DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Nuinbur ot obbfea printed of ycatorduy's 1 h Kaat riregonlan la Baatrn ore, lon'i srralaat nwapapar and aa riling" fore gives to the advertle.a ovrr twice tha guaranteed paid clr.'u latlon In Pendleton and Umatilla ooua ty of any --n. r aewepaper. 2,929 This paper Is a tru-mber ant audited b the Audit Hurcuu of Circulation, jj COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1919. NO. 9418 H I imMi-UMF C VW nui vitrinvl ris.. KrBHS O H S'i T .40E L SIGNING CALLED FOR BY ALLIES Discussion of Quality of Marine Materials Germany is Re quired to Deliver is Left for Later Consideration. 925 SAC OF SUGAR LIE IN BOX CAR W f to CHANTS FRANTICALLY SEEK SINGLE SACKFULL FOR HOLIDAY SWEET TOOTH OFFERS TWO MILLIONS FOR COOK'S RELEASE BY CHRISTMAS DINNER TIME CHrW 'MAS POSTAL BUSINESS BRl. KS ALL RECORDS; OFFICE OPEN TWO HOURS TOMORROW N K W yOHK, Doc. 28. Vhen hid cook was a rreated fur disor derly conduct, dmerlndo Porfirio hurried to court mid offered two millloiiH for her release in time to rook tho Christmas dinner. The court only Charged hint five hundred. 0 CONFERENCE CONSIDERING COLONIES' MANDATORIES Only Naval Mission Returns to Berlin to Receive Instruc tions Concerning Councils Demand for Signature. HKIUJN, Dec. 14, -The entente's an swer to the recent Qcrrnau note re quires unconditional signing of the I protocol, it is understood here today. Discussion of the quantity of mu- ' rlno materiiilH (;ormauy is required to deliver as compensation for sinking the Beep Flow fleet was left for later consideration. It Js understood. It t generally believed (icrtnuny will sign. .n.l r Mandatories i r it i f. i Pee. 1 4 . me peace con -fere nee In today considering a project for allied mandatories over former Ocrman colonies. it divided Qer many's former holdings in southeast. Africa between Belgium and lOnglu nd At the reoUeet Of the Japanese dole- gallon, which lu ueting on instructions ffom Tokio the conference reserved ' action en former German holdings in i the Pacific. Other madutorlcs liave not been assigned. Natal Mission I let urns The conference was advised that . (Only the lemian naval mission return ed to Berlin to discuss the latest nl lled note demanding that ioriuatiy sign the protocol. The remainder of the ftcrman mission remains In Paris. Tho conference has taken no action "i the publication of the latest Ger man note. General Berthelot -will re turn from liondon this evening nfter discussing the set t lenient of condi tions In Turkey and the orient with Uoyd George. Hours Tomorrow ' leneral Delivery and carriers windows open from H until 10 a. m. Carriers mull will be distribut ed from tost master's office. Packages weighing over four pounds will he distributed tomorrow. I ' Nine hundred and twenty-five saeka of Minor today lie untouched In a box cur in the Pendleton yards while doz ens of I matilla county men-hunts arc ntioally tring to Ret even a sack- for their Christmas trade, all he- cause neither the shippers, tbe whole sale houses, nor Penland Brothers.! Who ar- In possession. 09 n asrrtatn ! for certain whether the ear really be-, U iikh to I'matilla county. Toppenlsh, Wash., dlsp;. tohed the I oaiioad to Pendleton after It had been disenvered that the car did not belong in that region It was shtpiied from the I tab -Idaho Sugar Itcfinery in MAItSHFlKKD, Dec. 24. The Har-llItah Mr"1 iH a11 to bo a Dno1 car- Old Howell murder case was finished Consigned to several wholesalers. I Monday night and the srgumeaU Brothers have wired their j were begun today at the circuit oourl various wholesale connections and the Uncle of Pair Arrested Shortly ai uoqaiue. w- the prose- utjon ( """ j wwr mi. i produced i altnass who swore he had lo done with the car. No reply fired three shots In rapid succession hap revived from headquarters near the scene Of tbe murder on the of th( suffnr concern at