ItfflSB 4 V I! DAILY EVENINB wWT DAILY EVENING EDITION Nur.ibvr ot coplcn printed of yoitcrday'e Pally Krlttlon 2,97.1 Tliin paper Iv a member snl audltsd by tho Audit Kurcuu of Circulations. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER J ' --' y ) 'ytiir- l . CITY OFFICIAL fAl-EK DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1920. N0 9437 VOL. 31 AMERICAN FLEET SAILS FOR VLADIVOSTOK TO STEM TIDE U. S. Troops at Grips With Oriental Army, London Hears, anr" Seizure by Reds of Railway Terminal on Shores of Casr an Sea Further Tangles Dealing Against Soviets. I.ONIX1.V. Jan. I.". A Harbin ills lat'h today madu oliseurr reference t a reported ots between Japanees und Aftierirau troops in Siberia. A Moscow rommuiilipie, referring to tho Siberian situation, said a move ment bii begn, organized by social revolutionaries In conjunction with the t -cobs, it Htatod that the move ment In assisted by an American fleet which has left tho PhllllplnM for Vladivostok to prevent .lapani.w) la ml Ing fresh troops to assist General temenoff. lUils Sol- Terminal Another bolshevik oomraunjaua rc' ferrcd to tho recent "red victories In the trans-Caspaln region an of gnat Importance, pointing out Hint thov strengthened tho iiovlot Influenco In urkeatun. - Capture of tho Important town ot Kraaiiovodsli. the starting point of the truns-Ciisiln railway on tho shores of the Cnspln HI, Insure- ihe ruin of "llrltlah ImperlullBm" In central Asia, the bolHbevlkl claim. MmoR Against meoff Chinese revolutionary detachments .! -III, Ihe MOVlet armies a dispatch today claimed, adding that j Iho majority of OoMCU In Ihe Amur region and In trans-Hulka! county have revolted ngulnst Bsmenoff, kill-' ing his representative. WASHINOTOX. Jan. 15. The Mate department nan received nr. Inform' tion regarding the reponea capture. by American soldiers ..f aii armored j train from General Henirnuff. or of a claeh between Japanese and Anarlc troopa In Siberia. OPENS FOR BUSINESS , The Orecnn I.ilerty Motor Co. to- Any orcned Irmporarj' quarleri In ,,rriio ..f the rwrr nr- mpniy ' nt JI4 T.nt r"ourt utroot and be unn demonstrmtlona of tibertv and Brluro ran. for which thry hmva the nuenry In this territory. .1. B. Till-, dale" roiinaurr of th; 'llni'1 office, will remain here this ffttell W obtaln a permanent location. The Oregon Liberty Motor Co. has the nttc nKoncy for thcue sari Mrt aJM han this territory for the Brlace and Stanley tsamera A branch waa recently Installed at The Dallea handle the central Orcifn trndc anil I'endleton In to be the dtarlbUtlna point for aaatern oi-.-gon. W. Hoesly. who han been with V . WalyllnKford & Co.. of I'ortliind for u number of sr, In to be man alter of the branch here and If alrcmd! on the ground. J. H. Cleaabv. well known locally, hnn taken a position aa saleHman. Announoamenl or a per manent location l expected thh week end. TO COST NEAR $45,000 i The cost of the new i" stor bunk building which will house the Itank Of ho will be between 140,000 anil -,, 000, according to plans made In a eflmmlttoe consisting of .loseph run ha. J. II Bajrlor ami It Hr stnnriebl nt a conference yestenbiv with K monu Hatch, local architect who Is drawing tho plans. The material for the building Is to . - i .i : i L Willi mar- ne w nne t'ttiisi "CTtw.-v Is floor and front. All modern Im- proveinellis in Ht'c-tiruttiicts mist ito-to-tlate t.luns Wlill be tnclutl - ) in accordance with tin j i . . ,i... ..,,.triii Hon. A large vault. with safety deposit room, is Included, Tim biilltllng. which will be on uia ,.r lot udJolnliiK the present bnnk bulliling. " I" hnviya 10 foot frontage on Main street, with a depth of SB fee,. 