DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Number of Copied printed of Saturday'a lalv Krfttion 3.151 Tii if paper ! n Mi.-mit'T mnS audited hy the Audit llureau of Circulations. The Eut OrnfonUn I Eastern Ore fon'i great ant newapaper and mm selling force give to tha advrtte.a ott twice th guaranteed paid circu lation In Pendleton and Umatilla coun ty of any other newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAP EE VOL. 31 DAILY EAST OREGO' jNDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1G, 1920. NO. 94G0 FRANCO BRITISH REPLY DEFIr WILSON'S WJUHK IN SETTLEMENT OF ADRIATIC GERMAN COURTS MAY TRY GUILTY SAYS NEW REPLY Allies Will Watch Results Re serving Right to Ultimately Force Surrender if Proper Punishment Fails. MU I MHT DA DTIPIDATC "Tn tribunal, however I List of Accused is Not Cut Down; Instead, Note Points! to Failure in Executing Trea- ty Of Versailles. PARIS. Jan. 11. .The new allied note to Oormnny on delivery ot thej pre-war guilty does not reduce the llHt of those whose, surrender : da I inunded, II Ih learned authoritatively, I Instead the note polnta out that Qer- many la fulling to execute the treaty! of Versailles. The note does ifclmit, however, t hat Htncc tlermany manifested a desire lo try the accused herself the allies ure not opposed to, this, but will not par- ttelpale In uny Oernuin trial. Instead, 11 is reporieil tt,e allies will Watch re- suns, reserving the right to ulllniutcl force Germany to surrender uny of tin war guilty whom German till, anal i should fall to punish properly. LODGE CALLS PACT, WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. Sr Lodge today called up the pence i u in me senate and Immediately mo...! mr eonsmerntion oi uie pro- .'! aiuen.P lent on ' ' " . .irvat 'on r.-g;.,di.wittmrrtwal frem the league Wl 11.ITHUI' . KEATOR SEEKS SECOND TERM AS PROSECUTOR District Attorney Itoscoe i today filed with the secretars announcement that he will br flute rir nomination as r nominee for d Isti ii-t at torne primaries Ma L' 1 . He Is th declare himself and the race a candl- ru bit can at the first to nml the second republican in the county to file for the primaries, F. S. Curl having declared Intention a few days ago of running for delegate to tho republican ItaUonal mention from this district. Mr. Kealor will huvs completed his first term as district attorney on De cember :u, 1010. Prior to becoming attorney, he was deputy under Fred Stoiwer. He has had seven ears" SX- j perlence tn the office tin attorney and iii deputy. lows; Chairman, Hi-rnian Dellart; Asst. Makes ithr impryvcmctiis. Chairman, Raymond Hatch: T?einir- carl Ollbcrt, who for years has con- It Pabin Vaug-ht; Registration. Mrs. ducted a barber shop, confectionery Vollle Hortnn and Miss Vera Huey; and pool hall at Ec ho has completed DecoraUon, Miss Blanche Friedlv; extensive ItnpCpVaments, Ifo has In- ' rualc, M iss V.isht i llosk ins; Rccrea -stalled a $2000 soda fountain, added t tton. Cash Wood; Advertising. Rev. J. new stock cases and a new blllard ta- Cornellaon; Finance, Victor Slang; ble. The Interior has been re-decor- j r4?. Edwin Kirtley; Banquet E. O. ced and a partition completed Which Draper. geparntes the card and blllard room ' from the front part of the store. Th barber shop equipment was sold t J. H. Klsk, who has opened a shop o: another sl reef. ' ner. of this city, anil Miss Blanch ltd urn EVom California I Mickey, of Portland. Th,- wedding Mr. nnd. Mrs. .1. K. Allen hnve re- ! will take place In Portland. Mr. tit turned from a seven weeks visit In ner Is well known here. Mlss Mickey California. They made their head-: bus for several years been a teacher nuarters lb Long Beach, but took mo tor trijis to Han Francisco, Los An geles and Mexico. PENDLETON MASONS IMPORTUNED TO SEND Pendleton Masons 11 today being Importuned to semi n large delegation lo the second Scottish Kile reunion, unit Shrine convention to be held In Uakcr on April 29 and :! and May 1. The convention will be one of the number from Pendleton attended, ow Mggest events in the history of Ma- tug lo Ihe Molted notice they had