PAttE FTVS DAILY EAST ORECONIAN, PENTLETON, OREGON, TUFSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1020. TEN PAGES .lIiMHMHHMWIinWIRMIhliWmlimi.lM Your Every Household Need is Here, Kitchen-Bedroom NEWS OF THE OIUNIY OFFICES AND OFFICERS CONROV'S CASH GROCERY i fine nelec- I I EVERYTHING FOR THE Kl I CHtn on display ---- cJlL) tion IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROYS Federal Milk, large aiie cnnr, 6 for $1.00 Van Camp Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, 5 for $1. 5 oz. Toilet Paper, 5 rolb 25c 7 oz Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 25c Crisco 60c, $1,20, $2.30 Cream of Wheat, package 30c Grape Nuts, package , 15c ASK OUR PRICES ON SYRUP BEFORE YOU BUY Aunt Jemima Pancake and Buckwheat Pancake Flour, 2 packages 35c PINEAPPLE 20c, 35c, 40c AND 50c Red Mexican Beans 14 lbs. $1.00 Two 4 Hitf Marry Today. 1 orrtM' Mf -wttfeM With IhsuchI Ij i m County Clark llrown today to Al ) uli Hondo, a farmer, nt BScho. and Mf-H BaaCVtoc Klva t'airietun, of Hlanficld, to Thomas Terjeson, a faruior, and Miss tttfne J.tcubBon, hot of jvm.i;.'- ! ItcrdirnH rioin I u c.rande. Dpputy xhoriff A. Fault In I VI Itl'UIUlr fill I i". rnlti, n-turned on No Htfttt s U ho Went j Monday 21 last 5 (trading "amp Iti'stimo. The Kradlmr ennii which in at work n t b4 new location fr the Oregon - a; l-iMKton hiuhw.'iy J'lft hcj und ton. reimmcd oK-r.i t iitiiM on Mom after u nhuldown fif several weeks owinv to enld tttfattter. Twonty-fiv liion and a dozen teams uro employed and work In lieinf; done through the Wllsey plare. ondayU Dressers and ip chiffonier:! in ivory, golden oak and Ameri can walnut. At tractive designs to make the bed room delightful. Including McDougall Kitchen Cabinets. White enamel Chairs, Kitchen Tables, Kitchen Treasures and Breakfast Tables. CRUIKSHANK & HAMPTON tlllllllllllll1IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllll FOR. The Universal Car loniin-Mii k Ctooa On. The vtvo of W. J. vk. Mill MyrtcM Wim takn up in circuit court IM tins HlifiTionn, rulKritii tin- eomple- tton of the POM of W. .1. linrmi vs. Pan Mctnt.we. The I wrrn n -Myrlck care 1 for $K.f,0 damac-, alleged due he cnufif of the a pproprial Ion of some STntn, hay and a hayrack belonglnK to the plaintiff. S , I'ftiigs IVNfnor Hero 3 Deputy Mh'Tlff Som Hlakely return .5 ed null nlKht from Portland, bringing 5 1 vit h him Kdx;;ir Stanley, v n RfeBd to Bjanaww to n non-support oharyc. Rtan- g j ley was arretted last week In Port- land. 124 E. WEBB "QUALITY COUNTS" Use Our Exchange Department Phone 548 r 111 - - - Mtfaaee tipltaliiitlon. Hupplementary articles of Incor poration were filed today by the Ilond Auto Co., of Pilot Reck, which lc rr itiini the I'ilot Itoek Auto Co., nnd Increases Its capital stock from $5000 to $20,000. The Incorporators are C. J. Miller, Albert Boylcn and Mabel G. Uoylen. Romenbent AliWaWor Supplanted. John K. Montgomery was today ap- 5 Mult AtUluM Rsflroad DtamMed. I nolnted an .-w. raiser of the clans H. S An order fllslllllufMl the edtl of I ee J Rosenberg estate, vice Elmer A. Pny X nrnvhenl vs. Walker 1). nines and the I der, who Is out of the state at prea- 117 H. railroad adrolnlsiratb n was slan- 1 cnt. Don't DejM'iid on Spring' Deliveries Spring dcliverlea of Ford cara have never been certain, and they ahuuld not la depended upon, nemand hai alwayn been p-eatwr for I'ord rain than the nupply or production. Ko, If yon would be aurc or having u Ford car, buy It now while deliveries ire possible. Don't wult even next month Is an uncertainty. Only a limited. Kpectf to 1 number of cars haa been allotted to thin territory. That allotment cannot he increnjud. because the demand all over the country Is greater than the nippjy or pro duction. Get your order in now, and you will be one of those who In mire of a Ford car out of our allotment. tVu first come first served. All orders are filled In rotation. So. If you would bo forehanded, if you would be certain of hav ing a Ford car when you want it then you will buy u Ford now. A signed order with us Ih vour protection. It is the result of the wisdom of looking: ahead. If you buy a Ford car now, don't think yo'i have to "store" it. The Ford is a car made to nerve its owner for business or plea sure throughout the entire year. Ford owners have long lnr come to recognize the fact It is no longer popular to "lay-up" four car for the winter. Huy a Ford car now, and uwo It now. In-i mi (.emdne