DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Numb- i ol ooplei printed of y nt'Tduy' 1 it 1 1 v Edition 2,973 1 h. Ki( OrnfnnUn la Baat.ra Of.. Conn sr.Ml"! n.wp,pr and a .Him fore lly., to lha a4TrtlH over twlc th. -uarnt4 paid circu lation in I'.ndl.ton nd Umatilla ooua ty of any oth" n.w.pap.r. This paper la a member an audited b thn Audit Burt-nu of Circulations. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1919 NO. 4915 FRANCIS JACKSON AfNG THOSE LOST WHEN TANKER CHANSLOR WAS WRECKED STREAMS TORRENTS: ROADS DELUGED -.1 lEasr. foreftonian) nsejeeaUaUB wmmmtamta&tifir ty "y nw,p"- ADAMS AND WEST PENDLETON ARE FLOODED; FAMILY MAROONED ON BANKS OF TUTUILLA CREEK JUDGE WEAKENS A TRIFLE BUT EVEN O'LEARY MUST PAY COMMITTEE GIVES Telephone and Power Lines Down; City's Lighting System En dangered; Railroad Trestle is Overflowed; Train is Turn . . ed Back; Umatilla, is Thundering River of Mud. Six persons witc m;i r "ih-(1. roads, streets and basements flooded and rail road service lwt ween Pendleton it d Wullu Walla was temporarily sonpen ! d.-d today uh the result of Wild Mors.. and Tutullla creek uerflowlru; their banks. Adams and the west end ' of Pendleton were covered with sYater varying In depth from one to four feet. Mm. Put Poherty and children, re- j siding went of the city limits oti the flat which l traversed by Tuluill.i l creek, found thcmselvcH In their home; surrounded by water, and dry land hp vera I hundred yardH distant. A big dray belonging to 1 'en land Bret hofS waa dispatched to rescue then i take them to safety. Honei baulefl the wagon and lta refugees thru-ih water up to the horses shoulder. The K. H. KorHhaw residence, In West Pendelton may fall an a result of the flood from Tutullla creek, ac cording to Air. KorHhaw, who says that one of the concrete walls of the hasc ment has been completely anjupfces1 away by the force of the .stream. Thn basement 1h flooded and t be water around the house has reached stub a depth that It is impossible to bring furniture from the house. Added to the damage that of the house. In the washing away of 1000 rosebushes mown by Mr. Korahaw. who is a lo cat florist. The water baa reached the greenhouses but Mr. KorHhaw doe not think it will do much dam age to the plants Nearly all hia car nations vru destroyed by the cold a nap. WfJM Bnd Rtosenshens Cako West Pendleton reaembles a lake a half mile wide. I in the ueuau peaceful little creek haa ba k'-d up the flood waters from the bills of th south reservation. The volume ?.f wa ter roiiilnif down Tutullla is the larg est known in years. Three and four feet of water cover ihe road at Adam where Wild Horse creek flows through the town. Qreoja wood creek, which fbws Into Wild Horse above the town, Is a torren and the little at renin haa risen out or its chnnnel and spread oxer the SUITOUnd Ing country. Basements in Adams are filling with water carried down bv the Hi reanta. Telephone and power lines at Adama have come down but have not broken. Fear was expressed that poles further down the Wild Horse cany m would be washed out and lov. Pendleton without lights tnnluht. The loCAl tele phone offli e was advised 1" its SQOUtl this morning to get its battery equip ment in shape foT emerge n'-y use nt it waa believed certain the power line would break before night. Bridge UaWaaflp fot Train? The ra (Jvond trestle below Ada ins. nenr Ihe l L, Rogers home place, was over f 1 0 wed this morning and was la such n weakened condition that no trains were allowed to pass over It. Train No. 1, from Walla Walla, had to be turned back and went through to Portland by way of Wallula an Umatilla. Train No. S, for Wa.la Walla and Spokane, after being lulu at Pendleton for two hours, wan rout ed by the way of I'matllla nnd Wallula Section crews have been at Work iff tug to aave the bridge nnd nt the 0. W. li. & S. station it was sild that N 7 do, from Spokane and Walla Wall; at 4:55 thia afterno 'ti. would be rot ed bv wa of Adntns and that No. for eu-si end points and Walla alia would also go over Its regular route. Water covered portions of the high way in Wild Horse canyon, it was re ported today. The torrent is washing out. the eon dirt hanks of the' stream and other points along the railroad may he undermined if the chlnook eontlnuea. Wild Horse la throwing In great quantities of mud