D TEN PAGES DAILY EAST ORBOONIAH, PENDLKTON, OftgOOW, TUESDAY. JANUARY 20, 1020 FAOB IDC THE THOMAS SHOP Formerly Known at Th ParU Twelve Million Teeth Lost V-VWV Social and Personal To sew Im lioini' i. women olive Alton were lenders, lug In complete the ceremony. Ail- nf the Charch ct the lt.dc.niri will The e-eit la to bo given In Moose Journtns after lant evening's session i... . i tomorrow altoi-noon ui the msl Mall at ;so o'clock and Degree r the members enjoyed an Infnrnml sup 11,1,1 ' ' M' 'liinli MiiisIi. Honor members ns well as a few in- per in tin banquet hwn, Off losrs In- '" "'' Oat Blunts ore to be x.,, IrttMg wilt be pi Will stalled were: Mrs. t.oiitM Lampkln, ,"1 " foM "ir" of Kxch vear the lodge conducts n slni past guardian neighbor: Mrs A. ami lb. ladles are a-k.-.l l,. InuR , ca,piKn. the losing teams ex- Thomas, present Knar.lian neighbor; with them thln.td.sand scissors, ,..,,, the banquet in honor of the Mr- . .!.-., Houser. magician; Mrs , , , lone moot sneeessful. ' 'Early in Febrn- Mite Fried ly. clerk: J. P. Walker. . """ . ' '. ' ' . 'V - teams are to l, ..... . m ....... one. . , isjn contest. da. mMW i i'" 1 H' i .i i . inuiii ii it-ii i vmn n tftiV I n iluletl for tomorrow hrn a Imnuuri will ! (Ivott t son for .Kink rr. Mrs. J. M. rook ami Al inr- Mm Bmtl Dohimi Inner sent i ml. ami A. Thonu.N. ouUr M MaiKari't Put no m nrrlved noma wnttnel. Ihiit iBArnitta fr..tii IWr1Un1 .fi..r litfui.i t.. ).? i n vl 1 t mi I It t . I 1 I tl It - i !!'.. I 1 ! S Lll'lll' ,,, ,., t. , ... , ,. Xi .... , , A M ..1. M . 1 M W ,. .... of ,h, tw1 Uwm -han rnl.-!i'd lthnko-ValkiT business Winn Johiumn, adviser: Mrs. Tom irani t. ami inro. or i'..!!..,,.. i..i,,t.,-... nun irn, i.inr.i v. -i aiui Airs. , . . . to am Long h Om the Top and Then Some. dftStater, Him raiicii Baldwin. t'apiain ! tho i: minis, unit Mrs. oru Hamttton, musician. Mrs. M. IV ltuUlwm, who has boon' Tho event Is called for 7;3U o'clock, sojourning in Salem has returned to j IVndtoton to mako her homo with her Tho OreMn KoHorallon of Women's Clubs will give a luncheon in Portland Saturday. The affair will take placa at tho Portland hotel with Mrs. Ida allahan. president prosidinff. The sprakers will ho Mrs. Sarah Kvans Mrs. t" has. 11 I'astnor. and Miss I.utie Ml of tho federation offi- rs wll! he present. iT is estimated that twelve million decayed teeth are pulled out every year by dentists in the United States. Every one f the twelve million teeth had It) he taken out heeause of neidect. H t ie people who lost these leeth had gone to a dentist soon enough, all eould have been saved. Think how many kinds of aches there must have been in these twelve million teeth! Think how mueh suf fering and sickness were caused by neglect ! Why nol have Registered Dentists using the E. R. Parker System examine your teeth ami tell you what ought to bQ dime to save them? It will cost nothing lo find out. t .-r 1 1 I DI. TAINLESS I'AllKKU Mrs II. t? . Newport of Hot mist on. Is a FV mil" ton isttnr today on her way to Smm side Washington. 'I never felt lotter In my lifo than MomlH-n and friends of tho Fir! sln.o taking the first dose of Mayr's Vhrlsian church will lo guests nt a U i'toh tftil Remedy. I had a had case cafeteria supper whU h will ho served of Indigestion and hloating and tried j hi tho Ksemcnt of the church tomor- gftsums all kind of medicine. Mars wonder- rtm at 6 30 p. m. Thv supper will fn Honied in all and more than is precede tho regular Wednesday prayer claimed fur it. On my recommends- me ting. tion our postmaster's wife In using It ; with good result." It Is a simple Miss Helen White loft this morn'ms harmless (.reparation that removes the : for Portland, after a visit at the home catarrhal mucus from tho Intestinal ! of tr. and Mrs, U l. Idleman. Miss Sc.ut" If C A lien special tract and allavs the inflamation whlfh : White, who is lr. Idloman's aunt has nt,,.m lor t n, Atlas Inmance Oo causes practically all stomach, liver I just returned frim a trip Kast. f on l( is for li QrmndS Mon- and intestinal ailments. Including; ap day. pendicitix. ino dose will chnvlnce or Having Installed nil hut four of the, .... , money refunded. At all Druggists 1920 officers last night. Neighbors of, j.'or tlu, pleasure of her house Kueat, l' er w here. Woodcraft w ill meet again this even- rs: 4 ( j-V' in h of Spokane. Mi s. i 11 1.. ';.