PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGON1AN. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1020. TWELVE PAGES These New Sp DR ARE EXCEPTIONALLY DECORATIVE Authoritative a.Jvice from those "hih up" in Fash- : nJom (r ,lkt a Ung voguo for drwsts this season and h" lnos to come arc anywhere as becoming as theso. wa know the reason why. No women who sees thesa, but i.l fall .ii Jays W ith them at first sight. There is such a di- crsity of pretty styles that choosing becomes a pleasure. Vc can't describe them. Each model possesses its own ti t ii. t features, ytt each blends itself so happily to the current s;les. ee Bilk ENDS TCIVOR Vtui eafn't afford ii psf-up this opportunity to buy ro Silk Pongee at about the price of Cutfon Goods. I !.!.'. a limited ;.r:iount of it. You know how good it :pr children's dresses, women":; waists, men's shirts, un .vvear, pajamas, underskirts and window drapes. :Sc YARD THREE QUALITIES THREE PRICES BSC YARD $1.19 YARD ring F Q i, 'im ,,'.! yyvf r io I clUldreu'i Coldn I? wry parent run udd to the health 1 . .'.., lie ami hi r Imr 1 1 i RATI ST E ANli WILL, LENA MAKLb t i t.y wrd.. t cou.ii. J"' - ' , ., ivIm.ii vulir child hill sll'lf- t'l ,; or nnaty cyca doh't Hesitate to ink,, him from aanaQl or a day or two m thel hi ii'ny braa," bp laa ho IhiiH colltructed. Yon ' perfectly i Tno rnrm or om- iiut-i-.tarinciits ru- inufp 111 aiviiia ii.iiu, lea Hum Hie Parisian i li The HeincUy iu your cromrwi ' Wench women affects the drawer ulna no rfjrhrm or olhbr' narcotic. It unioiiialiun tit else- tile tWO-pleoe gal nets Oil naUllc's plan. loosens 111 ponalatlng of a Inert chemta and even cousli . :"i expectoration, relieve- itore curt pARUea. These little acta the lunge and open!' tho secretions, o Ohio end cnnnlnjr are now beinx helping the ayatota tv throw off the i ajten up by iniriaui feminity cold. 'j-' 'silk has grown so costly, that or 'w - m m w i w r m t a a fER LINGERIE, PROFITEERS TO FOIL HV MAUOARET ROK10 (Written fur Hie United l'l'uas.) NKW YiiltK, Jan. ao. Since the oduota of the silkworm epun i to Ktli'h illw hemht'i, no nim ln a Mrs. Croeaol run afford 'he luxury of uiullH.s. Thuxe soft mihI rimy da when lilove nilk veetH. erei'e de rhlne ebmoinaMona, mh utln chepol"" apd crepe geurBetttf nlKhtljie were eiiny of uttnlmiieiit to a modernlcly plunP imrMe are paat The aerial) "f silk un tlerweur Ih heeomiliH lie extiet n the Hih Of ho cocktail Khaker. Juet aa the male multitude has Rune 1., tl extreme lellKtllH III imllllilllK PJ wood alcohol, perfume anil other miIi- titutaa fur the aeieciBjUon " " Iter man. N haN the female cuiitlnnenl, In lieu of ellken undergarment, (one t.i the sheer leiiKths uf mull. nainsuuK huawh l he tilnomer atul i-ami:.ule ut ile envelope illemue still iil.- ihe nest paorament part in the underU' n f American women, ir Vlln vuli.-. A rhnriltinK French set which can asily he copied li- home fingers Is uf uushine yellow voile, The sin rt heiiiis,. Is il, tin si-e fur a hemsttteh u band ;l,'oniul tin (op throtmh ehtatl h run n l-t ender aatln rihhun ami 1 alaUtuhi-4l Vanela uf tin, ui r m I . nr the shrill, lerl Th-1 whle, .pu.l '.titles linv; narrow ruffle uf f... I lisle anil lovely soft h rencll vulle nn v Ol lavenu r ai e-cu v r the decoration of the Inner worn-. Iriuh cVochet Is a pupulJir adurn- Ilepi ot tlie ; iieer mills uuniusm 4ii Vulleu Ktolvtil. ih, mi , i ami iilghtlea apeiutrlng In Kor ovej- a year hack ilnrlns the tlihorate Jvkea or else In Ihe lail.n varilme Suva clever Porutlan lingerie f xialnp. 