DAILY EVENING EDITION Nur.ibur ui copies printed of yesterday's Pally Krtitlon 3,047 This paper It a tnamDar ml sufiltad by tha Audit Bureau of (Urculatlona DAILY EVENING EDITION ll Tha Kant Orsgnnlan la fCaMarn Ore ron'i gr - tea r newitriptr and sailing force flvfi to the advrtt. over twice th guarantad paid ireu latlnn In Pendleton and Umatilla coun ty of any othr newapaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1920. NO 0455 "ALL GERMANY IS AGREED TO DEFY ORDER'WRGER Whole Government Thinks Same, Declares Minister of Finance, and Completely Agrees With Will of People. BOBSLED WHICH WgniM WHILE BEING TUNED UP FOR LONG ISLAND RACES AT HUNTINGTON, INJURING TEN WOMEN AND GIRLS. " ; FIELD MARSHAL, ACCUSED, SET AGAINST SURRENDER Von Lersner Arrives in Berlin Asserting Men Whom Fath erland Loves Must be With held to Earn Respect. I1V CAUL ! (UtOAT ( I'll I ted PrejH Htaff ( 'orrespnndon t . j hkrli.v, Feb. 7. Ctermany win re- flint to the uttermost the allied de- ina nds for surrender of t he Teuton war ' Rullty, according to Statements of prominent lejulerH today. "The whole government think and act as I do," , Mathius Krzberger, minister of flnanee told the l tilted yrvmt today. "We .ire In complete agreement with the will of our people." Field Marshals Von HI mien burg and" Ludendorff. whom numpH are In the list of n oniisofl. both take the Htnnd that no officer shall surrender himself voluntarily upon the demand for delivery, the l.okal Anzel Ker Ha Id. Huron von Ijersner, former heed Of the (Senna n dclegat ion in Paris who re-signed rnther than transmit the lint of war mi lit y tO Perl in, arrived here today. "The allied demand fr such men as Von I! indenting, Lud-ndorff and j Maekensen, whom all the fatherland love and whose gulltlessnesH 1m above doubt, must be hindered at alt costs." j he declared . "If (er ninny dc livers these leaders she signs her own death warrant. If she refuses this shameful demand then her enemies, too, again I will havo respect for (Jermuhy." AiNes Determined. PARlfl, Fob. 7. The allies have no Intention now of modifying the clause of the treuty providing that Germany Mhall surrender t he war guilty for trial. The round 1 of ambassadors to day announced the allied guv ernmcnts have derided unanimously that the list be offleially handed to (iermany at the ea illest poj-rdble moment. The text of the covering note, which wan hold up to be approved bv the roun rll Will be telegraphed to lteilin. & 9g3!e'' rSfMi imMwK&ssifBKE BShMhSSaSSUBaSaSSaV- . . - mmfmmmmfst -Si d Ayxor at on. held at lie of t he fastest hobi ht were taken e the accident WILSON SENDS LETCH AS HITCHCOCK COUNTS FORCES 200 DIAZ REBELS STAMPED OUT BV CARRANZA FORCE Several Generals Are Slain Among Revolutionists De feated in Two Battles is Mexican Government Claim. MOTHER HURLS INFANT TO PROBABLE DEATH AS CAR CRUSHES OUT LIFE OAKLAND, Feh. 7. A doctor 1 and a i are trying today to ! brighten the eilMence of Richard Manqfltld, Hhipworker. In ropntiv t' the dyins request of Mr. .Manx flold. With a tnxt electric trtln rimhinit upon her aa utie atood helpleasi in Its truck with her foot clamped vithln the switch. Mrs. Manaflnld t'"-iMl her "ne month-old baby to ' the concrete platform, crying "Save 1 my baby." nut the Infanta skull was crushed anil It will probably ; die. SIX WEALTHY SPANIARDS ARE KIDNAPED BY BAND aWnMHaWalH The annual content of the Huntlnston it cldent Just before, the Htart. 