of sonry In eastern Oregon, according 10 the convention, according to Rev. Mr. RV. Owen K. Jones, WOrsMpful mas- Jones. He says he has come early ter of linker lodge A. F. A A. M., who 'enough now to notify members In all Is here today. the different branches of Masonry so Inasmuch as Baker hga the onlyjtluft a large class can go to the linker consistory between boise nnd Port-'meeting. land, Rev, Mr. .Jones and other promt- Khrlne Hand l Attend. nent Masons of this district are anxl- Work 111 the higher degrees will ous for a large delegation nml big take place Thursday and Friday, April classes at the( three day convention. ! 29 and 30. On May 1 . the work In the His mission to Pendleton is to elicit Shrine will take place. promises of heartiest support from lo- Itev. Mr. Jones expects to confer cnl Masons. Seeks Itig Class Here. "Pendleton ahould have at least 30 In the class for work up to the 32nd i INTIMATION MARSHALL SHOULD TAKE REINS CAUSE OF DISMISSAL WAHJIINCTON, Feb. Hi. l,,tj mutluu by Secretary l,a using thai Vice President Marshall should lake over President WIlNon'H .In- ' Mm during iiiM Itlnaw was the in- j reel eutiNc of i ., n ,n .... resigna tion, according t information tn. ilay front a source which is umi ullv well informed. The ailggwtlon WU minle months ago, BUI came io wilson'a curs only leeelllly. A few hotirH Aarward, II wan muted, ha aeted lo foma ionising from the cabinet. MiSS FAYE STEINMETZ flf PORTLAND ELECTED STATE ENDEAVOR HEAD j ;Officers, Department Supcrin- tendents and Bulletin Staff I Choice Will be Confirmed by Albany Convention Delegates Miss Faye Stelnmetz, of Portland, is chosen president' of the Oregon i Ohristl; ) delognt Endeavor Association it tho Eastern Oregon C. convention at Saturdu Waller Myers of Eugeni first vice-president. Mis: 1 derson, of at fjrande. s meeting, kill wus chosen j i Hulda An aecond vice- president and (ilea Wallace. ,,r Stan ri-l.t, third vice nrcsldent. .Miss Khillic I' pr u-ji. Hie ehr.te. ' ..... .wrenrv mi.u M,.nie i,-..,,i., 'treasurer; Itev. Earl 8. Dubois, Itev I U T. Pennington, Dr. v. p. white, ad- vlHfirs. superintendents ftosca Following are the- state department superintendents chosen : Good literature Supt., Claude My. era: FMuratlona! Bupt, Mr. Wx.itr r I-. Myers; Historian. Mins Vloju thrden tnternu'diaie Supt.. con; AJtst. Int. Bupt E tnoiid ; Introduction ! Warden: Junior Sunt., Mis Moarilad; Asst. Junior SulH., Mrs. Hnnn Dellart- t.lfe vforit Tleemlt ,.,. Mlss Hulda Anderson: Asst. Life Work Itecrult Bupt., Miss Pearl Tay- lor Asst. Dife Work Recruit npt, Mr. Oscar Cooper; lookout Pupt., Mr. C. ., j N. Patterson; Asst. LOOkOUt Siipt., MIps f FthOda l'erons; Missionary Supt.. Miss , , Qertrtjdo BiUni Pmyer Meeting Supt. Mr. H"ward Zinser: Roolal Bupt., Miss . i Alice Jndd; S(Cinl Service Bupt, Cllve I Pals; tfnton Supervisor, Miss Hulda Atulerson. Itulletln Staff BuHftUn BSdltori CaiToIl Roberta, Asst. Kditor. Wm. Phene Sutton. Con tributing Kdltor, Lloyd R. Carrlck. Mailing1 Kditor, Miss Esther Swain. Circulation Mr., Miss Elizabeth An dre wn. Will he Confirmed The choice made at the local con ventlon will be confirmed by the dele, cates who attend the convention at Albany. The convention passed resolutions thanking the women of Pendleton for their work, and expressing apprecia tion of the hospitality of the Oirls Pnrtim. and t b They gave sped dlotOfl COnvonHi local business men. 1 thaiika to the Pen i committee, as tot- Hurry HltnOr to Wed An event of next Sunday. l-Vbrunrv 22, will be Ihe Wadding of Harry Itll- tr the Bprudnd acho ike their home bt-axka. lis. T! vll! In farm Li' degree." llov. Mr. .tones said today. 