TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON, OHEOON, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1 020 PAGE THREE News of Pendleton ' i - McCnok In Kpukam-. J, II. McCook lefl HiimUiy for Hpo kune whern he will aiicnii Mvtral day on bualnoaa and In having hla cvea at-tended. On Way i" Han hnwlMo, Oeoriti) J. Junex, hiipcIhI Affftnt or Ihe I.. I-. O. or Hpokiinr. Ih ii Ivnilli'ton vlnltor toduy. He In on in-. wiiy lo .Han l rauelaco. spend (he day at the American Na tional Hunk. He will ilepurt on in thin evening- ror CMoaco where he will i.prcMin! tho rorthuid Clearing iioiiae AHHoi lauoii at a meetlliK or tin' federal reeerve uunki-rK or the i i-llon. He Itwovera I i. mi Cold. Q. M. Hire, who liaa been confined to hla home for anverul dayn with a anvero cold, returned to hla office ut Ihe Kind Nntlonul Hank this morning. Miwi Harmon In Weston. Mlaa Ivlla May liurmon, eonntv demonstration agent, lert thla morn lag for Wealon, wheie alie Ih auauj Ina the day In the interest or har work. Bhe la visiting the won,, i of the Wealon acrlion. Today Life jjMuraooa Day. uOMl life Insurance underwriters today nr. oliacrvlng Nullonal lAte In ourance Day, which U eneof the ape clal daya of Thrift Weak. The day la belnir observed nationally aa well a locally, althoiiKh no Dartlcular oh. neriance linn neen arranged for here. ihe request of Deputy United 0taten Attorney amea, who la charge of the ciihc for ihe iruvernment. Mra. Polil (knivaleiHliig. Mrs. Pete Pohl la convalescing at her home on 715 Jane alreet after a severe attuck of appendicitis. I'onniT i(. .ui,.,,, nm. Deorae Haw. formerly of thi. la a Pendleton business visitor. Mr! I Maw is now located at Jamison. Will Study OttiMpHMtJo. Kmery Hussell, pmt owner of the I'hlllips & Hasaell burlier shop, left rinndny night ror Portland where lie will enter n school to study clitroprae Ho. Ha expects to tuke a complete course and obtain a degree then'. l.1IVCH for Southern ,alio. JiiiiM's J.iIiiih urrlved home Bunday from a meeting of the Hpokane Mort gage Hankers Association and left this morning f'T Noutheru Idaho on a bus iness trip. He will vlKlt Nampn. Holse, Caldwell and other towns In that region. 1 luinipson Here for n,,, W. J.. Thompson rume up rron I'oitland on No. 6 this mornlmr to ilill Hun n.-iim sought. BUI Hart, a local character who, several months ago, was arrested for selling liquor to the Indians, Is being aought by federal authorities at Port land. He was released on hail, follow j Ing his arrest, hut haa failed to answer the several summons to appear for I trial. Hla ball was declared forfeited iby an order made In federal court Sat urday and a bench warrant was issued ror his apprehension and delivery, at Bcbfe .Mn In Clir. Allen Thomson and James Sheridan both well known resident of gtofeo, have been In the city transacting buai. lies toduy. Will Qo To Hot .ul.. Charles Hllyard expects lo leave this evening for Hot Lake, where Mrs. Hllyard la a patient In the Hot Lake sanltorlum. tier. ..i ii. ii-,, I, supplies. Hev. J. M. Cornelison filled t... mil. plt of the Pilot Hock church yester day. Hev. J. T. hi. kf..oi ed for china and no pastor has yec oeen secured to take his pluce. Will Make- Hepalr. 8. O. noynton was Issued a permit today to place a new porch on his dwelling, the estimated cost being C0. The dwelling is at 321 Lilleth. Should women be put on trial for their faults? Should women be put on trial for their faults? And should they be tried by men? Are their so-called weaknesses due to the mediocre demands of men? Do women know how to Flick to ideals that are not social assets? What is the type of girl that invariably becomes an old maiu? Do men put a premium on virtue? These are a few of the questions that are discussed and answered in a tremendously stimulating article called "Supply and Demand." Every woman in America owes it to herself to read it. This'll make you laugh for thirty minutes If you were once a real boy or if you ever knew one, you will enjoy "Brite and Fair," the funniest story published this year. You'll enjoy the pranks of Plupy Shute, Flunk Ham, and Chick Randall. Their humorous escapades combine the glow of gentle humor and sympathetic reminiscence. "Brite and Fair" is by Judge Henry A. Shute, the author of "The Real Diary of a Real Boy." The real yellow peril is the Japanese kimona 101 101 101 101 101 lQl 101101101ini 40c TO $1.10 PER DOZEN Pendleton Cash Market, Fine Groceries and Meats Inc. : I Will Open Cafeteria. I he Pendleton high school