i rr "JiiLUKiH KtUlttN i'rUUAY. .lANtJAHY ..'( DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920. TEN PAGES r fade snt Social and Personal A iticiiniit of ti- etretr of IM tiltiiian church ml for 7:tfl o'clock lhl iMmnn has bwn cancelled call of The health situation. iiftcr the heiflth situation has lmpr'v ML i.. COMING TO U. S. . Fries, of Null n, Ih her today. II M. er. of nutter ireek. Is In the Mn. Josephine Conroy, who has rll today, heen In I 'end lit. m M thi- cit "f Mr. A. Itolnstall whs a Pendleton liu.l R Raymond, lit thin moralBI fr ness visitor yesterday, home In Condon. Smith of llutter t"reek Ih in the rlly today. Frank KrutsinKor of Portland Is a Pendleton liUHinesa visitor. U. N. Whitfield in rrirlstored at the Itovvnian hotel today. T. M. Kvley Is here toilay from Port la nil. I'haiies Marshall, of Keho. Im here i today i-.i ,ki. ti V. Halsteud is here from Keho A dancing pnrn scheduled for this L. evening aim wiimm wa hm. ii'inm Herrel is 'if Mr. and their Intended ir eviiresfed by friends ('heater Martin leiiarture fur Yakima where they are to make their home. The i. land of the Martins haye heen made unexpectedly and the family will: be missed from Pendleton. Fatties and their families and a num ber of Invited friends has heen post poned heeause of the lnfluensa situa tion. The nffnlr to have been given In F.aKlc-Wondmen hall. I. Jamison of In in the city. llutte. Montuna - NKYKIl SAY 11K! Never aive up in the race Till life tells the story: The Jewel Pino lias postponed the 'Even when you fall from grace. tomorrow- evi nine number of Is winter Rise up an" holler "("llory!" aeries of Dances. Kaglc-Woodmen Pop riirhted for East Oreson- rill was to have heen the scene of the Ian Pub. Co. Informal affair, which will be held iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiitiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimi s IinPF-S l-l-STAins C.ARMl.NT SHOP We're Opening New Spring Garments Daily NEW SUITS HAVE ARRIVED NEW KNIT SWEATERS ARE IN NEW SPORT SKIRTS ARE HERE Keep your eye on this shop for the "New Things" I EASILY TRACED Thousands who are none too strong trace the present weakened state to influenza or tome like-debilitating illness. Such could not do better than try the strength-restoring and body-building virtues of SCOm EMULSION This efficient tonic is nourishment in a form that helps build ud a healthv resistance. If you are not in your accustomed strength rich, nourishing SCOTT'S EMULSION will help you. Try U I Tticexcluiire grade of eod-ttvrr oil used In Scott' Emulsion ( thefamoua "S. A H. Frocewi." made in Norway and refilled in our awn American Labuialurics. It is a auaniulre of purity and paiatability uuaurpaatcO.. Scott A Itoirnr. Bioomflcld. N. J. 19- 'pi!iii JHf THOMAS SHOP mmBaw Formerly Known as The Paris Lv I SPRING RED CAVALRY PASSES CLUE TO BURGLARS MANYTCH RIVER AND 9 NKW TOIIK Francesca Ber ittnl, Italy's most famous star, Voth of the staco and the screen, Umad said to be one of the most beautiful women In the world is coming to America. She has r-d a remarkable career, having been the daughter of peasant parents and having risen in six years to -the highest pinnacles of fame on xhe stage la I tabs RATUOKD, WaSh., Jan. 30. Bell Bros,' hardware stops was robbed last night about ft o'clock by two men, who looted the showcases of eight automata- lev Hits and some ammunition. I Stanley Bell, while closing the store, j heard n slight noise in the rear. When he found no one on tne lower noor ne started to search the storeroom over head, llo was interrupted by the trash of breaking glass as the men made their escape from the lower floor The men separated, but the hand of ; one of them had been cut by the glass and he was easily traced by the trail of blood. The crowd which took up the chase caught Jack Haghy. S3 in the basement of the commercial hotel. llagby