1-slKiiers have evolved the must Tlio .lnk uf perfection na tn Under- chic and ndorahlo undergarmenta of enrmenta la UeliiK IO uap a mi, we 1 ...Ue l take Ihe Iilace uf llfu- cae uecii su I'lim,., I'nint ,i, s hihitlvely priced silk inaterlala. eltow Is iUi , il.e 'livnred i n- Kither uf some all-uver-Bliy-hiled n rie lllll uf the morn-nt especially 3E v ,. eige f whin- with a hand pip- among iti. n silk modela ami from h - uf a livid shade the cleverest uf .0 u ..;,- (0 on- welloW uf Ih,. sun. ,;,.. o.., ,.11 , .,,,! ,,le uffer ml less Ulle laV' lu'lT uf I, I'll' ImWoil. tttmu e ,! ihuiieh less sllkv. N'uW he I'iuiu'iii ,,l.,l,l Pit, i a golden E r tnklnir them l.i our IniwlllU ami I ul tr. '"- Ker an Ihe el, aula Illlll heiirla an, I finding them uuile sheer jutt and dear enotiKh. . Wj CuiilIi Medicine ' Merit The value uf i h unberluln'a -ouh Re'medi hi tin o ar iiient or cnlda and .. . ,. ! la m il known .-and admitted I ihoee who have used It and ore In ;. - ...a tokJV w it, mat worth. Mia. Thontaa llr h (if Ambcws, Ind. stiya Luring the Winter my huelmnd tukea c id ecsllv. rh'(iberiiilB'a Cupgh ;. . i.i.'dy la tha b. -t nieamlne for i all m- i'i rheae a'.tacl a. Tnu could i L;ei I uike any other." I 'ul- f tis'iiiuilon. tfur thta 'I order ou will find noth- ng , " c I as rimmberlfihVa ;. i. . ' .... iliii proper duae la (ul en you It u'tUy roullke that Itie ef- fect Is iu: i.utui ul Inateu "f having urn ny it iiicoiuiu Irl line bolter hy having a golden lln- MOTHERS, ATTENTION! You want your littJe boy well dressed. Well, here's good news: don't you' for the little in? to see. Made ent from the i and wear well haps in .it up in avsd Ron?per Satts st the styles you have been .vak distir.ttive ways that are differ ed, of materials that will CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' SHOES OF QUALITY It pays to buy your chil dren's shoes at this store where quality is above re nroach. styles the latest and prices WW consistent v.-i. i good values 61 .' CHILDREN'5 KICK-PROOF SHC " Not iust shoes with tops, soles and a pair I strinffF, bul shoes 'made for service and Dssible, shoe That's wear. ... . i , 11 T ... . , Ct..., the kind of shoes you will una in me nay Jiaue i.v. The best shoe you buy for your child is the cheapest for Mitres Black Gun Meal EntjHsh Shoes, lace, Goodyear - welt; sizes 12 1-2 to 2. Price ..: . oi-.t. pi:,.h SSoea. lace, heavy soles, . , ; I '. , i i: , ' i. . . . o & . srliefi 1 1 1-2 to 2. ITice C:-.-:d' Kid Molc'Top Shoes, lace Price - Chiid'i Ei-own Kid Shoes, lace, t 11 1-2. Price Child' H.-swn Coif Shoe, lace, Gi t? il 1-2. Price - M' ;3Ci' - ic Kid Mcie Toi She 1 1 1-2 to 12 1-2. Price WBatcm' P&tecM White Clcih Tea w. it boles: sizes 12 to 2. Pi $4.00 , turn soles; 8 1-2 to 11. $4.50 urn soles; sizes 8 1-2 to $5.00 jodyear welt; sizes 8 1-2 $6.00 , lace, turn soles, sizes $5.50 iiioe, lace, English last, joe $5.50 AL'. WOOL SUITS with white collars that button close to tic neck, coats fit ted with belts and side pockets, snappy .styles that the boys will like. BOYS' SWEATERS and Jerseys, an especially good assortment in all colors :.::.! ages, one to 16 vears. BOYS' OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS nijrht shirts and pajamas tbk will keep 'em warm and snug these winter nights. Styles are good, too. ' Child's Patent Erovrr Kid Top Shces, button, turn soles: x es 5 to 8 $2.75 Chi Id's Paier.t Black Kid Top Shoes, button, turn soles; Pviec $2.75 C'.iild';: P.itent Whits Kid Top She?, buttDn, turn soles; s;:;e? Z to o. Price $2.50 Child's White Kid Shoes, button, turn soles. Price $2.50 Child's White Kid Ankle Strep, turn sole; sizes 2 to 5. Pnce $1.35 Infant's Patent White Kid Top Shoej, soft soles; sizfa 1 to ;;. Price $1.00 Child's Eio'.vn Englkh Shoe, lace, heavy soles; sizes 8 1-2 to U. Price $4.00 Child's Patent Brown KJd Top Shoes, button, turn soles; size.