cnfoterln will open on Monday. January 28, ac cording to announcement made by I Miss Kate Voorhees, head or the de partment of domestic science. loi loi loi loi loi loi loi iofioi ioi (ViRimissinfTs Viewing lloads. The county commissioners today look u trip over the road through He lix as far as Yranyele, viewing the road needs in the northern part of the county. Will no With Auto Company. H. A. Prltchard of Portland arrived last night to be connected with the Liberty Motor Co. in Pendleton. Mr. Prltchnrd will be in charge of the sale of the Briscoe cars. The causes of divorce are many. One of them, however, is the use of the kimona with its fre quent, unattractive carelessness. In this article by Anne Shannon Monroe, the writer outlines fearlessly some of the very simple causes for marital estrangement causes which could quite easily be removed for the betterment of the human race. Mid-winter fashions from Paris Thad Swcrlc Here. Thad Sweek, formerly of the Inter nal revenue office nH h t .-n known In Pendleton, passed through noawi tnis morning after a trip east. Mr. Sweek is now owner of large shipbuilding Interests In Seattle. I-argo Class to Bo Initiated. Twelve candidates for the knight rank and 10 for the page rank will be initiated by Damon lodge, Knighta of I'ythlas, at the regular meeting to night. This Is one of the largest Ida ami to Iw handled In several weeks. Real I -1 ; 1 1 , sales Brisk. . p. Schoonmaker. who is in the Wheat laud business at La. Crosse, is In Pendleton for a few days, having .irrive.l home Sunday evening. He re- poits thai sales or land In that district ate qulto brisk at this time. News 6t me smart things that Parisians are wearing. Not merely the frocks and suits of the Opening but the garments the French women have selected and are using. The very latest modes which are immediately available. Variety is the key-note. 37 illustrations show ing the latest wraps, coats, suits, blouses, lingerie, furs, and millinery. And the Good Housekeeping consulting fashion department is at your service In the same issue L A. R. Wylie Coningsby Dawson William J. Locke J. Oliver Curwood Dorothy Dix Dr. H. W. Wiley Kathleen Norris Two pages of cut outs in color for the kiddies and the Har rison Cady bug pictures. "See Me Before The Fire" (Your Self PROTECT jYour Income (Your Family With an accident policy written through this agency. We write them at Ilie lowest rates and give yon SLKVICL, JOE KERLEY Insurance, Loans, , Real Estate, Grain 721 Main Pendleton lllgll Wind Blowing. I A high wind blowing from Ih. nnrlh iwest today, with Ih. h , , .... . '29.65, gives indication of rnln Th. fltomperature is 49, with a minimum I of 34. according to Malor Ie M,.r- Fjhouso'a weather report. ML S. BhMgfe to Speak. M. ft. Shrock, formerly county agri culture agent here will k ...... ..r n speakers at the 28th annual meeting of the Oregon Dalrmen-s association which opens in Portland nn U',i,,,... day. Mr. Shrock will .i;... .. .... u.-.n t,i-,,t.I - alion among dairymen- GCJOD HOUSEKEEPING Everywhere 25 We Design and Build Everything In the way of homes, barns, sheds, si los, elevators, flouring mills and ANY THING ELSE you want to build. We always have on hand plenty of Roek Springs Coal. r.D irrrvisj lumber iujai YARD (WATCH THIS SPACE) Frcowater Man Honored. Francis Heller, of Freewater. is an nounced as one of four pledges to To-kn-lo. sophomorp men's b.aw.r- i...,- at Ihe University of Oregon. He Is a member of the varsity basketball team at the university and played his first .onrcrence game against Whitman college last week. l-onvcs for Hot I .eke Mrs. v. H. Reynolds, who has been suffering for the past month with a severe attack of Inflammatory rheu matism, was taken to Hot Lake for treatment on Saturday, she was ac companied by Dr. Reynolds, who re. turned this morninir nnrt hv Charles Daniels, who will remain at nni with .Mrs. Reynolds. OX SAt AT ii. g. Fit azikii. n. aa iiAt'M. ;mM;s cigar store. Thompson- mtva co.. a. i nt .M.AP. wfixxm mtos.. ukkiwh cigar stork. l.KO All.i:i!. ItAKKIi. ORE.. IISTi:ilH TORS. Walla Walla Road Has Had Spot. The Walla Walla road, from the slate line north about one mile is In almost impassible shape, according to W. ii Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. S. 13. Starr, of I.lnd. Wash. Several ma chines got mired in the mud and had to be towed out with teams. Mr. Mor rison said. The road in Cmatllla unty is In good passable shape, how ever. purchased at the Pacific Internation- having