Halt I -ike. I'niir liundred and forty sacks. In i TWO YOUTHS PEDDLE FURS ON MAIN STREET; FINISH FIGHT LOOMS WIRE ALLEGES THEFT IN DANIELS PROBE CITY OF STANflELD INUNDATED BY RUSH OF THAW WATERS DOWN STAGE GULCH; HOMES ISOLATED Flood Reaches City in Early Morning and Continues Rising at Rate of Two Inches Each Hour, Business Section Under Two Feet of Water; Families Desert Flooded Homes. a The Chrlstmafl htiHineHS thrifUKli : 1h rOntleton ot office hu been the i hPHVIi-Ki within the memory of the "Mi iiiiuliivi- hut duHliito thiM flirt Ik., Mall f'kpliitm.. ....rla tlHV of l.illinil f X-ll I ll ' M'H lll'llth 111 tllO Is twins worked out with .peed. I '"' " vrl of ItanUon. nother ear, were unloaded vrntcrdav i n DVKQnaa n;ui iiiitiki-ii neavnv on,-"" imhmik ui tuvrvwmatm the Mtimony of another wltninx who "f 'he rlty and county as far as pon I heard tow nhota In rapid uooeadon, am aM At the present rate of con 1 lloweH'n iron wuk a Hlmtln-harrel rifle. I Biin'ptlon, 440 HaekH hardly fill the Jand could not have hecn dlscharned lordinary demand of Home of the III such iiiiick time. Ira Hidwell a Han-icopnty town merehnntfl and. with Afterward for Possession of Whisky; Trio Jailed Pending Salt Lake Instruction. Two UUtOH and a motorcycle have heMi hrouKhl Into use to facilitate de liveries anil three carriers and J'ot masfcr I'ronln hlniHcIf have teen kept burned -with muklpir destribntJonH. It lj the expectation to have all paekal?CH Td, B l l..-d out l,v tomorrow eveulnir All , K,n merchant, sain he Hold certain 'v in oo man firoaanunv unuKiial ne- PiiekaKoa welKhlnir over four pounds ; "hoeii to the H.mell hoy a year aico.mnnd. all are aiixiona for more, will ho delivered tomorrow. As an- t'"lt f'ted the tracks in the local-, The situation with the nn.oen load nOUnoed ahove the postofflce w ill bo where the dead i-'lrl was found. arcordine to Clarem o Iv nland, is onen onlv between and 1 0 -hriHt mas 1 The defense also introduced a .'J." .very much the name as "water, water day. GOVERNOR'S STAND BY FINLEY NOT TALKED caliber Stevens rifle whjcll bj the sjune j bore as the Ottq fntm u hieh the hullct was fired that killed the Rirl. 31 DRAWN FOR JURY j DUTY. JANUARY TERM everywhere, and not a drop to drink, Thir l ypnt I lodav for hirv pe,yen a ere drewn I inly d'liiinr the Janu- Fricnds of Marion Jack, Local erm of circuit court, whicn onenf - , , jai ' Juieiarv i l1, I9JU0, Those selected, Lo Member of Fish and Game thfr wilh xh,.ir beetoffice ad dr. Body, See Tangle, Possibly follow: Resignation en Masse. HIGH SCHOOL HAS 16 PENMANSHIP EXPERTS Pendleton MkIi school htm nLinibcr of expert penmen, acc to a letter received by A. C, commercial Instructor, from tht ericun 1'enmun (Company of York. Iare rdlnff Am- New (Jovornor Olcutt'fl proposjil ti the state fish and name cemmllQW t re instate Willlan. 1 Finley ns state bl oloftst would not bo commented on today by Marion Jack, local member of the commission, onvtnfr to the fact that the povernor's lette r had not reached Air. Jack. He declared, however, that ; he hud not yet changed his stand on the matter. Mr. Jack refused either to condemn or condone the action of the execu tive in altering the s;and he recently took. In support of the commission. He said that when he receives the gov- . crnor'a letter of explanation ho wit! : be in better position to make a state- ment. Friends "f Mr. Jack were of the Opinion that, should the governor s Some time ago examination papers, recommendation tnd. h and the frenj M wrc nent in to thi American rV!it ,,f (ne rDmmiSNton would be plac- j Tenman Com pen Word has J"t ed in such a position that they would been received that the following met nil resign. Mr. Jack, when asked If tha requisite standard and have eurn- ! he would resign replied that he could I ed Qui tlf lOO tell Ktbel Ilarvy. I'arl , not sa from information he now hna. ; Krnat. Edith. Hoskhm. Hazel Koch