-- S 1-2 to 11. Price $3.25 Ch.ld's Pate;-.; Gray Kid Top Shoes, button, turn soles; sizes S 1-2 to 11. Price $3.25 Child's Patent Black Kid Top Shoe:, turn soles, sizes 8 1-2 to 11. Price $3.25 Child's Smoked Horse Hide Button Shoes, Goodyear Btitched ; sizes y to 11 1-2. Price $5.00 IVJiisos' Brcwn Kid Champagne Top, lace, turn soles ; sizes 11 1-2 to 1 1-2. Price $5.50 Misreo' Brown Kid Shcc3, turn Bole; sizes 11 1-2 to 1. Price $3.00 ; 'o stts' vhtte Kid. Shoes, soft soles; sizes 1 to 3. Price $1 o' vviiii.ii Kid Moscasiru-, soft soles; sizes 1 to S. P ice $1-00 If your feei ache and pain, if you have callouses, if your feet lire easily, if you have fallen or broken arches, tail at our shoe department. We have rraduatc experts to relic, e you. SEE OUR WINDOW ,'Olt S ole? ; sizes 12 1-2 to 2. $5.50 Mi.-f.ei Patent Kid Top Shoes, v Price Mises' Patent Mat Top Shoes, English last, heavy soles; sizes 11 1-2 to 12 1-2. Price - Mioses' Kid Shoe, patent tip, buttoa; sizes 12 to 2 $3.50 Price 5-3.00 MSakW Brwn EngH.h Shoes, 1: ee, Goodyear soles 12 1-2 to 1 1-2. Price - ----- I.IUrec Brcwn Calf Shoes, English last; sizes 1 P'j'iGC - Child's Patent Gray Kid I Top Shoe, button, turn Sizes 5 to 8. Price :;.es ' .c0 ': DO sole ; $2.75 T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP la Our Mcd.,1 Sanitary Basement Cleanliness Economy Service 3 Main Line Phcr.eo Al! Other Dcpts. AH 15 Call 22 ALWAYS FRESH TRU BLU CRACKERS AND COOKIES Taney Assorted Cookies, pound 45c Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps, pound 25c Tru B!u Butternuts, pound 35c Tru Blu Honey Boys, pound 35c Tru Blu Pretzels, pound 3Cc Tru Blu Household Crackers, packages 20c, 45c and 90c Blue Ribbon Soda Wafers, slightly salted Packages 20c, 45c and $1.00 Tru Blu Package Cookies 2 for 35c I , rA.N I.. RRBBH j I (Unite I'feaa s aff Corroaiaintlettt.l II ii, lis::, i ltil. , Juii. so. In any glemergeiicy Involving law enforcement, I Idaho can quickly eatahllah n definite I' policy, Vtata-Wtde in lt effect. Thb) in tmade paaalMa ty ihe fact that at the S Mate hmiae all police authority is con- tered In one man. Thla feature, ac- 5 runling to ltohert O. Jonee, state , urn M mtaaloner of law enforcement, g one 6 of the Rreatest beneflte of the Idaho Siatate conataluilary aystem. 8) Jonea aumineil up for Ihe United Si Tlesa today the results uf eiiiht months lartivlty uf the cbnatatrulary. Created primarily to enfnree tojuar laws, it hns iDeeii used chiefly to corral I. W. W. I who have entered Idaho frum the ' northwest. S BWIowtng the CaptraMa killinc. lda S ho officiala announced that radicals 3 were entering; the Jt.ite In grent num E bera. The constabulary waa then 3 brought Into full play fur the flrai 5 Urne. lK;velos ConUnoity "The state cpnatbulary began Its operations JIny S, 1919," said Jonee, "It Is composed not only uf state po- 6 lice. Which la a smnll but well-trained 3 ami experienced furee, but under the law includes all uf the police officers 5 ,,f Idahn. mvolvee a centrallaed po M lice aueney for law enforcement. I; maiu.s poaalnia centralization of an-. B'thorily and develops among the dif-1 Efferent police afandea a continuity of I S iiiriMiHi-. 