been borrowed. Additional a! Livestock show last November by loan applications will be taken up at J. H. Sturgls. The little beef animal the next meeting of the committee, is all white, except for a few roan I.c ans are usually made for a period of spots on his ears, and has a long ped- . one year at tht rate of 4 per cent in isree, his father having been the ! terest. prize winning bull of the exposition, while the mother took most of the honors in her class. Both animals are to be a part of the pure-blooded- shorthorn herd on the Sturgis ranch at Barnhart. STUDENT LOANS HELP MANY ATTENDING 0. A. C. Tomatoes Comhiff Tills AVcelc-&.id. The carload of jrnvernment toma- toes recently ordered for distribution from Pendleton will not be received j until the end of thU week according : to present indications. The car has not yet been loaded at Portland and i probably cannot Ret here until Friday or Saturday. Orders have been pour- Ins from all the county towns already. When word is received of the exact date of arrival of the (roods, notice will j bo given through the press. Willamette -! Club Coming. The Willamette University glee club, of Salem, will appear In Pendleton on Tuesday evening, February 3, in the Methodist Church. Their appearance hero has been arranged through ef forts of the Methodist Bpworth league and C. . Cramer, of the high school fnctulty. The club is composed of 20 young mon and has already gained quite a reputation this season. Pen dleton is one of the few towns in this section of the state which will be visit ed by the club. OREGON AORIOCIPCRATj COL- ! IaJ(TB, Corvallis, Jan. 17. Tha stud- ! ent loan fund committee of the collate i has just allowed loans to 10 applicant 1 The total of the loans made at this time la $695. Since the estahlish- ( ment of the 'fund in 1911. 691 loans j have been granted more than $4500 j How To Keep New Anivnl Attracts Attention. Among the most distinguished of new nrrivnls In Pendleton Is a younn hull calf, horn at the Dutch Henry feed yard laat night, to Helen Cum berland, the prize shorthorn cow in Good Condition Sound nerve, dear heed, good digestion, strength, endurance and general health depend upon clean Blood. If the kidneys and bladder do not properly perform their lunctioni, the blood cannot be clean and pure, for these organs filter and cast out the waste matter, impurities and poisonous aeids that cause nervous ness, rheumatic pdins, backache, lan guidncss, aore muscles, swollen joints, stiffness, pufnness under the eyes and other weakening symptoms. WAS RELIEVED AT ONCE I wss sffliettrd with kidney and bUddrr trouble lor nearly 6 years. Had one very bad spell about i yeara ao. Was confined to bed for 4 or 5 days, unable to turn without help I commenced using Foley Kidaey Pilla and can truly say I was relieved at ence. I take ploaau'e in recommend in your kidney pills to allwhohav kidney trouble. ' John Heath. Micbican Bar. California. Foley Kidney Pills aooths, strengthen, heal overworked, weak nnd diseased kidneys and blad der. When these orenns are working properly, the blood is cleansed and punrV.d, appetite returns, good diges- non roitows, rerreihtng sleep ,s pos sible, health and strength come again. They have broudht relief to thousands of men and women who thought old age was coming on before it was due. SOLD BY I FOR BURNING ECZEMA Apply Zemo, the Clean, An tiseptic Liquid Easy to Use Does Not Stain Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or $1 .00 for large size, get a bottle of Zemo . When applied as directed it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It pene trates, cleanses and soolhes. Zemo is a clean, dependable and inexpensive antiseptic liquid . Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effec tive and satisfying. The E. W. Rose Co . Cleveland. O. Auto Repairing and Overhauling ALTA GARAGE (At Aim Stood Ham) Work Guaranteed, Prices Right. c.i l Mill Slntt CHAS. RICKABAUGH Plume .-40 Baa "48 Fresh Vegetables Head Lettuce, large heads, 2 for 25c Fresh Tomatoes, per pound 35c Brussel Sprouts, per pound 35c Large White Celery, per bunch 25c Parsley, per bunch 05c Giood Cabbage, per pound 09c Nice White Cauliflower, per head 20c to 35c Grocery Department Two Phones 526 Baled Alfalfa Hay For Sale Any Quantity UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. Phone 351 and 1014 1300 West Alta OJJl l i .l.M pIHj J. L. VAUGII AN ELECTRIC CONTRACTS EVERYTHING ELECTRIC LET US SHOW YOU AN EDEN WASHER made like an automobile. I'lxim- i . KM K. OMirt N.