to the UW' tllla. RtYCr RJaing Mko Surf The Umaiilla, froeen nearly eolld latt week, today la a thundering river of mud. The water which dashed over the fall beiOW Main s; reet bHdC today with a roar like thnt of a surf was of the color nnd consistency of dlOOOlate syrup. Hundreds of persons lined Ul bridge to watch the mass of leo and driftwood lelng carried down hv the aaroflan atream. Amid the fti tsim In the river was a railroad tie on which a rooster floated d- vn ; HAN i novs f st ream. Kears that the county sj steel nriiige across the I'matllla below Klein would be carried out by the ice flow were dispelled about 1 0 o'clock when ice lam waa broken and it reliev pressure agalnnl the pier Iff, a. y Leery faced Thomai Fit Gerald, polite Judge, thU morning harged with being drunk. The ludge felt the bond of sympathy drengthcnlng as the prisoner ut tered a name ao dear to Dr)n men. O'i-eary sounded welcome to hla honor. Hut the judge looked up and gaz ed into 0Learye face. pel ice Chief nobeita, who atood by, at incriminat tng wit nem against t he prisoner, BUggeeted to the judge t hat t he "gentle ma n's name may bo Hilary, but I think he'a a Hwede." "Ten dollars or five days." said j the Judge. LIKENESS OF PORTLAND CHILDREN MODELED BY A. PHIMISTER PROCTOR FAVORABLE REPLV Measure Calling for Declara tion of Peace With Germany Labeled in Affirmative by Foreign Relations Body. OF 11 SUITES WILL BE CALLED FOR SOON 7-3 VOTE IS TAKEN ON STRICTLY PARTY LINES PENLAND BROTHERS MOVE TODAY TO NEW ALTA STREET OFFICES , I Penland Brother! today moved their J offices from the second story of the Security Loan and Investment Thompson estate buikting to their ro w - - .. - quartern on Alta street, in rear of the Co. Expects to Advertise for Taiiman Drug pompany, after having Contracts for Modern Build- occupied the old Quarters since their , esTafiiisntnent in mminess. xjw new ( building was built by tho Thompson I estate especially for the transfer com , pany. I Kooms raeated by the concern will (be remodeled later for offices, C. K. IN-nlund said today. No tenants hav- ! One of the late works of A. Phlmister Proctor, famous sculp tor who formerly lived In Pen dleton while studying Indian and bin-karoo types, is a likeness of William Daingerfleld Wilcox and Virginia Wilcox, the two chil dren of Mr. and M rs. K a ni o n d Wilcox of Portland. The place has been completed and Is ready to be- cast In bronze. Mr. Proctor visited Portland recently and la now on his way to New York where he will com plete his latest big work, "On The Warpath," which will ap pear In heroic size in the civic center at Oenver, as a compan ion piece to "The Huckaroo." which Ja well known to Pendle ton people, nil! Hidings of this city, was the model for "The liuckaroo." Mrs. Proctor and the children are spending the winter in Palo Alto, California. SON Of C. S. JACKSON ACTING I AS ASSISTANT ENGINEER DID . NOT QUIT SHIP IN LIFEBOAT a SPECIAL SERIES IN CITY'S CHURCHES WILL ing Within Four Weeks. TICKETS FOR WRESTLING MATCH STOLEN FROM POCKET OF PROMOTER Contracts for an u part men t huird Ing of 27 suites likely will be adver tised for by the Sge)ttTlty Loan In vestment Co., within the next four weeka, a member of Its building com mit le( announced today. Doyle A Hecso architects who designed the Bike1 temple have submitted several tentative plans and sketches and act ual plans will soon be Worked out. Owing to the realization that the estimated COSt of construction was at first placed too low, the plans have been cut down from 30 to 27 a part- fnenta. The building will be of vir tually the same size as Suggested and the apartments will be of the 2 and 3 room varieties. Sliding MgesXeJ gsjejla. Kentais will exceed slightly those at first supposed, because the total in vestment appears to be getweeu $90.' ;00 and gi,000 Including the build ing site. Structure a:id furnishings. The apartments will be rented on a 'sliding scale of rentals, however, de pend I nu upon t he number of roomJ gild the desirability of the location In i the building. Conveniences nnd materials which, it In estimated, would cost the house holder $0 or more a month will be furnished and included In the rental cost, according to the plans announc-! ed today. All tenants Will be fur- ; nished with steam mat. circulating ' hot and cold water, water