MOE BIX DATT.V BAST ORE 0011 A If, PBirPLBTOW, ORBQOB. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1010. TWELVE PAGES Social and Personal I tMM U IlKll Ina wi dub r.K mit ml h. tm Jol. Mr. The homo of Mrs. Kenneth ll. War ner ;ol Jackson street, v;u the scene vt.-r.iuy of nn Interesting mcctlim f the Ladlca Aid Society of thai M thojtt church. HoatMMNi wwc Mrs V.iin-i- Uii. llitldmuii ! Mis B. K. Tcrney .mil "Mrs. A. W.I uiikk. white chryaan taamuwa tieck- rn e,? the llvlna rooms while pink carnu- A. ti.i.w uvri used in the dlninc room lUkot.i. u-here 111.- an. ..Is ,.ttfov,'.l m social hour BELGIAN FAMILIES CAN NEVER LOCATE HOMES IN WASTE in are ma- .i;.t i husui, --i.'n .,iul mutest. ' " inn proKrani. fferson and her il; Jefferson of L the home of Mr. .-! -I West Mrs. John Holt, of Salt Ijike C.ty. .irrlc.l l:tst ,'r.tns f. r a vtalt at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moye-r on C'oIleKe street. Mrs. Holt is to te here for .1 fortnight or Tto'fcHolt are planning a trip to ll.iw in early In the new year. 11. Ivnnett mill le the scene tins ee iims of Kalhennir of Kntre Nous club niemlers an,! their husbands. Mit and Mm. 1. I. Holwrt bekrc hostess.1 for the affair. This ill be the neioml evening met the . lub. All Means of Identifying Own Plota in No Man's Land Have J Been Shot Away and New ! Allotments Must be Made. EASILY TRACED Thousands who are none too strong trace the present weakened slate to influenza or some like-debilitating illness. Such could not do better than try the strength-restoring and body-building virtues of scons ENVISION This efficient tonic is nourishment in a form that helps build up a healthy resistance. If you are not in your accustomed strength rich, nourishing SCOTT'S EMULSION will help you. Try h I The exclusive grade of cod H ver oil used In Scott' Emulsion U the famous "8. ft B. rroccKS " made in Norway and refined in our own American Laboratories. It is a guarantee of purity and patatabitity unsurpassed. Scott ft IViwiif, Bloom field. N. J. 19-18 1 1 EDWIN W. 1 1 1 i ' i HQ Kit They will find homos, of course, j somewhere in that desert waste, ier hnpn on v hut used to bo somebod y 1 flue's homo. II tit the exuet location of their own Haired hit of ground nmy forever ivintiln a mystery. Nearly five years of ceaseless bom bardment has obliterated the lund- iiKii-lu Miwtn HhlAH tl. mm I Inn. I ot Tl hour ts usually held on Saturday All means of Identifying them have Lurveys were based. The old boun- mornii g. neen snoi awa. NEUMONIA I I Intel Pre:; Staff I 'orrosnonttciit I t all if Morv BOW. YI'HKS. Belgium, rxc. 12. Thous- Thi' w,.-kU st. ry hour for small lands or Itelirlau families probably j.-ra.l.- children yva.s called off today never will find their lornier homes in because of the weather conditions. No Man's Land. be. RUINS OF A $1,000,000 FIRE SBBYSBBBBBBBSBBBnLslsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV a.11 B!!a iKijHBjiilHHBBH BaH .aHKLsaaaaK! smmktiLwtm daries whi'h di.stinguishod one farm irom anot her have ttiei ally uoen nounded Into the earth too deep for resurrection. New lHstiihtitinn. Now survcyH will come in time probably more scientific than the old. Kveryone who once owned part of the ffrut battlefield will receive sonic- impress America and other tuitions with the Idea that this new system of labor! participation In manatcumcnt of Industry doesnt mean complete so cialization. Americans who have view cdthe Gorman industrial situation and .thing equal In size and as near as pos- , , MinaL, .Z7- . . J many was fast loading tt the point nhvsician. IiuiikhIi ately beuin "emergency' p x7 VICKS VAPOR! 'Villa BODYGUART' -30'. Call a phvstcian Iroatment with fir home Is I Biala to where his former thought to have been. But In another sense, this can never eompensata. Nor can the old peace of mind ever fully return to folk so at tached to their own little piece of eat t h t hat not hi ng less t ban certain death from shell-fire and sometimes not even this could induce them to desert It. This Is one phase of tomorrow's hu man story in that vast, cratery deso lation which roaches here beyond eye range In every direction once one of lielium's most beautiful farming dis tricts. I'ew I let um. As yet, vary few home-seekers have returned. Of these, some took one dosnairiiiff look at the miles of water logged shell areas and climbed back n a tra.n for the place from whence they came to wait a few months more until the process of reclamation has had time to imiko a littl where the worker would have practi cally all the "suy" and all the profits. The majority socialists and anion them men Identified with German la bor unions believe In slow sociallut- I tion. And the industrial captains ar seeing to it that law or no law