East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 12, 1920, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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How We Pick a Winner!
A Innfftimr uro we learned that to fill our !oj(i-
a I place in the community, wo needed to do more
than 'n groceH." We hal to sell "service."
Perhaps you don't know it. but we feel a keen
sense of responsibility for everything we sell you.
We Fed it l o duty to KNOW all there is to be
known about the products on our shelves. So.
when lOtnething new comes on the market we test
ii. T st it In our own homes. That's ONE way we
render SERVICE.
A striking example of this is RYZON, The Per
fect Raking Powder. Now, we were among the
ii.-t to realize that if RYZON was Mil that it was
aid to be. we ouht to know about it. lM
And now we do.
We know so much about it that we recommend
it to you as the dependable, economical baking
powder. We sell you your flour, egjs and other
ingredients and we want your baking to be suc
cessful there is no better way of insuring this, we
feel, than by solliiiK you RYZON.
It is -Idc per pound, and we would like to tell
you something about the RYZON Bakintr Rook
which is a complete manual of baking, edited by
Marion Harris Neil, and comprising 200 tested re
cipes. Cook Book free with 1 lb. Ryzon Baking Powder
(jf-ray Jros. (grocery (Jo.
Tho following H"lcB arc lb lirk-ea
bv i . .ti i ruilici-iK hy IVndlelon
btiSlfttftSj houses. Whcrevt-r retail
prh . s are Kiven the fmt will be bpe-
'iOll llil'ltttlMtt-il.
I u::- ami Poultry.
list, KOctfsric.
Hen a to 20c.
ChiatU US. 'juv ii pound,
oin.trv limn, Us.
Ham. best quality, 2 so,
Uuco n , best quality, 4 0i
Butter rt Mid Butter
liutter. $i.:r( .1 $i.;t5.
Kw s .
H.r.t io.oo
c.oow 7.00
ruin .Market stiowina
' Qntarur Tunc Today.
Tho grain market Is showing u
slldhUy uulcter tone all around today.
:wllh several slight reductions in the
quotations. Barley prices illf listed
j at S TO. $71,50 ami $TS, while com Is
a hair dollar lower, to Ks anil $".s.:n.
I Oala are hwer, with quotations at
til. SO, jc.l' and fl1.r. Mill feed took
I a drop i. ark to J4:t.7." u ton.
Ni;W VORK, 'Jan. 12. Mr.
Kilna Leslie, aged IS, wax ar
rested today charged "iih bigamy.
According o police she started at
the Hire of 16 by marrying I'hus.
Iloii'man. Nov, 18, and later It la
alleged she wedded Unbelt Sim
mons, twenty; George Kaucott,
23; ttlld John Leslie. 22. She Im
said to have admitted marrying
the four but pleaded "she. didn't
know it Was against the law.-
PARIS, Jan. 10. American Ambat-
Con Dung' Low
Louies Place
Fine home-made
Chili Con Carne, Span
ish style
hop Suey, Chines
style. vll kinds of Soup.
Short Order Meala
!ood Steaks.
.unehes, Coffee, etc
China Tea for Sale
t Webb and Cottonwood 8t
MM II? Pandleton Or
A. C. Koeppcn & Bros.
Intg Blare Thot
You lie st.
Wheal Mnrkn sun
show tag strength.
The Opening if the week still fimlH
I the sitft wheat market strong. Millers
! it e bidding ftr st ocks the dealers
h:i vo nn Im ml :iinl I ho 1 110111 hi m nf for-
ed in above rents fur club at this Wallace has announced he wont
Itlnie. attend tho signing of the German pro-
1 tocol or exchaiiKe of ratification! of
Tsiial stiuill Itnu ittte treaty. It is Understood the an-
1'iin.N Marketa Btead) nouncemcnt was ina-le under Instruc-
There STSS tho usual small run for tlons from Washington.
t ho wri'ki ml ti ado at N rth I '01 la nr.
and M USua) there was little activity.
llns receipts were limited hut de
mand was keen and values held firm
with extreme tops easily hitting ls.T
Vraaaral ttom rungc;
Prime mixed 9 1 ".25 ff.i ir.T".
Medium mixed H.75 t 1 T.
Rough heavies 1 1 13.75
1'iirs ll.Ifiil H-tt
Cattle market showod a steady tone
with only a small run reported lit;
Prices were held unchanged generally.
eneral cattle market range:
Best steers $10.00 it 11.7
1 iftood to choice cows and
heifers 7.75 fii 9.0C
Medium to eood steers . I. MO 9.
