mm fpm g TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OK.JM.O!Alf . W.NDLEIYMf, OttEOOS MOKPAY, JANUARY IS, 1081 ' CONROY'SS IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROYS Crisco. . V2 lbs. 60c, 3 lbs. $1.15, 6 lbs. $2.30 Extra Quality 7 oz. Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 25c Shasta Tea, blk. or green, ' 2 lb. 25c, 1 lb. 50c Van Camps Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins 5 for $1.00 Van Camps and Franks Soups, 2 for. . . 25c EXTRA GOOD BULK COFFEE, LB.. 45c Soap, Sunny Monday, 7 for 50c Mexican Red Beans 3 lbs. 25c, 7 lbs. 50c Blue Karo Syrup. .No. 5, 55c, No. 10, $1.10 Shredded Wheat, each 15c Olympic Pancake Flour 35c NEWSOFMCUONIY I iiuii Order VitiK-ii Saturday. Tin' final order, tloxlng the eiitalw or Mm OhartfK auammt nlgnetl In probate uallrl Huiimlay. IVf.iwui Appoints! Administrator. win M, Peteraon wim appointed ao- inlnlirtrutor of the entate of MrH. Kl i Ih KorrlN. In un oriler of the probate court toiluy. Will Ti-ui li an MroH Ore. A. at Bevely arrived In Pendleton y.M.rduy to luke the ponltlon ua tea char In dlntrlrt No. 27 which In on Blroh Creak nouthwent of i'endlcton. Two DMriota Have vacancies. School rilatrlcta No. 5 and 59 are wllliout Hcliool teacher at thlM tunc, accuditiR to the county minerlnteii denl's office. Ill health forced eOtti teacheirt to resign. Wllelher all the other district have l-ucherM at thlH time wan not learned today, a most of the whoolH were due to rcNume to ilay and report will he a day or two in arriving. Grand tun Again in Head The cireult court grand Jury recon vened thin morning at 1 : o'clock for the third time and expects to ftnteb jit work hy Tueaday evening. It will lexuinlne wltnew In aliout rive cawm. Ordar Ctort to I'a Aatnaater. j An order wan signed In circuit court today1 autharudng the elark to pay, ; I4 J. Mi to the attorney for Mr, flara IA. Itrownfleld In the case of Hrown i field vh. llrownfield. Ira Inin a llanbruiH. TJta ft rat pariaw la Umatilla rmuiiv ' i I.,- iiitiu'iKeii kanhrapt tht rui' i Ira ' DaWHt, a murkanlr ivmiie ion. lie wuh HaoTfad bankrupt ill the 1'. 8. court on Friday and notice haM heen received hy Thouia Kit Qai'aldi referi-e hi bankruptcy. The flmt meeting of Mr. UeWltl's creditor will lie hehl on January if He give, hi iiHNi-tM an 0ai1 "t wliich are hy law eitenipt. anil hlii UaMlltlaa n IIH.H. There are ahnut I e ere':itora, t,hc chief .me helnn holder of a note for approx imately 11)00. Will Take Allegrd Hcd. j. Kanoady, bald in jail on a charge of criminal ayndlaallatn, will lie ta ken to Wnl la Wnlla touiRhi by a fed eral officer to have a hearing before I he H. court. ROBUST CHILDREN i ; A child should not look pale, thin or worn. Such condition denotes malnutrition. To keep up growth and robust ness a child needs a plenitude of food rich in vitanuns. SCOTT'S EMULSION abundant in growth -promoun a properties, is an ideal supple mental food that could well be a parf of the diet ot every growing child. Children always do well on Scott's Emulsion. Been a itowM, ; wcu, . . j. VfU o-a-4 THE "UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford One Ton Truck is serving business just as faithfully and economically as does the Ford Touring Car serve all the people faithfully and economically. The Ford Truck is a neces sity to the grocer both in delivering goods and in bringing goods from the stations, docks and from the country. It is an ideal motor car because there isn't a want of the farmer or business man that it doesn't supply in the way of quick transportation at a minimum expense. Come