AO Hit TEN PAGES PAfiK TEN DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1920. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. C. Penney Co.. A Nationwide institution' ' AND SO ; THAT'S WHAT SIONAC SUP or THS TONGUE, ...... Jk r- Vrtll MV1? For Spring Georgette Blouses ,1 1ONE . "VU v. win r--o. ts w " ' - Pure Country Sausage From the A. J. Mclntyre Ranch Near Weston FRESH PURE CLEAN POUND, 35c Ranch Erks. guaranteed dozen 75c Kani-h Butter. '2 pounds, full weight . $1.25 Hershey's Cocoa in Bulk, pound 35c Manchurian Walnuts. 3 pounds $1.00 Home Canned Fruits, quart jar 50c Clcfing out Aluminum at ccst Number 1 U. S. Graded Yakima Potatoes, all good and free from frost. Apples from the John Ross Ranch at Mil ton. None better raised anywhere. (yray Jros. (grocery (jo. "QUALITY" TWO PHONES 28 AND 29 35 I A Thrift year t ii. If nmiii tlim lite Trx-M-unf'-. Is ! .u i iti.'ni BAvtaM nil lei pnrtMpatc in tr--rA iiur Tlirlft Week, tx-utu-tiiiur JMimry 11m ITiIi. tlu amiiiiar i Itriijanilii I rankling ' -1 ; : - i - i I ollowuu: uro iln Tvn J ii "iu I 1 oiuiiiaiultiH-ni-: 1 Work ami t ,.i 3 Make a Itmbnt 'X Ktt-p an Kl'ii-e i;ttrtl i ii v v. www uouvr "a rr life hMMM Makr ill T (twit Vciir own lloim Bill I't.'in; - i , ImcM SIW t r-uliitncly Hi Shan i!h itht-ri Try to niako hi iikm if not Jtn 0f ihvse com- niaitOmtniK ICesiiit. PruKrit ami ConteiiUnrnc. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON I'otw Riiliaid aid: -.K help,. ln hi that hol themsclvcfN." -50 I P'RO'Pose THAT UJS POS'TPON'S this (KjteRView untie AFTeR You HAve 30Ne A felAI ROUNDS WJlTH TAWDARD C5NGU5H CtRAMMAfe. I 1 1 f n DAILY MARKET NEWS OF PENDLETON The following prices are the prices -eins paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail prices are piven the fact will be spe cially mentioned. Ettft and Poultry. Egss, 80c85c. Hens, 6. to 20c. Chickens, 20c a pound. Country Ham. Kts. Ham, best quality, 28c. Bacon, best quality, 40c. Butler Fat and Butter Butter, $1.25S1.3K. For Trade or Sale " 1918 Premier. J J 1918 Buick E-49 1917 Hudson Super-Six f f 1918 Franklin, Four Passenger 1917 Velie All completely overhauled and guaranteed. Bring in your old car and we will make you a good trade. Eastern Oregon Motor Co. DISTRIBUTORS VELIE, CHEVROLET AND PEERLESS 616 Garden St, Near P. O. Phone 1027 Ouii-t Tone Still I Mark Ooagtae ;rnins. A quiet tone is Ktill apparent in the I coarse grain market, with oats at the 1 same level as for several days and 1 corn off a quarter. No offerings what ' ever are being made of barley. Corn is listed today at $58.50 for delivery . and $57.50 for future. Oats are at $60 J61.50 and $63. Mill feed la still offer I ed at $41 a ton. 14ml ted Arrivals Make Uncs Steady to Strong. I Limited arrivals of livestock at North Portland were shown for the week opening bscauss of delayed ship- meats due to washouts. All lines were steady to strong. I One load of hogs sold early at ! $16.10, an advance of a dime. The ! general market was considered strong at $16. General hog range: ! Prims mixed I Medium mixed . .- Hough heavies Pigs . .-. Cattle run totaled but . $15. 50 If 16.10 . 15.00015.50 . 12.00 14.00 . 12.5019 15.50 656 head be- WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Sloan's Liniment ftbould be kept bandy for aches and pains WHY wait for a severe pain.'ao ache, a twinge following ex posure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to leave naturally when you should keep Sloan's Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active and fit Without rubbing, for it penetrates, apply a jit today to the afflicted part. Note the gratifying, clean, prompt relief that IOmCWs. Sloan's Liniment couldn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over if it didn't make good. That's worth remembering. All druggists three sizes the largest for utmost economy. 