'Tbere should be SO from here lo go ii ihe shrine' At Hie first reunion there was a class of 150 lor the higher degrees in lie Scottish Kile but only a small with all the prominent Masons in Pen- dleton during bis stax. lie Is the 'house guest of Rev. Alfred Lockwood and family, i m , tin- most serious r!ol ..... fej&St TOP One the c. in try' Mine of le.yi '"" Wi;l ticket confessed and -i. n, ! threatening thn j Morrow called out troops : Division to euant flic t:, by'shows the rioters being E. ! after five f their nunitM BBIeOW A machine pun, mar Ity ovcrHcaa veterans of U vision was placed on the stops of t layette county court hotisu to ht bark the mob thai attempted to hn WIN I.ockctt. It hail to l.p'uKcd before' the riots COtlld he quelled, , ' TAMERS IN MASS MEETING SATURDAY VOTED ction houi n was unanimous for the it: Chairman L. 1 Mann was appofnt a comir.it tec of f 1 the matter up with the C gl'aaalOnal delegation and . ilso list the aid of various organizations in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. A feature of the meeting Saturday was the presence of F. A. Garrechl. United States district attorney of Spokane, who entered fo some extent on (he recent grand jury report where in Max Houser was condemned. Mr. (iarrecht referred to the matter only in a general way and concluded his talk with an endorsement of the idea that farmers Should have a coopera tive marketing association. others called on gdurlng the after noon Included Dr. C. J, Bmlth, who made the motion agatfUjF for continua tion of price fixing. Roy W. Hilner, W. VV. Harrah, A. A. Elmore, of Wash ington. Professor Hyslop of O, A. C, and Senator Booth Of Idaho. The mo tion as adopted railed for a price s if flcient to at least meet the cost of pro duction. Mr. did not name time'. hi SINN FEINERS DYNAMITE BARRACKS; FOUR HURT Four constfchlej n Sinn-Fein.'! rnorts Ht Hotly-di.-paieu today antitc tn, in ill ti oi I A revolver battle pr mltlpft Auoiher ' ri i up if ii rmed men . unit Inn train enrout Athens and one snhi when ntl.iek.ers thrt from lu i r w;is w v a boml i rd an e"ded In rtpi'll id the train pro ilg the oe. bil. EXPORTS OF GERMANY MOUNT DESPITE WAR EXISTING WITH U. S. Washington. Feb, eohntoal atateof war lefcmafcK and the lrni ,-nh that country is mi Germany, at ice. sports undaobrated a and por Sta between tetl I state of war has pass d pr ording to dt eportS today. I t 111' IIspVc opem d Garage, Maxfleld & Rhodes of Hermiston. haVO opened the Columbia .nrae at that place. Charles Roe. recently f Sail Lake, will i ing and battery located BBpoelU Ihe west side. e acetylene weld -The amrane is el Hermiston on SNAPSHOTS SHOW SCENES DURING KENTUCKY RIOTING i i ... ,. . ; g 8 TEED WHEAT PRICE M. A. Btotklatd s Prcsideiit. Milton A. Stoddard, form andc and well known to ople. Is now in New York editor of the Doishman Te i t m e Service. The servl jturOS by wire. Mr. Stod iduate of the l.'niversity c of La idleton DISCLOSURES IMMINENT IN CABINET CONTROVERSY ilisclosu the cor the pu Pletchi 'te the inlliatr e IMgrAri In l'.irl irned from an t 111 feeling bet After Wilson-! n treaty d him an 1 .xpcrirliri 1 M WEATPF! FORECAST -at HAL PROMISES HARD DUEL of ter trial of O. P. of the state fair. loentd , ITeiiilerhot it ! cbariz.-d struck the Hcnoi tsnor. n is nari,. o. s,i ut k ine lilow thit finallv resulted in the death " ,nlL lesuiuu in of Hiehael Morris, 30, of Philadelphia, ' The defendant has employed Judge K. I. Perky, former United States s"ivitor as his counsel The . i, ins senator, as ins t oioset. i ne state hin d apeW attorneys tc, assist t at. concession at the state fair refused to admit a member of the fair grounds police free of charge to his show. Hen- ... . . . ... SSK?". h,IT him : eight laml. Mori died ,,er ray disclosed the fact Mor-1 A l lis (1 fl Itn the effects of a blOW, and that death was directly due to o biood Clot on the brain. The autops I doctors, however, found that Morris was diseased, and that the blood ves sels of his brain were weakened. They foUnd that the blow- would not have caused death if he had been normal. The k " 1 ! brain of Morris rnrr. The state enee. The state ee admission to wed his creden declared: "My of fellows -with will assert that RS. II. A. EARNHEART S CALLED BY DEATH 1 day im 'ral wt n;itl re , Haute, Indiana ami first oame to Kast- i-rn Oregon 1 years aco. Heeenfly she I was vlnlting with sons in Kansas City and returned to Pendleton early In 1 Deceipher. She was ;i member of the 1 tvtethodlat ehnreh and held in high esteem by all who knew her. willow for :;r years Mrs. Earn hart time with sens and ire w. p. merly of 'endleton t.. t-red h Pe an, R. C 1. 