1, will be a two s...ry structure wni, four large ofBCe rooms on tne second floor. Work will begin us soon 01 weather permits. Contracts are after the drawing of the plans 11 pitted. the to be com- A talk by Cosh Wood, county Y. M CI A secretary, on the plans for a lo cal organisation, and the reading of a paper "The Value of the Womc Pro gram In Promoting Obedience. Thrift. Industry, and 'ir HeuiH." by Mrs. Frank Royiton. win ot .... ,,r,c,pal ""' ";;? ; ; , 2, :,',.; '"" ' - . l'r.r,ber"numl.'ers' will be I " solo h , s Marv Clarke a vocal solo by ui Theima"lmpuls and a talk on the ,'." , rsc in Arthur Ittldd. i pcn of school problems will compl-' the program for the evening. ADDRESS ASSOCIATION OF JAPANESE INTO SIBERIA 'BUT I DO NOT SIGN NAME IN ENGLISH" IS FRENCHMAN'S PLEA A mull of French birth applied today to 1 he city rf orfli-r for u bu4lMn Mil lull Judge ThomuH Fit. t.eraJd filed Oltt the iijM'H a- tton from information gained from the applicant. "Now you'll hiivo to Hi;;n your name to thin application," the re corder Hutl. "Itut I do not hIk the nuiiiQ in Kngllsh." thu Frenchman replied. "Sign It In Kronen, tlien," the Judge HUffKi'Metl. The Frenchman nhiiigged hll t boulders. "I cannot write In the Frcm-h, either." he admitted with a hkU. The nignnture was written hy the Judge and the appltrant made his cross. BODIES OF SOLDIERS WRECKAGE OF AFRfQUE Three Americans, Each Wear ing Decorations for Heroism, Recovered From Among 400 Victims Believed Drowned. NANTJBA nance, Jan. The . or lhrf American noilicr nrc tnOM MMlrad asliori from in i : Afrt.ilH' mar lirt'l'. -'.ur Aiiu-rirun wore iicorattonit. Tlio hatcxl enttmaten 'if Ihe drowned still Ktuiul aboul four huiuln-tl. The Ixel m wroikod earl) Sunday in Die r... . ..i titMajr. BIOS ARE ASKED FOR ATHENA STATE BANK Dana for the new and permanent homo of the Athena State itank hnvp been completed and accepted and con traotora have been awked to submit bid for the butldlnK nccordinp to Raymond W. Hatch, looal archltoct. The blda will be opened In about two weeks. , Tho structure will havo u.rontaKe r 1-i feel and bo 70 feet deep, it will be one Mory hluh and of hoi lew tile construction. It wdl be tilac ed on a foundation already hnllt and la estimated t" coBt about f 15,00. The Lank bopaa tO have material on tha (round so itua octnatructlon may betrln tut soon aa the weather opana h A' hen. i Suite II. ink reconiiy ned t'T b ixliiess In a leroperarl it ion und It la tho county- newest nclal In.itltution. MUST APPEAR FRIDAY , . PAItIS Jan. 1... -The 'peace treaty w is handed ,Piel,alcs this nf. ,n 1 1 uitga ria n to 'enemy premier . i Mement cull president oi the peace conferenc. Invited the Hungarians to . . . 1 i . r slfcn lllllnciliaiei.i . ,t c,. -n , -- ,,. nVieu.-itlon DroteSted. urging ne- nwl ,.. .... ai.en Mlitn t Memelicea il agreed that the Hinunrlana should appear luftirt- the supreme council to morrow to present their claims. uppgrrpT HOOVER INSISTS . HCNOCH I nUUV Lfl UUCJ IVU I r UrriuL I WASHINGTON. Jan. IB. llerbeil Hoover today reiterated the Statement that he Is not .seeking the presidential nomination. Regarding Julius Banns' speech Inst night In New York. In ! which Barnes said Hoover is a "pro- jgrcsstve republican," Hoover said he I lllul nothing to my. HAPPY NFW IQ RIM TY OF Mnlllll I1LII IU UUILf I Ul MUROER AND MIS ANliKI.KS. Jan. 15. Harry Cited States Senator New of Indiana, was second degree. The Jurors who huc tlellberatetl on the case since 4 p. m. Tuesday, filed into the court room nt 13:, and announced they had found New sane and guilty of the murder of his old sweetheart. Frieda Lesser, last July. LONG CARAVAN OF MOTOR TRUCKS, PILED HIGH WITH MUSTY BARRELS, Ss.WINDS WAY TO NATION'S BORDER . rr j Wf INS CROSS S TWO PREMIERS FOR HAND IN PtAUt an. 1 5.