TEN, PAGES 1A0E EIGHT DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1030. MTV TOP.VY I VKKN .1 HIvM . n I'MU II' HOINK IN Till' TilllM klw In a new Paramounl-Arterafi pio tr KtmTIn? dellghtl I nnd lova '! Vivian Martin h!ch ora to ihe Alts Theatre lodu i'l i' t : n r.t- ea. The picture is entitle-' -The Third Kls which If said o Ite an appro priate n ino . . i i- ror, a cer tain third k: thai the climax of the picture hinge. SftSBY, the heroine of the picture. Whitens peroxide" Peredixo Tooth FVsie Sold only w i h re ADS goods Are dijpiaoe HHriravd by Mtas Martin, b an hclrcs Pedes in which Nina Harris-rale pro n ho hooping that tMri a secret from Jt ctt her delightfully sprightly paraoBh be pi Hie nm.ne whom he Uvea ami allty whh foiling effect. rrl- . sho l drvoiina her Ufa to set-! K n: r.t wor k to atone in a measure A 1K IK TODAY 'r a f in of her nncle, through ivh..s ' n several persona ware hum- niiiliWks l. Trvr ad to death In a factory fire, he is aaokod and aatontojhed when R a port Bwtf, a vi ling marred man! with whom she has heen oo-operalln't If ' in this work, m-ike a rash proposal cholq t her that tho elope. Oliver CI nyne nlUa a friend of it u pert'. ask bar t marr great him. in order to save Rupert'.-, pood Nvans" f the four of superstition in name. She makes this sari b:;t "ne form or nnoth.-r, Douglu Fair- iHf is no love In their Million One hanks is doomed to be a) mighty night CWne impetuously ki.- h. r gloomy yo-:n man for the balance of woim tTiox Ktl 1 S t rpl KsTmcti s IDRAfl nctit . f an eminent psy ba taken seriously, that very ten people in this Id are made, miserable twice. When she tepnlse Mm he vnrna her that when he kisses her n third time, he will net let her Irnvc him. a. n, lovea her. And ahMt h his natural dys. Doug may not hivp the regulation Ph. P.. on h's caUiusr cards nnd It is j carta In that h noVer delved veryj 1 O ViGl up n the morning tired and unrefreshed, with a dull, heavy head, often amounting to headache, to feel low spirited and "blue" are symptoms of sen-poisoning Dy iood poisons, not neu tralised or eliminated by bowels, liver and kidneys acting in harmony. Beecham's Pills help to remove the cause of this trouble. They act gent ly and safely, but also very efficiently. oM . Jriulili through jt the world, la aexss, 10c, 25c IftaaUy fcissea her for tho third time it dt-eplv along the lines of belief in Kil l's after he h::s heroically rofl ' from a h.irning- building. ! Fcrd play the role of Olive pel nat : itrsa in repl -'11-knowr PAsTIMi: TO!Y x agencies; however, he dls- b -anted student and v has taken a broad tit n In ovary phase. cmtnling it out for the. full t -n units i n hta forthcoming production, "When tha cWuda Roll Py," which win be the, feature at the Arcade Theatre U- I day. It nnv bo that the dynamic one 1 he t.-nth of one f the particular ' thoii dotoa eml raed by the doctor's I Hess: Parrlsenle gives another ,er,.irvs hause Doug haan't loat 1 proof of her versatility in "Kitty Kel- anaaraatWn to the WTtnklaa in M. P. " her new Robertson -Cole 1 : RTnii.. ..! to h's verv -harsh ire a men t of the n umeroua agencies ' imktci: A PKACH; 1 IKYBOPYS the side SICK release distributed by KxhiMtors Hu tual. The popular blonde star's sue ccs lb this production is unique in asm urn as the role Is different from ! , iperstltion clan. Ftnr indulges In i phase of supersti thf jinx docket and KrvrMie 1 !.ui : f inw and Cal lusrw l.in RsjrJM Off Wltb ut fnin. Involved in tti The "Pig I fVprv roncelv anything she has essayed fr some Qon fSSnrdad ttraa. Heretofore, the br.-rutif.H Hessie . i(, hi lllli(1I1p manner dtsnrovrs the has apaaUllsad la society drama, but !prT1i-;e whleh have long been estab ;n "Kit t . Kelly M. p.." she assumes ,sh(ld farts In the minds of the other the role of a woman doctor in a west- ' n,nfV - It roinains to bo seen what ern mllllat town, nnd the change Is w.i. hanp(,n irt one wno merely teases jalng at superstition to show the rl- iners of (iianinMBii of it nil. but if something less limn seven-tentba of a mill, which would bring to the college on present valuation f taxable property about t6xr,nno annually to cover mainten ance and the cost of additional build ing and equipment. In order that the present emergency might be met and additional build In ffs constructed as soon a possible t" re Hava the congestion throughmit tho institution, thi- lull contains a provi sion Which will make available the aiuount s pmpriatcd beginning with the present year.. Should this mensur be approvid by tlie paopla at the MaV election money will be available there fore for construction work durtfiV the summer, and it should be possible to have some new buildings ready for occupancy when college opens In September. Viiti i Hnsbatnd, man's club. John land. If I never Meek at tho Wu makes a model bus anything but what he likes, if I never want him to 1 go anywhere he doesn't want to and never ask him for money, why. he la the easiest man to got along with that I ever saw. Of course, le is a