'The Greyhound,' and wonifii who were riding on It wo ro Injured. Jre hound" r ady for a trial trip, made, shortly be for f h antlngton, i- I-. were marred by an ac e nterud, turned over iind ten of the girla to ;i h oopltaL This photovrftpli oftdwa "The happen 'd. COAST REVIVES AS EASTERN BLIZZARD BLOWS QUI 10 SEA LOVER BURIED0N DA SET FOR WEDDING: iiftL LAST JUROR IS TAKEN Fighting Opens When Federal. Troops Start Rescue Pursuit and Capture Includes One Traitor General. RUDD, LEAVING, SELLS INTEREST IN JOLLV INN FOLLOWING, LIKE LODGE'S, WILL BE DIVIDED IN STAND democratic Senators Meet to Discuss Program for Mon day When Pact Will Face Open Discussion in Senate. KNOWLEDGE OF NUMBERS PROBABLY MAIN PRONT TAKES POISON AT GRAVE Isolated Communities, Many Thrown Into Primitive Through Interruption of Traffic, Dig Way Out. ll.KI.ANI,Keh. 7.- Deslrtn, sho faul to follow her lover to th; muvr, Be-ie fireen today ltaok potoon. She whu in H carriage al th.' i't:mpH'iy. Herman iK'Woruk hl been kiltod ifeccideiitally. The funeral m held the day they were to have lieen tnarriuJ. It i.s helleverl .she will recover. CHARGE IS LAUNCHED whti h in two HQ till II part ?ret white out to HOIl. ninny of whi le. Feb. ;. TIe bUaBOTd, d.i turned mut of the of the conn try Into h deaort, haa blown Itsolf Isol.iied . communities, h were MffoVtl Into thr INDIAN LANDS TO BE SOLD ON FEBRUARY 161 CUUmeO. Two hundred rebels were killed, a government statement saiil. IncluilinK several generate. Govern ment losses are slight. The Diaz band had kklnnneri ale wealthy Spaniards, the fightlnB er- sultins when federal troops went In Prosecution Outlines Course of pursuit. The Spaniards were rescued. uerai Hanm one of the most Important of Diaz leaders was With Premeditated Crime on 7ea and f ke" Prtaoner. He is a .w.auEi nenerai or i ne ieo:eral armv. i He was taken today to Vera Cruz for summary court martial and will prob ably be executed. arrunza has promoted all federal H. S. Budd. one of the proprietors f the Jolly inn. today sold hi inter- I est Li. K. J. Morris, hi. nartner Mr MEXICO 'ITV, Feb. 7. Govern- i H"dl1. wih Jim Kudd and their chll-! Iment forces under General Knih.a dren. expect t leave n.nlhi i. oeiealeu revolutlonlatt of the I'iaz faction In two putties at Nautla W" city salesman for the Hudson inn jicaitepes, tne government today'ram Company. "inanu. .ir. unun is brother-in-law. Republican Leader Assured of Support of 35 or 40 While Opponent is Uncertain and Wilson Maintains Stand. WASHI.VOTOX, I'jnil ii-horr. Mr n 1 j .M . rl x 7" ""7. . laKfaposi- mf from pregilcnt Feb. 7. A mes- Wllson outlininiT wholea-tle grocer, of , the treaty read , s j senators at their conference with his Trial Charging Defendants Armistice Day. HT t'l.K.M J. RANTAU, lirimltive throttgh interruiti fie are today .iiitkIhh theme into civilization. iif tr p. ni- on 'I hi re fiOu aern PENDLETON DELEGATION LANE S RESIGNATION TAKEN TO WILSON lands Indian i Keb 1 at 2 ?ating c.t 1 Hi (Jniteil Press Staff Correspondent.) I BRATS HATtRlJR t;i V ItTHi USK. MMti'a.-,il, Wash 'P1E Herman Allen, iT.'Seruffntr altornex of Lewis 'county. toda outlined In the Jury the 'contentions which the state art try ' to establish to prove the guilt of the j ll alleged t. V. W. who ore on trial! for their lives in the Centralia muf- i officer igagements. who iiarticipated in the en- Mr. Rudd in making the change largely for the benefit of his health, which ha-s been poor since an attack of influenza last year. Hta new posi tion will give him a chance to be out doors. He expects after recuperating his health to be In the business office of the Hudson-Gram Company. -Mr. and Mrs. Rudd have lived in the city for the past three years and have many friend. In Pendleton. Both have been prominent In social and musical circles in Pendleton. Mr. Rudd being a talented violinist. They have been active also in church work. Mr. Morris, now sole owner of Jolly Inn. announces that the Inn will be Hitchcock today. Senators said it re affirmed the president's position of opposition to any reservations that would change the meaning of the treaty. The senators instructed Hltrhc ick to aid in every possible way consider ation of the treaty in the senate Mon day. Jledslon Ciianimotrs. The decision