rent paid. Refrigerators, telephone, garbage ser- j vice, laundry facilities, Including a clothes drier, gas ranges. ironing boards, light fixtures, beds, springs and mattreeaee, window screens and basement storage space. Tenants win I be metered for gas and light. Suites Modern gjftl h apartmnt will bo equipped jwlth an alcove entrance, kitchen, bathroom and good-sized dressing room, dumb Welter and other modern ) conveniences. Suggest ions of the building committee are now In tht hands of the architects and every- i t hlng possible for modernity will be ' t incorporated in t he plans, t ho build- 1 erg declare. i The apartment building will be lo- tented on West Court and Willow; streets, west of the Klks temple, nnd' the hope now is t hat const ruction mnv be begun early in the OORttng ; spring. S)een sought as ret The corner office in the same building will be occupied by Bmll Beck, tailor, now in the Hotel Pendleton building. - ALARMING SHORTAGE OF LA30R CITED IN DEFENSE OF SCHEME KA "It A M KNTi . I tec. 1 1 eclar Ing there has been a shortage of 100, ttOO farm laborers in coast atatea in J9lt( and i-haf tfsB-Hbortarr "wti r"rH a milllo nln 1 930, Secretary of State Jordan -issued u. statement supporting his plan to introduce Chinese coolies for farm labor. "Karmers tn Califor nia, t breon and Washington cannot obtain surrteiebt while labor to till the land," he said. BELLINCHAM ONLY CITY VISITED BY STORM ON SECOND "DANGER" DAY Hitchcock Declares Senate Will Never Give Sanction; Partial Ratification Sentiment is Growing. wAHHIXUTi N, Dee. 2fi. The senate foreign relations committee by a vote of 7-3 ordered a favorable re port on the Knox resolution declar ing peace between tho United States and Herman y. The Vute was strictly on party lines. Senator Lodge immediately took It the senate. WASHINGTON", Dec. 20. The sen-; ate foreign relations committee Is to- j day considering the Knox's resolutions pro posing to effect peace between the I'nited gtstOB and Germany. Senator Iodge and other members 't the committee predicted It will favorably report the resolution-declar-Ing that a state of peace exists. Tho "ther resolution provides for ratifica tion of all portions of the Versailles treaty except those relating ro the league of nations. Senator Hitclieock said the repub lican majority will have no trouble , reporting the resolutions, adding that neither has the slight. est chance of xhfM Htoien tickets be reported to htm adaption by the senate. t 8?4.J at 31ft w"et Court street. The prcaj s as 1 to rati r the t reat y - without the league covenant fs grow- tng U favor among senators wanting PYTHIANS OF COUNTY'S .early acipin cn some oasis. jm co 'there regard it as a last resort, and would not vote for it now-. They are i n udy to a'-ipport it If all efforts to adopt a compromise fall. I-Vawls .fat-kson, native of Persrfle lon and gMegt son of Mr. and Mrs. t. fin Jsr-STTWj is helieved to luivc pcrlah d last lltght ute n the tanker i ha -slor struck a r(K-k T the flaiulou r-tat while cnriMite from Portland li Sa n Prafuism. Voting .la ksn. who was a mrchu;il a I genius, bad rrlicvcxl 11m seoonI assistant cngj iu'r of the i lian-lor and nsS making the trip to San lanci-cti with tho hl gst for exricrlOTiCT1. Very slight hoM f r thr niwrry of tin Oregon Journul publi-ln r - son Entertainments and Trees Be . , , . ., , lis hclil. A wire from Maohrbdd by ing Arranged for Children; tho l nitfHi rW, ttiday lbat rilMl Methodist Kiddies Forego Treat to Aid Armenians. Pendleton churches are planning to observe the Christmas season by spe cial services and entertainments, ac companied by special music and ap propriate decorations. A Christmas tree with a small gift for each child will be the feature of Twenty-five tickets to the Hownrd McT'arrolI wrestling match, scheduled for Tuesdnv niifht . wre utolen l:it evrninir from an overcoat belonging S PrKram " BPtit church on to K. Ireland, promoter of the . Cnrlstn,ilB Eve- Tne Sunday follow- match, according to his statement this!1" Christmas, the children will bring wi'iuiiiuiis in me . rni enians to ine church. A I'hristmas sermon will be preach ni mlngr. The tickets were numbered from 75 to lnO and Ireland declares that no one presenting any of the lost j tickets will be admitted. In a warning Issued to wrestling fane today. Ireland says