r TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1920. IrEasQreAoniari) M. H. HOUSER SETS FORTH DMA TO SHOW CHARGE NO! MERITED Second Vice President of U S. Grain Corporation Denies Manipulating Situation for Personal Benefit. BISHOP PADDOCK SAYS DEVIL SMILES AT WAY "CHRISTIANS" WORSHIP Mm WAS CHAMP StfflM lilxhnp it. U Paddock, of (he Bait- mbwivlnjl ua to hl iroBrnm. lip rn Or oa dloceee of uic Bplecopal hu lost the ooneolatlon of kooi el- " "f whli-h Pendleton In ii i.Hii. ifiir i ,, n i. ii ,.i.i,.,...u..,.. , m , ton c,,,, re- iy, -when they saw that butt In coiveu l ni' i wijjk mention In Tin Hum and Now York Herald, of Hun il . . ; . i.i ii ,i i . ... . . i no oisnnp, wno iiooh not wenr i mouth they tiojcan to pray for ni TMja "r Work. Tho hishn, who does not my BEFORE TURNING PRO Tho ItlKht Rev, Itoliort I-wIb Pnd- dm-l; tho who an rector of the rhiiioh of clericals, whose eye are distorted i,e- hitfil thick classes. Mat on a hed In the I'OnTTiAND, Foh. 18. -In a detullod etatemont (suited yontotilay, M. if. Hoimcr. eeoond vice-president of tho l ulled States grain corporation und,n "' Apostles, on Ninth avenue prominent northwestern miller, eels t""1 Twenty-eighth street, hhorkpil hln r . at . . . . . . . . . . I , , . , I , . , , , , , . lilu l.luk. .. .1 '"" ""'" l,,V , , himself oomforlahl. niiiifriii'iiiH inaut oy a. jeucrai grauu j - mn in jury sitting at Hpnkane. and reporting vei IkuI hn" of vice conditions hi ht us a February 7 luwaillcd him without purlsh, Iiiih administered another rude foundation In fact when It accused him JnIt to his church. This time it In iih of manipulating the grain situation to 'tbe bishop the missionary district benefit himself. Ot Bastem Oregon, to which pout he Mr. Houser shows by figures tud!w elected from his New York par statements that the mills of the com-jbth. pnnle of which he is tho nominal ... head havo hehl down prices; that he lias received no salary from any of Service merj of Umatilla county are! due for a ra1 treat when Danny O'Brien and Henry Kreiger step into tho ring, at the American Legion. hinoker Saturday night, l-vb. 28. These i I two light welterweights have never I met In the ring and both have a lot at stake In their forthcoming battle, j Kreiger held the amateur welter- j weight championship of the Pacific j I coast before he entered the profes- Ktonal ranks. .Since FOR SKIN TORTURES Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Not Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob tained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle for S1.00. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema awl ring worm and makes the !kin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky rir greasy and stains nothing. It is eat ,y applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland. O. (Continued nn pnjre 8.) Are You Suspicious of Your Health? One may not be actually tick, yet feel so tired and languid, low-spirited and n rr.b it ion less, that be can not truthfully say he is in good health. The kidneys work ell the time, nilht end day, and it ii no wonder that they become weak, sore or diseased. Nearly everybody suffers from kid ney trouble or bladder ailments. Nature dives warning signals by back ache, FamencM, stiff joints, sore muscles, rheumatic pains, puffiness under the eyea and blurred vision. RELIEVED HIS BACKACHE "It fives me Crest pleasure to recommend Foley Kidnev Pills as In my case they re lieved me ot severe fcackarhn that had bothered me for several months. A tew MatteS fiaed me up in tfood aliape." Jos. C. Wolf. 734 S. Jackaon St . Greco hay. Wis. Foley Kidney Pills hirf reports and ipiestlonlnK him. They had concluded with the ambiguous! statement that "they had little faith In hiH report of his activities. fid- ',M his plan, but ample faith in him." drcsed to the board of missions, ho' "1 bavc not done the eonventioual t hin own companies sine assumlnK - ,M , ' '"i"" - t u tho duties of his official liosltlon two i'-lds. opal church that h wants all Kfat deal of opposition to my plans. In lion except his own salary. This h" Jttdfrment I respect. I suppose I ami sharps with a general missloner. ; hopeless and yet let us see. j "Kastern Oregon Is only a little Xot BlUltfitaC ClMirxlHu. H,( (.k on tno niap It has 1)ut a few j He tells proudly that he is not build- peopln, yet any one of several conn ing tiny new churches, saying hi ties has more square miles than A-1 rltory In ovajrehurcbod. Ho tttmf.mm his sace-Irraln, and we have M fine wIMitiftneH to no out with no equip- men and women as any In the world, ; yient except his faith in the promises I" general, our little towns were! of