5 Heretofore, the different county h! sheriffs have been primarily nnd ul S exclualvely concerned in the en I forcement of laws within the boun-j g dariea ot their home county. They I were not bo much concerned with jKlvintt assistnnce to any other unit, i g Under the constabulary law these! g county officials, as well as municipal ; I iimc a is. a oparaie with each other us j S' well aa with tfie state police In all mnt- B ten of law enforcement, one or the Bjgreatest benefits of the conslabuliiry Bjayatem has been the fact that In mil '-in, money it enabled tho state to Sjiptlekly eatabllah a definite policy uf g'law enforcement In the I. w. W g menace, which developed qulekly In j S' northern lilahn, the cunstabulary, oy S. Riving instructioiui to police officers. fag well as by augment Ing Its state S , force wag ablo to cope with the situa-S!tiun. Stimulates I.oral Activity SI "The attitude of the bureau and its g : BCgTeaatTe polica of ridding 'he atate 3r this undaalra-Mt a lam eat, stlmulat K inenl i.nil county units i ' greater S1 activity. "The statn established the policy B: that it oould not handle the menace by in, rely prodding members of the I. W. W. to move on into other states. Its S policy called for -the arrest uf I. W. E W. everywhere. Furthermore, the con aa u.o.iii.irv oraanigaticfn offered to 9 county progeeutora every possible aa- M slstance in obtaining S evidence." flu, Ml had disappeared and vvi.h her tad.aong liumi in cash and checks and t gold watch. With rufeaslonal skill she had eia. 1 i ih. nly revolver ncilne' iSWt 1 tlUat stomach and then cx:r,rird lis wallet anil watch, ta. 11 l' 1: in ah worked In an easy, c-.nv, -a-. H ne to - cover up" ur. l prevent i',l, -trains from knowlti.: liiat any ',-,'n em sual was happe.i'ii.; r,l-!t- - m. lie- wag forced I" Join in thla unlet BOhVurs&titkB. he said. but the girl died soon. No inquest will - held. Chief Deputy Coroner I tloetseh took charge of tin body. Ha laid the elrl appeared to have taken her own life, but no motive for him-ii an act has heen revealed. Her father is Thomas Mc "latchle "f Oregon city. To i'reent Tarlurnn.i lul, Is :,us" lirlp mid Influensa- I.AXATIVR HIIOIO tjl lNINi: Tubleta rrmovfl the cause. Thre Is only on 'Bromo Walnlna." A W. aitOVKM . iKiml'ire mi l,ux. "'Ifc M TO DARKEN IT DOSE OF POISON IS FATAL TO PORTLAND GIRL. 1? YEARS OLD i .nnuinnithrr's Ittvlpc lO I!t 1 'H'ks imrli. cilosMy DmbtlfaL Keep I UTI.ANI. Jan. -Ji-an Me- liit-hip. 1 7-yenr-nW, hlk'h chol Kir and fn.stor dnuRhttr f Mr. unci Mrn, l-MwiM Atlrfmon, 23 Stn(nn Btreel Thurmlay evening at hf-r h"m from 1rlnkinff poison. MU Mri'lat chl van waphtnR dlh'H in the- Uitt-lu-n wIwmi lier mother went inn:ai". Mr. ami llrs. I.atc Janir.n. frlondrt of tin family, wero In the room. ri-s M -Clntohla walked Into tho bathroom, and" moment later ret-irn-'d thnniRh thi kitchen door. hodln a RlafH in (er !ind. "I havt takt-n aomethlnjf." she nM4i eUld fitlnted awav. Dr. C. Tk Ht.titne was itfnuDonsd from pgaroy Th old-time mlxton f Sage Tea nnd Sulphur for darkening gray. Htrraked nnd faded hn'r is grand mothor'ri recipe, and folks arc again uping it to ke.p their hair a good, tvmn color, whlrh 1 quH!b semlhle, an w.- iire living in an age when a youth ful app'-nrnnct Ls of th un-atrst ad vantage. , Ncwn'lny-i. though, we don t have the troubtefonie tawk of pathering tho unco and the mussy mWinjr at home. AM drug storei t he rady-lo-tise prodio t. Improved by i 'ie gtddn Ion of thi-r ingredients, ralbd ''Wj iWM aVUM nnd Sulphur r'ttmpotind.'' It Is very ptipnlar beennsp nobody can dlsoo'er it has bepn applied. Slmpl" molten i your enrol' r a gOfl brih with it and draw thin thr-mgh JTOUT hnlr. taking one ninall strand at a time; tiv morning t!ie gra hair disappears. Iul what de rilesi Curtd In 6 to II Piiy lights the ladles with Wvetlfs Saao DriKKlsts rrfiind motp y if PA.O OJrr- Bnd siph,,,. futnMiund. is that, be-nSlc-'o'e ;a-o,n,"n"rib l' 's'tops ; sld.-a beautifully darken.,,,- Ihe hair Imitation : Honthes and IfeaLs. Uu ennjaftir a few applications. It also pTff et restful sleep after the first sppll- rtllcr, ,,,, aft lustre and appearance catinn. Price 60c. i Inindaiiee whli.h U J ittr.iv mil developing WUIVlAui o WO White Truck iag-..