of the oonference was unanimous Hitchcock said. He will decide later whether to make public the letter received from Wilson enroa cerning the reservations. Q One Trnwtnr nji lneiV4wiile cunD1! ence stated that in his nnininn the inducted in the mime manner as in ' President s attitude had been slightly the past and that dancing will be re- I mdifled. This senator is more hope- AT RESERVATION TODAY sumed during the evening hours at Ogn future date. The dancing pavil ion has not been in use for the past Wek he cause of the health situation. tr 11 th: uui prit'o rffer- id the Assur.K'es were sent the Astoria Chamber of COmtBerc today that Pendleton will be represented at , the Convention Of the Oregon Mer chants Association on .Mondny. Tues day and Wednesday. Febru.-try 14, 17; and IS, by at least a doffen delOg&tM. Secretary Q K. Orattoion of the Com mercial association titday POpOriOd nine certainties ami three stronK pos sibilities. The local deleatea plan to Ret the j 192o convention for the Itound-I'p . city If they go to the mouth of the I Columbia city. It Is Eastern Oregon's ! turn to have the meeting, nCOOfdtng to j Secretary 0. f 1'arr of the Astoria chamber. The merchants who have promised to send a delegate or attend tn person inrluile the following The I Voples a rehouse. A lexund- rs. ) H.'ivroR and the Homl Brothers Rtorea ll. . KcPhenwn. John Lang i , WAflHINOTON, Feb. 7.- -creta ry jnf the lutetior Lane today forwarded j his resignation to President Wilson. It I was accepted a nd will be effective t March 1 it w as annoum ed at La n s office. Iiine Istte! the white house early today, Jt is understood, and car ried his resignation with him t hen. ith - Ten per cent, must accompan m;t:i.:i nn per cent Is soon as the Indian .wn of I the he priOS ffered , and the rs - called for as P accepts the high bid. It usually requires about three months ;tfter the sale until the pure hasef receives his fee patent, but the purchaser is given possession t LEAP TO DEATH ENDS BAN MOM Fl srs r LA NCI SCO, Feb. 7. One romance was ended today when Mrs. Josephine Turner jumped from the third floor of Ban Francis co hospital and was Instantly killed. Sho was the French wife of Henrj Tui ner. a former service man who courted her while serving in France The girl contracted tuberculosis while a nursing wounded sniniers at the rront. rSfintng the trial of the Industrial ists one of t he most important ever held In this country, Allen pointed out the series of circumstances which, he declared, will "justify a verdict of guilty as charged." In the opening statement for the prosecution. Changes Crime. "The prisoners at the bar are charg ed Jointly and severally with the de liberate murder of Warren (. Orimm.' Allen stated. "InrorfiMo ,,o it i the l;uid as .soon as the sale is approv- L, . '.. sir ;, . , , . rij v i iiit" at i iifini . - mi n i i a i aeier a no evincing so much depravity should be peaceful and moral community, nev- j ert heless the evidence which he -will lay before you will irresistibly lead to: the conclusion that the prisoners are , guilty of the offense of which they I stand charged." Alien's recital of the contentions of the state divided them under three heads: "First: Those things leading up to the formation of the parade; the line of march and the arrangements of the j divisions that i omposed the parade. "Second: What actualb took place by the i rotary Of the Interior. ASKEW KIDNAPED IN RAID BY MS Isaac Craig, in year old Indian, died today at the reservation of tuhAMmtn. sis. He has been ill for many months. Young Craig was the son of Mrs. j Agnes Craig, who survives him. and of the late Hill Craig. He was a nephew t of Joe Craig. The boy is survived, be ! sides his mother, by a. brother John. , aged 17, who lives on the reservation, and two sisters. Xellie Craig, aged 14, and Maude Craig, aged 