- 4'remler Lloyd (Jenrffe, of liritain' und J'r. mi. r Mill. if lUUjr, were dee-orat'-'l toduy ty Frnnei- with the BTand orott of the luglun of hon or In re f.Knltion of their er VMMp in effeetlnR ratification of peace With Ul RUiny Two Hundred Members of Par ish Enjoy Annual Dinner, El ect Vestrymen and Adopt $5000 Budget for 1920. Tw6 hundred Pndleton (MOpl hfl ra ini-nil-rs nr frli-min t ihi- cnunn ,.,rs in ii.ejeis ,.t tin- of the Itcileenier were present la-st Sight at thi- annual parich dinner and i.i.i Im ihe biisenient f tiie Baptiat church. Arter the serving: of tho dinner, nhlrh was under the general charge or Mrs. Charles If Marsh, tne mom- b. is of the parish adopted a ,""' budget f"r the year l'j'.'O. The budget w.iK sub milted by Charles iti.nd. mem- bee of the financial committee, and is 10O less than the I SIS liudget. ,oii... - . ,. 1.-. ..(,, ,. .,, Miina i. a r uima mauo night members i f the vestry are in r -.. i.. I... .leeled for One two Ot three years. W. K. BrOClt. .1. T. I-am-birth and II. .1. Warner were elected to Till a three year term, and YWIlura Bond, H. I- Sayres and C. Ulnenan to fill a two year term. Those elect--.i mi ih one vear term are Charles Bond, J. V. Tallinan and ltoya! , M. Saw telle. W. B. rtrock in a short talk set be or the parish plans f'T the excava tion of Ihe bemnt of the COUK ll "1 ,1.,. Redeemer, with a view to the con-, stroctlon of a room which can lie use d by the church for social affair.-,. The plan was received favorably ro present and further hi rangements will be made In the future. . orgaiiiastHine iK-l-r.. KeporLs were icuo ... - -- born Berkeley, of the Sanctuary Chapter: Mrs. Uiura D- Nash, of the ....,. nIM and Mrs. John Hailey, CONSIDERS EXCAVATION Jr. of the Auxiliary, and by J T. Iim- OMPON, Jan. 1 Rioting was re l.lrth, rc . i. st illing the Sunday school. : i(w(d n B.rUB yeatarday, according Miss I. la It.. Ml Is the n.w president (llS,atcbes today; Military authorl for the Auxiliary, and Mrs. i harles eered additional reinforcements Marsh has been selected as the l"W (j )M.t ,.Uy. The toll of Tues- resilient of the IMrish dulia, nne fiihtin? in frnt of the neich Mrs. M. O. Hennett will continue as ( s .,,ffi, .iaily announced is president ot Banctuiwy chapter. , . m WOMded. -8n.e lira. M. O. Rennett is In ;irM witness.:s. the dispatch declared, the Kermis vvhich w. f thought the total casualties might be ry 22 for the benefit of the urcB. I. a ,arRt.r. She made a short talk last nlgnt ur outbreak n..w ... iimt eer one .to, " , for the affair. VVASl UlNOTON, .Ian la " ,rrived here today Ull e -hre of his campaign for trca- unal v ratifications on an any-possunc-rcservatlon basis. 11.' inrtnodlately began a conference with M. one of the aiillinrs oi toe Kendrlck damocraiic reew " RATIFICATION CITED PAMAHFA FOR UNSETTLED BUSINESS N1W YORK. Ian. IS.