Fair to good steers .... 8.00 ftp 9.00
l Common to fair steers .. 7.SSO 8.00
Choice cows and heifers 9.0010.00
' Ouod to choice cows and
hfif..r- . . 7 .7.-1 (Si) 10.00
Medium to good cows and t-hrr Th, y nro entUn '
heifers 5.75 5? 7-75 l tn B"reatal number oefore the
Fair to medium iows and fi, t Performanae. Ma:lne Schai.tr.p
heifers 4.75 5.75 l? a'tain of th-- '6l silot and r
Canners 3.50 5.50 I--'- rher, nssl.-.. the east side car
I'UuIls 6.00 I.SsJtAlt- is Gladys Fletcher, ant! P-rtJa
Beet light ealres l!IOX6.0KVell. as ajus;at.:
i Heavy calves 7.00'ii: 12.50 J J-iwrence Fd .
IStookefs and feeders ... S.OOifi) 9.5o'.Mi M. C. Ed V
J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution"
( Bast Oregon ten Ppeolal)
1ML.HT ROCK Jan. The KtU-
!1entS of Union high setter)! o. are
pc ;ing lyeeum tickets fir the tyeevni
Whieb has four attraction.-. The dates
of performances r- Fel ruary 5-; 1 .
M. ch 2 nnd April and are to be
hold in Oarnes ball i'i o '.':k hits
hoen divided Into two SeoUons With
.R'i liirch creel: ns the dividing line
A1 ut an sven aura1' or-'ulciis Ntn
on of Mr. ar 1
is lH-en on tin-
m:iMitr ok iumhiiiiv of
The American National Bank
of Pendleton. Oregon
At GhM fr iin
in iMi.i ii .;
. I'M 'I
umptnmer'H all.
t 'a-li atiJ I Ai l
i . s. nuii i
' llomls. Securlti
ilankinv Ious
I.I M-.II.I I II s
Jui-it.Ll Stoc-k
9urplti.s and VnAivi
Vationul Cvrmicy
Kelem Heaorve Da
S lil!l.7('..T.'
;!!.-. M(l. (I I
55. (too. 0"
. -l.452.8DI.03
S.V.II I.395.U
.$ 800.ooo.fi.-t
. 1.076. 959. St
." 51 1 :!-,. 1 1
.......... r,7
For Economical Transportation
There is a toticli of smart dlstinleOQ
in the even, lostTOOf finish of tlie
Chevrolet that is evidenced at f r
glance. And this iini-h is as durable
it attractive
l'inishin Chevrolet bodies is a finjj
art a careful, paiiistakinK ta-k - Cmi
iitires long-wearing qualities and pre
Msrvet the richness of finish long ailer
the car has ceased to he nev.
Xo mu tlon came forward for the
weekend trade. DeSaS ml continued
kf-en and In all departments the mar
ket indicates a Strong tone at un
ehanaed prices.
General sheej and lamb ranee:
Rrrt east Of mountain . . $1 3.00 tfi 1 4.00
Ltfht valley lambs It.Mfl 14. Oo
Heavy vaBej lames .... U.G0liM
Feeder lambs 10.00 12. 00
Yearlinps 9.5011.00
No Grcjlt Act Of Heroism Required
If Iftoms Kreat act of heriosm was
n SCesSS ry to protect S child from
rroiip. no nn-ther would hesitate to
protect her offspring, but when it Is
only neoessalry to keep at hand a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and give It as soon as the first indica
tion of efOUp appears, there are many
who nesTleot it. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is wlthlnk the reach of all
;ind is prompt and effectual.
The ROM Cough MedU'im'
When a driiRRist finds that his cus
tomers all spek. well of a certain pre
paration, he forms a good opinion of
it and when in need of such a medi
cine is almost certain to use it himself
and In his family. This Is why so
many druggists ""c and recommend
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. J. R.
Jones a well known druggist of Cub
run, Ry., says, "I have used Cham
bertaln's Cough Remedy In my family
for the paM seven years, and have
found It to be the best cough medi
cine I have ever known."
Don't You Forget it.
Pear in mind that Chamberlain's
Tablets not only move the bowels but
Improve the appetite and strengthen
thB digestion. They contain no pep
Fin or other dlgeetlve ferment but
strengthen the sCosnaeh and enable H
to perform its functions naturally-
LfNSES Duplicated on Short Notice
PENDLETON. Phone 609
ck list.
Miss ftaala
1 1 ;;
1 h
r i
asses 'ti
'.! . A vory e
ii'-'"VTfBf1ng tit
:..r. um: Mr -
and Mips V
bdlfluat V
P n flleton lfi'er
Mr. knd Mr
Fpn diriK a few i
Uln , with Mr. . i
v iird punlfv
i- th clccLric
j l in tl?is we:1!