-r esteld:,y asfced TOUP 4 of friends to tea a t her attract I vo JJtllltlllllllllllf llllllllllllltllllllltlllllltlllltlllllllltlllllllllllltllllllllllltlllltlllllltlftlllt home at 51 1 Perkins uvnmo The S Kuests who were old time friends Of IS' i he honor guest Included Mrs. It. S. WaT!e. Mrs. W .1. Stockman. Mrs. K. U Bmlth, Mi. i. a Waffle, Mra, a. j. lltPI"S rPSTAIRS GARMENT slltl' GREAT FINAL CLEARANCE OF WINTER G ARMENTS CONTINUED. I TAVI.OIl PI fx.. SMI VI AMI "inHHiiiuuiiiiiuiiinunuiiiuuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnHiiiiiininiiHiiiiinniiiiMMnMMiT INCOME TAX ASSURANCE How do you know that tho return you sent in was correct? Will a revenue agent iind additional tax due? There is a pen alty if he does. I can give you reasonable assurance of doing the work right and save you annoyance in the future. CECIL COSPER, Income Tax Adviser. Important to all Women Readers of This Paper 2 Thousands upon thousands of worn 5 en have kidney or bladder trouble and 52 til ver suspect It. S Women's complaints, often prove to oS I nothing ejse, but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease, ( 1 tie kidneys are not in a healthy ! condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back. s headache, and loss of ambition. Poor health makes yon nervous, lr- S rltablo and may be despondent; It Sj makes any one so. Si But hundreds "f women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, by restor- Inc health to the kidneys, proved to le S l Just tho remedy needed to overcome :r such condition s' Many send for a sample bottle to Msj what Swa mp-Uo"t. the reat kid- , ney. liver and bladder medicine -will Bj di for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Sj V.. you may receive sample size buttle ! by Parcel Poet, You can purchase S medium and huge wize bottles at ail rust stores. SYSTEM. Registered Dentists Using the E. R. PARKER SYSTEM Dr. II. G. VliiBon Dr. A. J. Howard Dr. B. O. Wlllson N EURALGIA OwiMi. Mrs. It U Stockman, Mrs. K. (i. Wurner. Mis. A. W. Hukx. Mrs. Bllon Bond, Mrs. CJeorgc Meeker. Mrs. W. T. Uigby. Mrs. Koland tU- . r. Mrs. I . A. Mumfonl. Mrs. A. H. Kugg and Mra, Una Shaw. I'ink carniations and feathery i , ... i, tin. 1 moms also cm It red a dainty tea table , "yuvw ovutw. - - - where Mrs. M. L. Stockman presided. or Headache rub the forehead and temples w ith VICKS VAPORU 3 Jii At H nt the Oliver homo. Ml Oil- aoanoad for lbri;ary. DM ex.unlnu ver's Utile nnddtkUsM.r, Margaret tlon, for laborer In the DUatodlJMI ser OUvtr, was honored !' a birthday : vice In Peudlet.m, and one for flre dlnner, ISOknbera of the family and I man-laborer In the name service, con M in. French BhaiinB the event. I'laces. 315(3 Qf filing an application with the were laid for the little honor (Ueat. secretary, eleventh U. W. civil service her sister, Iiis Oliver, her purents. district, on blanks which will be f.i Mr. and Mrs. It. N. Oliver, Mi-M.:niahe( by Hoy Frank Kly, lOOOj sec- I'rench, Mrs. Grace tlliver. It. I.. Oliver and Miss r,.tar. ho Is to bo eral buildins The.-. Mrs. Wilson B. Ilrock left this morn ing on No. 1. for Portland, where she will be the guest of friends and rela tives for a few da:-s. Mr. and Mr. Ia'oii I- Hurlburt and BUnar Hurlburt have returned to their limit Ik M to r.n years but nKc liniltv home in Freeivater after spending a do not apply to persons entitled to month visitiim friends and relntlre. , preference oecaus.' 01 military or na- Portland and near by towns. i val service, hither men or women are found at the fed applicatlous must l.e in before February 4. 