that tickets will be sold only by himself and by the Cosy hUliard parlor Anyone who buys from u scalper i taking chances of getting one of the stolen cardboards, he says. Attempts are being made to locate the guilty party and Ireland requests that anyone found trying to dispose of tain saw r of the hanslor, who is in a hospital there Htiffering from pneumonia, says lie it sure that Jack ; son was not ummig tltosc who cmhark : eel In the one life boot that left tho ship. Iranels .Jakson was about '.W years of age ami was educated In the puldio sclioobt of l"endloton. later on attend ing O. A. C after the family moicd to Portland. Phillip Jackson, tho younger son, recently rotunied from ovenseais wherej he was a captain In tho motor trans port eortw. lie Is a graduate Off Prliio ton and Harvard and is serving Sgj businos manager of the .Journal. First news of the fact- that Francis Jackson was aboard the Chonslor was contained In a wire to Ir. F. W. Vin cent who was asked to inform Miss Ida lioyd who is the young man's aunt. TRAIN'S ARRIVAL BEFORE SCHEDULE SAVED LIFE OF IRISH COMMANDER ed by Rev. R. a Oomall at the Metho dist church tomorrow. His Topic will be "Christmas, Its Knjoyed Obliga tion. The annual Christmas enter tainment will be held in the evening at 7:30 o'clock. Methodist Sunday school children are showing the true Tlie Ship's Officers. Christmas spirit by foregoing their i SAN- FRANCISCO. Dec. 20. Offi Christmas treat in favor of the suffer- rerM of the chanslor were: Captain. A. ing Armenians. i A. Sawyer; First Officer. W. H. Ree-: A Christmas topic. "No Room in the Second Officer. Ed Norton: Third of Inn, " ma chosen by Rev. R. u Bussa-jficer, E. Rose; Chief Engineer, Thom barger fin- his swmon miwimiw at ! M Sej mme--First Assistant Kni the Christiai church. The church neer. Ed Hawcliffe: Second Assistant -hoir under the direction of Joe Scott, ! Engineer, J: Tibbetrw. and TtiirI As- will Kins' npvpl-il solecl it inj. jt mirfinriii tn ; uigtnnt t.-o-i wi . t- W InrHhgv SEVEN LODGES TO MEET I The Church of The Redeemer willjbetts and it is presumed the latter HPRC UAUnAY FVPIM I Mf5 i hoId special Christmas services on j was not on the ship. CRD IVIUIVUHI CCrfln1UChrlBtmM morning, at 10:30 o'clock. - The Christmas tree and carol singing Pvthir,n nf ntrntfll eoi.ntv' e en will be en Wednesday at 4:15 p. m. DtTBL SAX KHANCISCO, Dec. :'!. The Pacific coast is still free 1 from the "worst storm in his j tory' although reports from Bet I Unghaurit Wash., showed the be- SW ginning of S bad storm there to- day. This is the second da' of ! professor Porta's "worst storm" ' period to result from the align ! menl tf six plattets, with the earth cm the "near side" of the i sun. I e e e 4 )ec. 20. The attack yesterday n ord French, otul-t.-ry commander of Ireland, failed because his train was two minutes ahead of schedule when It reach ed Ashtown station it Is learned today. The attackers, who fired on his automobile from ambush, planned to blockade the road so the automobile would have to be Stopped. The plan -was frustrated by bis being ahead of schedule. There i-1 persistent rumor that Lord French was wounded but It has not been verified. lodges will assemble here Monday evening in Kagle- Woodman hall for their semi-annual district convention. Members from Hermiston. Helix. Ad ams, Athena, Weston, Milton and Pen dleton will be present and a h time Is in store. The convention will be featured by decree work- and a class of more than SO pages will he Initiated. Bach lodge will present its quota of neophytes. Bt vera members of the grand lodge of Oregon have accepted invitations to attend. FAIiC.O. N. P. Judge Monson has been called on to decide whether 11. K. Wheeler, one-armed, might be granted a license to operate a taxirab. THOSE WERE THE DAYS The Christmas entertainment for children at the Presbyterian church will be held Tuesday evening. An of fering will be collected for the bene fit of the Armenian children. Tomor row the services will be marked by special Christmas music, including "The Birthday of a King," by Noid linger. St. Mary's Catholis church will hold Its annual midnight mass at midnight, Christmas eve, and will have special Servteee on Christmas day. HARVARD ELEVEN STARTS FOR PASADENA TODAY CAMBRIDGE. Dec. 20. The Har vard football team left today for