the; shall not have their (crip on things en tlrely wrested from their hands. u, S. SWITCHES FROM POSITION OF "LEADER OF WORLD" TO "HERMIT" U NrON Dec. 12. Tho tnited Slates. In the opinion of Sir Willough by Dickinson, president of the Itrttish deb gation at the convention of socie ties favoring the league of nations, which recently met In Brussels, has position THE THOMAS SHOP Formerly Known as Thai Parta BALTIMORE, Md. This is what is left of tha -ymnasiutn and auditorium ol tho Johaa Hopkins university, after a fire which destroyed $1,009,000 worth of property. . uorrs ii-stmi'.s gaijmknt shop Buy a Coat Now! GREAT REDUCTIONS ON EVERY COAT IN THE SHOP BEAUTIFUL NEW WAISTS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS The Jndse a bed with cutreV The yer washun! London i Ipil You were found under bap of tools. Any ex ri'Kinfr: porce o, habit. I've been a motorist. GRAY HAIR BECOMES DARK AND BEAUflFUl (.uimlinot hcr Old IivorlU' Ite-lH' 'f Sayo Tea and Sulplitir. Others arc still s-arching among tha ruined trenches and shell holes, filled wit h marshgrass and stagnant wa ter ror clues to thtir homes. The bltf stone nt the corner boun dary and from which, perhaps, all surveys for the entire neighborhood were made the well In the front yard, the house, the barn, t he shadt t ree over t he Kate n II ha ve .si m pi disappeared under war's terrible ef faoement. Nothing' remains to Indi cate where they once were. What will happen when the real Vanguard of the exiled Arcadians fin- lally arrives? Opinions here differ. Disputes Feared. , Some predict a general scramble to stake out plots on the most detdrabh I or least undesirable locations, a mild restating of some of the inci dents in our own American history, fsuch as when the squatters rushed in to the middle-west. And then a long: series of disputes and complications when others arrive 'who believe themselves the rlyhtful owners of the "claims." with probabl years of legal entanglements in court. I For it is easily conceivable that tinder prevailing conditions it might be ex tremely diffieiilt to dislodge a claim-iutuper. pro- suddenly switched from the !of "World leader" to "hermit Dickinson today declared: 'If Am erica does not care to come into the league of nations, we will find a way jto get along without her." ) He said South American nations will be glad to enter the league. 6ETIER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered r. Edwards' Olive Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute 1 They're the talk town. See these values of the special SKCOVIJ KMJOR TAYIiOR l!l II.IHNt; Almost everyone knows that Sage 'a and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to ttoe hair when faded, streak ed or gray. Years ago the only way ' - an. iiiiAuir . e two hours before. Rome, wmcn la mussy ,nu irwKuit some. Nowadjajm we alinplyask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound.'' You will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe Improv ed by the addition of other Ingredh nts at very little cost. Kveryhody uses this p reparation now, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by, morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes veautlfnlly dark, thick and glossy and vroi look years younger. KOl'M DKAD IX WKLL WALLA WALLA, Dec. 12. C. M. Brotherton, 50 years old, prosperous farmer living eight miles south of Prescott and 1", miles from here, was found dead In a well on his farm late Tuesday afternoon. Last seen alive It is supposed that Brcthertop lost his balance and fell into the well while drawing water for his stock. His widow and five children lurvive. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the Moult of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. For 17 years he used these tablets fa vepetabie compound ntbed with olive oil) in his private practice with great success. They do all the cood that calomel iocs but have no bad after effects. No pains, no Eripinp. no injury to the nirns or danger from acid foods yet they simulate the liver and bowels. Take Dr. Edward?-' Olive Tablets hen you feel "logy" and "heavy." Note how they char c'ouded hratn and -I; up the rqplrita, 10c and 'r,c a ym Useful and Appropriate Christmas Gifts FOX AND LYNX SCARFS PHILIPINO HAND EMBROIDERED GOWNS SILK UNDERWEAR BLOUSES, PETTICOATS, SWEATERS AND SCARFS ALL AT REDUCED PRICES COATS At reduced prices... Now $15.50 to $95.00 SUITS At one-half price SILK AND WOOL DRESSES Now $18.50 to $65.00 COMPARISON INVITED. Neuralgic Pains Olve Way to Soothing Hamlin's Wizard OH For Breakfast THESE COLD MORNINGS TRY HOTCAKES MADE FROM Skookum Pancake Flour ALL GROCERS CARRY SAME Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. For Biliousness Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bleat ing, Gas, Constipation all thee dis tressing consequences of indigestion are avoided if the bowels are keep open and regular. FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS act promptly, without pain or nausea. Thcj clear the bowel., sweeten ae toaiacb and tone up ths liver. E. R. R F. D. 1. Norfori. V-: "Foley Catbartic Tablet La done cc more food fbao any ruedicir.c ! ever . J Sold l"icr where. GERMAN CAPITALISES TO OPPOSE WORKERS' VOICE i II IH K I. Hill He i d h a p a , Can t i to sjaaf up win euts on tek. amctal with t'tm- "Ti.