I Sportamen here see an evident lack Marie Kan. Mlldre.l l'billips. Nellie of cot(pernticn In the recent WOrklnA Urate ttiiili Mlnnts. Itoger If. Kcane. " wio coiiiiini.ii uuu b-. A. H. John win. 7'ree water; X. K. ( Koepcke, Helix; H;trry Spinning. I rJmatllla; Maurice Frazier, Athena; W. J. Jackson. Hermlston: Charles E. Hyrd. pOol Rook; J. If. tlwinn. Pen J dletnn ; K. M. Temple, Pendleton; I Alice Johnson. Went on; Detberi Cheesmnn, Freewater: Craig TuU, FreewJtter: Oe rgo V. Winn, Free water; Dnvld Phiimw.iy, .Vt-Iin j rT. A. Wtmer, McKay: W. O. Htrtherlnnd, Pendleton ; John Bade, FreeWatep; T.. Mann, Martin Kupers nnd R. . Hatch, all of Pendleton; A. I. Hile ma n, t Jurds lie: Alvin M. Johnson, Athens : S. H ThMnpeon. I 'en diet on : John B. Itos. Mil ten; A. B. Steele, Athena j 'harles libioin, Pendleton ; R J. Culley. M'eHton: fJottlleb Miller, Pendleton; Peter Herman, Freewater; F. A. r'hezik. Hermiston; l K. Bell. f Pendleton ; Aust in Foss. Athena. I. S. C. Winner in City, leonnrd l ;iumgrei of West on. IFS SIMPLY BUSINESS TO DELIVER WHAT ONE SELLS, REALTOR THINKS When ical estate men sell a client a ranch, tinder two feet of snow, they hnrdlyrlike to nave the snow go off and take the ranch with It. Such was the situation whieb confronted P. W. Dnyton Sal urday, when Birch creek threatened to take nut the hridgo leading; to the I. V. Terry place and, in going out, wash away con I slderable of the alfalfa land he had sold for Mr. Terry to Fred Bnbyelc "Wth this denlre to make good the deal and save the bridge, Mr. Dayton aftned himself with dyna mite and went to the Ice Jam, ! ahovo the bridge. " hero he was Joined by Mr. Terry. Mr. Rnby&k, the netr nwur, itnH Atbon Kirk, wli' has le.i sed t be ranch from Mr. Knbysk. The dynamite was placed In the Jam. set off and the fiood released. Tho bridge still stands and the grass Is again green on the ranch. Mr. Day ton modestlv atlCTpeats that he be frlven a medal and his friends have referred him to the secretary Of the navy, who Is said to have given out K-veral lately. K. G. WARNERSUCCEEDS BURGESS ON COMMISSION SALEM, nee. 24. Governor Oleott youths, giving the names of nd William Williamson were ar rested by Deputy Sheriff Jake Marin yesterday afternoon for trying to dis pose of furs to the public on Main street. Th furs are alleged to have been stolen at Salt fjiko and a wire rrom the polite there advised the sheriff t., hold them. Daniel William son, whoei the boys say Is their uncle, was arrested shortly afterward by Chief of Police AI Roberta and bj held for illegal possession of liquor, a pint of whiskey having been found on him. Throe scLs of furs were found in the boys' possession and they are said to have sold three other sets at prices landing from to $40. The sets are valued at $r0 each, officers believe. When accosted' by the deputy sher iff the boys said ihey had a right to ! peddle furs as they had obtained a license from the city recorder. Deputy Hariri made clear that the license idea ' Wits ntt tbe point nnd took the two to : tho jail Where they were separated Lnd questioned. One of the prisoners is about 17 and the other about It, An officer probably will come from San LeJte for the trio as soon as papers ; can be obtained. Dan 11 Williamson pleaded guilty to ; the charge of having liquor when j 5f6Uftht Into police court this morn ing and paid his fine of $100. He was ordered held in connection with the WASHINGTON, Doc. 24. The con troversy over the alleged refusal of Secrete rj Daniels to execute the re commendatJona of Admiral Sims, in Ward In r naval war decorations "will be fought to a finish. It Is evident to day. Dunles is said to be determined not to act as a "rubber stamp" In the decoration of naval men. Sims has support in the stand he has taken from many naval officers. STWniXD. Ore.. IHh M. (Spe cial to Use H3MM Ore(T"iilnii by phoio) Stunncld will tutv a wet