little fussy about his mending, and I often have to do his silk shirts over a few times, and he has a wee prejudice lasninst my entertaining any of my own little fafilafa, and. taking It all In iill and you c-n sav what you please i I call my J hn ah ideul husband." Uf e. PASTIME Today Children 5c Adults 2G BESSIE BARRISCAkE In "KITTY KELLY, M. D." The town of Fracas, Arizona met the train to give the new sho-doctor the ".rasK,M but when she stepped off tho platform young, pretty and blonde there developed an epidemic of mascu line ailment theretofore unheard of. Keystone Comedy DOLLARS AND SENSE i decidedly refreshing. When the horny-handei .Prams Arh nn, heard thru a wemnn 'doctor was coming into their midst, the , boy anticipated having a lot of f in unexpected happens, well companies take notice. -insurance h the feminist, and formed a recep- t the tra-'n ! ion committee to meet her ind give her the "rajttba tMJijFed theid minds when eery pretty. end very . ung ladv sti Hi, ti i "raas' ra A. C, LOOKS TO STATE TO GIVE RELIEF FROM FINANCIAL CONDITION Catarrh Is a Real Enemy and Requires V igorous i reaiment as converted into an enthusiastic reception, while every LUCK, Corr.Ute, Jan. 31). The college , mail- in town qnickly developed a ttim- j Is now looking to the pefiple of Oi-e-I my ch. liver complaint or incipient icon to give relief to the present critical i 'ol-ercuIoFi. I fln:inclal condition brought alout Yotine Hand foreman of the mine. ; through the doubling of the student develones an acute ease of heart-trou- ' errnllmnt, and the Increased cost of "When you UM medicated spray atomizers md douches for your Catarrh, ou maj- succeed In un stopping tlie choked-up air pass age for the time Ieing, I.ut this annoying condition returns, and you have to do tlie same thinj over and over ajiin. Catarrh has never yet been cureJ by these focal applications. Have you ever experienced ny .-c il L . ... . fioui susli treatment Ihrow these Makeshift remedies Ic the winds, and get on the riht treatment. Get a bottle of S. S. S. today, and commence a treatment that has been praised by sufferer, for nearly half n century. a S. S. fti right at the source of Catarrh and Siic, satisfactory results. For special medical ad icc nee resrardtaq ynixt own case, adiircss lK(i-ai Uiiector, 51 Swift l.jliorat -r.-, Ail.'.u-a. Ga. J. L. VAUGHAN ELECTRIC CONTRACTS EVERYTHING ELECTRIC LET US SHOW YOU AN EDEN WASHER made like an automobile. io n Cmmt st. A few cents buys a tiny bottle of the magic Freezone at any drug store. Apply a few drops of FTeezne upon a tender, aching corn or acllus. In stantly that troublewome corn or callus steps hurting, then nhortly you lift It out, root and all, without any pain, soreness or irritation. These little bottles of preezone contain just enough to rid the feet of every hard corn, soft corn, corn between the toes and the calluses on bottom of feet. Po easy' So simple. Why wait? Xo humbug! but Is put on probation nnd a Pevo i maintenance rT" ' when he becomes too presumrtn .Terry William, the li own of the Palace Bar p'c into a isolated nibin ! ' HatSd resouaji Kitty af? ' t Williams, and is aft " 1 -of his murder when W U: p 1 der.d with Rand's hat be ery d epa rt ra en t . has made it pos ;o pass on the fu- n at the general Tb mystery of th at of Williams is clevcrlv : FttnUshas dramatic suspense wl fh state I l-nian sible for the KlTby tors of tho election. May 21. Tt has been estimated that at least six-tenths nt mill in additif n to the present income would he required, -this in addition to a contemplated in come from a tuition and other fee tbat miitht he received from students. The legislature decided, however, that n rough ti-T up . raised 1 f'. nd he body. n-d-rer .eri and ALT A Today Children 10c Adults 35c Vrt.t i-eved nn to a high Bitch to the no tuition should lje charged In add! end. I tion to the fees as now charged, and The dramatic element of the story is ' 'hat there should be no special tuition excellence worked out. while the ten- fee for non-resident students. The tnn Is relieved by many humorous epl- legislature, there, provided for little I ARCADE TODAY awmowsawia I CHILDREN 10c WHERE THE BETTER PICTURES ADULTS 35c ARE SHOWN. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS bi0 new picture - gerrame novelty. We j have ' come to 7 erpect 'great' things 'frcrra Doug Fairbanks; we 'sometimes, wonder -wfcere he can possibly get. amy 1 r v - l . 1 . 1 e . . w .1 s new ideas trom. i nc comes aicmg wua pscxasc iux cms ana it and simply carries us off our feet '"When the Clouds Roll By" is so new i original in story "and action,-so fax away" from 'anything" that has been attempted before; that we go on record now with the prediction 'that evesy Jangh-loving, thrill-loving man," woman and cased in' town willbe talking, about Fairbanks and his picture before the week is half over,' m 7vTHE THIRD KISS Fox Sunsliine Comedy WHOS E YOUR FATHER? VAUDEVILLE LOUIS &LYDA . A Little Nonsense. LUNG T. YUEN & CO. Oriental Workers. asasmsi 1 5 5