his taord. ; greatly overchurched. It being no ex- i Ills report has no parallel in church aggeratlon to say thut one could find1 'records.. From the standpoint of a J Instances where there would le n survey It would be a record of a com- church for about each hundred of the jplete failure. From Ilishop Paddock's population, resulting sometimes In I own standpoint It Is tho prelude to a almost a religious hell, tho buildings 'great Mot ess. His only misgivings are falling to pieces, the ministers half abnuj the' minds of men. ' jutarved and not very friendly (to put "They may decide that T nm not it mildly) with ca-h other, and the I worthy and let mo gn. Rut I hope eongregations competing so sfVenu I the will share my faith?' ho sald ro- ously, if active at all. its to seem to ccntly In Petrolt. ITe has became a little father to chu rcbei of all denominations nut ithere. He Is welcome everywhere, ITe j Is helping to reconcile differences In what he called "almost a rtllgious hell." Put lot hlm toll his own story, first getting a glimpse of the man. As rector of tho Church of the Holy Hotel Staller, petroit, during the gen eral conference of the Protestant Bpiecopml church, and while he made In cross-leggpd fashion told tho story of what ho has been doing In Oregon He was hope- .... .... ' "" toioiign a ir)mff.f(JHtlonn hfl naB mf( i(IJ4, beaten BUCh Ztry nZ?ZT isn ft- Wffl r 'T' flying start in married oua campus groups, under the super vision of Knipii Colenuui of the de partment of physical education i'or becoming a pro- nien. , Hurry ForTllorWaslierS Hurry You will have to hurry to get that Thor washer. Only a few days left for you to de cide and make this saving. During the rest of this month you can still buy at the old prices, for on March 1st the new price go into effect. weltei weight Oood, Home t 'hurley Fox M' Turthy. He heat Plshop, Fox and Mott f the coast; Sammy i Hagen, Harry Bishop, : Joe Motto and Thomas j by ! LIFE TAKES FLYERS HiGH ABOVE SHOES AND RICE tive cuick snd permanent relief from kidney er bladder troubles that have not reached a chronic or bad stags. They atop bladder irregularities, etrerutthen the kidneya and lone us the liver, when the kidneya are properly functioninfl, they titter and caatout from the blood tho impurities that cause aches sml-pains and in the end may lead to aerieua ihneaa. If yeu have any cause to suapect that your kiiioayi need help, you will make DO mistake in tskic I-oi-v K. 1- -y Pills. the world the largo proportion of the people outside to be almost fighting each other. Soj-h Devil Smiles. "The devil smiles at tho extraordi nary kind of love which these follow ers of the Master have for each othr. ind some bf these heather outsiders, as we sometimes Insultingly stamp jApostles he will be remembered as a thm. tell us frankly, and 1 fear there "two fisted man." not at' all resemb- are some who mean It sincerely that I tlnr the co nventions! rector. He was they stay outside tho churches in or- athletlc. hale and hearty, though of dev to save their souls. small stature. Now he Is nnno the less -in the case of eastern Oregon. I twn.fisted; none tho lesa athletic; but hope to persuade our and the other Sold I'verywhere. his mind"! more contemplative? nl most Introspective. Ho has hoen fight Ing an up hill fight for years- and he has board nothing but expressions of SPECIAL IF IT IS A GOOD COFFEE YOU WANT AT THE RIGHT PRICE, TRY OUR 40c BULK. Pendleton Trading Co. "If it's in the Market We Have li" AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' Your Neighbo r Knows missionary boards to withdraw every penny of help except for one general overseer. This would mean that the churches would be on nn equal basis so far as outside financial aid is con cerned. "What Is likely to be the result If S ; 3 m Jm KM m JBBB II. Krrlfc-pr RRAJMKO, CaJJr., Feb. lfi. A fly ing start in married life followed the wedding of Dr. Arthur Mahler and Cladys Murray here today. A few minutes after the ceremony they were high In the air, out of range of old shoes and rice. They rode In an air plane to Ked Pluff, 37 miles awav. he knockout route in one round each, dotto is a Cleveland, Ohio, boy, who lad a big reputation. Fox has beaten ' on the Pittsburgh hurling staff. HY HKXItY L FA It Ft ELL, (United I 'ress Staff Correspondent.) NEW YOPK, Feb. 16. "Go ok and beat through the bushes. We need some new timber." The old-time scout scratched his old-time head and wondered. It was the same old-time manager talking who a few years back had said. "Lay off them bushes. They can't hit fast company until they go through the mill and learn the game." When George L'hle stepped off the sandlots