Christmas. About 2 o'clock this morning; tin wa ter in stage uitli li began to ric from l lie heavy ruin. and the melting f snow up the canyon. At IV o'clock the water whs two fee dorp In Hie bnaiabeaa section of the town and many fjuseinrnt In tho residential portion of town had become filled. Tho water was then rbdiur ut the rnte or about two inches an hour. Ver In the of ri m Of the slant.. Id Standard was on a level with the rioor und efforts were fH-inir made to move perishable sup plier and equipment to places of safe ty. The henes of f. It. Ine ami ICnlph Holte were entirely snrrouiMl ed try water and the tmscfnciit& hod lNeom? filled. HELP NEEDY FAMILIES UNIQUE PROGRAM AT It was "coffee and " with empha sis on the doughnuts, in France, but in Pendleton it will be sugar, coffee, a roast, fruit, milk, bread, butter, no- ' t a toes and nuts that the Salvation lassies will distribute tomorrow. Fif teen families will be visited with bas i kets full of Thru?tmas cheer gathered by Captain Jennie Conrad and her lit tle squad Of workers, through dona tions in kind and of money in kettles. Xo family that is in need has been overlooked, the army believes. On L Tho Washington school enjoyed its Christmas celebration In a unique way. Several of the teachers arrived early yesterday morning to decorate a tree that had been stationed In tho lower hall the evening; before. The Christmas treo was a surprise to the children and many exclama tions of delight and admiration were heard as the children passed to their Monday evening Captain Conrad met ; respective rooms. . disappearance of the furs from Salt LaUo a nd Immediately asked for an attorney. He wears tho uniform of a petty officer In tho navy. A friend of tho trio, who says ho know Da n i e 1 W i 1 1 la m so n f i v e years ago In Omaha, came with them from Salt Lake where he mot Will'amson six weeks ago. The man says Wil liamson used to be a horse dealer and believes thnt he is not guilty of the theft of the furs. WllUaittsori sent furs by express to Walla Walla nnd Yakima and had the boys do the re- with the Associated Charities of Pen dleton and their two lista were mm- ! billed. The charity organization plac . ed in the Salvation Army's hands the addresses, goods and funds approprbit j ed for Christmas so that no dupllca t tion will result, and the blue-bonneted j girls will see that tho spirit of Saint Nicholas reaches those who would . otherwise he denied it. After the pupils had all assembled. Mrs. Mae Ha gar began playing a march and the first grade filed out into the hall and circled around the tree. The second grade took up a po sition just behind the first grade and the third and fourth grades filed in the lower hall. The fifth, sixth and seventh and eighth grades took places on the stairways. Mrs. Hagar played Baskets have boon made up at the; the opening chords of "love and Joy Baptist church and at the same place and the building re-echoed to the vol- the Salvation Army will also be hosts, tomorrow night, at a Christmas tree for the poor kiddies of Pendleton. Most all who are known to have no tree nor celebration have been invited hut any who have been overloked are welcome. Kvery child will receive a present. There are toys for the tiny tots. Christmas candy, nuts, oranges, stock ings and garments. Every child will winner of the distinguished service announced today the appointment of ross tor gallantry in service, is in k. Alice Wachter. Beul.ib Bpencer, Rua sell Vaughn, Charles Mclan and Ed Ward Hopper. Three other students, Cora Kldrldgc Nellie Kldridge and Helen Williams received certificate, previously, mnklng a total of 17 who have finished the work. Six more ex amination papers were sent off yes terday for approval. Finley has been backed strongly a "sipiure deal" in Portland and it lore thnt influence from For Tanners Week. Fred Bennion. OOUnty ai?ent. Is or ganizing a local delegation to go