1110. The third examination will be on Febru ary . in Pendleton, to fill a vacancy in the position of elevator conductor The salary In ult three cases Is J66H per year with a bonus for the fiscal ear ending June .1". (M, The alte ellKib! DRINK MORE WAHR IF KIDNEYS BOTHER I josh Sinaa ami Tata Baits r w lUickaehe or I, ladder Trouble. Effective Feb. 1st The price on all Haynes Automobiles will advance One Hundred Dollars. Umatilla Auto Company 8C9 Garden St. Uric acid In meat excites the kid ; neys, they become overworked; get ' sluR-pish. ache, and feel like lumps Of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irritated, and you may be "l.lied to seek relief two or three times durtna; the nteht. When the kid nevti do? you must help them flush off the, body urlnoua waste or you'll bo a real sick person shortly. At first 'you feel a dull misery in the kidney I &einfi4 vou s"'f- from backache, sick I headache, dizzinesB, stomach gets L-ur tongue coated and you feel rheu , math: twinges when the weather Is ; bad. Kut less meat, drink lots of writer: also Ret from any pharmacist four ounces of .lad Salts; take a taMeapoon- ful In a giaaa f water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from tho acid of 'grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla. and has boon used for generations to clean dogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer Is a source o f irritation, thus ending blad der weakness. Jad Salts W Inexpensive, cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithii-water drink which everyone should take new a The Pendleton Woman's flub nut in the library club room for a short business session yesterday, the first since the organization eras effected. The premiere meeting at which a pro gram will bo given is set for January 19. K. K. Hoist returned this morning from a business trip to Arlington and I Portland. County Cdmtniationer I- Dunning came up from Btanfleld this morning I on No. 6. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Kell return- ! od this morning from a visit In Port land. Dan P, Siry'he arrived homo from! Portland on Xo. 6 today after spend- . lug five days In the city. Ralph Keif, t left last evening on No, 18 to spend a few days visiting In La Grande. Fred it- Btbcum has returned from j trip t't Portland. ftftes Ixds Merrill, of Spokane, is p , Pendelton visitor today. She is on her way to Holse, Tdaho where she Willi rtell friends. Mr. and Mrs II. EE, Gonsler of! Portland are In the city today. Boone Wau-on is here from Gibbon ; today. . F. Deapaln of t'kiah is In the; Weak Women Beautiful' New Spring Apparel Arriv ing Daily SUITS, SPORT COATS, DRESSES The Latest Creations Phenomenal Bargain in all FALL SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES Comparison Eapecially Invited If you are Tired, Over-Worked, Run Down, Vinol, our Cod Liver and Iron Tonic, will help you. NEW COLUMBIA RECORDS Number Size ullaby from "Erminie" (Jakobowski) Hukla Lashanska, Soprano Solo 78350 10 in. Fili Fili. Violin Solo . . Toscha Seidel 492o6 12 m. Rieoletto. Soprano and Tenor Duet . Barrientos and Hackett 1!C1G 12 in. Polish Dance E Flat Minor Op. 8 No. 1. To the Springtime (Piano Solo) Percy Grainger A6128 12 in. William Tell Overture Part I. William Tell Overture Part 2. A6129 12 in. William Tell Overture Part :i. William Tell Overture Part 4. A6130 12 in. Still Undecided (Gabriel) When I Look in His Face (Gabriel (Duet) Virginia Asher and Homer A. Rodeheaver A2833 10 in. Canta Pe' Me (De Curtis) (Baritone Solo) Riccardo Stracciari 78101 10 in. Uncle Josh and the Fire Department The Courtship of Uncle Josh and Aunt Nancy A2824 10 in. Assembly March (Hager) Columbia Band Fire Drill Galloo. Columbia Band A6127 12 in. THOMPSON DRUG STORE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Price ?1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 $1.25 85c $1.00 85c $1.25 Mrs. Hatcher Says So city. thl F. A. Sell of Portland, i Gtolden Itule. B. K. Harper, of Milton, was here yesterday. H, 11 Israel and M: QorfklS, of the Eastern Hide K- Junk o re-j turned thi.s niornins: from Portland. William Dorrwn, V'anK.voie rancher, In in Pendleton today to attend court. Word was received from Ban Pratt. 