- Ratifica tion of the pence treaty by the Culled States as a remedy for unsettled busi ness and commercial conditions was urged by Federal Trade Commission , r Colter in a speech to the na. omil wholesale dry goods association nero toduV- ,, . . Other measures which would tonn .. !.,i. nie conditions, t ulver ... ' , si, oi of credits to foreign buyers the elimination of over stimu li, ted wages and over stlmulition or cupil lllzation of expectations," ami re ision of revenue law s. OTNfl PFRRFF ULUUMW i,v --- . , . man il irw ENTIRELY SANE. SAYS JURY l 1 ' OPERATORS SUBMIT RESERVATIONS IU sing I rnPuifiiiccifiN UUHL WASMINOTOX. Jan. 13 oai op-.-! iii.oixl Inrlkv tti imt'iil nn award made by Prwldonl WHh'm BRYAN ARRIVES TO START CAMPAIGN roal eonunission. appointed to all-'tt permanent eetUemati oi ihe conim- vrsy hotwen minors and oneraton. PROP.FfvRiON IS l iivvluwiwi. FUNERAL MARCH OF DEMON RUM Unable to Ship More Liquor Out of Country by Rail Because Traffic is Swamped, Dealers Requisition Autos. EACH CONSIGNMENT IS BONDED AND INSPECTED Ticket Calls for First ClaSS Passage Straight Through to Line and Drivers' Orders Say no Stopovers Enroute. -c. A K' . C" i . i.ts Tno IK. A lonflf i., j,iv,,....".i - caravan of motor irucKs, pucu into wia, musty barrels, is toduy winding v. i...m Ane-eles toward the Mexican border. it is the last ride f ,..,,, RUmj .-i,ie to shin more Honor out of the country und into Mexico because the railways to Tin Juana and Calexl m . , MMnhtM, to handle more of it II- ,,.,i,. rwoilaltuuied auto .. eh eonnlun. bonded and inspected by the internal revenue collector. ririv. rs have len given orders that there must be no stopovers en route. Union ElCD's tlcnat culls for first eli'.ss passage straight through to the line. WITH RiOT'S RENEWAL BE It MX. Juo. 1.".. Minister of Oc tensfl Nii-kc has (innuunrrtl Ihe urftsslon of communist and imleenl- nt .sot in list neWBunpers and has tot bddel i u meotuuf i rlt victim An- Dead- iseems not to have been of revolution ary character. It Is emphasized, how fever, that tho Herman fjnvernment hiusi dt il carefully with tho situation due to extreme bitterness attending various labor agitations, particularly the rniUvuy strike. s IjiI Measure. i BlvU-tN, Jan. 1" Police fired up on Ihe mob attacking lb- Reichstag O Un yesterday only when it Was - linllllSi- Oie IO t IM't is til" IHI' 1 eoplo any other way. premier Paucr ttilfl th ttirhstajr. "The police actewl quite rightly but t '::ir"; "":z,:z M rommemk-d tho polif-e. The Zoitunf, Am Mitt a;, todap' , .imttetl Bauer, deolarinu: "N'umerons .witnesses reported they mw inde- ) tttdAnl norlallsts when the motion I iQm , was rejertiMi, meiio tne n,;.SS"v to attack hy wavlnR red liaRf nrf mnklfitt hnflMmmatory speeehes ' FLU SPREAD STIRS HAVOC IN JAPANESE MILITARY QUARTERS TOKIO Jan. IS,' Alarmed by the gradual spread of Influenxa. health uuthorlties. as a preventive measure. wvi distribute Influenxa masks te those -ho canont afford to purchase , daatc K ill T'eoom :is forious us thiU of last year. when, nreording to ro turns roin piled by the home office, tliore were :(.100 -Tenths. 12.2 of tvnica ari.Mi mi iom,. rfiuna l causin'c havoc in ......r.lo u-.,,-e nlrL'tcpit with tho ills which f.reiirred in ToKit alone tho cli.Imlnii While os nt ICure Imperial guards were stricken with tho disease R or more being taken lit on eacn ....... ih .