12. who are attending Chemawa Indian school. Funeral services will be held Mon day from the Tutuilla church, with Rev. H. J. Conner, Indian minister, officiating. WILL ADD SAWMILL; BL P. pied i he li rdo i After It si Tex. -towns of Du range ting tor -Villi DR. M'CLURE IS NOW HEAD OF SHEEP CO. Prominent pereoi San IVrnando pi W. McCInre, president f the Cunningham Sheep & Tint Tatom. dray Brother,, N". j. Bteln. J. ti VifUBhan. Th. possibilities arc II. B, Wirth, Roeaeh and J. & Johns. Hlvdon strong William i Jumped nurse i a in the ahaaht, window while Ualilo rnanage DM laen. in mil 'd th eph RFfl Fl AT, AT HAI f MAST ! STARTLES TOMBSTONE AS i TRIAL FRICTION MOUNTS SPONSORED BT LEGION A two-hour concert and a three hour dame, featuring the Hollowsll Concert Co., of Chicago, Is planned by rendietou Tost. American Legion, as lis chief offering during the month of March. In keeping with the post's re cently annonnced policy to place itself firmly on Pendleton's social and en tertainment map. The week f March 2 hus been tentatively selected for this concert. The Hoiioweii CO. consists of 1 1 firtists, who furnish both Instrumental ajid vocal eoiuert music. They are also sxpeft denes musicians and their eoisperts are followed by danesc. Their nthoin tour or the esst is heinp. made aimosi sntlrHy under Legion auspves. The;. are scheduled for linker, Ls ' Irande and Enterprise late this month, but on account of the smoker set for February 2. the local post cannot havo the concert on that date. Tin phners will stop here on their return 'I trip. RlethKcho I With a long list of good fooommsn- 1 and hod het dntbns from other Isgton posts, the la survived I concert company Is exported to give him a hen in local people a real niUalcal treat. Their Spokane. TOMBSTONE, Arls., Feb. 8. A red flat,' flying :it ball" KW1 from ihe court house where the BlSbee deportation and kidnap itiK cases are being tried, itartl ed Ton i list o n e todaj 1 1 Va s hoist eil f rom within the court house duiingj the night and tprp down t his hsbrnlng under orders from Sheriff Mclonald. A complete Investigation to be held In open court has beeri or deredS This is flrsl cropping otil of intense feeling nnderlxinp (lie trie Is. Coutdy officials are highly In- censed and declare the guilty pnr ties will be prosecuted. MISS STASIA WALSH WILL GO 10 POLAND irt front of the I, W. W. hull. '"Third : The plans and arra line men ts the defendants had made pre paratory to firing on the parade: their conversation! how they were armed, and here they were stathm , ed at the time of the shooting" The prosecutor dwelt at length on the part alleged to have been t;iken in the plot by l-!mer Smith, the Cen tralia attorney who is charged with having been an ncCesSOry to the crime but who, the prosecution admits, did not take part In the shoot ln(r. Crowd I IindtafcS Parade. "It will be shown," said Allen, "that the Centralis division of the Armistice pa rado beea me s. me what disarm nged owing to the necessity of crowding the lines together when the marchers turned at Third avenue to retrace Miss Eftasts P W alsh, of this eity. Is 'their steps to the high school nudfto- ono of t wo nurses chosen f rom r.um. throughout the United States to go to "When the order to halt was given Poland under the auspices Of the lied by Warren Orimm, who was In charge Cross. Mrs. Ha'el Kinsley, of Seattle, of the Centralia division. the hoys has also been chosen. plowed up, and were marking time Mivs Walsn is muKing arrangements when they were fired on. Several regarding her passport and will leave volleys of shots cattts) from the . VV. Pendleton for New York In ahon. W. hall when the boys were scatter- three weeks. She has been empioxed Ing in searoh Of shelter. It will be Ammm by the Umatilla county Red Cross as shown that a large number of shots nMH. v tuts ait- rnoon