.-b- ..s.JLmZm DAILY EVENING EDITION B tjp Kfr yM I UAILT Vjok 0 ,- -dSS over twlcs the unrntiod paid rlrru- .-. I Jljesnt CCMLHffEKIV BaaJB J-'' C .S7 J ) flHr imi.n In Pendleton n.l i;mtilla to'io- DAILY EVENING EDITION Number ul copica printed of ytaterday'a Dally Kdltlon 3,001 This paper U a member by the Audit Itureau of anl audited Circulation COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 COLLAPSE Of BI-PARTISAN CONFERENCE SENDS TREATY FIGHT INTO OPEN SENATE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920. NO 0449 TRAIN OF EVENTS LEADING TO LIST OF GUILTY WILL STAND , FORMAL ACTION ON FEBRUARY 10 IS LAUNCHED BY WALSH TODAY GUARANTEED RETURN IS AGREED fflFP. MA MAMFQ TO DP HANftFn . . . vilii vvv nnnLU iu ul iihuili TU tUK KAILKUAU LfcUoLA iUIS Fate of Peace Pact Totters Under Uncertainty of Strength of Hitchcock's Democratic Following and Attitude of Re publican Irrcconcilables, Reservationists and Lodge. WSl.r. .Ian. .11. I'm mill LONE BANDIT TAKES ii' ! i' wii"" uin iii i Ik senate today that on IVbrnary in Ixinncmtic leader iiii(-ii(ii'U miii move a oonsad ct-atkm of the i.erman in open session. $200,000 IN BONDS WITH UNLOADED REVOLVER TWO OF TEMPORARY JURORS ARE EXCUSED WAmiNOTON, .Ian. SI. Th treaty controversy now goo back to tho senate as a whole :ih the result of the cnllai of bipartisan conference ! efforts til compromise. Senator Walsh will pave tho way today for formal calling up "f Hie treaty In Hie open senate by that on Febru ary 1(1 Senator Hitchcock will formally move "that the senate now proceed to consideration of thn treaty with (Jor- many." Senator WaMOTn noilro will set In motion a train of events preliminary to the Hitchcock motion. Between now ami February 1 a Jtimher of questions must be decided, deluding: Will the democrats rapport Hilrh lock practically aa a unit when h" lakes the motion, or will I hoy desert his leadership In sufficient ntimhera to prevent resumption of the treaty lebnto? Will republican mild reservation!! combine with the democrat ,n Mtif f 1 rlent number to make Hitchcock's liotlon a success? How will Irreconcilable republicans rote? liOdtng Stand Pnealo, Will Baoator I,odgo maintain IiIk op. position to consideration of treaty, or will he surrender on this point In Mm fnco of the country's demand for im mediate ratification? Senator Hitchcock said aa things tow stand is or II to democrats HI auipri Um OMAHA, Jan. II, A lorn-, unnuuiicad tMBndlt wiU las' night hebl up and robbed the mail Bar of a 1'nlon Pacific limited near here, with an unloaded revol ver, may have aaeaped with lib erty bonds and other valuables worth SOO,t00 according to of ficials working on the case to day. Moat of the valuables arc frorfi Puctfi coast pointa. Judge Withdraws Objection to Defense's Challenge of Or ton Glenn and Also ' Decides Mind of Mrs. Pattison is Fixed. ONIY ONE INFLUENZA CASE REPORTED TODAY SETS NEW LOW RECORD - , MOXTE8ANO, Jan. 3I.--Tw ' tfirnporary jurors wero oxeust- in liie CVntraha timrdi-r ens. . wore Ortcia Otenn and Mrs. Pattison. WASHINGTON, .lun. It. The jirini ipl if Kna rant cud return hiw been tf'i'',,l t y the wiiat- am! hottM cotifcreea workinff on the niit road reorganisation NgrlijlatioPa Chair rnan ''utiimtns of Hie Hcnuto OOmmlt tee, announced tod;i The confrc(!3 are Mill divided, iiowever, on WDttttier the Kuaranl'fd rati- of return Hhould lie preaWflwti by romrr.-jw hi a hill or whet her 1 ho interstate coiiimen eoinnii.