-ral cub- tie nr.. being issue, i to health authori ,!"s who h.,e to cneok oii"(,mlr here. JTGO si w s k 1 1 i. wki i Komk. Jan. is. a MpuAca am- RADICALS SUPPRESSED patoh tOMj HM that ino JUro raeaatly mtarked a party of American pall Die, kill -ne and wounding two i SPAIN SENDS OFFICIAL NOTICE OF ADHERENCE Tnl(i MniwHiuISn IU LtAUUt Uh NAIIUiVb PARIS. Jnn. 15. Spain today fcqtlfi4 Premier "lemeneeau iff ' Franca f its offieial adherence U the league of nations. Den- mark, Bvntaarlahd and Hwed m aek nowledf-d invilat iORfl t he- ' V-fime m(.iiilM;r of tho league i without glVtflff ff I'nil at;4:pt- mi. e. ! -J J- SIXTEEN FOOTZONE IN : STREET CENTER URGED FOR PARKING STALLS President Baer of Commercial Association Repr esents Board of Managers With Proposition Before Council. A new plan of unto parking, in i wiucn ine center of the street instead of the curb would be used, was proposed to the city council the curb W'.uld be j last evening by George ;. liaor. preal- I dent of the I'endleton 1'ommerclal on commercial of the hourd of A-ss.tciation, oil heh;tlf n'i tr,.r who VCKt erclUV rternoon. held a meeting to peek relief from the present unsatisfactory system of park ing. Mr. Raer outlined u 'proposal to paint a It -foot zone down the center of Main street from Railroad to Wa- '' rK'r''e '! east on Court from Main Thomimon and oust on Alta from Main to Cottonwood. This wine would be used exclusively for parking and lurking stalls, at un angle of 15 de grees -with the curl), would lie painted. Persons intending to leave their curs for more than a few minutes would be required, under this plan, to park their cars in this center zone. Those wishing to make a short visit to any morchanllle establishment could Irive alongside the curb, parallel to the sidewalk, load their good,) and Irlvn hm'SV. provision was offered by Mr. Baer for punishing thoso who abused the curb parking privilege by overstaying a reasonable time. In entering the parking zone a car would drive In. turning to the left 1 r, lied In memory of j degree. On leaving. It would be rc l quired to back out. Inasmuch as moat 1 machine- are now of the left hand drive type, the driver could more easily see traffic coming from behind than under the present mode of park- log. n. . r, w.. After raising all the points possible I to clarify tho situation. Councilman BURNS, Or.. Jan. 15. Tho board ' Bates declared that the scheme de- of directors of the Warm Springs irrl- served at least a tryout. The mayor gation district has been offered $50.- referred tho matter to the street com- ; nn0 hy ,i,e y x. Stanfield interests mlttee to meet with tho board "f , for a 99 year lease on the meander malingers and decide on a plan of ac-;lan)s !ll)mlt tne reservoir. tion by the next meeting. The move . fjepresenttaive P. J. Oallaaher and i has the endorsement of nearly all his p.rtncrj Mr Brooke, attorneys of merchants along Main and Court 0n(arj0 have filc( notice on the streets. Mr. Baer said, and UW T f dlrcctors of tho ln,ention of anxious for a change from the present, Uvestock company who system. previously had much of the land con- N0-T0BACC0 LEAGUE GASPS AT EVIDENCE MINISTER OFFERS PAS tliKV Calif , Jan. 15. The eaned when Rev. Walton today sai.l he knew : W(in)(,n , hx. ,.iC:,,.,.tle cases on 'their garters because he ti seen ineiu. Ho explained that women were wear- llni half hose at the beach. "transient- whisky OUSTED FROM CLUBS N 1-K NCISOi. Jan. 15. This : WASHINGTON. Jan. 15. The sen citV was the' scene of. a series or ate today passed the house water ' i.,,i ,c Mem- nowcr bill by a vote of 52 to IS. witn i pegs f exclusive cluhi were remOVin liquor ! the be i dm Cmm their tockera und loiung tUe8 i,t their home o llnrs. ,eo -tvirc liottrieil recently by the collector of internal revenues that II was llleiral to keep