East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1920, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Arc appearing verj rapidly in this More. There isni a woman within reach that won't
be interested in tliis announcement for she knows that whenever this store announc
es the arm al of new styles for the season that theyare O. K.
The New Coats
for early Spring days
Charming is the word that best 'describes the styles of
the new Spring Coats. This assemblage features the two
dominant style notes, namely, the straight plain styles and
the figure following models.
Pateh pockets, set in sleeves, convertible collars, many
kinds of belts are but a few of the several distinctive fea
tures that lend charm to every model. They are. made of
regulation materials in such shades as putty, khaki, sand,
blues, grays and reds. Women who require new coats will
make no mistake in choosing from these moderately priced
;and good looking, practical and serviceable coats.
i SILK TRICOLETTES in the very latest shades
of 1920 blue, reindeer and taupe. This particular
quality is so soft and drapes beautifully. You are
sure to like it. It will be a pleasure to show them to
SILK PAULETTE is a tricolette weave with a
striped effect interwoven, another popular Spring
weave, now on display.
CREAM WOOL JERSEY has arrived in stock.
We have had so many calls for this popular spring
cloth that we are pleased to tell you that it is here
awaiting your pleasure.
Fashion says these silks are to be one of t c " -reatest
spring sellers. We have them now.
as you will say when you see these new and pretty
plaids, checks and stripes, in qualities like Toile Du
Nords, French Zephyrs, Imperial Chambrays.
Prices range from 35c yard to 95c
have been received. Styles and patterns are entirely
new. Displayed tomorrow.
with a knitted lining, very soft and warm as well as
serviceable for driving autos etc. The famous
Dents quality, per pair $5.00
We are clml to announce another ,f those nuwt popular sales
l.ialit ami Peep Ilrowii, Glaaed, Porcelain Covered nislies with a
N autlrul. brfghi and sliinliifr surfat ltm-ned to a hardness and so
tempered as to sarelj allow (lie cooking of fiiod right In the dishes.
They hold alout two quart and are exiellent for meat roasts, cscol
llcd com, massaroni ami cheese ami most excellent for baked beans.
250 Casseroles On Sale at 49c
This sale Is related at the request of dozens of patrons who were too
late to enjoy the previous sale.
On Sale Until All Are Sold in The Bar
gain Basement.
In Our Model Sanitary Basement.
3 Main 'Line Phones, all 15.
All Other Departments, Call 22.
New Yellow or White Corn Meal ground from se
lected com grown in Iowa where the good corn
.grows. Full weight 9 pound bags, price 70c
Extra "Fancy Pearl Hominy, 9 pound bag 80c
Picnic Hams, very lean and meaty, pound 30c
Swifts Bacon Briskets, pound 39c
Swifts Pickled Pork, pound 40c
Extra Fine Sauer Kraut, quart 15c
XlfioPeopIes Warehouse,
iri:i.j.m7ffiU3 wmfre IT PAY 9 TO TRA"f EMMMNU11
We extend an invitation to you to come in and
see the new spring merchandise. You're always
welcome whether you buy or not.
If they made better merchandise for the
we'd have it. You can easily prove this.
(Kust orcRonlan ppcclul.)
1MI..OT ROCK, Jan. II, Thursday
tYtrOnjt in the I. (. . 1 hull tho la
dieV of tlu lu hekah lodgo guv a sur
prise luncheon for tho men of the
i . O. l- IoUkv. After the Oddfel
Iowk Initiated two und the session wai
dl.smltwed tho refreshments wore serv
ed. The remainder of the evening was
ipetll tn listening to pome selections
on tho player piano.
MY. and Mrs. llowmnn of Warren's
Music House iu Pendleton -were busl
KH visitor iii Pilot Hook, Friday.
A buffalo emtio down tho canyon
ibovo Klvery Michaels ranch and made
hiniHcIf at homo in their barnyard.
Mr. Michaels inquired us to the owner
ship at the animal and after several
days James Alclt, an Indian, living
near CayuM claimed him. With his
proof of possession he went to the
Michaels ranch and drove the buffalo
home. Mr. Aloott bought him in Iduhr
i faw years uso for $500.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M Bond and small
son left Monday for Cullman. Wash
ington, where they will reside. Mr.
Horn! recently sold his interests In thf
Hond Auto Company.