1.. Karullalt Barnhart, Hern Cauay. Kansas, hart. Kansas ci ers are Mrs. V, M ' rs. Walla Wal- Pendleton ami Kjanstts City. In. Mrs F. K. Kw Mrs. Parbnra Cai Kan. The funeral Is to be held i Tuesday from the Methodis Rev. R. F,. (Tornall c uiductln r v'co. PRESIDENT HOLDS EUROPE CAN 'NOT EXPECT AID WHILE DENVING SAY IN JUGO SLAVIA DISPUTE Allies Declare Determination, H owever, to Execute Terms of January 20 Ultimatum or Pact of London Against Will of Contested Nation; English Press Justifies Threat. :-' The apparent crisis which I 'resident Wilson caused by the note to th antes fol'ows ;i Ions controvaTBj In efforts to settle the territorinl dispute fr In the Adriatic between Italy .'ind JuKO-Hla.via. When Italy entered the vvnr mi the aide of the aJllea she obtained a .secret pact 'f London Krantina; 1 her extensive concessions In the Adriatic In return for military assist- ance. At the peace conference, howevr. Wilson insisted that the United j K tales could not rscocnise this agreement, securing a tentative ayree- men) giving areater concessions to Juffo-RIavia. Italy bittrly relented ' the preaklent'l interference, and at a recent conference of allied leaders 1 ti Paris, effcted a so-called "compromise" which was sent to Pelsxade. , S IY HEN It Y WOOD VANDERVEER CHARGES m MOXTESAXO, Feb. 16. Demands that the defense be allowed to Intro- ' that the prosecution of the Centralis glutton which Britain and Franc, of murder trial is being paid for by lum- r they will support Italy In nr., lnAMat. were denied todav bv ! exf-rutinff "he ract of Lond.M, the nole Judge Wilson. "That matter is not an ( pen issue in this case was the courts ruling after Vandervecr offered to prove "this is not a public but a pri vate prosecution.' He denied Vanderveer's allegation -.v.-. i-trn.t ih:a thp ripfcnsf la at- t .1,1 .- ..w.nr- rf the trial. TI, . Uaalaaitanf ti.9 niimorniio n'ilnOV. ' ae. wa, taken to further corroborate to h,m through the American the .t rie s contention that three men " ambassador, n Ijondon and Parts .hot from Semtaalry hill overlooking M.llerand sard -While it la necea .he town. Coley. a teamster, testified sary to maintain secrecy regarding the h" .., three men leaving the hill im. . contents oCtblk docuroeBt.uitll Preal n edlt-lelv after the shooting. All car- U ilson receives it nevertheless nils he said Jt may be stated that further delay Several employes of the Eastern we reach solution is inevitable." Railway Lumber Oo., whose plant is between the ridge and th seene of the ?veml. ; murd ders told of the shooting from the hill. Vandervoer recaut-o jium ..iiv., i ... ... .,,,ih irmistiee one if the men wounded on Armistice , "op ' ...minntlnn dav, for further crosn examination. ' . wi,n j "Ian t it a fact that you hot whi e running toward the f- W. W. hall. , ho asked. . "Absolutely no was the positive re- n i jsponse. line i '1 r . span p anornc hi u rifi. evoert was again called to the stand to tell of the rinding of the ! jacket of a .38 caliber bullet In the cushion of an automobile which was i a, .. , ,., ,it,,. "iftpr Sing throurt the hole in the side of the machine 1 am convtnceu tnai the shot was fired from an upstairs window of the Avafcra hotel" Ctayk testified. IHmIiI May Itun Again P. Iodd. of Hermiston. who served last vear as a representative in vices irom Belgrade sam tne ,iugo : the legislature, says he is a busy man fla' government is firm in Its decision .,,,.1 ihi his candidacy for next term w ill depend on several conditions. He i, uncertain whether or mt he has enough time to devote to both his own it crests iiul those of the district - which he represents. Mr. DOCMI, WHO la In the city today, is accompanied by F. C M niiston Kenxle. who is mayor of Her d Who served an apprentice- he ir'ument that 'ship as recorder before he took that wn his pass. The j position. Colonel J. F. McNaiight. t. ahow that Hen-(owner f extensive alfalfa lands. J. D. some and had en- Watson, secretary of the Western i"hts at the fair- IjuuI