-tsion should fix the figure. A romproniisc is HUppos'd to have been reached on the antt-etrlke laiir1,s alao. The conferees an''- d that t h ti ihunal be empowered to rni-.ke final otecftaftone in lahor disputes. No penalty for violation, however. Is expected lo be uttached. l'ubllc opin ion will probi bly be relied upon to obtain in the enforcement of decisions. DEALERS ARE MAKING 1 00 PER CENT PROFITS TO GOVERNMENT FEBRUARY 10 BY ALLIED AMBASSADORS COUNCIL Former Crown Prince is Not Summoned in Note, Demand for His Surrender Like That of Ex-Kaiser, Being Separate, But Rupprecht of Bavaria is With High Officials Called. Denial of Department of Jus tice is Refuted by Oregon Senator Who Says "Fresh Evidence Comes Every Day." : STABLE PRE-WAR BASIS Trial I- Delayed. No School Will be Attempted for Another Week, Allowing Epidemic to Eun Course and Assuring Uninterrupted Ses sion. Only one new Inflnenxn case was re ported to the health officials today for 'inaranltne, making the low record for new eases since the outbreak of the pMatnle i'l days alio. Patients who have been eflnfine.l to their honrv-s ,Ucr Quarantine for teWeral days are I being released as rapidly as the offl- M OF METAL WILL CURTAIL AUTO OUTPUT frer rnn et around after being notifi ed by physicians. No iehOOl Will be attempted for an i other eeeki bttweVer; the board decid ei ttiis morning at a biier.iai meeting : It was the consensus of opinion thai a reopening of school permaturely a mild, possibly r enult In a second clos ing order, whereas another week of leacutlotta tltowltig the epidemic to run its nmpp. mlKht place everyt hinK in ; order for unlterropted sesslona. Tlnm Not lxst Most of the local teachen who were taken sick last week are reported con alesrent and some were out today for the first time. The board belle VM Attorneys arguments over iiu- the statutes in connection wit (rod net ion of witnesses to itnj statements of te mporary jurors t ed the opening of the t'entraHa der trial over an hour today, dash occurred in Judye Wil .hambera. Alter me lengtny nrBument Judc Wilson's chambers, the s attorneys withdrew their ol.je. tit the defense's challenge of Clean, er reading a transcript of the s meats of Mrs. Paulson, the emir irereed Ha firevious order overr he defense's challcngre. dnfon tvcil, "I have made trp mv mind that the opinion of Mrs. littison is so fised sa to prertnde fair cor1deratlun of the carp," Judge Wilson said. K. Q, It obi n son. Hon u jam car pen -ter. was rapidly passed by both ships making the eleventh temporary Jur r It Is expected the box irajfl he again temporarily filled tonight. LAND, LABOR LEAGUE FOR OLD CANDIDATES I' A Kits. Jan. :il.--The lixt of ;rr inan war guilty, whose surrender for trial by the allied tribunal was de manded will not he revised, it Is stated officially today. The list, contain inff over ROO names, will be handed to fJerma ny February 1 o. "The ambis sudors' rouncil will decide Motif I. iy upon the. manner of remitting the note to Germany. The list does not include t he for- wool j mcr crown prince, it is learned. The -. 1.1. iling M. Jan. 31. No attempt will i made by the newly organized laftd id labor league to secure the nomina :n atid election of independent can dates in Oregon, it was decided at a eating late last ntKht. following ad uriM ient of the Convent ion which ive birth to the new political orn.ni- The league will attempt to elect old indidato.-; who will support the plat rin of the new party.. WASHINGTON' Jan. 31. Whil the department of Justice has denied I 1 hat sugar profiteers are eseapiny ; punishment. Senator McXary of Ore- j ron today declared that he has eri-1 NEW rORlC, Jan. 31. The dence that enrmous jirofits are iK-ing ' rnarket rapidly is approaching normal jdemand for his surrender, like that of Blade in t.ugar, running as high as pre-war basis, and manufacturers' de- 'the former kaiser, will be separate. ''I, ., cent received from many mands for raw word will be met in full I'rominent (ierinans on the list, it la ajrcea, Senator McNary sjibl he had noon, accrrding to Arthur Williams, learned. Include Trince Kupprecht of i it ten the deo.n tmcnt of justir e reoer-ii food, admihisxrator who is '"ae oi v uniemonrg. thout the profiteering sit nation. 