Robert Htu hhlefleld has purchaser1
from John Wilson (he property direct
ly cast of th . htirch parsonage,
Hubert Moor loft for Pondletor
this week to undergo a major opera
Rev. James m. Cornel Uon filled thi
pulpit in the Pilot Rock church Sun
day momlng and evening. Mr. Cor
nelison expects to hold services fOI
several Sundays in Pilot Rock untl'
other arrangements are made for p
A number of Pilot Rock people at
tended the dance given at the Kramei
ranch Saturday night.
Several of the streets In Pilot Rock
are In vo- bad condition. Two car
were pn'lo ' ntfl o the mud at the ens!
end of W " 'v Meet. Saturday night
but th ro 'is ne now being -worked
under the supervision of Thomas Jac
ques. Wllbort Horn and Miss Velum Rover
are on tho sick list this week.
radoptd. said city: - " .j.
WHKkKAS, the City Surveyor of The) Matlock street from the north line
City of Pendleton did on the 7th riv of ! of Haley street to ncrth line of Jack-
&OT1CI3 OF STREET IMI'HOVF.MEAT Pect-mb. -r. 1319, vnder direction and by ; on lreet: J together with the estimates
uuirfmcni or me tommon touncii. Vl .l,,c " zr -z . - 1 . . .
day of December, 1913. be and they
re hereby adopted and approved and
e it further
RESOLVED, that the cost of making
ucn improvement snail te a cnarge
(East Oregnnian Special.)
ECHO, Jan. 21. Ono account pf the
recent chlnook wind the roads in the
Echo vicinity are badly washed out.
W. J. Wat ten burger road supervisor
started to work Monday morning with
men and teams to repair them, as they
are In a worse condition than they
have been in for some time. The Echo
school yard ajid neighboring residence
yards were flooded aH the water came
down the canyon which the county
road follows.
M. E. Esselstyn, bookkeeper of the
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. at The Dalles
has been visiting In Echo since Sunday,
lie returned to his work, Wednesday.
A tryout tn the senior English claas
las week in the high school resulted In
Vernon Iais and Margaret Hills, af
firmative, and Jack Stanfleid and Ho
mer Copplngcr, negative, being select
ed to represent Echo in a series of In
terschoolaatlc debates. The first de
hate is to be held Friday evening, Jan.
23, when Ei'ho'a affirmative meets
Stanfield'H negative at Echo and the
negative meets H'ermiston affirmative
at Hermiston. The subject of debate
Is; "Resolved: Tho government should
take Immediate steps toward the na
tionalization of the nations coal de
posits and petroleum resources.
A dance will be given at the I. O.
F. Hall Friday evening. January 23
honor of Orin Halstoad, who having
recently received his discharge from
service, returned to his home tn Echo,
Saturday. Mr. Halstead Is wearing
three service stripes representing ser
vice In Siberia.
F. T. George and Joseph Cunha Sr.
left on train No. 19, Sunday for an ex
tended trip through California. They
plan to return home In- about six
Allen Thompson was In from his
farm on Butter creek Sunday.
Miss Bessie Andrews left Monday for
Helix whore she has nccepted a posi-
I tlon as a teacher In the Helix high
school. Miss Andrews Is a graduate of
the Echo high school, and also of
Whitman College, having Just graduat
ed from the latter at the close of this
first jjeme-ster.
......i nfth.. common Council of Th fitx nf pnriitnn ,ia r.,t ,Milthe lots, narts of lots and parcels of and parcels of land to be benefit
.... AT- oi heiii nn i a n : i u r v rinaMAn. - - ' ..;. , I, lanfl fn he henefited bv such IrnDrove-i uch 1 m pi o v f 1 1 1 n t, and the owne;
jnev.il "" -.-.t-' ".'V"', .'". Q" f . Vm iL luaiuilaM f tha Mol iir.h Into nort. of lot- Anrl narfrtl
nosi oi imprui nnooit. wmh;u ......
' ! . . j.ifh into nnrtq of lots fltiTi ..aipIs of o r o v t -1 1 1 e n t Htia II he liable for the Dav-
Jla pn.y on account or tne nene-i womu hi me coara inereui, mn oe
RKftOLVBD. that an ASHessment Dis
trict is hereby created to be k,nown as
"Assessment District So. 72." embrac-
asseased for the payment of such tm-
I parcels of land lying
tne ai-strict nounaca
' follows, to-wt:
White Trucks
are demonstrating that the total of a trucks ser
vice must be gauged not in age but in mileage.
,100,000 miles was once' considered remarkable
nileage, but is now a commonplace performance
for White trucks.
Pendleton, Ore.