Honors In their lockers If they were not actual residents of the clubs. The collector gave them until tomorrow to move .t- , stocks to their own homes. The San Kranclsco c.uos .... '"v" " ' - cCftlrPP Wl A I L otn V IL.C MAY DIE FROM LACK U 1 U I MUIII -nwo OF APPROPRIATION WASHINGTON". Jin- I'"unds for continual Ion of airplane mail ser. , vice were today struck from the an nual poatnfflce appropriation bill on' a point of order raised by Rep-llC. 1 eader Mondell Action, unles-s rhang- e.t by tne senate ... . - - - considered by the bouse mean eaomj " ,,, the present appropriation will ex risiir'iMi on uTitriiti 1 ' m SK K V M ich., Ja n . 1 " -UiunchDK and small luns arc flphtinff hnpo wave in Iak TichUan today i.. ., ..ff.n t tn rt'iuh si'vor il nn tnea who are stranded on a hnc p -hi. li biter hrtke f t cm ike the h'r and l" driftlni; out into the lake HOUSE FAVORS INVESTIGATION OF JOINT HIGHWAY PROPOSITION FROM BEND TO KLAMATH FALLS Resolutions Provide for 4 Per in pnn,ti..;nn nr( rhoru LU VyMONlUUUII U'lU Wl IVVI1 Pierce Takes Wicked Fling Y" BROTHER WHO STOLE GALOSHES IS INVITED TO SHAKE DICE FOR PANTS r,t ND RAFtDfl, Mi h., Jan. 1 ."i The following advert ixernent appeared with the tmt and found cola ma of a local newspaper: "If ih uorihy hrother who MtoN my tan mIiwk nil rutdiers from tli- V. H C A. dresninK rom that cold night last week Will rail ut my office bafoty the fi- xt Mizziiid. I will shake dire with him for my coat and pants. J. C. t;jenn, Michigan Trust build ing.'" FINN, I. W 1 SUSPECT, IS PUT BEHIND BARS Nestor Paananen, Wood Cutter, Found With Receipts of Large Money Transfers, is Considered Important Catch. Xestor Paananen, a Finn, was ar rested by federal , operativea on a ranch near Meacham this morning and brought to the county Jail here today, charged with Iteing an I. W. V. and with aiding the bolshevist move- In I? ' U n-tll no -i In ,he feijera courts in Portland Pnffiitite . . nn ' . . j'-tti. ti ishnw that he has male frequent transfers of mnney to Finland. One receipt was for mere than $7000 dollars, while foroljfn exchange draft? bought of m lal l.nnb ! m,.t .. I. . - ' C. finmarKi. Little was divulged concerning tne man at the sheriff's office today. He I of about middle ."ce and is con sidered an important catch, they said, however. He was engaged in cutting wood near Meacham. STAIMFIELD INTERESTS OFFER $50,000 FOR 99 YPARS' I FASF niM I AND ' testing tho lease. They base their grottnds for the company's action in the terms of the order of Federal Judge Bean In the condemnation suit, tried in Portland not lone ago. and was decided favorably to the Irrigation district. The ease will be watched with con siderable Interpol by all irrigation di-s- trlcts :H0USE WATER POWER MM I OACCTO CCMftTC IVI I tI rsjOLO tfuimii- . i nwb .i WITH AMENDMENTS number of amendments attached. SEIMA I t UtWIUUnA I b Attt "DEADLOCKED ON LEADER WASH1NUTON-. Jan. 15. Sen ate democrats are deadlocked Over the choice of a floor leader to succeed Martin. With a vote between Hitchcock anil ruder wood. 21 to II. a democratic caucus sdjourned with no date set for another attempt to elect a leader. The refusal of Hoke Smith tti vote for either caused the deadlock. Three pt rsons were absent. IliinCY HC THnAY'Q NPWS Tnl a Maximum, !"