'FTeeh evidence. he said, "comes to American Woolen association here ny office every day." conferring with representatives of the IGenerals Von Kltick, Von Kuelow. Von, American Woolen ..tutor-bit Inn hr , AiacKcnsen, V on UstroWSky. Of! PARALYSIS IS FATAL TO MARYLAND NATIVE : Tesny,. Von t'assel. Von M.'nteuffel, I The encouraging outlook for cheap- jand Von Sanders, Admiral Von Cap er clothing. Mr. Williams said, la fur- i e,le- the brothers Niemeyer. Majors ther enhanced by a nearly ' normal Goertz- Von Baelow and Von Mentier commercial output by the nation's mills, which be aaid devoted 6.;. pei cent of their capacity during the wai 0 making cloth for the army and na- and Lieutenants Itudigci her. and Wu ; The woolen experts told Mr. Wil liams that a long stride toward lower ing t he price of clothing w-oiild be G. A. CRESSEY ELECTED AT HERMISTON SESSION HOUSTON. MEREDITH NOMINATIONS ARE GIVEN APPROVAL No funeral arrangements have yet een made. The body is at Folsom'a ndertaking par lore. HEItMISTON. Jan. 31. The annu al meeting of the Hermiaton Jersey Breeders' Association was held In this city Saturday. At that time the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: George A. Creasy, president. H. M. Sommerer, vice president. C. M. Jackson, secretary-treasurer. Tlimrtnr- trr Illnlr Vn 1 W LJT f.- ! May speculative jobber who might beiatarr; fop KIor,k v p ryyii'. ' later noItiinS "ack his stocks in the hope of ; for mock No 3 w u Blessing- fo'r higher prices will be disappointed, for i Block No. 4, P. P. Sullivan; for Block the normal requirements oi tne trane x0. 5. Wm. Bensel: for Block No niorninc at K:3.i after bclnK in poor made if the purchaser would confine health for the past 10 years. His himself " """ard styles and plain, death waa due to a paraletlc stroke. i rviceable materii.ls. instead of de Mr. Btwman, who has resided here mandinB the market's best. for 10 years, is survived by his wife and one son, C. F. Bowman, of this City, and five grandchildren. He was born In Maryland, in October, 1 84 1 At the age of 12 he went to Ohl where he came to Oregon In yea r.r. Hish clothing prices, in the associa tion's opinion, have reached their crest. The conferees told Mr. Williams that will soon be met directly manufacturerer." from the There will be a shortage Of all enrs this year because of the inability of man u fact n urs to get metal for th. nodies. according lo F. K. Man cheater, af the Manchester Chirk Motor Co. Who is oi Pendleton today after at tending tne automobile shows In New V ,.1-tr ti ml I 'bicaCO. Mr Manchester Is of the opinion that n"t so much work will be lost by that the shortage will not be so great ntinning the vacation as by a possl- . given th aa that felt last year, yet he thinks that no d alers will be abb- to ni t their full 'Miota of machines. tveek hi which to recover Mr. Manchester's firm, which has Ms flic p,Cal telephone exchange is feel headquarters in The Dalles has the mctet severely tho effects of the state for Its territory in the dbtrlbu- filiation, about 6 0 per cent of the ope Ihm of the Stanley Steamer . I be ib is- ,i(,,,rs being now on the sick list, opc ruo and the Utterly machines, Cpr J ratova are being brought here from 6polano Walla. Wall i, l.a Grande and The Dalles to relieve tho shortage, ac cording to J. A. Murray, Phone alls Item y The large number of persons rentihV ed to htay at home makes the number of calls unusually heavy, Mr. Murray said, and bo has l oiicM ed all patrons lo forego all' unnecessary trie phoning during the shortage of help. it is LOVE STORY-DISCLOSED AT ELLIS ISLAND - EXCEEDS FICTION FANTASY LONDON EDITOR SEES Co. ' Ti... which the Oregon t.tberO MOtoi has the agencies In Pendleton. Company is I orated ur pi cent on Court street hut is planning to secure, a new location soon. While In the east Mr. Manchester visit-'1 the laherly factory at Detroit, Michigan. The factory rovers I -acres, while the Briscoe factory. In Jackson. Michigan, which