Phone 4G
Cleveland, Ohio.
land should pay on account of the bene
firs to be derived from sch improve
ments, and
WHEREAS, the council has examin
ed such plans and specifications and
i-atimal anrf f.innd the Dame HRtlsfaC-
tory and the estimates therefor to be provements, which Assessment District
in accordance with the probable cost 'shall include all lots, parts of lotn and
;tii'i utoiiK wiinin
and described as
WHEREAS, the property recommend
ed hv th Cfitv Surveyor tn be included
within the boundaries of the district i
benefited Is In the judgrment of the-
f'omman council properly to be included! , . -
within nuch Improvement District and' Commencing on the Southwest cor
rm property Is excluded therefrom j ner of Lot fi, Block 10. Housers Addl
whlch should properly be included tion to Pendleton, thence .i00 feet north
therein an and parallel with the west lino of Mat-
WHEREAS, the Improvement of the lock street: thence 79 feet fmore or
hereinabove described portions of Mat- less) In a northeasterly direction until
oek Htr-t with Gravt-1 Bitullthlc ld line intersects with the southwest
pavement Is at this time necessary
therefore he It
els of ' '
(East Oregonlan Special.)
for AseKDirnt
X: 72.
corner of ;,ot fi. Rlock 13. Oole's Add
tion to Pendleton ; thence 1G0 feet
north until said line Intersects with the
northwest corner of Lot 4. Rlock 13,
Cole's Addition; thence 224.17 feet
fmore or less) -ast until said linn in
tersects with the northeast corner of
It U, Rlock C, J.ivermore's Addition to
Pendleton; thence Uoutn fts' leet until
RBSOLVKO, by the Common Council
of Tho City of Pendleton that It Is ex
pedient to improve and it Is hereby
proposed to Irnpro've Matlock street by
pavlnsr the same with Grave) Rltullth
Jc pavement; such pavement to he con
..A II,., rrr.,.n V, t
inlshed upon th established grade ofisald line Intersects with the southeast
nald street and th tret to hve curbs corner of Lot 7. Rlock U. Raley s Addl
and putters-and all other thlngrs In ae- tlon; thence west 280 feet to the point
eordance with and as shown In the, of beginning,
plans and specifications for the Im- And he It further
provment of said portions of Matlock' RESOLVED, that a copy of this reso-sr-t,
prepared bv F. R. Hayes. City 1 itlon together with the notice that
Surveyor, fild with thf Recorder of the surveyor's etlmat of the prnpor
aaid eity on the 17th dffy f D'"-m- tlon of the cost of said work to he
her. 1919. which plans and specifics- -harged agalnnt each lot. part of lot
tlons are hereby particularly referred and pnrcH of land is on file tn the of
to: nnd h t further r,r of th ritv Record1 he published
RBSOLVffSp, that the englner es- for s period of ten days In the East
tlmates of th" nrotmble total cost Jf on-tonln which newnnaner m h""-""
uch Improvement, which said City Bh- designated by the Common Council for
glneer's estimates wre made nnd pre- he d'etton thereof,
pard Jiy F. B. Hayes. City Surveyor of And nolle is further given that the
aid ritv. In the sum of $36.!?. and tirve: r estimates of the proportion!
was fllr-d with the Recorder of said city f th out of satd work to be charged
on th 17th day of Decmhpr. 119. Is against each lot. part of lot and parcel i
hTehy Included and referred to par- f land whhln the AMimnt Dttrlt !
tlcutarly; and he it further , n said resolution dscrbed Is on ffe In
RESOLVED, that the plana and spec- he office of The City Recorder,
flcatlons and estimates for such im- j Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 9th ;
provement as prepared by the City day of January, 19J0.
b i , : i .1. t. ...... 1 - fPtfAU T- T"rw irDlf Tt
of The City of Pendleton on the 17th. City RccordV r. j " last Frldny.
HELIX, Jan. 21. The L. D. Clark
family Is out again after being quar
antined with the small pox.
Miss Irma Ruther who has been
visiting relatives here has returned to
Red Wing, 'Minn., to resume her
Miss Mary Walden of Milton has
been visiting friends and relatices
8ybil May, little daughter of Mrs
Kheler was burled Monday at 3
It la planned to equip the gymnas
ium with lights and balconies before
the game with Athena,
The commercial house Is soliciting
funds for a community house.
MIhs Violet Craw has resigned from
the high school. She has taught here
for several years.
Wanda AUpach had a party to cele
brate her twelfth birthday, Saturday
afternoon The invited guests were
Kiithrlne Mclntyre. Viola Barker,
Margaret Martin, Helda Mhrrison,
Orare Leslie. Nellie Barker, Sarah
'Allison. "Marjorv Bonher, Mahle ravid
non,' Mary Barker, Cnssle McAlavcy.
