East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 31, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Special News of Umatilla Co.
are hoth popular young people who
! hnvo a hint of friends, who wish them
it long and hnppy life.
A Christmas tno was given Wed
: liOMdny ut the whuol house by the
tea. hers, Mr, slaughter und Mien lla
Sturdlvant, when nil the school chil
dren iwwuil prMMtl with rundy und
nut which wire greatly enjoyed by
thrin. A number of .f n wero ore.
URIAH, Dec. 11. On Chrllma. ",'r,".""r.: M's. Mary Peteraon.
dliv th home i.f Mr , M-o ILIII. ...... ' - " """ '""'. M lulu I-auruncc
(Kant oiioiiian Hpaotal.)
r. iik .if Albee, was the icene of a
prefix wedding when their daughter,
Frances M. Dlek became the bride of
wilford Corley, of Ourdans. Ret, sir.
Sinclair of I'klah, officiating. Tin
l.rlde ' becomingly attired In white
with georgette crepe. Thone present
wore Mr. and M rs. M. V. Dick, par
ental of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Opt-ley, parents ,,r tin. groom, Mr.
and Mrs. ESdfcar 1 ll. Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence. Dick. Mr. and Mm. Th
Kiirlgrht, Calc Dick, T,eland Dick, Fay hp,'n vlaltlnar his parent, Mr. and
Mia. Bert Olbba and Mrs. orvln Ollibs.
James Vinson whu In mi Satur
day frtim tho Teel saw mill ufier aup.
Svclla MIIIm, Caroline Liircnz, of
I'Hnh. A vn. Hcrogglns. Jean Clark.
Rath Dcrn and Mario Dern of Albee
who have- been away attending school,
came hnme Saturday to spend the
""ft Anil-mon of Hood River who
DlOk, BlVln Corloy, Klmer ( 'orlcv. anil
Dasle Corley. Mr. und Mrs. rley
If you do not knew how In get rid
of a cold quickly should you not con
alder the experience of other who
have found a way nf doing mi? Mm.
H. G. Barker, Little Kails. N. Y.
writes "Chambcrlaln'H Cough Rem
edy waa uaed by my hiiaband a year
or so ao and It ugulikly cured him of
a severe cold."
Recommends Cbaraheriala'l Cough
"My daughter eight years of age
used a bottle of Chamberlain s Cough
Remedy a year ago last spring when
she had WBOopIng cough, and she re
covered from the attach In a shun
time, filnee then we have always kept
a bottle of that remedy In the house
aijfl have used It with good results,"
Mrs. o. a Andrim ,,f Range, was In
t"wn Tuesday on his return home.
Mrs. Maliel Casn and children left
Halurny for her home near Dale, to
upend the holidays with Mr. Cnsei on
the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. U (1. Huston, Mr. and
Mrs. J. 9. Moure and Mrs. Ed Hretun.
were In town Monday shopping.
Rain fell all night Friday night and
all day Saturday, which has settled
the snow, until wagons and autns
have again been pressed .Into service.
The snow went slowly and there was
no high water.
A family reunion with a Christmas
tree for the little ones and a big din.
William Allison, of Oriental Is spend
Ing a few duya in I'klah wjth tils son
Walter Alison.
MIsm Vallle Caldwell and brothers
lllnton Cardwell of ling Creek, sister
and brother of Mrs. (leorge Caldwell
tjf ITklah, aro spending tho holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell ut tho
Iiund ranch.
A Christmas entertainment wiui
given Wednesday evening at the
church by Mrs, Herbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allison, spent
Christmas on Itrldge Creek with Mrs.
Allison's parents Mr. and Mrs. Moengs.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hllbert of
Hridge creek passed through town
Thursday morning to spend Christmas
with Mrs. Huberts parents. Mr. and
Mrs. I. "in Dern of Albee.
Miss Eena Mettle who Is teaching
near Ilaker, arrived Mnnay evening to
Iend Christmas wit h her iMtrents, Mr.
und Mrs. J. H. Mettle.
Henry Nye a former resident of
l'kfsh, eame in Wednesday . in visit
friends during the holidays.
A large crowd from ITklah attend
ed tho Christmas dunce given at Albee
Thursday night, which they report as
a swell uffair and greatly enjoyed by
Walter Kirk was In town Wednes
day from the Teel saw mlil.
Marie Mettle Is at home for the holi
days, fn m her school on Butter creek.
Del Shllts and wife of Hrrmlston
passed through town Wednesday on
their way to Dulc to attend the funeral
of their uncle, Harney ShJItH.