!. MiniiaQtn, 17. l'arometr 2!tri. Ye:ither. t It'ttf anil mild. I'endleton Iretii herett True. JO Want ads. tla-sified direttrs an. I Mt-ings ef the lnff 9 At the Movies 8 lnte Ni-w. of Wy and State. T S'flH Out. Soci..l in' iMTMinal news t itiinl Mtfirtal S'tWs S Kdltortat tniK. ovmw diary 4 Nvws iuti- of Pendleton Uve news of city. stto and nation 1 Cent Road Bonding Amendment Wn Rilk fnr Session: Senator V wew ' " ' - at Paving Trust. HA I. KM. Ore., Jan. 15. The house today adopted a resolution provldin that no more bills may lc Introduced excepting i-y a two. thirds vole. It, n l-Klamallt Itoail. The house adopted a resolution for a joint commission to investigate tho feasibility of constructing a Joint high way ami railroad between Band and Klamath Falls. More Bond The house adopted a resolution pro viding for a four per cent road bond ing amend meat to the constitution. Only two negative votes were cast. Memoirs of the house turned back to the resolutions committee the pro posed constitutional amendment pro viding that no amendment may bo made to the Oregon constitution ex cept upon the vote of an affirmative majority of all registered voters to be amended so as to provide that two thirds or all casting balots may enact an amendment. In The ft onto. The senate committee on roads Vnd highways reported favorably on a bill to license drivers aa well as automo biles. Artcr Paving Trust. Senator Pierre, advocating the pus r the I-achmund bill aimed at paving trusts intimated that the "en gineering departliKr.t runs ine ram nn in Oregon with retired million aires on the com ml salon who could not be expected to give detailed atten tion to highway arfalrs." Pierce said the Warren Company should be run out of the state. The Icrhmund bill, prohibiting payment of royalties on patented pavements, was later on defeated by a vote of 9 to 20. SOVIET ARK SAILING FOR FINLAND PORT LONDON'. Jan. 15. The American transport Buford. carrying 249 de . i radicals from the United States States to Russia will probably land at Hangoe. at the southwest extremity of Finland, according to a Copenha gen dispatch. American agents are waiting at Hangoe to superintend the transfer for "reds" from the transport to railway trains which will carry the deportees to Russia under American ar.d Finnish guards. B0LSHEVIKI WOULD AVOID CONFLICT WITH JAPANESE LOXUd.V. Jan. 13- BoUhewkl I forces in SHerla will not "take any aggressive action calculated to pro voke collision with the Japanese.- a Moscow Communiciue asserted today". Red armies will soon be in olose proximity with the Japanese in Siberia the communique said, adding that the soviet government does not desire ht BtUftUg, TELEGRAPH AND PHONE WORKERS STRIKE AT 1Z IN ITALY TONIGHT CMjUOM, Jan. 15 A general strike of postal, telegraph and tele phone workers throughout Italy was ordered effective at midnight, accord ing to dispatches The telegraph of fices wa re the first to suspend service. Th buildings are guarded by troops. .Kailwnv woiKers win j,oh,ui, j. strikers on Friday, it is stated. Railway workers wilt probably Join BIG THREE MEET IN SECRET SESSION TO TALK EXTRADITION AIMS. Jan. 15. It is authoritative, learned that the " big three'' meet - I) Ing in secret session today dlsrussoi the extradition of the ft rmer kaiser. LIPS OF HAYES SEALED ON HERBERT HOOVER BOOM RJBCO, Jan. 15. Will Hays, chair man of the republican national com mlttee, who arrived here today for a . nferenee of republican leaders, re fused to comment on the launching; "f the Hot.ver-for-president I m In New York last night. "I've got to remain ,., t,i .'All r ,, is hi twCore. 'Nfv i-usine- ih ."to el -I and not rlert O jIltlldutCH.' I 1 THE WEATHEB FORECAST Ttniht nd Friday fair.