered in very desirable
patterns and colorings for
blouses that are to be worn
so much this spring. Shown
in light and dark patterns.
Have a look at them.
I ...
A most beautiful assortment of silks in exclusive
lengths, patterns and colorings for sport skirts.
You will have to see them to know how good looking
they are. Ask to see them.
This is the time of the year you use lots of sticke
rei braid on vour anrons and house dresses. Make
your selection here because we have a full run of col
ors in many size scallops, etc.
This is a new trimming w hich has three rows of
braid on a colored ground. It is about V ' inches
wide and comes in pink, blue, rose, black, etc. Suit
able for middies and Peter Thompson wash dresses.
The new thread for hand work designs on silk and
woolen dresses. Comes in all colors, and just the
right sizes to be effective.
Possibly You Will Put up New Curtains
or Side Drapes 11ns Spring.
If so don't fail to look over
what we're showing.
in white, cream and ecru.
Some plain and some filet nets.
Also some beautiful panel effects.
CRETONNE 50c TO $2.00
The beautiful colorings and patterns we're offer
ing in these cretonnes are way above the average.
Some special numbers in linenized finish. Creton
nes suitable for every room in the house. Be sure
to see them.
In plain shades and two toned effect. Specially
for side drapes. We are showing a big assortment,
it will do you good to see them.
at a small charge, especially when the goods are
bought here. We know how and can make them
TwIr T.el. Ills mother who has been
KtayliiR with Mis. Tecl. aceompained
them. The Frcnehis returned (Satur
day. Ed Thrnsher and wife have been at
Stanfield the past week with her bro
ther Walter Helmi. k. who has been
very 111 with pneumonia, but is Im
proving at present.
5-erno Cates and w ife made a busi-
i ness trip to Pilot Rock .Saturday.
Charles Mcllevitt went to Pendleton
last Friday with Charles Ely.
lleorae Taylor is the owner of a
new Ford bmringr car.
.lames Nelaon. Charles Nelson and '
John Ia'nij went to Pendleton Friday.
Guy French was called to Echo
last week to be with his mother who
was very 111 at the home of Mrs. Twig
Teel. Mrs. French was some Improv
ed an I went home with her daughter
Mrs. Ike Caatledine for an indefinite
time. Sirs. French and children also
went to Echo.
The young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Daughtery who died last week,
was buried last week in Pendleton.
Mr. ami Mrs. Daughtery returned
home the last of the week.
Gurdane la enjoying some beautiful
vpring weather.
Hill Pelbjr iKa an overnight vlaitor
at the Mike I.anghtry ranch Wednes
day night.
Mrs. Joe Peoro lett last week for
an extended visit In California. She
will be ifone about three weeks. Mrs.
Mike Tom is curing for the baby dur
ing her alsence.
We will guarantee that our f. o. b. delivered
price on building material will be as low as any
competitor whethed in or out of town, quality of
material considered. Let us
this to you as we have wherever we have been
given the opportunity to do so. If you want a
load of the best Coal, call
( lilldrcn s PnbUo Bible Drill Toiilalit,
I A spelndld audience was present
Mast night at the Christian church. The
Misuul musical program and peppery
Mrmoa by the evanRellst and singers
jwas given. The children have been
practicing for the past ten davs for a
I public Hlble drill that will i, .!. ...
tonight. After the drill thev will .ir.- I
Fa special. A
Evangelist Wilhite s sermon snbtect 5
I tonight will be "The Christian Life of B
the Man In This World.'- He prom- R
ises another rousing address. There !8
will be baptising during the service !R
Wednesday night. There was a bap- W
1 1. i . -. . Zt
-.o.i Mrvm in today at theiV
Kant Oreuronlan Special.)
nt'IEOAXK. FV1. IT. Charles Klv
left luMt Friday for IVndleton return
ing: home Sunday with Mrs. Kly, who
ha hen in Walla Walla a Rhori time
with her daughter Hazel.
FYh n k J a ne and f a m i ly ca me up
Sunday from Pilot ROOfc a visit
with Roy Montgomery and family, and
owing to nome car trouble did not re
turn home until Monday evening.
Dillard French and family went to
Kcho iwii week, for .1 visit with Mr.
Sanitary Grocery
The Most in Value
The Best in Quality
Dr. R. C.
Announces that he has opened offices
in the Smith-Crawford Building
for the practice of
Chiropractic and Electro-Therapeutics.
All Diseases.
Graduate National School of Chiropractic. Chi
cago, 1913, National College of Electro-Thcrapt utics.
1913. Post-C.raduate Pacific College. Portland, 1917,
National School, Chicago, 1919.
After effects of influenza successfully treated.
Lady Attendant
Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5:S0 p. m.
. Evenings by appointment. Phone 70.
um muni.. ii !. in i.. - i r i in 1