Clyde Helmlck, and Claud Jarvls
( KhM Oreffonlan .4ec.ul.)
PILOT HOCK, Iter. 31. AinonK the
Pilot ltuck ranchers who are cum -pi'lleU
In rit'til their wheat 1h Mayor
Lav) Bh&idi, who h jH about J op
hi rt H lo tow an uk the u,c:iilu,r
perm It h. BM$UM of the ahund-i nre
of rnolMturo the fall Hnvvn grain h -
A very daintily arranged dinner
party whh kIvcii Kunday evening at the
home of Mrs. A. M. Uond on But Al
der Htreet. ThoHe present were MIhhch
Vronu Fullenwleder, Alta fn.lth,
Klrna and Alta licylen, Velnm Kniith
McrKlaniPH i. X- Johnston, K. T. Fun
nirK and A. M. Jfond.
Mr. and Mr. FYank Martin on r.irlM
ma day. Thirty ono of th Mnrlln
family with a fow friends enjoyed
''hrlnttnaH together.
Miss Ileh n Meetnfs, who Ik tenchln
near T'llot Hrk came up Monday, ro-
Inisi rn Ti n as. .
r.te. Mrs. P. U Newton. Irving. N. W'OTSu"
ner for all. was given at the hnme of ' returned from Ilrtdgo Creek. Tuesday
Jflss Stella Mills was In town
OREGON THEATRE, New Years W, Mi, Jan. 1st
Icon MOTNCft. pmmn. m
evening where they have
for the aat tw'o weeks k
Helmlck brothers cattle.
Brand Jaivbi, of Id
Wedneslay to visit with
Mrs. S. J. Helmlck.
Rev. Mr. Herbert left
morning fur Dale to preach the fun
eral sermon of Mr. tthllts, who was
bi-riod Christmas day.
Jesse Hllbert, wife and son. of
Dridgc creek visited with Mr. and Mrs
Frank Hllbert Wednesday night.
Barney Vnlentine Khilts of Dale,
died at his home there of paralysis
December 23, 1819. He was born at
Kdson, Chlppew county. Wisconsin,
Feb. 14, 186a and was married to Miss
Ulnnche Cavender, July 4, 188S. In
1889 a son was born, who died when
two months old. In the fall of 189
1e and his wife came west, locating at
Dale, Oregon, where he has made his
aome until the time of his death. He
I was 54 years, nine months, and nine
I lays old. He is survived by one
I brother. George Lester Shllts of Gil
man. Wisconals, One niece Mrs. B. F.
i Keenev of I'klah who hus made her
home with him most of the time for
the last nine years, and one nephew
Delberl Cecil Khilts. who has also made
his home with him for a number of
years. He was burled at Dale where
the remains will lay until spring when
I they will be shipped to Wisconsin to
be laid beside his child.
Any comprehensive zoning plnn
should reserve a zone for pedestriani
who habitually turn to the left.
The first 10 ladles solving this cipher puzzle will receive two tick
ets !ach for Thursday night's show. It is work by a code some of you
have used at school and has something to do with tho piny. Your
answer must be at the box office before 10 p. in. January 1.
Prices $1.00. 75c. a41c
I Get it Now ffMU the
Getting is Good.
Itched and Burned Cod
staidly. Cancnra Heals.
"Eczema broke out on my face
which was covered with dry blisters.
They itched and burned constantly,
and then my face would become
swollen and inflamed. At times f
covld not alccp !or tbc burning and
"For four years I was troubled
mostly in the summer. At ln&t a
friend told me about Cutiirura which
I bought. After 1 bad used two cakes
of Soap and one box of Ointment I
was healed." (Signed) Miss Delilah
R. Bullcck, G. BeUiiigham, Vaah.
Keep Your Skin Clear
Scalp Clean, Hands Soft
Cuticura Soap to c'ranse. purify
and beautify, Cuticura Ointment to
soften, socthe and heal, h; ve been
most successful in preserving clear
skins, clean scalps, and good hair, rs
well as in preventing little skin troub
les becuminggreatones. Uscnoother
ioi toilet purposes than Cuticuia.
eT" fV- h;ure t" (pt th- fa?"-fmttnir rratrmnre of
Oilifiirk Tatrnmon your skin. Th So p. Oint
ntnt und Txlrtrm 2tr i h cvrr fwv. Snmplc
tjuc-h fnM by mail i..i.lrtR.t "Cncwa, Dept. R,
Sunshine I
it's the best from Rock Springs.
