PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OF.EGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1919. N PAGES Peace On Earth Good Will Toward Men mm TANK BURNED WADUTONS greatest department .store T.'Jlj' .jg wmnr if r- v. to rnvor I'bmiyuJ 1 1 :.i .i Oi ssauiIsji nimjii ) ADAM8, Dc, M. Purine th eqM Spsll al Itlm witter pipes on tho Un jmiIh farm wore froxen. Ilo watt thaw Ins: them out when Home fire remain Hl ulid callKht on Home oltl sucks. Tho tunk bUrfted down anil they hud hard wnrk to wive the other out-bulldlngs. They aneeeeded witttont other lone. The Adumn Christmas tree commit tee are: Klnanee, Mrs. T. O. Krehs and T. A. I.iemilleil: deeoratlnir, Mrs. Tjir:i'ee and Mrs. V. Hayer ami (Mint Hnlcomh. rtuimrvlslna: Ij. I Ueual len Mid Mr. Inruboe; to place the treo In tho hall. ('InirleH DuBUaS; to sot the tree, Ik U IJnisllen. Chip tiled and Kmmll Darr. Ninety dollars hast heen collected ho far. Miss Nellie Darr of Vemlleton onme home Friday to spend Sunday at home with her mother. rfaMMjilta Mototlre ohiiip home fr.:m Psndiston Kridav to spend Son day at her homo In A damn. Harry lloore wiu In Adams Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lacourvs wer In from their ranch Snturdnv. xr.. ,,,.1 Mr if. Morrison and children were In from their ranch Sat urday. Ml Ifellen niako of IVndloton hlirh school came home Friday to sp, nd Sundav at Adams. Kex and Koss I'ulne were In town on Saturday evenlnlt. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Christian and daufrhter teona were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. l U Ueuallen Satur dav evening. Hr, and Mrs. Otis I,leuallen were In from their ranch Saturday. Mm. K. . Manpils were rnmlns home frr her mothers on Saturday MaIn. i mI'-'o'I on the Ice and receive' sc- '-ra' 'o-olHes. Tr. V "ent of the Pacific Power & Uxht Co.. of Pendleton j motored to Adams Sunday to see about repairing the lines. Mr. and Mrs. C Dnpnl.s and dniiKh I era imne and Francis were in Adamt Sunday. The nubile rood Is badly cut tip I from the high water between Adamf and Athena. j Mrs. U M. Mutrus has been quite II' I -it her h'-me In Adams for the post few davs, but Is some Iwtter today. lister Watrus of Pomerov, Wash. I was called home on account of hlf mothers Illness. mm Quality Goes ClearThwugh The Dort i known as a car that perform efficiently and economically. Quite evi dently such highly prised qualities as ita riding comfort, its quietness, its readability, ita economy in gas and oil and tires, have won for the Dort its high standing among ita owners. PRICKS: r.,a,lni Cmt. IMS; p".rf.r.r. MS: fy.mnn IS3S; rounnni Coup. $U$$. F. O. B. Fmctorr. fir Whl. mnd Spars Tit Brntrm Western Auto Co. Garage Phone 530. Paint Shop Phone 633 This store will remain open this evening till 8:30. Do your last minute shopping here. JVe can help you. GOVERNMENT SURVEYOR winrrisin ni MniikiTAiu I vioiiinti un muuniMii I " " 1 "AVIATOR" WHO PLANNED ! POUT MOTQB. CAR. COMPANY " yitnt'Mkh. J. V. flowers lost u valuable work horse with ucute indigestion Monday. Mrs. (Yell Hyntt returned from Walla Walla Thursday. Mr. J. W. Hyatt returned bist week anrl visited her nephem Roy KHmct and family until Saturday and Ih now with her daughter Mm. Will Kail. Q OME men spend months in eJE selecting a car and minutes in deciding on its tire equipment. And yet the best car in the world is ultimately no better than its tires. With Firestone GraySidewall Tires between you and the road you can rest assured of getting every dollar's worth of satisfaction out of your car that the makers put into it Jircstom TIRES Most Miles per Dollar GLOBE FLIGHT GIVES UP ON HEARING OF ARREST Tells of Dealing Death From Sky to 2700 in Berlin; Sole Experience is Building Plane Sans Ability to Fly. PORTLAND, Icc. 24. . Murl, Oorden, who sprang into the I oral limelight by an announced flight around the world planned from San Francisco and as the inventor of the supposedly indestructible spark -plug, gave himself up yesterday when he learned that he had been indicted by the Multnomah county grand jury. Rail was fixed at $2000. Two indictments have been return ed against Gorden, one yesterda.v charging him with obtaining $200 from Ashley & Rumelin, bankers, through a false statement of assets the other last week on the complaint of J. C. A insworth. alleged to have been victimized to the extent of J31I through a fake bill of sale by Oorden. Deputy sheriffs looking for Jorden had not located him when he tame to the court house to inquire into the charges of which he had learned. Announcement wan made in San Francisco, December 16. by CJorden of a proposed flight around the world. Jj. B. Hickam, president of the Aero club, had never heard of Gorden. O. K. Jeffery, of the Oregon-Washington-Idaho