-.y.. White Owners Say: That they are dependable. They will haul your wheat at less cost than any other truok because they will do it more seasons than any other truck. They are Steady and Sturdy. (One glance at the construction of the White will prove that). Cheaper than horses. Mileage the true standard. After twelve years of experience owners say there is no truck like the White. Frentzel-Wailes Motor Co Pendleton, Ore. Phone 46 THE WHITE CO., Cleveland, Ohio. 1LETGN3 GREATEST DUAflTENT STORE 3hVB i -a . T.T oBies yvaren . ous &1 WHERE IT POr TO TRADE assssB fcpiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiii)iiiiiinMiirniiiii!iiii- mmmm !0 p n TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Heui el?ic Pains CW Wm toSoothliWB Hamlin' Wizard CM Hamlin's Wizard 03 , Qywtftn SpecUl.) effective ttment lur heach . i .T 29r-H, I Vatt fe- ireurai l 1 omP Monday fVm CallCori-a 11 a k ' r inwiMv bring . . '- h n ,. - iHling hla vacn rervts .n - If r I el in- -..flM.t left f !Hr It" -V r' vk vtWUii i' l' iliatslaiT Liii(lMV. w if Tstvbw wmi i' Portland M 1...- .... e 1 i;.lni"v tfili. sir nave ii- - Wixard '. Liver Whips, ; tr.. t V'-4nrda pink pills, cent., i: i.on W rtl i Vr. and Mrw. Chance Roger left 1 tor PorUand Monday where Mr P.og , era wlH ;ttti-nl a meeting of the hard ware. men. y. rv. I. H. Mansfield of Walla WnSU i ,rriffl in th-eity Wednesday and will! ,-uend a few la k with lu r danKhter ; Mrs. A. li- I-riRfdnn. Mr. and MTS. c-nrge oarkfflkg were, rlaltore In I'endleton Sunday. M later Donald Johnson wan a vIpI-( tor In AdariiH Sunday. y wan In the city Tilt dgj froag Milton. Kr.-.M' J4kall and non HaroM were ihe '-Itv from Ue.-lon Thnmday. C- y.r ' i-'hihT. who ta rnndnft h l- il . ival metlna at th" Met ho. 'hi fhnr-h, made n etiiliifee trip to IIrin:Mln Tlmr lav. t 1 department of elementary aefence of Ihe rt;ite BOJIape under the vocatlr)nal training plan followed hy the Rovern ment has been arrested and taken to Colfax to answer to a chars of lar Ceny. Hums had leen under suHpii inn for some time and a few days ajro went to .Spokane. Whil he was an- Hent hla room waa searched under a ' Kf-areh warrant and numerous article) alleged (o have hern stolen from the' r-tiiie culleae were found. It la alleged that the thefts extend over a period c.f several month .ind I Include almost everyt ning that the j msn OOUM lay his hands on. The AUh j covery of the ewlprff was due larKtly to the ajwatance Riven the officials by the vocational club of the eOHegd, ! evmpbeed of war v terane, MUSICAL VOICE Awn nAiMTY REVOLVER EFFECT $7000 HOLDUP PmSBOKOft, .Tan. .10. '"1 heg ' Mfuir purdun, ulr, but would yim kindly plop Just where you arr? I hn3 1l. lumnrlci.t tu SBV t'l VOU.'' i It waa a low, musical voice that , greeted viam BldaninlHer, eeoretary u; a luan asaoclation last niliht when hp was pnaalnK thnnmh Sulai 1 in tret almost In sight uf his home, A fw mtniiTPs later tnu woman Gar ! , , , the Boule mi jati! or have bick I'-ea- v i 'v,r "T i ..'.l Friends. , in (be cil tsuuy. rni l PHP .Tl!nFNT JAILED 4 f', twe FOR CAREER GF LARCENY n., ,.. o c , diei muniea today a noun, and It is pHtimatcd that the i PtftJHAIt, ffaatl., Ian. WUIHrai lolal served during the day will reach, Uuri.a, an ex-suldlcr enrolled in Ihe 110. I Pa saijs I holler less for candq when I havea&v mq fill of Post W Toasts es Superior corn flakes rfcfi in natural sweetness. Wa Bring in your nuuldy car let expert washers brigjiten it uj for you. DAY AND NIGHT SERVK IK Make the old car look like nev-. Western Auto Co. Garage Phone TiliO. Taint Shop Phone (B8 lilllllllllllllllllllllllilllll