Pasadent. where it will meet the Ore gon eleven on New Year's day. Ship Struck Rock. BAN DON, Ore., Dec. 20. The oil I tanker Chanslor is on the rocks near ; Cape Blanco with only three of Ihe crew of 39 known to have been saved. Captain Sawyer Is in a hospital here in a serious condition. One of the others saved Is Merkle, the quarter master. A third is said to be named Dooley. One Is cared for in a private home here, the other at the Cupe Blanco lighthouse. Whether a,ny of the others Is safe is not known. The ship apparently struck a rock. Only the bridge ia showing above the sea. Only one life boat left the ship after she struck. It carried ten men. Two others were picked up from the sea. one was dead the other died from exposure. The lifeboat capsized when an attempt was made to reach shore near Ban don. Captain Sawyer and the two others were washed ashore, also three dead bodies not yet identified. (Continued on page 5.) VILLA. WITH BANDIT FORCES, IS PURSUED MKXICO CITY, Dec. 20. Panclio Villa and his bandit forces arc ap- , preaching the Rio tlrandc with Meat-J can federal troops In cb se pursuit , 1 Minister of War Barrage n announced J today. FLIRT MURDER' SUSPECT IS HELD WITHOUT BAIL FRANCISCO, Dec. 10. Altor r Mrs. Kdffar Woodcock wilt sec nd fight toda tO wive bail for the central figure in the "Flirt murdi-r" case following acquittal of j tm, h r husband on th charge of murder- I thn .ing i.uwaio ini-io, rwww mmm, , Tons of Ice. trees and aUCKa had become lOOg ed against t lw bridu-e and the wate I.. '. .1 , ii I'll I UM W'Tlliiri "it i U'limii'in'k shot Kellv after, he al leges. Kelly tipped his hat to Mrs I Ke Shortly after a verdict of acquittal waa ret umed about midnight last niifht. Judge Ward refused to release. . i. it .... i .... i mi l.i :i 1 1 i n " . i i i i lie L'llt I'M' m"fi.u" " behind the natural dam. Nothing was damaged when the mass was re-i leased. Snow on the mil sou in ot rvaamun iContlnued on Pugo three.) Woodcock and said good evening. Tho defense w as tempora ry InSS ntty. The woman is also charged with mur. dec. . A Now G Rah' Pa, ' X lEMEMBtrV you'R-C- i NOX KAKt THE- X rfSJ CALLED VEtL BAD ) gaU TeiLINu IX you ustti to Buy auk X H ) we Sugar yoo wamxed X mv" a t 5 Pookas r. jmb SECOND LARGEST GARAGE IN STATE WILL BE BUILT ON COFFEY CORNER Br UMATILLA MOTOR SALES CORP. Having purchased the quarter garage will be heated and will pro- block belonging to t he Coffey estate and located at the corner of Kast Court and College streets the I'matll la Motor Sales Corporation announced today that it will erect on the proper ty the la rgest ga r;nru in t h 0 CO u n t y and the second largest garage in the ; state. The total investment will he in the neighborhood of $30,000. . The property purchased has a frontage of 100 feet on Court street (and 150 feet on College. The garage will cover the entire site and will be la one story concrete buifding. The INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS Maximum Minimum Baramete Pvecipitat Today's Weather n, tt. vkn storage room tor gg cars. "We will ask for bids on the Work at once and will start building tut quickly as the weather permits." says O. K. Holdman, president of the cor poration. It is hoped to have the building ready for use by May 15. The new garage will be modern in all respects and will have but three posts, only one of them being visibb-. There will be a ahow room 45 b 10 feet and a work shop 30 by M feet in slae. The location of the Siege Will be such that it will be the first plat S ( reached by traffic into the city from I the main farming diatrict of the ( county. The I'matllla Motor Sales CgsTBor grtgeaj handles the Paige and Oakland tears and the new garage will jafgaM , of further development of their busi ness. Frank Holdman is secretary of ;the corporation and Ora Holdman is j ice president and treasurer. Section Two. ' Pendleton marfcete, Bvorett True. . 16 Want ads. class! ted directory and Doings of the Duffs i Sunday In Pendleton Churches 13 peeial News of I'matllla county. . 12 n m hi lest oners report 1 1 At the Ifovlee today and Sunday. . 10 Uate news of city 9 Section One Soeial and personal SI County official news ' 'Kditotial page: oerseaS diary 4 NeWS notes of Pendleton t Live news of city, state and nation 1 M WEATHER FORECAST T"nlght and Sunday rain : warmer to night.