had been stopping at the Commercial for the past week, eom- ! ing here from Portland, Or., to look j for Work. Ills fattier who last week I purchased the Carl Mores place in j 'Raymond, hail heen staying with him. Ftagby refused to divulge the name) of his conipainon. All of the guns and ammunition were recovered from the holler room of the Commercial hotel where Bagby had concealed them. Itaghy Is an ex- convict on parol from Walla Walla 'state prison. Moscow Denies Tale That In surrection of Soviet Troops Forces Removal of Govern ment Headquarters. Uncommonly beautiful are the NEW SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES that are arriving daily. They are the most attractive of the very newest and reasonably priced, too. COMPARISON INVITED i nvnnv To tn ..rd mvnlrv today fon-ed a passage of the M.in.weh rivir valley, in miutheastern Hum. a. I completely defeating anti-l-olsh.'Vlk QRASS VALLEY AND forces, a Moscow COOIO! Unique Claim- ....aaa CTATC D A M U C ed. Hed forcea today claimed the WAoUU O I A I t DrtnJ.0 capture of 5t00 prisoners In a two days" battle south of Yefuremotiff. In the Perekop re16n, a comiuti iiittue Bald. fiifhtiiiK is proceeding be Iween OeiU'ial .Vichesk a frces and Ienikln troops wit halternatinK success. tnl from $15,000 to $2&.O0O. The I i ! I . i . City hunk has been od i milted to the federal reserve Bystem, imodcacc OADITM I aocordlng to a report riled wiin .u- ll.UnLHOt. UMI I I Mm ! prfntDdni Bmmtti QUICK RELIEF Another Moscow communinue de nied a report that headquarters of the soviet government have heen removed from Moscow due to revolt among red troops. i SAl.BM. Jan. 30 Two state banks j have increased their capital stock j during the past week, according to re- ports filed with Will H. Hennett. state superintendent of banks. The ritlien hank nt Unas Valley. Sherman eoun- ty, ha increased it capital from 20.- nun lo US.000. and the W. If. Harnett j hank of Wasco has increased Its eapl- OLDS Head or cjiest S arc best treated "externally" with Vlf K S VAP0RI -'OUR 800YGUABD - 3 Of. 00'. M 3 - 2ND nOOR TAYLOR BLDG. HlllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful vty of thousands since Dr. Edwards pjroduced Olive, Tablets, the substitute for calomel. So gripping results from these pleasant little tablets. They cause the liver and bowels to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. , Dr. Kd wards' Olive Tablets are a S' othing, heating, vegetable compound ! mixed with olive oil. If yon have a bad taste, bad breath feci dull, tired, are constipated or billons, you'll find quick and sure re- t siilts from Dr. Edwards' little Olive Tablet! at bedtime, lac and 2"c a box. ;oon fnoi gii rxu him . "How do you like sermons on "The flospel of IJght?' " "Well," replied the Mean Man. "if yon only have to put .Sun beams in the collection basket. I'm agreeable." Copyrighted for East Oregonian Pub. Co. Beautiful Dining Room FURNITURE Kd 1 YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEND OUT OF TOWN TO GET THE VERY BEST IN FURNITURE CIRCLES. STONE AGE MARRIAGE IDEA DOESN'T SUCCEED W WITH WINDY CITY DUO H Do not ncglert your cold. It may deielop into pneumonia, pleurisy, contest kin. txuisumptbui anil ileaib. When you Midi cold, "catch" mr cold In time and nvertake it- You u tfuickly relieve your cold if you take the riicht kind of inetliciiie in time. Itemenper. w do not fill Vim ilplils with ! poor drugs: we use only pun ' fis.li drus and nil your pre-criptioii- exactly a- prc I III 11 I by y our ulljSalfSSl We -arry a emnVMe nock of sick room ic--itic. at'imlHTs. fever lliernuiimters. water Ismlcs. Ids -.'!-. etc THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. HEADRCHE GONf! NO PAIN OR NEURALGIA Ihm't Suffer. it a 10 cit I'aekaac of Dr. JameV Headncho 1iw(I(ts and toj Headache or Neuralgia Pain. CiriCAOr Jan. 30. CJeorge Huriingame. 