and Irrigation Company, and 1 Sam Mdaker, real estate man, com shtpped to Phila- pleto the Hermiston delegation in the ; from friends in j city today. Id t aid the state. Vediuu Cattle on Dunning ilacc. Henry l-.zinlia. well known stoek m, i,s feeiliiiK head of beef cat tle on the 'I. Ij. Lunninc plate neat Stanfield. Mrl Iizinka says the prcs- w ea t rfer is exce 1 1 e n t f eed i 1 1 u it her. New Student, at II. S. Evelyn Hall, recently of W; ton hifih school, l'ortland. am Henderson of li Grande entere dleton high school ;is freshm; junior. respectively. this m Several stiidents who have been school on account of the loftuei hack, making the enrollment complete. I'aiors ltal LONDON', Feb. 16. - The the council of premiers t Wilson's note on the Adrian Li favorable lo llalj it is leal officially today. 1 -resident uuestion Ms tor Le rver. M'nitfMl Press Staff Correspondent.) PARIS, Feb. ifi. The Fnncn-Hrlt-ish reply to President Wlfaon's note ; thieetenlnfr American withdrawal of Kuropean offices If the allies pers'st in the proposed settlement of the Adialric dispute without American consent, declared that Britain and France are obliged to execute the terms of the ultimatum submitted te Juyo-HIavia January 20. Jugo-Plavta must either accept the said The allied reply denies Wilson's ac cusations against Italy, pointing ool Pilys entrance Into the war and her i "a. rificer in wealth and live. Lloyd i;orge and Millerjn l are ile- termlted ti c.irry out the Ja-i.'-ry TO UlUniAtum The "reply which we (the big thr-e have drawn up to his nole we suo- ! " - - , - - - ident Wilson sent the entente saymfs that if they settle the Adriatic ques- J - tlon TvithouT American concurrence. furlher wjth ot pending European questions. "After difficulty , " , , ..,, in ,ijsmis3ns Secretary Lansing. W 11- isolation Is again - attempting to direct affairs on the 'intlnent of which he has no concep tion' said the News. Wilson's latest note was received In Paris almost simultaneously with I.on- don reports declaring the council of ....... . . - '" . questions. Jugro-SUMs tYlth Wilson The Jugo-.Slav government reported it would1 not accept either the Indon pact or the council s compromise. Ad- i noia rai mi us oiooum iwnnuun. iM eniorcemem or trot-ana a Plan na ! settlement of the Adriatic dispute, I Coming on the heels of dispatches ; telling ot tne presiuem s dismissal if I-insing. the report of Wilson's not created a. sensntion In political circles ; here, practically the entire press re I garde.d the Leanslng episode a dis missal" of the secretary and chararter ired it as "autocratic and unjustifi able.'" Polk Confirm-- IisairoaI NEW YORK, Feb. 16. Acting Sec n tary f State Polk today confirmed the report that the Cnlted Stares is not In agreement with the Franco Hritish compromise for settlement of the Adriatic dispute. "It is well known that this government la not In agreement with the Itritlsh and French proposal," he said. "However I know n- thing about the ontents Of the di :: r. h stnt tho Hritish and French covernmcnts as I was not in Washing (on when it was forwarded.'" Millcnnid Charges lKla PARIS, Feb. U -Premier Miller and, in an interview today admitted President Wilson's Intervention In Adriatic ipiesti"tis had again delayed solution of the problems. Defend Wil-on. T.OVP W ilson i 1 ' de ubstuntially riKbt," tho Times sjiid today, commenting on the president's note to the council of pre miers threatening Am '- n ' -drawal from Kuropcan affairs. "ThO altos shoubl pause and reriect beforo they place themselves in a position which mitrht lead the president to con clude their adoption of Ids principles at the time of the armlatlce was a mora mask for predatory ambitions," . the Times continued. The Stat believed that "Wilson Is I rtah1 and if the Mrlthth government has an ounce of wisdom In Its mental ; outfit it will back him up.' Tm Stand Kefterated. ' WASH 1 N OTON. Feb. 1 6. Pre -- dent Wilson, in a note to the Itritlsh and French foreign oft ices reiterated his original stand on the Flume and Adirondack questions. It was an nounced at the White House today.