in, examine the Truck, and let us talk over the subject. BUM mi QcMMCm tad Part. SIMPSON AUTO CO. W aier a, dohnaon si-. mane i 4- Ipod will of Ctiaaarn ii.u ' r. I following i lie admtaaloti inlha e mic of the late Charlea W. lBtrdT, of ! Milton, to prohate court f Int. state, I the will wan found last wei k and peti tlon van ftfeU (taturdne afternoon Tor ludmlHHlon of the will II provide that Mra. Mary A. Williams and W W. Wuaaer he Joint eauBUtom mMboUt liond. The estate IXUlafl of kMW in 'liberty bond aad ttSSldM n otbar e jcuiitiea. The petition uleu i ra: .s for the dlarhargo of George A. Price an administrator, the will tukiiiK preee- t Raft Oregonian Sneclal.) ECHO. Jan. &. A very pleasant ur prlne parly was given in honor of the elKhly-lhtrd hlrtiiday of Mm. C. A. Koiiritz on Friday eveuliiK. January 2. Mri. Koontz is one of the oldest pio saaf of Va ho, her kusband, J. H. Koontz. havina foundeil the city many years ago. The holioree was the re cipient of many beautiful gifts, among stock business them being a lovely larae reading j Where he was for seieral months. The body was j brought from Idaho Krlday morning. 'The funeral services were held from the OkthollO church at ID o'clock the same (lay. Father Butler officiating, and Interment being made In the I. O. O. P. cemetery. Mr. McCullough was born on Butter creek, April 23. 1U87. lie l survived by his widow and small son. his father. Ben F . Mc CbUoach, two brothers. Orvllle end Carl, and two sisters, Mrs. J. M. Bry an, and Mrs. Henry Galloway. Mr. McCullough has been engaged In the in Idaho recently, partner of the Blan- KaM I nd DCpUty Here. J. 11. West of Frcewater. deputy sheriff for thai part or the county. Is in i'endleuin today to appear ua a wit ness before the grand Jury. r Nine HankriiplH In 11)111. During the year past but nine per sons in fmatilla county went through bankruptcy, according to a report by Thomas Fitz Gerald, referee, today. Mosl of the cases occurred In the early months of 1319. the final six months producing but three of the nine. N'oiie v.cre cbscb Involving any considerable amount of money. iamp. The Kiiels wi re: Mr. and Mrs. ; field Brothers. I. H. Oobhell, Mrs. Joseph Cunha, Sr.. j Among the Kcho people who were) Mr. and Mrs. IV A. Mudge, Mrs. I,, business visitors in Pendleton Satur Keadley, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Willis, Iday were: Mrs. Jimnph Cunha. Jr.. I Mr. and MrH. F. T. George. Mr. and Tom Able, Joseph llnmos and Millard Mrs. W. J. Wattenburger. .Mrs. Jess Hewitt. Alathes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glelser. j Torn Boylen Jr., and Ernest Boylen Mr. and Mrs. J. O. tiavis. Mr and Mrs. iwere In Reno from their farm on But- i it. B. fltanfleld. Mr. and Mrs. William Iter creek Wednesday. IT lal ii. Frank Hpikc. Mrs. M. Chaf- j The New Tear's eve ball given in fee, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas floss. Mrs. :th city hall was attended by a large: A. LOThTWeU, -Mrs. George Mitchell, crowd. Music was furnished by the Mrs. Ralph ginfcer, Mrs William jkawyeT orchestra of Pendleton. Jones. Mr and Mrs. Alex Malcolm ". O. Dennis made a trip to Pendle. I i Mrs. F. J. Irvine, Delberts Malcolm, ton Friday, returning PaHirdav. I Marion and Ubollle George, and 'Bod- ; Rokart V, Ktanfieid and Gerald .tan nay Ksselstyn. .field, were In Ei ho to attend the fu- : I fash Wood, county Y. M. C. A. sec- jnerai or the late Glen McCullough. !retary, was In Echo the latter part of Miss Vnshtl Hosklns of Pendleton. I !the week, i.rmnizins a Imvs' club Inspent the first part of the woek