1 otaeof lost ntKlit that .Mr. and Mra. J. 1 H. SturKlH are on their way home I after spending three weelfl in California. So. Pitt'burg, Tenn. ' I was in a !S Weak, run-down condition, no appetite Is and could not sleep. I teach school and ! could hardly keep around. A friend told me about Vinol and it slopped my cough, gave me a good appetite and built me up so I feel stronger in every way." Mrs. C. F. Haicher. r Women who are run-down, nervous, lack energy and working strength should take Vinol as it contains Beef and Cod Liver Peptones. Iron and Hypo phosphites, the very elements needed to restore a lost appetite, enrich the blood and create strength. Your money back if it fail? Itllltltllllltf lllllllllllllf lIMtlllllllllllllltlf IlllltlltttllllllllltllllllllflllllllllllHitf lllttt Our I Bargain Window NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON 1 ; . : tvni attend Convention. v. 12. Isrock will leave tonight for Spokane, whre he will attend a hard waremen'H convention. He expects to I then to keep the he ahsent from Pendleton for a few kidney clean and active. rnifrgi!t . "a a. here nay they sell lots of Jad Salt ti W HOLE CORN IS CHEAPER FEED THAN WHEAT Finish your Hogs with Corn, we carry it. SK FOR PRICES. Special prices for larger quantities. Phone 351 and 1014 Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. Phone351 and 1014 ll' folks who h. lieve in overcoming kid- II n.". trouble while it is only trouble, NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH I Annlv Cream in Nostrils To t J Open Up Air Passage, .h: What relief! Your clogged nos trils open rlKhL up, the air passages of your head are clear and you can J breaths freely. Xo more hawking. snuffling, mucous discharge, head ache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh In our Bargain Window today we arc selling a fine Jacobean Oak Dining; Suite. This consists of table and chairs and will be sold at a very low price. If you have been planning on new dining room fur niture you will profit by this offer. BE HERE FIRST IT WILL GO FAST lllllllllllllllllillllllllillllllllllllllllllllll Auto Repairing and Overhauling ALTA GARAGE fAt Mta Feed ftnrn) Work Guaranteed, Prices Right. fill Mill Street CHAS. RICKABAUGH Phone M Re Mi i. til..--, lor ruraum i is gone. J. J. Cahill, cashier at the local of- i rjon't st;i stuffed up: Oat a small flee of the Warr-n Construction Coin- bottle ,,r Kly s Cream Halm from your jpany. left last night for Portland, air. I druggist now. Apply a little of this Cahill is contemplating the purchase fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nos of a new truck while In Portland. i trite, let It penetrate through every '"'iiifim i ' air passage of the head; soothe and juniors Out-tog Presbmen. h& the swollen, inflamed membrane The Junior class tug of war Main living yOU instant relief. Kly's Cream out pulled the freshmen in an excit- Halm is Just what every cold and ca 'ing contest at the high school last tarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's night. The number ;1 will supplant I Just splendid. ithe number result. on the fire house as a I Piano Player Pianos Direct from factory to your home. See the Piano Man J. P. DARNALL ''all up or write I'eiilan.l Itro.. :t:ift. Pendleton. rir-t Debate Probably iWb. 1 1. Itecause of the withdrawal of sever al teams from the debate league. Keh Iruary 1 4 will probably be the first dwbats upon which a debute will be (held at Pen As! ton. Like Weather in Smith. FtSgUlar May weather Is being ex perienced in Southern California, oc- loordlns to Henry J. Taylor, who left r. ' .ntly wilh Mrs Taylor for I)S An geles. In a special card from Santa Barbara received today by Judge .Thomas Kitz Herald. Mr. Taylor de scribed the weather as Just like May an-l saM that Mrs. Taylor's health Is mu. h hut, roved as a result. They have since gone on to Is Angeles. Z Ttjrre Civil senico Tests. Three civil service examinations fo Dr. C. H. DAY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Wishes to announce the opening of offices in Rooms No. 23 and 25, Smith-Crawford Building, Pendleton. Oregon. Office phone 704 Residence phone 749R Sole agents in Pen dleton for The Free Sewing Machine Ask to sec it demonstrated. j W. G. Crawford 103 E. Court Street Phone 496 tllllllHIIIIIIIlllllllHIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIMIinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllKllllllllllllllii jiln Prndhton district have oeen ai.