oi instriietiH- m iinnie tnuiene jphi t;ire were iireti, ranging rrom "0 to 1&0. one day's 111 new of the sick and Is resigning the nosi- The shooting came from four differ- tlon, c it places: Prom an upstairs wln- las Walsh his lived In Pendletoi dow In the Arnold hotel, w hn-e tvn again caught cold, how- fm. ln0 past five years. She received of the defendants were stationed: WttS brought In Pthlay. ll ,u,r training as a nurse at Mercy t.OS- from Seminary hill, about 10to feet passed awaj today, Mr. Met oy wag pital, Iowa. Puling the recent war rast of the hall, where three men foreman with the Clifton. A ppl.-g.it - , served as a nurse in Pase Hospital were flrinir: from the Av-lnn hnf.-i 4;. being thtf only ITmaitlts county about a half block from the hall and army nurse who went overseas. She jieross the street, and from the I. W. Dr. S. manager Land Co. That is the way it now reads for Mr. MeClnre g on the ground as active head of the big sheep company, taking up the posit ion left vacant by the death of the late J. N. Lturgess. pr, MeClurs arrived from Salt Lake Several days ago and in company with J. M. Keeney has been out at the com pany's ranch near Pilot Rock. Or. McClure is well known through his h ng services as secretary of the National Woolgrowora Association and for his Services with the bureau of animal industry when he had hea1 QuarterS In Pendleton. He is consid ered an expert on the sheep business I ml has a nation wide acquaintance will he highly valuable in his new Ition. IA GRANDE, Or, Feb. 7. That there Is a boom on in the city of Klgm Ls the news brought to La Grande by citizens of the lower valley town. Like other towns, houses are scarce and hard to get and business is good. One new industry Is promised for Elgin this summer when a sawMnlll will be added as a valuable adjunct to the box manufacturing concern which is now operating there. Adams Broth-' ers are behind the movement and a corporation has been formed to carry I on the business. Will Adams leaves tonight for Portland to purchase ma chinery for the new sawmill which is to have 40 000 feet capacity. Another enterprise also for Elgin ISJ under con and ' sideration. A number of farmers are planning a grist mill. ful of ratification. WASHINGTON". Feb. 7. A message from President Wilson outlining his present stand on the reservation to the treaty was read to democratic sen ators at their conference with Hitch cock today. Senators said it reaffirm ed the president s position of opposi tion to any reservations that would change the meaning of the treaty. The senator's instructed Hitchcock tu na in every possioie way to con sideration of the treaty in the senate Monday. Derision t'naiiimoti.s The decision of the conference was unanimous Hitchcock said. He will decide later whether to make public the letter received from Wilson con cerning the reservations. One senator on leaving the confer ence stated that In his opinion the president's attitude had been slightly modified. This senator is more hope ful of ratification. W. M. SEWARD LEAPS I-rres I. inert lp WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Demo cratic senators met today at the call of Senator Hitchcock to discuss their program in the treaty discussion : which will hegin Monday in the Seit late. There Is little llkllhood that any program will be agreed upon which will prove acceptable to the -whole democratic minority. The chief result i of the meeting is likely to be that I Hitchcock will get a clear ideal of how 'the various senators stand, for his ! guidance. He will go to the senate I Monday with his following divided at i least as much as that of Senator Lodge Walter M. Lodge is assured the support of 35 or from the Sixth I ,(1 rennhHean HS4i m. h.,vi Of w hich ' , mil eh uma ller n.'rrnl:i ir inntiArf though he Is counting on 4 3 of 47 PQ RT LA N D, Fe