I.'rs. U . Kile.-
are on the !
Mesdomes M j
H. KeRfynolda
fiionds at the
Tt'u tiny vnnln
1 .rkford who
( li na. These i
A it i Smith- u mi
at d Mexdainrs f
i". nil. El T. I-' .
'. nrd Stanli-J .
Mi. or. Sidnev
' I oni-r and
lU Ho 'I; on T
tmlel and it
I. il:'K--iirr 'i
Bm her,
tnd Mia. til
'iti Jilbert
-nl.M'tainf A
honor of
li soon e
M r.oyi
i-l.ls. the pu':
One Cause of High
Is due to the condition that there are too many non-essential expenses
between producer and consumer.
A Remedy
is to cut "Overhead" to a minimum and eliminate all unnecessary ex
pens. No free delivery; no charge accounts or bad debts; no unnecessary
Buying for 197 Stores We Can Buy for Less and Do Sell at Very
Low Prices Always.
away below usual prices
$32.50, $34.75, $39.50,
Newcomers in our Men's Suit Sec
tion First Long Pants Suits and
Young - Men's - Models advanced
styles for immediate and spring
wear. - j
$19.75, $24.75, $29.50
j Incorp orated J
opposite; inri:r im;nih,i-;ton
J. C- Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution
ie U. of O.
utm r si luVntM returning to their
, varloQa coUeeTes Sunday were Lewis C.
tJarner, a dental StUdellt at the North
(Rut oreonlan BpectS.L) 5'aclflc DenteJ College; Gordon Sh't-
HKKMISTO.N, Jan. u KeprcHcn-1 'Wmttt Krn-Ht Waternian and the Mlsiten
itivo io. r. Dodd left Friday evenltts I Kisnaor Ctosserl and DnVnthy
ed Thursday evenliiK hy Deputy tirand
Chanccdlor Oeo. H. Root rh fulttrws:
M. I). O'Connell. C. C; Ur. IVEtlOM
f. Ad&mS, V. C; F. S. Whitney, Pre
late; Fraud Wuimhter, M. W.; E- O.
Comegys, K. It. W-; W. T. Smith. M.
O.; Harry MhcMII-
A-; 1 loll Is Percy, I.
Ian, o. G.
The anniiui Sfport showed the order
in good financial condition, and that
many new memberx had been added
during the past ear.
for .-"aleni to be OH hs-nd for the con
venlfig of the special session of the
IftglMl : i ure, Monday.
A. I.. Iaraon. cu shier nf the First
XatiOnS1 Mank of Hermiton, roturn
ed from Port! tnd Thursday where h?
rent to attend the annual convention
Of I h ( resoh uents it the Mutual
Lire Insurance fco. of New York.
Mrs. J. T. II lnt)e and dausnter MtSS ehs visited
I'r inrr left Pimday for Kuyene, where
the ynunjc lady has entered the IT. of
O, Miss Hlnkle resigned her position
s teacher in a school near Walla Wal
la. .Miss Marlon L GriKMs left Sunday
for Kuffcne to resume her studies at
for A. Cj .larvls Durfey to t" of i .
i nd Miss Avis Mathlson left Monday
'or Seattle t. resume her Studies.
Mis. Walter lines and three children
Ii ft Wednesday for an extended visit
to the home of her parents In Los An
geles. Mrs. If. fj. New port aCCOm
pained them as far as Portland, where
couple tt days with
friends. From there Mrs. Newport
left for Kunnysidc, WgSh where she
will visit former Pendleton friends.
Eastern Oregon Motor Co.
Phone 1027
What If Wheat
Goes to $3.00
PTimLUt IndiCattona nro now. ihaL lical Is potnC
la In: worth more (be ooming rHr tliun over before
in hMory. -Vow is (lie lime la Ijiij wluat laud, pay
for ft off llie hiKli prices.
iHio aorCSi M actea Bunanct fallow, ami I5i
gem s--(iii. Iio.nao wi.nii or t.t:iiihks, buna ami
oilier bopvoveinetitM. tine of llie liest ttreams of
rater, ooaafcftf. fnun llvtawj ipfinH loeaieil on tlio
property, that ran ba fottad iii I'matillA (uniy.
Then- Is a complete outfit s'm vltli tills raneh, lu
ll plaf. HWM and Ikrmbhis outfit, wagons, plows
am) all Uimls of maehinery ncciiwiory lo
ST.".. (XHI. (HI takes it all, ami it Is a bargain that
should not be oerlookr(.
ebkttaf some 5U head of liorse.s, 42 cattle, 50 sheep.