at jlhe high school, j Echo visiting at the home of her ' Miss Melissa B. iggs. who has been brothers. Fred and Charles Hoskins. I visiting Mrs. 4 A. Koontz since Sep- Allen Thomson was an Echo vlsh Itemher. has left to visit her foster- nr Friday from his home on Butter mnthT in Xebraska. While en route creek. ;she will stop awhile with friends at! Mrs. Chine Helm came up from her Denver, Colorado. home in ettanfielu rnday to attend Mr. and Mrs. Le Hale of Seattle, .the funeral Bervicea of Glen McCul spent New Years ut the home of Mr. lough. Etala'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Mr. and Mrs. Will Howard of But Uaie, ter creek, were visitors in the county W. J. Wattenburger made a trip to "at Friday and .Saturday. the county seat Saturday READ THE WANT ADS 1 Tind lXntr in Otlior ountieft. OM thr threehold of cloning the es tate of the late Mrs. Uuru Childers, propertj' in Clatnop and Vnlon coun ties hnn Hen found. This necessitat ed the ;t!oinlment "f BUpialMII nnl the order of appointment wns signed by Judpe C II- Marsh, today. The t"litsoi county appraisers are: J. W. Mott, S. A. Wold and (Jarnet (;reen. in t nfonciunty the appraisers are L. gommer, R. I Srioemaker and P. W. MuM F.iua Thomson has heen very ill at her home the past week front the refracts of raving a wisdom tooth ex tracted. j A most charming bit of hospitality i was extended by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph jOinha. Jr., Prldav evenlnc, when about CO of their friend? wpre Invited jto the city hall to spciul the venJnS ;in danctnff and plavfnie cariS The I music was largely furnishe j ny Miss .Mary Highland of Seattle, the 12 year lold niece of Mrs. Frank Waller. Lit tle Miss Highland's ability as a pian ist in very marked. At a late hour a lovely supper wrfs served by th hostess, assisted by Miss Kmnia Oeizlcr and Miss Florence Ma hood. O. A. C students who have been spending the holidays at their homes in Foho and returned to Corvallis to begin their studies ajrain are: Misses Your Car I Needs a good overhauling. Let us see to it. We will give it just what it needs and nothing more. If it is in good shape you know what to do, if in bad shape let us do it. Jewett & DimickJ j A Gold ne Day Take Xo f.ron AM of Heroism Required If some great act of heriosm -was j necessary to protect a child from croup, no mother would hesitate to (protect her offspring, but when it la jonly necessary to keep at hand a bot- tl of Chamterlain"s Cough Remedy and give it as soon as the first indica tion of cr up appears, there are many who neglect it. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is withink the reach of all and is prompt and effectual. The JV'wt 0ush Medicine When a druggist finds that his cus tomers all speak well of a certain pre paration, he forms a good opinion of it and when in need of such a medi cine is almost certain to use it himself and in his family. This Is why so many druggists use and recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. J. R. Jones, a well known druggist of Cub run. Ky.. says, "I have used Cham- Cough Remedy in my family past seven years, and have axative Bromo Quinine Tablets" Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature on the box 30c Frances and Kleanor Pnike Florence ' berlain Mahood. Irene rthea and Arthur John- for the son. found it to be the best cough medi- Mrs. T. H. Carpenter, who recently cine I have ever known." resigned as teacher of (he seventh and I IXin't You Forget It. eighth grades In th local schools, left Bear in mind that Chamberlain's Tuesdnv for