b. Seward today leap ed floor of the Seward Hotel. he was proprietor and plunged to In stant death, cnishing against the roof . ,i n p. tl KERMIS PRESENTS 50 LOCAL ENTERTAINERS Of a tWO Story budding below Seward was suffering of mental dis order, as a result of long illness. When the nurse left the room he looked t he door, snd climbed) to the window- ledge. Returning to find the doof locked the nurse rushed into the adjoining room, climbed to the ledgo and daringly walked toward the poised patient. She just managed to grab him as he was In the act of jumping Hitchcock said he had learned that President Wilson's position is nn changed and is against any change In the meaning of the treaty through reservations. Vocational Adrian Com hi lt. G. White, vocational edvtsof for the federal board of vocational OSjU cation. will be In Pendleton February 10 to advise ex-service nin who ;iro lcs Uter one DS) nines hester McCoy, aged 1(1, died hospital pneumonia, after a Jle had recently hecu In the hospital with Influents and was riteCharged as well. Hi ever, and e t out i at tors building t be 1 CI ion Of t be hig hw .i una rtSffl at Nolln. He hl: Wife Who was w it h died. Their home is in has din her w field is t is tie Information s i Poland will be mparativelj new j hat w. the hall where tin- rest of the defend - Fifty Pendleton people will appear in the Kermis to be given under the auspices of the Church of the Re nt the Oregon theater Wed nigh t. The proceeds will go toward the expense of remodeling the basement of the church. Following is the program: Aviation chorus. Monologue. Black Face Comedians. Country Rube, musical skit. "The Man Next Door." theatrical skit. Song Hits of the Day. The Kashion Show of 1H. Put was unable to hold him. ana nar- , disabled. He will muk.- his head rowiy escaped plunging to a similar sjaartesa at the Red Cross reosna in fate. the federal building. This will be the last chance to see Mr.WhitS for some time as he will not be here again for ftuany months. appearance will be the first public af- 1 " " fair to be sponsored by the post here1 Utwn l.ank bacrl Irene DuImU !" rYoen l lu. and the committee In charge looka for PES MO!NKfc Keb. 7. The first sa- trens Donerty. 1 months old, died the concert to be a success. Those Uonal bonk -f Cambridge, Iowa, was ut St. Anthony's hospital today from who are on the committee on arrange- robbed .1 r-"i In w u sa iugs stamps jutluena She was Che roungt at child mcntsnre: C. C. Vlnler. Prank Kin- and ItbcrO Uinos and $I0ij in cash of Mr. and Mrs, Michael Dohertyv who cald, Roger OCay and Roscoe Vuughan. 1 arv today. reside nenr Pilot Rock. ants were stationed." . 1 The prosecutor said while the evi- Mrs. ISmtIii jrXCB Acencv. dence would show that four former Mrs. Anna Perrin. who for the serv ice men lost their lives and all the tvo years has been employed at ficts were closely blended, f 'iiil.i nts w ere charged only 1 1 order of Warren Gbftintn. He de f rtbed the manner In which Arthur Maximum, 50. Minimum. 31. Rarometer. 9.f2. Rainfall, .as in. VaactSOn T-wo. Pendleton markets; Fverett True.. 14 Want atls. classified directory and longs of the Dnffa 1J Auto news i( n and 12 Beetlaon One. fsast Late news of city and state 9 ue At the movies: realtv transfers ... ft I'd. a lb-k Bale (aiKclIcd. The Pilot Rock coniinunitv sale was not held today as practically ill the goods w-rt- sold resterday The total I sales amounted to about $9$ ht THE WEATHf ! FORECAST (OoDtlnnee on i..ie .) the rte-jtmatiiia lmtian Ageno. left today r r hmch news wun mo j'Mu.uiu. .MHMi.i-.nnru n-i mn- social an.! personal news . daughter. Louise Perrin. After a vi-. -County official news 1: in Portland they will go to Ottlahn- Rdttorial srwaisii n Mm (News notes of Pendelton Live news of city, state and nation POMS to make t heir home wit h Ml Vrrin's brother. i -