Royal j
One of the best of Utah's Coals.
Phone 92 f
Van Petten Lumber
Company I
700 W. Alta
Says a glas i of hot water With
phosphate before breakfast
keeps illness away.
Physicians the world over recom
mend the inside bath, declaring: thin
is vastly metro important than out
side cleanliness, because the skin pores
do not absorb impurities into the
Wood, causing- ill health, whtle the
pores in the ten yards of bo-wcls do.
Men and women are urged to drink
each morning, lefore .breakfast, ft
glass of hot water vllh a teaspoonfttl
of Umcstime phosphate in it. as n
harmb'ss means of helping to wash
from the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels the previous day's indigestible
materials, poioons, sour bile and tox
ins; thus cleansing, sweetening and
pur if ying the alimentary canal be
fore estlng more food.
Those who wake up with bad breath
coaled tiuigue, nasty taste or have a
dull, aching head, sallow complexion,
uct1 stomach; others who have bilious
attacks or constipation, should obtain
a quarter pound of limestone phos
phate at the drug store. This will
cost very little but is sufficient to show
he aluc of liudde hjlliinK.
Mrs. Eugene Unseal of Pine drove
was a Pilot flock vlaltor Monday.
Bl n j u e I J. 'a rn e a ca 1 1 1 e man, of
the Webb Slough county was a busi
ness vfUor here on December 27.
The Masons of the Pilot Kock lodge
and their families were highly pleased
with the banquet and program given
Prlduy evening In the I. it. o. K. hall.
About 40 persons were present.
Among the out of town guests were;
Hnird GH lie land, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
J' nsen, Mr. und Mrs. Hugh Currln,
fr. and Mrs. Percy Folsom, Miss
Mary Schlegel, Harry Schlegcl, Hruce
Cjlherl and Pert Huholts. An address
by Prof. W. O. Staver on "Missions
if Masonry' and music by r W. Pati
lus end O. X. Johnson. Mr. Paulus
tdaying tho piano and Mr. Johnston
tho base violin, were the features of
tho program. Refreshments conslst-'r-r
cf oster sup and saltine wafers
sandwiches and and coffee, cuke und
'co cream were served.
Charhs Piquet a prosperous rancher
of Oitrd'tn was here shopping Friday.
Miss Mary Krhlcgel is spending the
fhrlstinaH Holidays with her parents
Mr. and Mr, fieorge Schlegel, one
milo south Of Pilot Rock.
Dr. H- A. Schneier left last week for
short visit with friends In Portland.
The Oddfellows lodge will give a
box social and u dance New Year's
eve In tho T. O. O. F. hall. The pro
ceeds will go to an Odd Fellows home
for which a series of dances have been
given. Prof. W. O. Staver and Carl
A. Stewart, comprise the committee in
M. A. Sturtevant sold to John Rtin
yan the 40 acres of land, adjoining
tho Itunyun ranch on the north side.
Mr. Uunyan now owns to the city
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kidwell and
fnmily spent Sunday In Pendleton
visiting Mrs. Kid wells parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Miller.
"VY. L Mulvey an attorney from Ore
gon City Is In filot Kock looking after
he St u r t e va n t est a t e.
Mrs. Jewell Roork and two small
"ons aro spending the week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Roork
of Nye.
The Poy Scouts went on a hike
Saturday, probably the last one before
their scout master, -Rev. J. T. Rickfnrd
leaves for China. At 10 o'clock Sat
urday morning Dwight Schannep and
Paul Bracher went up the Bast Birch ,
Creek nnd after two hours hilte stop-!
ped, built a fire, and hid in nearby'
hrush. About l o'clock the scoutmas
ter and scouts left Pilot Rock, hiking
tip the creek trying to find the two
hidden boys. Near the Albert Gilliam
ranch they were found. Iter In the
afternoon the scout? cooked a comp
flre dinner and hiked home in the
Mrs. Lon Knotts, president of the
fllot Rock Community Club, called a
.qieclal meeting Monday evening, De
cember 29. The ladies met at the
home of Mrs. A. M. Bond, und discuss
ed whether to postpone their social
meeting of December 31. A motion
was carried to postpone the meeting
until Wednesday, January 7, because
of the Odd Fellows dance on New
Year's eve.