Airplane company, said that Gorden was not an aviator but had been employed in the spruce di vision and had never made a flight. His sole aviation experience consist ed, it was asserted, of the construc tion of an airplane jn June, 1918, which never flew. As a spark-plug Inventor, Gorden went to Kugenc to interest capital and is said to have persuaded one man to convert JlOO.OOf) worth of property In to cash on the strength of his prop osition. The affair Is said by K. J. Frazier of TCugene to have fallen through when It was discovered that t her was no known temperature which would melt asbestos and mica, the composition Gorden Is said to have intending melting into the body of hts spark-plug. Frazier has said that Gorden told him stories of flights as a member of the T-ifayette Kscadrllle. one of which Included a trip to Berlin, and the sweeping of streets about the German capital with a machine gun for hourg killing 2700 people. ( !..!' r iregonian SiociaI. ) WDST X MT-, Dec. 24. John En glish, l". S. government surveyor I home on a short vacation, he will ! leave Jan. 2. He has N't'n in Califor nia the last few month. Jim McDaniels and wife will lcav for Portland Monday to spend the holidays. Little Lovlna Tucker was seriously sick with actue indigestion thiswcek and Dr. McKinney w.ih called. Mp. and Mm Schneider left for Washtucna, Wash.. Wednesday artcr helping move their sdn-ln-law and family Tom Ifooher into the W. I, Rayburn house, formerly the LeGrow farm. Mr. and Mrs. May moved Into their new home Tuesday. SOUND HEALTH to many thousands is practi cally a matter of the right use of reliable means of main taining vitality. SCOTTS EMULSION time-honored and reliable, combines palatability, inherent virtues and unrivaled efficacy. At the first sign of weakness take Scott s Emulsion. It im known every- wh. hv the " Mark of Efficacy" true Fisherman A Uf acottflewne.Blooni8eW,M.J. - S. CTOKZEMA On Face, Neck and Hands. Face Nearly Covered. My brother, when a year and a hah old, had eczema real badly on his lace, neck and hands. It first came in pimples that kept growing larger until they formed a sore ugly-looking eruption. His face was nearly cov ered. "Then my father bought a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment and soon be waa healed." (Signed) Miss Ruby Baggerly, Meridian, Id., Aug. 12, '18. aWCutkura Toilet Trio Consisting of Soap, Ointment and Talcum, promotes and maintains skin purity, skin comfort and akin health often when all else fails. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint ment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and perfume. Then why not make these gentle, fragrant super -creamy emollients your every -day toilet preparations Sold tvrrwhr at 2 rents wh. Hsumtl ameh BUS- mail. AdUrcs : l totgft Um iMclnatlBiT. fragrant : Mrtag od yuSustac th skio. 'iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiMiii I I I Whitman 1 Sampler S For the lover of sood candy. 3 Called Bemiilers because In old- 9 en times samples showed the 3 best In needlework and deslan. s S This modern Sampler shows 3 tbe best In chocolate and con. 3 fecllon. We are headquarters 1 for the Sampler end the whole s Whitman Una 1 Tallman & Co. I 2 Ixsirtirwr Draccsscs. IIIIIIIIIMMMMHIHtMHIMIMIIinNUtlllllC To Fertlfr The Sj-.tem Asnln.t Crip Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets which destroy fernw, act as a Tonic and Laxative, and thus prevent Colds, Cirlp and Influenza. There is onlv one "Bromo QUININE." E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c. Baled Alfalfa Hay For Sale Any Quantity UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. Phone 351 and 1014 1300 West AlU KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppcn & Bros. The Droit Sloiv That Serves You licet. FATE OF WOMAN LOST IN RUSSIA IS MYSTERY DISTRIBUTED BY Simpson Tire Service Co. Z23 Et Court Pendleto , Oregon Phone 651 RrOA. pan 21. former mmhrs ;f the Amrlrnn embassy at Petro Jmf. are awsltina; anxinnsly worrl of 'th fate nf Mrs. Z. M. Kennedv. whn jls reported to have been imprisoned : in Petrosrrad In connection with an Rllered counter-revolutionary plot. When the last American represent ative withdraw from Ruswia In 191 Mrs. Kennedy with Miss Warln flante, remained as caretakers of the areh Ives in the embnaajr. Makers Stability Vital to Truck Investment Annual report of the WHITE CO. shows that safety lies in Financial strength. Is your investment safe. If not buy a White. More Whites sold every day than any other make. More Whites in service over a period of twelve years. You can not afford to overlook your best bet for next year hauling. Put in. your order early. Frentzel-Wailes Motor Co. Phone 46 THE WHITE CO. Cleveland, Ohio 722 Cottonwood j MtlMMMtMttMtMtnMWtMM i