35c, 70c., $1.40. cause of delayed shipments. General t market mi tu strnnir but or- dinar quality offerings brought frth fractional advances. Qcod t choice cmvs and heifers moved as high as while canners were quoted at S6. I General cattle market range; Best steers fll.0012.00 Good to choice cows and heifers 9.00 Medium to good steers . I.t0 9.75 j Fair to good steers 8. Of? 9.00 1 Common to fair steers .. 7.00 O 8 00 Choice COWS and heifers 9.00 10.00; Good to choice cowm and h-ifers . . Medium t heifers .... Fair to medium heifers .... 'anners Bulls Best light cflSv Heavy calves . Stockers and f Kntire sheep td with a rath 1 cowfl and DIRECT PROM NEW YOKK. The very latest styles and newest shaded, embroidered and fancy beaded Short sleeves will be popular in the Spring Blouse. We are also slum big the new Blipover blouse which i t'ry becoming and unusually dainty for young girls. Orders for this mer chandise were placed months ago our customeis benefit by our Ion -sight in securing both quality and style at prices much below present values and quotations, dome. look, compare. Ml sizes . . $ 4.98 to 12.90 heaulil'iillv New Spring Dress Skirts 1920 Models New patterns, style creations of the fore mot in fashion. Dew kiss Satin, Pussy Willow Taffeta. Crepe, Queen Ann Satin. Fancy braid trimmed Taffetas. We are also showing some fancy wool plaids and fancy braided serges. Distinctively different and new stylish and serviceable. We invite you to inspect our new arrivals in smart ap parel. Prices range from . . . 89.90 to $19.75 7 Incorporated J PENDLETON, OREGON OPPOSITE HOTEL PENDLETON J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution I.S0O 6.00 6.00W 8.00 i3.oo 16.00 7.00 O 12-50 bushels of wheal and 10.617.000 bar rels of flour last year to January 9. Itlt, the first nine days of January 8.00 9.50 being prorated from the monthly ti tal, making a total ecioal to tI,l bushels of wheat. ti IIS !" imetu marke only 4 ite Rest I!est valley 1; t was a 7S head leral she uf mount: light vail heavy va i-ilers and lamb market Start r strung tone. Indlca i an advanre in Will nibs; in fact, the entire mass of strength with ipearing for sale. and lamb range: in lambs. $14. MM 15.511 V lambs. 13. OOff 15.00 ley lambs 11.50 0 18.60 iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM imiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiuiiiMiiiiiimiiimtiiiiiiiiiiiMiiH The Jolly Inn 'l BXLU9 PASSED HV SESSION. BPBCIAL B (Continued from Page 7.) Government Exports Now Total t81(94KMMM Btt. I Kxporla of wheat and flour July 1, '19 19, to January 9. 1920. amount to S2. 083. 000 bushels Off wheat and 8. 773.000 barrels of ftrMir. making a to tal equal to 121.9G0.000 bushels of Wheal eoraosred with 10t,7,t00 REPUBLIC TRUCKS Honest value, low operating cost, long-term isefulness, dependable service facilities. These are the reasons for Republic preference here, and everywhere. They are the reasons why Republic Trucks are giving satisfactory service, in every line of lauling, to more than 60,000 owners the largest single body of truck users in the world. Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 medicine. Relating t" alar Just a Multitude of Comfort in a Ton of " PEACOCK Get the Drop on Zero Weather Phone NOW 178 tors and drivers of motor Vehicles, ft H. 22 Relating to release sureties. m. b. 15. by Hurls) Re latins to regulation "f livestock of certain non residents and corporations S. B. 33, committee on pharmacy and dentlstr practice of medicine. S. H. 5a Relating to gaticn. B S. I!, f, by rorter - ITovifUng in- di inuiii.'s tot cattle alaughterefl by or- S der of state veterinarian. :z 8. it. 37 Circuit Judges' expenses. iS S. B. 40. by Pierre and Smith Ite- ' S latlng to soldiers' aid. 8. II. 38, Shxnkx Salaries or preme Jurges. S. B. 19. N'ickelsen Punishment persons aiding prisoners to escape. 8. B. 455. Ititner and cording of discharge pa men. free. 8. it. it. I'nion county Fixing salaries of officers county. S. It. I, by Baldwin examiners. 8. B. IS, by Nickelsen county assessors 8. B M TO validate centra eta. H. B. 34. by Moser tachmcnts. 8. B. 30. highways S. B. 48. BSrsctlon f We consider our chef, Mr. Chas. Busby, the best in the city. One trial of his cooking we feel sure will convince you. Meals served from 11 a. m. to 7:110 p. m. Basement Hotel St. George Main Street Entrance iillllilllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SMYTHE -LONERGAN CO. Quality Quantity Service hv committee Maintenance bv line CCrttnty tlelegation of monument appropriate t.. memory of world war. 8. It. 52. by Thrift .-Honda in OOOS county, 8. B. 5i I toads III Jnckaon county. R B. 55 Roads In Dough" county. 8. Ii. 57--Roads In Klamath county. 8 B. 58 Relating to rtiads In Clat sop and Tillamook counties. 8. B. 56 Roads In Polk county. 8. B. 17 -Relating to fire Insurance. S. B. 18. by Norblad Relating to I orti of Astoria. 8 I! '' bv Pierce and Smith Aid I to soldiers, sailors and marines. B. B. 28, by Kherh. ird Pealing with employment of aliens. S. B 53. by committee on Judiciary BtrsatM party ticket. 8. B. 1- Relating to salaries. S. B. B3 Fixing penalty f"r murder 8. B. 64 Providing enforcement of death penalty. ft. B. 65 Providing penalty for trea- j aon. h - J perg by service K m delegattott - m v j r. tti.vrny iiuljvmu x ii.iiij g a of Cnlon a SOME SPEOICTOATIONS OF THE MEW SERIES HUDSON K St l-Kll-SIX State banking 9 MOTOR -Super-Six design. Cylinders cast In block. Bore. 3 V4 K Q Incites, stroke 5 Inches. L-head type, Bsmoyablo c Under head. a Relating to PS HORSH POWBR -N. ,. C. rattng. 29.4; actual. 76. 8 CRANKSHAFT 8uper-Slg design, scientifically balanced, giving 6 ,. Vista House M ,.,. .., ,,.,. d running balance at all speeds. Mounted In cast jf B iluminurn crankcase. Relating to at-1 ca K i;r im; ti ir - Hudson patent Pneumatic type, aelf-adJtiBtlng A . K to lootor needs Rieb nnd lean control on instrument board. A on roads and A ( A8 l.l N'K Supply 20-gallon tank In rear, vacuum feed on dash. . of highways. "A , , . ,.., , ,.,.,.,. ,,,i t tt E TRANSMISSION Hudson, selective style, thieo speeds forward and one reserse. Aluminum housing. Raton AXLE Hudson-Timken. helical bevel gear drive. Heavier ind with Improved adjustments. FRONT AXI.IC Hudson-Timken. Drop-forged I-beam type. BRAKES Ixtrge aurfacc, external contracting service and Internal ixpandlng emergency. Increased diameter and Imjiroved leverage. FR.V.M Iv Kxtra heavy. 7 Inches deep, reinforced by additional tu bular cross members which Increases rigidity and eliminates strains on body, motor and radiator. ST i: Kill N't! DEAR Worm and gear construction. Kasily adjusted. KiN'ITIO.V Delco. STARTING Delco. LI OUTING Headlamps wilh dimmers and safety lenses. Tall lamp lonnseted with lamp on instrument board. LiUBRICATXON- t'onstant level circulating splash aystem. Oil unii automatically adjusted to motor speeds. Oregon Motor Garage Phone 460 119-121 W. Court 4