22, is wondering if the stone a4e marriage custom al ways -worked. It didn't for him. Hv drove Margaret Creger to the marriage license bureau to day with the .iid of a revolver. Hhe hesitated, sta mmered and then blushed w"hen the clerk asked her name. Then'the clerk sent her h"me to get proof that she Is 18 years of age. Arriving at home she called the police and liurlingunie was taken to the poli. e station. "Any man with pep would have done what I did." he told the officers. "Anyway, the re volver was fixed so It wouldn't shoot." -ag ' This suite comes in Mahogany wood, Queen Anne chairs with carver. design. Blue leather When your head aches you simply ' must have relief or you will go wild I Its needless to suffer when you can j take a remedy like Dr. James" Head ache powders and relieve the pain and neuralgia at unre. .end someone to the drug st re now for a dime package of Dr. James' Headache Powders j Don't suffer. In a few moments you j will feel fine headache gone no j more neuralgia pain. INDICTED AS A "RED" W MtiHT The Rexall Store PltONJ-.S II:12. 693M EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS CHICK FEED? SURE WE Take GlM of Sails If Your Hack IIurtH or madder1 Hot hern. HAVE IT. SCRATCH FOOD CORN WHEAT EGG MASH PORCELAN EGGS GRIT OYSTER SHELL MEAT SCRAPS FISH MEAL LICE POWDER TONIC "MORE EGGS" TONIC BONE BARLEY m m -mT rW B"j3t rA coveral mfirp articles. We deliver anywhere in town as usual. Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. 1300 Wed Ita. Phone 351 and 1014 j I ne American men anu women must t bin, because we eat too much anrl nil' oar food Ih rich. Our blood Is filled! with uric acid which the kidneys strive ' j tn filter out, they weaken from over- j work, lecome Mluggish: the eliminntive tissues clog and the result is kidney I troulde, bladder we;iknes and a gen eral decline in health. When your kidney feel like lumps of lerid; your back hurts or the urine in cloudy, full of H"diment or you are bliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; If you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, at id stomach, or you have rheu- OAS EVOINR MAX wants work drlv matism when the weather U bad get jn? truck or tractor. Address John from your pharmacist about four Miller, Nolln, Ore. r.inefi ,f ! S''! take a tablespoon- 1 - fill in a gifts of water before break s' a .,.! s ! ;,(.,..- (()!l I .i I II I II MMV:i iHMJ triun, wri.- . IN JACOBEAN OAK WITH BLUE AND BROWN LEATHER SEAT CHAIRS. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST PATTERNS EVER IN A FURNITURE STORE. CHICAOO William Dress Lloyd, alleged radical and self proclaimed "Reddest of the Reds," according to authorities, was one of the accused radicals recently indicted In Chicago. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY M will then act fine. This famous salts I Is made from the acid of grapes and I' lemon Juice, ritmhined with lithlfl, and , Fol'ND On Court street, small purse er have same by calling at 415 K. Table is 5 4-8 top, blue or brown leather chairs. Can be had in Walnut or Jacobean oak. William and Cs n Alia. liaa bMn iwd for Knprations In """h WANTBD-Clerical position by young H nnfl .llTn'llll' rlnifni'ii Kinnf'ya; 10 nru iftaliice thp aclilH in ttif Rftoa so it no longer Is a pnxtrrt of Irritntlon, thnf irndlnic hladot-r dll SWK Jad Salts Im inpxpcolvp; cannot (n I lnr rpal'ps n dellshtful pffervwent Mthl:i -watf-r hfvriiirp. nnn nclonea in man. l':xiirlcmeo. V. A. wi.izp It. It. D. No. 1, IVnilU'ton. PMMM 1 7F3. TT -i 'FOIt IIB.S'T Hoi-sfi with furniture 1 4 r "lie. Don't apply unless wlll- I ' . . i.a r. -.1 , Itil- lo BOMtasN 2"1 to $400 worth m.l.-.l-e l.v havlns a sr.od kidney I furniture. Apply J09 S. Main St . g Mary period design. W. C. CRAWFORD Phone 496 llllllllllilllllllllllllllllllikl lilllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I fluahlng any time. duwn?talrs.