Monroe. Oregon, where ! Tablets not only move the bowels but she will Join her husband, who has : improve the appetite and strengthen gone into the carace business there. me uigesnon. i nej wnuu vr Miss Mars-uerite Johnson of T'nlnn. i "'n or other digestive who will fill the vaeancv arrived New Victor Records For January Now On Sale i Am CtfmMns Mtiuiiiiiint All-! I f amplx-ll-Henry Iturr You Dtda'l Waul Me When Yon Had Ml Henry llurr Walt Till You H-t TlM-ui I pin tin- lr, IVrys Hilly Murray f'ksitln' imii u ttn Town Amei lean QunrK t WVuulerral I'al Mci-lliig Trio Tliero's n lit of JUin- Kyetl Mary's laryhind Hliaimim Four .ins from "Sometime!" li-tor UtfH fiiiera omaiiy -nr from "Sh&H a iood Fellow Yh-tor l.iglit f'IK ra omlmny Mv llahv i Vrins Medley ll.x-Tnrt PU-tro And He'd Say fm-I.n-l4i: e Medley Onc-SK-ii Pk-tro 1 Wain a Baddy M lK Will I!s k Me to Sleep Medial I -Troc All star Trio Ml ihc (jcafecr.. An- MiouhhT Shaker- Ml Ml J l o-Trol All Slur Trio 1 Miirhl He Your "tniee-m-a- one Ml dill J l'o-Trot- I'atelies I ov-Trot JoM-pli 1'. Sjlllth H Dri ll. -till Oil. Miat a I'al Was Mary l"-IIe V.alt. Joaeptl'i '. smllli'H ort hctra Volaxly Know i Medley One-Stop Jawpli'a '. smith's r li-tni Hil-Ii. Mv I'.aho (2) Happy 1-ami lA) "me Tie. a Ponat of IM-r Itle-sInK . tor OraMMra Ijullabr from -lmim'" (-) Hird- Yictor Ort lM-Ira America the Iititlfiil (2) starn of tlw Summer Xlght Viitor Military , ,..,: il... IN -niihlie (21 Onward C" Soldier Yinor Military IHlWII III fallllh fnoilrn in Hie Night Hand liri-iian liund Ih-ar Heart (i;liisliajii-.Mat(ei) l.mile lc tiogorea Hymn to the sun irmra "Tlic OoldW rckcrel Rimaby- Rorsakow ) M 1-clia Bnn n SansTol (WttfaoW Tlw-ej (VkJtor Hugo-Ouy d'llardelot) in 1-n-neli nnaaldlna l urrai Hon Ia.M)iuile Tavatlna ("tjiiel firlo" ;lan-es So Soft") Italian Amelita (ialll-funl Only You ( F. K. Sclineldcr) John MeCormnch Invitathm to tlie Watta (Vellcr) Philadelphia OndieKtra Paglto"-i I'roloBiie. Iart I ( Ioncavallo) in Italian Iteiiato Zanelll -ILicci Prologia". Part 11 Mxiiiiraii..o Italian Henato Hn Fag urn XiimN-r Sle IVIm IM02O HI . SA 1H2 t J" 1H02H H Ji in2 i ta iaa.ii I" imosi i af .-.5681 12 J. 3,',6l II -3 IHC2-. I" in2.-i H 0 IH2 H MMM in MM i IX(i23 10 ih:k l" MM i i sc-2 io at 18022 10 1827 10 5 IH627 10 a) i 018118 10 -1.0O iem 12 i 872K2 10 . 1 O0 7l."9 13 1.S0 61838 10 100 71598 12 - MM ,0 61832 IO 1.00 Economy Drug Co. Hotel St. George Bldg. Phone 711 Day Phone 4 86 540. Main St. Night phone 344-11 1 The car that will make you a proud owner. The r that a demonstration from us will make you a buyer. '1 T. & S. Motor Co. 722 Cottonwood Phone 46 9 $ Itooma DchO Monday to beptn her work. Miss Veil Savely and William Chls hnlni returned to Pendleton Wednos dp.y. after having" visited a few days at die home of Mr. and MrR. Ive Savely. Mr. and Mrs. William Ksselstyn will lea ve Wd nesd:i v for Wal la Wal la. where they will attend the I,umber men's annual driven t ion. They ex pect to return homo Sunday. W. J. Waitenburffer will hav rharsre of the 1 ora 1 lumber yard during- Mr. Kssel -t yn'n absenee. I. IF. Oobbll was a Pendleton bus iness visitor Wednesdav. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pell entertained j several of .their friends at a dinner' party at their home New Year's day. j AiiHtin M. Aaron and family have ! moved to Spokane whero they will j make their future homo. Mr. Aaron I has hem in churtfe of the Western 1 Lind hoiidgnte at Rcho for the past nvj years. Mlsa Alice MmK'C entertained a nuiuler of her friends at an informal i party at her home Friday evening. The evening; was spent in games and sing; irric. Dainty refreshments were serv- ed. Frank Sloan of stanfield was a bus iness visitor In Kcho Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wattenburger i were rcpor.sniie lor a very pieasani eninK. New Year's- day, when a number of their friends ; were Invited to a progressive "Rook" party. Those enjoying- the hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Ksselstyn Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Qobbell. Misses Meda Gillette. i?nth nnhbil. T.illiu- and Veda Wat- eatUfied return the bottle and tenburger. Brxan Pranstetter. Gail Sherman, Vernon immh ami nwnv Ksaelst n. Mrn. T. M. Johnson was aFendleton visitor Friday, A. R Thompson, J. Frank Spinning1, O. D. Teel. George- c'oppinger, and J. H. iylor will represent Ek-ho at n 'meeting of the Irrigation 'onpress Iwhieh will be held in Portland Jan luary 8, 9 and 1. Mr. Siinning Is one !of the committeemen who will have i-harce of the program. Mfrs lynna Shermondv of Seattle, is jvisiting t the bme of her aunt. Mrs. i C. A. Gilbert. j Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gross are the parents of a baby boy which was born on Wednesday. December 31. ! Glen C, McCullough. former resi dent of Kcho. died at St. Alphonso's ' hOf-pit il i Pomo Mih-V rwrHer SO. I M 4 CuliwU(t) LCU Ul Ul tie.:":1 ferment but strengrthen the stomach and enable It to perform its functions naturally. Hours: 9 a. m. to 12; 1 to B p. m, Phone $07 DR. THOMAS C. OMART DENTIST 741 Main Street. Over tha Huh Pendleton, Oregon DR. FLOYD CROUP DENTIST Room 109 American National Bank Building. Office phone 326. Home phone 1140-J KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppcn & Bros. The Drug Stia-c- That Serves You Best. iiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiuuuiiuiiiiiuiiuiiiiuifg Whitman Sampler j 2 For the lover of good candy. I 3 Called Samplers because In old- S ifi en times samples showed the S3 ' S bgst In needlework and design- : 5 This modern Sampler shows S3 5 the beet In chocolate and con- s 3! SS fection. We are headquarters S for the Sampler and the whole S 3j Whitman line Tallman & Co. Uavliog Dragctna. uttiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii(iiuuiniuiiiUis Stiff Um Sore Muscle? Mmlln WUaol OU , . l at',,-rrt knrl larrrf in cases oi rv- ,,; were responaii back it penetrates quickly, dn v" ' artemoon and 'A soreness, ana ii nuu . B joints and muscles. .n. K Wizard Oil is an absolutely reliable antiseptic application for NthtajH S bites, and stings. Sprains and bruise Zk heal readily under its soothing, pett W- a a.:. ilit ;.e t Get ft Irom druggists for 30 cen K If not satisfied returi pet your money oac. Ever constipated or have sick hea he? Just try Wijard. L'ver Whips, bleasant little pink pills. 30 cents. Uuaranteed. DR. W. H. REYNOLDS Clilropraotlo Nerve Sp-elallst. 1 ami 2 IHWB Hank Bldg. Telephone 1018 Hra. lo to 1 2 a. m. 1:P to ! P- Dr. Lynn K. Btakeslee Cnronlo and Narvoua Dt a an of Woman. a-ki 1 tro Th.rapautloa. ItMr Htm I Pt ai WHITE TRUCKS CONSTANT SERVICE PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS. Quantity and Quality- of trucks cannot be purchased at a low price. You have the choice of biivin-jr trucks built to sell at a price, or buying trucks built to defy wear and tear, which are necessarily higher in cost. Where White trucks are used we find that they give them hard hauls over the roughest roads. ..... , Do not experiment by tinkering with inferior hauling mac-hinerj. Frentzel-Wailes Motor Co. Phone 46 THE WHITE CO. Cleveland, Ohio 722 Cottonwood