Ford Parts. i Simpson Auto Co Cor. Water & rfotniMMI Me Vhone 4S iitfitfiiiiiiiiiiiftifiiifiiiifiiiiiifMiitiffiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiutiiititiiiMiiiiiiiifttiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Sied today ny Judge W. Phelps. Prominent Women Testify j Hoquiam, Wash.: "I wo? in such a I run-down condition that I had to sit down to do my work. My back and head ached continuously. I took twelve bot tles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion and it coin- !etely cured me atn doins id! rr v W own work and feel tfr ',"''!!! tlK' time." M. H. Hastings, 242S Simpon. mi si i Itacen iMate Worth m.ritili i The estate of the ate Imls HUtn I h been appraised at 1 3 4 ,4 !. 0 1 In - J an Inventory filed with the county ij clr'rk today. The deceased owned n eight quarter sections of wheat land; j In this county which make up the I bulk of the estate. The aiipralsers j were: R. W. Enrnheart. Fred 3?arcey , J and Isaac Chrlatopher. The Portland Flouring Mills Company IN CO. MaMaSM MM Baldwin Pianos Are the kind that last for a life-time. They re tain the quality of tone which makes the Baldwin so different from the rest. Remember that you buy a piano to last a lifetime. A Baldwin guarantee as well as that of Warren 's M ustc House Pendleton, Oregon. Phone 524. 820 Main St. Mks Young Motherhood Vallejo, (So. VaJJeio), Calif : "I txk Dr. Piurce's Favorite Prescrip tion during rxpertaney anl found it cxenllent : K relieved heiidarhe, tmrkache, and helped in great many ways. . 1 wa strong and had n good appetite and had a roueh easier time than with the other children. 1 was Ktrong and well when 1 got up and had a nice healthy bnliy." Miis. S. P. Houston, G40 5th St. Women's Troubles Roy, Wash.: "My unrip need Dr. i i e'.-v I, n ye,lir,,l Diiovr. v v..tli fine results July Ieinicrnlne. At press time this afternoon the jury In the case of W. J. Pnrn vs. Dan Mc ltltvre was still dellh. rat Intr. the cane having been given to them at 1 o'clock. I'ilot rn-k foiip'o W ill Wed. A marriage lleense was Issued h the county clerk this afternoon to Mahlon Bruce Gilbert and Miss Nellie Sehlegel, both of Pilot Hook. PACIFIC COAST ELEVATOR WAREHOUSE AT THOMPSON AND E. RAILROAD STREETS OPPOSITE GAS TANKS At this location a complete stock of OLYMPIC FLOUR, HAV, MILL FEED, OATS, CORN, ROLLED BARLEY, ETC. will be carried at all times. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Deliveries made to any part of-city. General. Storage and Forwarding Business Pacific Grain Co. Office Phone, 35 Warehouse Phone, 430 815 Main Street iniHIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIMIIIIIIII Dr K. J. York I The Cnlnese specialist, which, S nwndinf' In study and ro- H search on the merit of practic- S ' H ln h'3 professional medicines, H enabling him to treat any 22! acute and chronic diseases very ' successfully. If any one who Is js i afflicted with any diseases can- S S not be cured call or write to jE him. EE IS K. J. IORK CIIIXBE SIED. 5 j CO. S No. 12 N. 7th St. Walla Walla, Wash. 3 MunntwiHiMiiuiiiiuiuiiiiiuuiiiitiM Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee ?hronlo and Nervous Dlse n Duiua of Women. X-Ray ! tro Tneracsu'lcs. mnple Bide, Room It. Pnooe ! II M.V MSPOBTS lll SSIAVK RJMK. Jan. 2U. The govormnen; today deported two RueslaJM ramed Herlich and Wodorow and their wives o the Austrian frontier. JOLAJfJLASSiR Fl I SN IfH K A I A I ITM K.VT at 402 Tuntln street. FOR BAJLB by owner Modern six room house on north side, just re cently remodeled. Will take auto mobile as part payment, some cash, balance terms. Address "Jl-U" this j offiee. Mps. Hurt I'tttmax. I used Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Preserintion lor worn a n 1 W ANTKI Four or 5 room unf ur- trnnhle nnd tt-ni ! nisln-d house hy Feb. 1"- Inotdrc of cured. Perry Hall nt Hamley "I consider both of these medicines to be wonderfully pood and re commend them to everybody." MOVED Over Tallman Drug Store Phone 1008 Our new location, 647 Main St., Corner Alta, si DR. W. H. REYNOLDS Cluroprax-tic Nerve Specialist. Rooms 1 and 2 Inland Empire Bank Bids. Telcrfcone 101s Hrs. 10 to 12 a. m. 1:S0 to 5 p. ra. HERMAN CLAUSSENIUS Special -ejii IDAHO STATE LIFE INSURANCE OO. An Oil Line Company that does all its business In the west. All assets except V. 3. Governmea Bonds, are in western securities of substantial worth. Res. office J10 Beauregard St. P. O. Box S. MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 II. S. McKENZIE, M. D. I NOTICES DULL THROBBING Oft VBOLENT HEADACHE Dr. JntgHCer iieadat-bi- PoHdciM Clcaur Voilt1 M ;ol and Stop Nciiraliu l';iiu at OttOC 10 Oeng a IiU'kaffe You take a Ur. James' Ilea da he lewder and i Just a few m omenta nnr hoatl clears and all neuralgia and pain fades away. It's the quickest unit surest relief for headache, wheth er dull, throbhinjr. splitting or nerve rack in k Scntl st'ineitne to the dru? stre and rel a til me package now. f Quit suf fei Injf it's so needless. Be sure you fret Dr. James' Headache powders then thcr will be no disappointment. to in s i:uu: i iti.v The fidxllle Valley Come in and let us tell you nbout the Colville valley in Stevens County, WashinKt'iii and north of the City of Spokane. There are very few places like it for liversified farminjr. It Is unnecessary to do any summer fallowing. A rota Ctoti of crop from hay to r:in and Krain t hay keeps building- up the land and returns are taken from the jland every year. Sample Rarpalns AVI thin a couple of miles of Colville, the County Beat, wo have 230 acres mostly In the Val ley. It has a good set of Improve ments and nice orchard. On the state road. It is a very splendid farm and i raises the best of crops. Well fenced , and cross fenced. It adjoins the open ranjre and would make a fine cattle I or sheep farm. Well watered. Ad- joins a farm of the same size and which is no letter and which sold for 125.000 less than a month a?o. We can deliver this place fr tt,000. We can take a small payment of ay. $7. 000 or $8,000 down and let you have all the time you wish on the balance. We regard this as the best buy in the' valley. others to suit your pocket book, from $4CO0 to $175,000. I'hone or come In nnd sea. me. OltEdOX-WAJfHINMTON RANCH BM CO. fill WWII Hotel, Hose Q, Iushley. Mgr. I a and March 1. !. for aheep. 5 J. c KtTBKS, Supervisor. Used Car Bargains FIVE PASSENGER FRANKLIN TOURING Excellent mechanical condition, newly paint ed. A fine looking car. Runs like new. FOUR PASSENGER CLOVER LEAF OLDSMOBILE EIGHT Driven about 5000 miles. This car is newly overhauled and in excellent running condi tion. Good tires with new extra cord. 5-40 HUDSON TOURING Driven about 10,000 miles. This car is in ex cellent condition with all new cord tires. These cars are guaranteed as represented. Our prices and terms are right. Will accept your old car as part payment. Umatilla Auto Co. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat M Office: H 10-11-12 Belts Building H Pendleton, Ore. m risiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 809 Garden St. Phone 417 Til lrn Up Tlioro mnn IO IIIV lll:tCe allOllt JilO. I I. 1IU9. One r-d steer (Durhami branded W on left hip. left ear crop ped, riKht ear split. Owner can have same by pay las charges J. C. HAimsin, Adams, ( iregon. Applications Tor f;rniliiK l'ermlts Notice Is hereby Riven thst all np pllcatlcne ftt permits to priize cattle, horses, r.nd sheep within the Wcnaha National Forest d'trlntr the season of 1920 must be filed In my offiee at Walla Walla. Wash., on or before Feluaiarv I, 10'ja. for cattle nnd horses would reuulre mote than this nllotted space. Kven not be fully appreciated. The Plxle Flyer must b a ride In this wonderful car. then Its dnrlnit beauty and mechatiicHl merit could Men to be actually JudKed? You will really enjoy call for a demonstration wouid pleaee us. Phone 46 722 Cottonwood T. & S. Motor Co. nmPEWWiHH lWl"l"TlO rvmm-MKeja? Votuv of Parmoal of (Ity of lvinllc M Inipeovemcnt lpmils. Notice Is hereby Riven that city of I PeneUtnn Iniproveimnt Donds No. 1, Series K. : Ni. 7. Series T: No. 4. Sor- Wd lea M: and Noe. i ana . eeriee u win j;1.e paid upon presentation thereof to the aaderetcned at the American Na i tlonel Rank, C-ndleton, Cmatilla County. Oregon, l"eiruary 1. isl'W. Interest on said Ponds censes Feb ruary 1. 19C0. Dated January 19. 1!C". T.FR MiionttOfSR. i . llvay'irvi. i ii' " i , i' ii, n! Whitman Sampler For the lover of good candy. CShhed Samplers because in old sn times samples showed the &est In needlework and design. his modern Sampler shows Ihe best in chocolate and con nection. We are headquarters for the Sampler and the whole iVhitman line. Tallman & Company XA'ading DriKi-its ARE YOU leg Illy MARRIED ? We Are Receiving Some Coal Now and Have in Stock at Present Lump and Nut King Utah Lump Rock Springs B. L. BURROUGHS Inc. Phone 5 City V luekson Pepuly,