to Corvallls for the annual farmers' week from December 2 t" January s, inclusive. The affair will bo held during thai time so as to make use of the college facilities Including dormi tory accommodations during the h.i days while students are away. By this arrangement ampla aceommoda tions n ) ii v be secured provided proper reservations are mndo. Those desir ing to attend from this county are asked to consult Mr. Bennion so thai t h ay in a y 1 o p rovl d ed f 1 1 r Mr for a. "sipi; im ymuini ''" win ioimD that quarter has heen brought to bear, to cause tho governor to change his mind. In dtaeusslhc the history 6f the Fin ley case tod? Mr- Jack said that the i'iidoiilst was previously given oppor tunity to sever connections with the commission without notoriety betas, attached to the case. He stated tha incompatibility was the reason for the cha n ge. Warner of Pen dletnn. to stic- Pendletou to spend Christmas at theICPed the late J. N. Burgess as a mem ber of the state livestock sanitary com mission. It was made on tho recom mendation of the Orepon Wool rirow era Association. The law provides he shall serve until June .1, 1931. homo of Frank Graham. Mr. Plum gren was recently returned from ov erseas. He Is accompanied by Syhan Lao of Weston, who is a home, also. Kenn; guest rd. the Craha tailing. The friend is not implicated. ) be given one of each of tho articles according to the police. mentioned. Children of the Baptist I Sunday school will repeat a portion I f their program which is being given Truck Washed Out. ! tonight Owing to the fact that the North- ' crn Pacific track is washed out for a distance of 3uo feet at a point throe miles out from Pendleton, the fore- 1 QOon train did not arrive at all to day. Instead the train was run down to tho washout and passengers given the privilege of walking into town. THREAT OF FLOOD AT ADAMS IS DISPELLED THE OLD. OLD STORY Tree nt Tutniita Mlsaion. Parsons Motnnle, Gilbert Conner j Klsle Spokane and pew J. M Cornel-j son compose a committee that lias been making purchases here today for a Christmas tree to be hold at the Tu- 1 Bllta mlsaion Christmas night. Return from Xstorln. I-eo IV Drake, advertising manager if tho Kast Orogonian, returned this The far- umrnlng from Astoria where ho had mers week program vers many been for a couple of weeks on duties subjects of especial Interest ern Oregon men. to Kaat- connected lludgot. with the Astoria Kvenin Indian l ined for Being Drunk. ttdward Williams, an Indian, was fined $ l Ti In police courf today on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. In his meandering! lust night he tried lo force an entrance to an apartment In the city and pidlco wore called. John Pnerdels, tho well digger, was cense lo many Miss On fined liO on achargo of being drunk, of Pilot Bock. Two Couples Will Wed. Marriage licenses in the prb-Chrtst-ntaa rush were issued today to two couples. Merrill Jennings Clothier and Miss Both Clara Booth wero given their first papers. He is from Uadnu and she from AHieiui. Allied I.. Ray, of PreScott. Wash., was issued a It- . Baker. CONCILIATORY SPIRIT GAINS GROUND IN TREATY STRUGGLE AS CHRISTMAS "TIME OUT" IS TAKEN WASHINGTON. Dec. 2 4. Progress toward treaty compromise in the son ate was baited today while the sen ators hurried home for Christmas. Negotiations will bo resumed next Mut itc new Range tenons. Leases on rang in tho Cmatilla na tional forest are renewable January 31 and the supervisor is mailing out blanks for renewal purposes to stock men makiny use of the reserve. week. Hitchcock said ho lelieves that Bodge and other extremists will accept EM&fl Meeting lNMponod. a compromise which will then be sub- owing to both Christmas and New mined to democrat le senators. Aeon- Year's days falling on Thursday, the dilatory spirit has grovn but no con- local lodge of Klks has postponed its I crete proposals have been framed by