was also i - . . ttnnl.v necessary lhat good service be kept up acres. lb also visited the Manie . i . .. n k . t ,u which for the past ;"' , ' ' ' . a no ma k ouniiiesst ch i is. ne shim , iinu for that reason he gfitnesteil the co NEW rOftK, Jan. II. Infinite love, Bympathy and undnratandtng that a woman carries in her hca rt hu-s World somet hing new to ble return of the present condition andi think about. A love story the after -Will give teachers and students another , math of the war- 'exceeding in fan tastic situations the imaginations of t he most flaring fiction writer, were cvealed I hrouirh proceedings tod.i y to admit to t his country Miss Kmily Knowles, a young Knglish girl and ler t hree-mont lis obi ba by. J They came here at the Invitation if Mrs. Cora Spiker, of Baltimore, vife of I he gir l's sweet hear t. Mrs: spiker. In an affida it. declares her villlngness lo take Into her- home t he girl and baby who have bra n detain ed at Mills Island since January 16. She Is lending a legal fight to gain them entrance to tbla country. Ivr- Spik' LAD LOSES THREE-DAY STRUGGLE TO SAVE FAMILY FROM DEATH S. V. Jones, Irrigon. A motion prevailed at the meeting raising the service fee to $3.50. A committee was appointed to con fer with Stanfield dairymen in regard to joining this association. The proposition of incorporation was discussed and was finally left to the board of directors to decide. former dlUonai child. Bis 1 tt pt Guv- Spikes, wishes to many Miss Knowles. although he has never seen her. The girl and baby t raveled here on money Mrs. Spiker furnished but were .barred by immi gration authorities. Then the Spikers appealer) to the immigration bureau in Washington. hot CHICAGO, Jan. 31.1 Tony (Juaran totto sat holding the cold hand of his dead mother for 4S hours. At his feet lay the body of his father blood- Pteamer factory 26 years has been located wit Newton, Cars and accessories on display at operation of users to cut down nn- the shows were an inspiration, slates necessary, en lis. Mr. Manchester, He says that While the New York show was a dealers show, the Chicago show was more In the nature of n manufacturers' show 18 JANOARy PERMITS ALLOW 192,025 WORK LDNONOj Jan. .11. "Burspc Koiua; to submit to linaneial domina tion by the United States any mon than she submitted 1 Prussian inili tary domination," Ralph Itlumefeld. .smeared In suicide editor of the London Kxpress. declar ed today in an interview. There is a Tony was in a stupor after three KrowinK revolt in Burope against the sleepless days in which he tried to exchange situation. Hliimenl'eld said, care for bis inflUenaa-atictteo mother. WAHHINQTON Ian II mmffrra ''''' lariliK that he '. starting a ram- four brothers and sisters. After dis- lion authorities here decided today to i'"'R" roumh hta new paper to In- covery by a visitins nurse today. Tony admit Miss Knowles nml her baby duaB Britain to cease buying from lh- was taken to a hospital, who is aatd to be the child of Parley C'nrted states until the exchanse rate H), was hysterical aa he recalled the Spiker of Baltimore, if duilns the 's more favorable. throe days' torture, next throe months Ouypikr, broth-1 He said: The proaent situation xbny atiempted eooklnB for the er of IVrley. married tho Miss means ruin for Burope and ruin for y Th nrt wcnt out Thcn h,M Knowles. she will be allowo.1 to re- America afterward with, eventually mothor ,lcd and his father killed main permanently. ruin tor civUlcaUon. himself with a razor. The four chil- t.lren bail Riven up crying for food. - ! Th HERMISTON POLICE DOES SUCCESSFUL SHERLOCK I NG AND FINDS LOST' WATCH HKltMISTO.V. jan. Jl.