Etta Cameron, Wlene Kupers, Then
Roberts and Goldle Flock.
There are several cases of flu ar
round so the town has put on a strict
quarantine trying to check It.
Cecil Peterson, aon of Mr. and Mrs.
J. CS Peterson Is HI with scarlet fever.
The Helix high school defeated the
Weston school In a game of basket
" PARIS Her majesty. Victoria,
Queen or Spain, Is a visitor In
Parts. The above photograph Is
ber latest and la an excellent like-
WAI.i.a w.i.i.. Jan, 21. The
herttf hurt nlhl raptured five ul
lonn of roil wlno tit ih" rpBlili-nce of
Alfcvrt Lui'oil, wli Uvea well out to
ward th Yrll , whKwk. Thlx wine wim
Hi'cnroly nlaeefl uWdeV tho lloof, aa If
II bad Been " afrWt of pearl of aretit
trlre. Hherlfr Yut.-n nnd IiIm poaM,
l.owruM'. hmr beeorno expert" at fl'"'
lua ttia ruby-e1e1fd llipior. No di
ylr.lnn rati e.r Ivsli, by a wuter-wlti h
ducked wore pi iptly toward water
imh Ills ofilcjul wand duoka toward
t h j wine.
I have'glven 1-icotl till Saturday
t, illx up the flrip " n.ild Juilne Dou-
baa ihiK 1001-111119.
Tho .i"f nfl int jlvta here with his
family, it in .i inatlor or 1S0 with
lio jud :u.
Ilirallluj.' lb" ra-t.
What are yu readlpi there?"
"A hut ilbook on feoff, published
m ysars aco," answered Mr.
"I didn't know you played
"I don't. There lire nix full pase
advertlaements ot potltch whiiiky In
the baak of tbo booli. "- liirnilnghain
LOXIX)N. Jan. 21. Sir William
tutberutnd M. P.. one of EJoyd
;eorse' KecretarieH. tella of an amtiH-n-r
experience he had In Budapest.
He was very pet tu,-l,e,t as to how
o Ret away. Bela Kun and the bol
heviHtw were in poHt--H.sion of the city
ind he could not Kot a passport or
ther facilities.
60 he wont and sat in a train, trust
ng to luck to escape.
Very soon some bolshevlatj ap
roachel the carriage nnd Bpnke to
him, but he made sign that he did not
inderstand. They went away and
-routcht back some hiuh officials, and
ie was InterroKated again.
This time he felt hl'mself RrowlnR
pettish, and remarked 'hoatedly: "O,
U7u off! Buzz off!"
These words created a jrreat Impres
'lon. Obeisances were made, a notice
lut on the window, and the earriace
loor was locked with the nRllshman
llone Inside.
The train moved off.
At the next station he opened the
aiDdow and found that the notice
read :
"ThiM compartment Is reserved for
Count Huzzoff."
Musterole Works Without, the
Blister Easier, Quicker
There' no sense In mixing a met
of mustard, flour and water when you
can easily relieve pain, soreness or stiff
ness with a little clean, wnite Musterole.
Musterole Is made of pure oil of
mustard and other helpful ingredients,
combined in the form of the present
white ointment It takes the place of
mustard plasters, and will not blister.
Musterole usually gives prompt relief
from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia,
headache, congestion, pleurisy.rheuma
t ism, lumbago, pains and aches of the
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
30c and 60c jars; hospital siM $250.
lL'OLI.Vr Jan. 21. I'ollos have suc
'ceiletl In rescuing several of their
comrurieH, hoadged in barracks at
Droinbune, only after a rleaprrate five
hour battle with over 2000 ruldere, ac
cording to advteeu today. Two police
men captured by raider wore bound
together in a barn and later rescued
by reserviH.
lUidera armed with bombs, block
aded all roadH near the police bar
racks. An attempt to dynamite the
building failed.
To iNrftM InriuetiM
Colds cnue Urlp and InfluenftA
i "Bromo Quinine." K. W.
signature n box. 3"c.
only on a
The Giraffe may havr a musical
throat but Jfist think of what he j
muKt suffer when dry.
Lawfully NO!
Morrally YES!
We think that we have the best me
chanics in the town: Carl Jaeobson, Ed
Walker, Hugh Walker, Carl Amnions.
Try them and give us your opinion.
Western Auto Co.
Garage Phone 530. Paint Shop Phone 633