regular mooting until Thursday even-: either side, ing. January S, j (.Baat Orogonian Special.) ADAMS, Dec. 24. Weather condi tions here are improving, following the floods of the last few- days. The wind and rain have served to keep Spring Hollow and Wild Horse creeks high, but damage such as was brought bv Saturday's flood is being lessened. Jim Chan Hill lost three Harry Morse lost 15 by Cellars and barns were flooded and roads were made almost impassable. Alt bridges in town were flooded and residents of the east side had to go to ume of joyful children a voices. The brilliant morning sunlight, crimson shaded lights about the tree, the bright faces of tho children blend ed together in a charming scene. A number of beautiful Christmas carols were sung and after the closing number. "A merica.' the children marched back to their rooms.. At one-thirty the first and second grades assembled in the second grade room for a Christmas program. The second grade presented a pleas ing little play, "Toy Shop." which was prettily costumed. The program was well rounded out with songs and resi tations. The third and fourth grades assem bled In the third grade room at two- thirty o'clock. The third grade presented several clever dramatizations of Christmas poems and stories. The fourth grade gave an attractive little play, 4The Top of the World." in costume. These with songs and stories were einjnyed by an audience of friends and parents. The sixth and seventh grades gath ered in tho seventh grade room at tho nine hour and their program of Chriistmas songs and stories was es pecially good, a clever little black face sketch. '"The Christmas Dinner." hogs and ny the seventh grade, was especially Drowning, 'amusing. The fifth and eighth grades held their entertainment in the eighth grade room. Besides the usual Christmas songs and stories the main f oat u re of the progra in was the ex - the steel bridge north of town in or dor to get home. It is believed here ICOIItionalIv clever riraamtfxatlon of th that the flood danger is passed. WORCESTER FUNERAL IS SET FOR FRIDAY, 2:30 The funeral of J. J. Worcester, for mer Pendleton resident, who died re cently in Bos Angeles, will he held Friday at 2:30 from the Folsom un dertaking parlors, with Rev. Alfred bock Wood officiating. The body is pec ted to arrive tonight from south. The Masonic lodge, of which Mr. Worcester was a member, will have charge of tho funeral arrangements and will select pall bearers later. Tho burial will take place in Olney ceme tery, with tho lodge in charge of tho services. '"Birds" Christmas Carol." The costumes of the Buggies Fam ily created a sensation and an 'all star tat of characters' added greatly to the presentation. Kach program was largely attended by parents and friends. HernttstaB Irrigation Vote Carries. The election at Hermlston yesterday to recreate the west end irrigation dla- tho trtct carried overwhelmingly, accord ing to figures received by the county Ciern today. The official canvas showed that lOti votes wero for tho new district and four ojrainst. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS To-daCs Weather Maximum. R2. M ininium, 4 a Parometer. 29. 1 i Indicating rain). Rainfall .25. Section Two, IVtnllcton mark eta; Kverett True. 10 Want ads. classified directory and 'Doings of the Duffs 9 Homo products pane g Lata news of city and state 7 seetton One Social and personal C At the movien s Kditoi la I pate: overseas diary 4 News notes Of Pendleton 3 Special news of Cmatilla county... Live news Of city, state and nation Sherman Beamier I'artdcd. Sherman Beam or. recently sentenc ed to a three year torm In the stmto penitentiary, was parold today by or der of Judge O. W. Phelps. He was released from jail and is In the cat e of an uncle living in the east end. Tho young man is but 17 years of age. THE WEATHER FORECAST Tontitht and Thursday oe--asional rain; fooler tonight J