of Cleveland Ia--it spring and won eleven out of sixteen games foi the Indians he exploded a hunk of dynamite under one of the unwritten laws of the old Rame. It was dogmatic in baseball from the early "nineties" down through the "teens" that a recruit had to climb the ladder rung by rung from the empty lots Bp through the minors to the slick gieen of the big-time diamond. Pack in 1911 the old theory got its first jolt when Al Mamaux leaped from the semi-prt s to ft regular berth You are missing a chance of your life time, if you don't order now. $10.00 Down and a full year to pay the balance makes it easy for every one to get this machine. We demonstrate in your own home free of charge. CHAS. MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 108 East Alta St., Opposite Alta Theatre. Electrical Goods of All Kinds Phone 1037 Phone 1037 DR. J. EDWIN SHARP Dental X-Rar by ..ppulntmant Oyat Articulated Denture, palaal Empire Bank Bide. Office Phone 330. Home Phone 74 CECIL COSPER FCBMO AOCOCNTAWT BOOMB TAX ADVISES Bmlth-Crawtord Bide Oepoalte Peudletun Hoten Phone 1030 welters in Kngland pul such a. revolutionary chance Is actual- an(1 the Btalcs i uropieur i amy witnout nesitatn.n Th ,,,:,,h win, ri nP, , that I believe it would be the quick- I Krelircr'a first t.-.rt m, .h rt est and Burcst way of bringing: about '1C h:ls been ,n tralnlne for l",lt-N'' Itnonlhs steadilv to rpenin i.M.Hn.o It will doubtless mean tho differ-.knockout form. When going right he Ctturcbea each takillS charge one is considered tho hardest hitting wel- Sonday n month, so that for that Sun- iterweighl on the coast. Krqigcr has, day tho minister will have tho little been ornmisod entHa nmall,.ni n.nfoho.. town to draw upon releasing him for by the Portland boxinir commission rthor towns on other Sundays of the 'when he shows that he is back to old- mumn. ii is iuue poenoia mat tnese time form and is anxious to four ministers may be willing to pro- O Hrien awav in the local match. vide three different typos of service. OTtrien is a favorite all over tho corresponding somewhat to our prayer coast and before going into tho serv- DOOk in toe early mornings, the Preshjr ! Ico he had a large following. He did terlan service at 11 o'clock and tho Utile fighting while on this side but Methodist service of nn evening, if after tho armistice was signed hr these throe designations be taken to 'worked his wav nn to the finals which mean in a kindly spirit the type of entitled him to enter the A. K. F. worship to which in general the 'championships in Torshing stadium churches are accustomed. jParls. He returned to the states with noflbealea Reaalta, his unit rather than remain for the Tltahop Paddock was asked what ho, contest, however. thought tho ultimate results would be. O'Urien is now In Pendleton and He answered: yiclnity ami will do most of his train- 'I think we shall help to spread the Ing here. Kreiger will train in Port gospel throughout my district, and land and probably arrive in Pendle that we shall awaken Interest in nil 'ton about Wednesday. February 25. tho churches and their points of unity !Pob Bwayae, of tho Oregon Journal not their differences. I don't sup- 'Sport staff, is managing Kreiger. pose a work of this kind would show I " up well on any report and I know it',-, . . , , nMiuUii.n js difficult to got my point of view be- MMa! UHLL AIMbVVtntU fore the eyes of the men who hnv, charge of the mission work of our I church. lint my conception of tho I lask before me is not that of a church! builder in plat es already nverchuivh- ad. BY 58 BEAVERS LED BY "SPEC" KEENE, PITCHER When selecting a place w here Qual ity Meats reign supreme, you need look no farther. If in doubt ask your neighbor. Phone 187 LIBERTY MARKET tiiiiMMiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiinuMinMiMiiMUMiiniiiniiiiiirtt.vNiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiHinit OREGON' AO 1 1 1 1 "l 'LTl'P ATj COL- LEi F1. Onrvallis. Feb. 16. Batteries "You Can t measure my work in for the o. A. C. baseball team have re facts and figure!. I have a great Idea! ported for the first warming UP of and I am trying to make other people the Mason. At the call of Jimmy see the same things that I sro. It may Ulchardson. conch. !S men signed for cost me my post. Some genenil con- baseball and this list included letter- ntlon nay want to send man to men last year's freshmen and several istern Oregon who will add to the with army experience. if wenrhcr BIory of the Episcopal church out permits the men will work outdoors. there. When Hint time comes I will otherwise the army will be Deed. Cap have to get out and maVe room for ' ,r,in '"Spec" Keene