-Thc report of the theft of a gold watch and chain from one of the business houses Satur day evening was the incentive for Chief'of Police C. H. Crandall to do a little detective work. He hatl only a slender clew to work on. but never theless this led to success, ami now I he merchant owner of the UmapleaM is happy over its recovery, for on Wednesday the marshal turned the watch over to him. Tho name of the culprit is withheld In this Instance, the merchant not wishing to prosecute the case. HARDY TOURISTS VIEWING NIAGAR A FALLS IN WINTER GARB OF WHITE Th f . ! , - Iwv,. i cr.i-j.f, I t xnf t ... were found by the nurse hud- like nature in this Hv ,,. .11 died together on one bed in an .in- which have been traced and the (Of, ventilated room. itne is suffering ; recovered. All these thefts ,r """ '""e "e i romo to have been conMnlttad h due to com ami kick 01 100a. nors but owing Neighbors cared for the burial of the cutlons have t l''re"t;!- KaXd behavior. 1111- their youth prttse withheld peudina' Ma HOLDS UP OIL MEASURE An agree- raaohed by oil land leasing bill following another meeting of Hi'- conference committee. Onlv one Important question remain! to lie settled It is understood " being thut of proportions in which royalties ire to le divided l etwoon the federal government and the Mates in which tho leased lanes lie. WAKll INtlTt N, .Ian. .11 ment has Virtually been Conferees on t hi lt Is learned tods en permits for IHJ.IIL'.", worlh ' ling, were issued by i'lly Ite- i Thomas pita Herald durtna January l!l). The record far eclip ses that of January '19 1 11, when 16j permits were Issued for building oper ations totaling 12,40. Tho chief item for this month was the $77,001) apartment building for tho Security Loan a Investment Co. j tine other permit called for a Jt'tini Job and four were for JJiiioi ouch. Most of the work started this month was In repairs und remodeling. This month's total Is betler than I that of in of the 1? months of last! year. May. with 1121,788, and Sep.' tcmber. with $1,5,060, were tho ban-: tier months of 1319. at mil FIFTY MILLIONS IN FOOD FOR RELiEF OF POLAND, AUSTRIA, ARMENIA, COMMIHEE DECREES NAMED IN FOURTH DAY further loans will Pauperize europe phelan declares WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Further G It A X 1 KAl'lDH. Mlchv Jan. 81. ownH to foreign nnlions by the I ni-; The Jury which will sit In the trial of lt,, f4tt(H will pauperis Europe ami I United States Henator Newberry and result In the ruin of this country,1 334 of his associates, cnurgeii v.u vi- Senator Chelan derhtn-d during a I elation of tho corrupt practices act poncral discussion nn the senate to- NlagArs Kal's. majestic in sum me . la d h.P. eho:en after ftinr days' ex- drtv reirnrdinir t be country 's financial inu waters is nun'fled b areul walls r ul bat Was ann'oiiiceil today. situation. stterwS hatrl tourists loosing up Uio HUNGARIANS GIVEN UNTIL FEBRUARY 12 PARIS, Jan. 31 . Hunaat ian peace lepresenttaivcK were toda granted an extension of time until February 11' to present their counter proposals to the treaty recently submitted lo their WASHINGTON, Jan. . 11 The house Ways and means committee today agreed to the authorisation of loans la the extent of $50,600,090 for food tor the id. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS junluntlon, it ibly impressive in Its winter Sari snhs of tee. ,ind ice nnd snow OOV . SUnd falls. of white. Now (he roar of the rush, red ii'cKs and river. This photograph l The Weather. Maximum, 40. j Minimum. l'S. Itaroineter. td.S. ! Indication of ram or snow. StH'tilMI TWO. Pendleton markets. Kverett Tru. Want ads. lussified vTtrectory and rtslnf of the i uffs Automobile news . 9 Jtnd At the movies: realty transfers .... 8 tsjnlp news of city and Mate 1 StN'tloti Onc. Social and personal news 6 County otTleSJU news; Sunday in tho Cnurches a BdHOffssI pape overseas diary 4 .News notes f l'endletn 3 llJve news of city, state and nation 1 10 lust rig and Ar toilen of tiDn . the amount b over, QlagM The money credit of thes d States for and will be ta--f tho LnltoU THE WEATHEr FORECAST Tonluht and iunduy fair. 1 -