. H
linn wmammiiSSfP I Mincd CAicfcn. -M Satii l
T "- ii.- fs-- ) Y&SL J P S A d PPt1" with minced chidtti H
frC' X "rlyV nd fiekl-. w fold n critp $
r&J&-- lTU W.. .nJ Dmt... - Add b2f
IimrirV tidi, .m OTiu bU JmuM 1,81
I faaMT ?l,iw.--f rt?V w to Eogluh walnut, .nd hopfd H
.l,'rfOLYMPlCfloiBd. A
V " S"
I -cV oStlSiyillg; SsS? El
d. j VIC floor Brerf. ' SSM
tJ . tfe, Lm Marmalade and CAee...
H I 1 II H S Ii T.lt. orange rn.rm.Uo, rr!i
J,', onthin flux, of OLY
j ft Cold Chicken and Chaa I
. Mntir4 aid wl (TMia mail.
HP p, , fg. Sandwiches t&Z?t-
mimSSif nd ljrp grated dWs- . 1
raflS LB ' order flour
1 I
Kt aialces better breadl
William Simmons was a guest at the
home of M. and Mr John Heath Sunday.
l-augh a lHtle less at your
bor's troubles :ind a little more
own. Chicago News.
Rent The building formerly
known as the White ' City Saloon.
Owners will remodel same to suit re
sponsible tenant. A splendid place
to kep cow and chickens. Inquire
ut street car office. Centralla Sentinel.
ITow rff Knrw
wicked stand ic
"How do you know they are wick
ed?" "By the language they use when
they slip." Boston Globe.
m I ; .,,
1 I
(Kasl OreKonian Special. I
ItRITH. D"C. 31. Mrs. John Hoath
find liettsio Heath will leave Tuesday
evening for Arkanaaa where they In
tend to visit relative, when return
ne ther will be accompanied hy Mrs.
Heath's sistcr-in-iaw, MJ. JVilliam
Siinmoiia and children.
The ReltD school reopcnwH Monday
Miss Ullle Woods returned to school
Monday mortlfalg to continue her high
school work.
A community Christmas tree and
orogram was fftven at the school house
Wednesday evening-. A number was
present in spite of the rainy weather.
A Christmas dinner was prepared
hy Mrs. William Kllis Thursday to
which many relatives were invited. In
cluding; Mr. and Mrs. riert Snyder
and three children. Mrs. Sin) Sloan
nnd daughter Gladys, Mrs. R. R. Bad
gett and daughters. Iena. Hobble,
Margartte and Iorothy, Mr. and Mrs,
J. W. DIUey and children, liobert.
William and Gladys.
Miss rtuth i;nls and Miss tAX0
Woods were Pendleton visitors Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. John Heath, B. A.
Heath and daughter Zelma, Mrs. A. R.
Rlggs and small son Jack were Pen
dleton visitors Monday.
Max Uvlngston. George Swartz and
William Harrison were Pendleti.n visi
tors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Snyder and son
Clarence and daughter Ruth were in
Pendleton Saturday evening.
Mr. Hall was a Pendlefon visitor
W. W. Snyder who has been ill at
his home for a few days was able to
return to work Sunday.
Mrs. Joe BnUta Is visiting friends
and relatives in Tekoe. Washington.
Mrs. I Marlln left yesterday morn
ing for I.a Grande.
Dwight Ban ford Is employed at the
ltlelh Hotel.
Tom Sutherland of Ii Grande was
a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Reath Saturday.
Mrs. Campbell mother of Mrs. G. K.
Short and brotlier IDarvey spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. G. K.
iira. i- U. ViaSat oa has been in tT-d
ia staying in Pendleton it It friend-
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor
Chandler Leads Where
Performance Counts
' J HEREVER men ask much of their automobiles the
W Chandler dominates. In the mountain countries it per
forms as many cars with larger motors do not perform. Climbing
steep grades vith ths sharpest turns on high, creeping up and
up at sis or seven mila3 an horn" on l.'.gh without a miss or a
skip or a sign of effort, where others shift, the Chandler holds
for its driver the thrill of really satisfactory motoring.
In country roads of mud or sand, and in the congested
traffic of crowded city streets, this same power and this same
flexibility show their qualities.
The Chandler leads the whole 6ix-cyHnder group so distinctly
because it is such a good car and so fairly priced.
There's no better time than NOW to place your order.
Seven-Passenaer Touring Car, S1S95 Four-Passenger Roadster. HS9S
Four-l'assenser Dispatch Car. f 1975
Svn-Possnze r Sedan. S2895 Four -Passenger Coupe, taVM Limousine. SJJ93
till prices f.o. b. Cleveland
Main St., Opp. Hotel Pendleton Phone 222