heads the list nf the man of their choice. Some one Pitchers. asked me once if my role of reconciler ' f the differences of the denomina tions out thet'e was assumed in order- win all thce peopl finally to the Episcopal church. I say emphatically Xo!" Our great m emission is to make Christians, not merely Episeo panla nn." AGGIES AND WASHINGTON STILL SCRAPPING ABOUT 50-50 FOOTBALL SPLIT 'COFFIN TRUST" PROSPERS O BR a ON AflRTCCLTlTRATs COL LE'lE.CorvoUis. Feb. 16. AVashinc ton university, hnvtnsr been foiled In i t attemot to persuade the cnlleees of ttlf I'lmiir i- rn t tnt uri'rtl tfti it m. AS RESULT OF MANY ILLS rence to abandon the ruling of t ., Mo division of the cale receipts In foot ball crime, now rhnr-s Or 1'. O. rii bieh and "Jimmy Pi'-hardson. with hiving Verbally nrom'sed to enter lt to n roatractl with ".shInc"ton on n Mat mmri'i'oe basui reamed less of the ruling. This charge a ahc,lmetv and denied by the question. His feat was considered the excep tion to the rule and the magnates still listed a couple of hitches in the minors as an essential on a recruit's record. Then came young Mr. L'hle. The fans had hardly recovered from nn other tradition busting youngster. Frank Frisch of the Giants. Manager MrCraw picked him off the team of Fordham a course In bench academics when Larry Doyle, the regu lar second baseman, went bad. Frisch took his place and was the sensation of the late season. He play ed ball like a vet and cinched a regu lar berth With the clan of the little Napoleon. The result It the magnates are -couring the corner lots and college diamonds for other I' hies and Frls-ches. PHONE 600 POPULATION CENTER STEADILY GOES EAST WASHINGTON', Feb. 13. The de cennial census, now being taken, will reveal that the center of population of the Cnited States has moved east ward and not toward the west or the south as commonly predicted, J. A. Hill, statistician of the census bureau said last night in an address at the National Cress club. After the war movement to the eastern cities, together with the war " growth of th6 eastern Industrial centers, the census tutas.liciean said, have more tman counteracted the nor mal westward movement of popula-lon. Order your meat here, can't go wrong-. You DOWNEY MARKET J GABY DESLYS. DANCER. IS DEAD IN FRANCE PAR 18, Feb. 14. Baby Deslys, ac tress and dancer, died here last Wed it sday. LETTS AND B0LSHEVIKI AGREE TO ARMISTICE LONDON. Feb. 14. L sheviki have signed an Riga dispatch said today. ittfl and Bat armistice, a NEW YORK. Feb. H. The ''Cof ln Trust" is in a high state of pros lerlty ns a result of influenza ami ther fatal ills. Recently the National iskot Co. put bp its whole sale I ; ices. Yrslenhiv t out nn its dlvl. lends to assist its stockholders to ,pniltM lieull meet the high cost of living. The company declared its regularly ? " r quarterly dividend Ot 1-1 per cent, and FOUR TRAPK MEFTS and also announced that a stock ilvi- SCHEDULED RFTWEFN ednM',rch 3nr w""1 ',is,r'bu,- 0. A. C. CAMPUS GROUPS ortKcsny .tnr trvi Tri; vt. r-nr.-f any kind i.t-ni-' I-.,,-, ,111- iw, ieavvd.t.ii 00 not use noi waicr. i urn 11 siik When washing fftovca meets will t:ike olneo this son.ioi on glove wront side out before wushiug. the O. A. C. cam i us between the vari- t5ie increasing rdgK price of coffee cau marry coffVa drinkers to turn their atten tion to Instant Postum This pleasant beverage Is truss dy lwahkhsl. res; from that cofbW dru.'catrrine? and ttS) rich flavor rwrticularry appeals to thoee acmstomed to cotToo at table. There has been no lia issise in sa-ice end the trnajity la abesrsa Good rorVmng and Old Maa.WUaCWC. kakCrO. TWO KINDS OF ECONOMY IN THE POST-WAR L4X w'ELL The Tost-War Maxwell inherited from its 300,040 predecessors two traits that captivate the person who likes continuous, uninterrupted comfort and low cost mileage. Jne is its freedom from repairs. It runs on and on. oil. greuse and water and it will deliver an .1 mazing mileage. Give it gus. amount of The second Is the low price you pay per mile. Its thrifty engine makes gas go a long way. Its KM0 pounds of weight assures long tire wear. Such kinds of economy came from ears of study and the experi ence which 300.000 previous Mawells have taught. The notable Improvements ami refinements to be found in this car have caught the uttention of many who figured thut high efficiency meant high price. The public h:i served notice that it does appreci ate value. That Is why 40,000. persons will have to go without a Cost-War Maxwell this year though 100.000 are being built. "e carry a full line of Majiwell parts, also Lee tires and tubes. Neil & Barker MAXW ELL DEALERS Riverside Co. Phone 180