Snow & Dayton
"We Sell Land
Phone 1072. 117 East Court Street
Near P. .
Real Estate Farm Loam
V. H. l.vtlo of 8aIom. state veteri
narian haa been passing thla week In
Hermlstnn examining noraeg and cat
tle fur signs fit disease. He reports
that so far he haa found no affliction
among stock in this vicinity
Mr. and Mrs. J. (. Ballenger of
1-Iourilman were guests In this elty over
Tuesday and Wednesday at tho home
64 Mr. and Mrs. p. ft. BlaoeL
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kolicrts and
hlklren returned Monday from Spo
kane, having pleasantly passed the
fhrlstmas Tind Xew Years holidays
Fiery Itching and Burning of
Skin Is a Most Cruel Torture
Sure Speedy Relief in S. S. S.
Why suffer from these persistent
tor lures when it is so easy and
costs so little to do as thousands
of others have done and get relief
through S. S. S ? It is new well
known mat eczema cine iromj
the lest of 50 year as one of the
creatcst blood cleansers known. It
is guaranteed entirely free from
minerals of any kind.
The experience of others has
established the unfailing merits of
5. a. ana tnerc s no question
the blood. By giving the blood a I about the wisdom of :
your giving it
hnroiiuh rleansinor vou not onlv a thorough trial. All reputable
I you
ret sure and spe dy relief but you ! druggists sell it If in doubt as to
also build p the system an-1 re- your case write to Medical Ac
new your vigor and vitality. ) visor. Swift Specific Co., Dept. 54
This good medicine Ins stood ! Atlanta. Ija.
with relative.
O. T. Sapper was a buslneses visitor
at Pendleton Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. It. It. MrLano return
ed Mmday from Metollus. Oregon,
where they have been enjoying a two
.Vfcks visit with her parents.
II. K. Dean superintendent of the
jipatimanl farm, left Wednesday for
'liokane, where on Friday and Satur.
day.ba addressed tho Washington Ir
rigation Institute on border Irrigation.
Mis. I)liWlddle and daifghter Lil
lian who have laen here visiting the
hull 's mother. Mrs. Ijiwson and slst r
Mr-. B. U I'ayne for the part alx
months, depaltid for their home In
Prineviiie Tuesday.
The lleea home in the eastern part j
ef the elty Is now belnr occupied by j
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kellogg during I
4he atMane of Mra. flees and rhlldren i
in California.
Henry Hitt left this week for Hot j
I-ake where he will take the baths
for rheumatism.
Mrs. K. II. Crocker is on the sli k list
this week.
HI M. Straw has len ciuite ill this
week but last reports show he Is now
on the road t" recovery
l- 'eers of I tc clamal i'-n Iidge No.
ldr Knlakla of pi-thlas. were Insbill-
MOTOR Suiier-Slx design. Cylinder! east In blm-k. Bore,
Inches. Stroke r lnhes. Lrbead tyiie. Itemovahle cylinder head.
HOItSK I'OWKH K. A. C. C. ralmg. 2S.4; actual. 7S.
CIIANKSHA.KT Super-Six design, scientifically balanced, giving
italic balance and running balance at all apceda. Mounted In cast
itumlnum crankcaae.
CAIllil'IllvTOH-Hudson patent. Pneumulle type, self-adjusting
to motor needs. Klch and lean control on Instrument board.
OARoI.I.S'K Supply JO-gallon tank In rear, vacuum feed on dash.
CII'ICH Hudson multiple disc with cork inserts; running In oil.
TRANSMISSION Hudson, selective style, three speeds forward and
no reserse. Aluminum housing.
IlKAK AXI.B Hudson-Timken helical bevel gear drive. Heavier
ind with Improved adjustments.
PROMT AXI.B Hudson-Timken. In op-forged I-beam t.ipe.
WEAK ICS Large surface, external contracting service and Internal
expanding emergency. Increased diameter and Improved leverage.
Flt.VME Kxtra heavy. 7 Inches deop, reinforced by additional tu
bular cross members which Increases rigidity and eliminates strains on
bod:, motor and radiator.
STKKKI.N'G GEAR Worm and gear construction. Kastly adjusted.
STARTING, Deleo. ,
LIGHTING Headlamps with dimmers and safety lenses. Tall lamp
jonnected with lamp on instrument board.
LUBRICATION Constant level circulating splash
jump automatically adjusted to motor speeds.
Oregon Motor Garage
Phone 460
119-121 W. Court