-"r.r.n MareaBtilc .. 171 l iist prominent Indtjatria! leader, and thlfl r,., t I'urt latni. i ir ;'n. latatement wax ron firmed by other men 1 -ln touch with industrial laaUrtatlve af- BY t'Aia. r. GROAT (Cnited Pren HtaTf 'orreMpoiid;iit) j B1SRLJN, Dec. 12. Germany's capl- taliHtM are already laying t heir pl.i nn j to thwart the workmen when the) workerx' council law giving labor, a voice tn Industrial management De comes effective. A drafted, tho law gives workers a right to examine the corporation books at the end of each year. Pre sumably such a right would immedi ately lead to demanda for greater par ticlpation in the company's profits when these were high. Hut tht- big corporations do not ! propose to have t heir balances appear big at the end of the year. May Doctor Jlalaiirc.. innteuH they will show the workmen either "doctored'" balances or will -form nort of holding companies whosi' business it will be to take the parent I corporations prod nail at a compara tively low price and to then resell them at a normal rate. On the books iof the first corporation the book j which the workmen of the councils !will nee tho company will appear to have made a smaller profit than it did in reality. That such (dans are afoot was finite 'openly admitted by one of the nation's Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and effective treatment for headache and neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain is, it acts as a tome to the tortured nerves and almost invariably brings j quick relief. Its healing, antiseptic qualities can j always be relied upon to prevent in ' lection, or other serious results, from i sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Just as good, too, for sore i feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sorca j and canker sores. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. I If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back, Ever constipated or have sick head ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, i pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Ouaranteea. SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER I1uah the Kitiiu yn nt Onoe Khen Back Hurt i Madder Botbera. WILL THERE BE A Phonograph IN YOUR HOME THIS CHRISTMAS? wt Bivrs"iff. Ar Your Dealer Phone 1014 East Court Street mix Grand Prize Ifcfafti firearms 6 Ammunition H Write for CiMolng fairs. In fact, when steps were under way to get the democrat to approve the book -exam I nation portion of the law. interented legifdatorn merely told their democratic colleaguea that they "needn't worry; the workers wouldn't he able to m:tke a ciuie out of any hig corporal ion books." To Impress foreigners. I'art of the ptanned deception Is f tfo in;i n or woman who eata meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys oocasionall, says ;i well-known authority. Meat forms urir aclrl which eh)gs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or atraln only nart of the wasto and poisons from the Mood, then you get sick. Nearly nil rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousnesH, constipation. dizziness, sleeplessness, bhidder disorders come from slugKlah kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ahe In thee kidneys or your back hurts, or if he urine is cloudy, offensive, full of icdiment. Irregular (if passingo or at epded hy a sensntlon of scalding, get about four ounces of Jay Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tahlcsponnful In a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few (lays and your kidneys will then act fine. The fam ous salts is made from the acid of drapes .md lemon juice, combined with lithla nnii has been used for gen erations to flush ' logged kidney and stimulate them to activity, also to neu tinliye the ucids in urine so it no loncer auhph irritation, thus ending ! Keep Your Room Cosy and Warm Why not make the gift to your family one that will be enjoyed by all? We have a nice selection for you to choose from such famous makes as MANDEL, PATHE AND STRADIVARA There's no present in the world of gifts that will please the entire household as well as one of our machines they are priced low enoujfh to appeal to you. LET US PLAY ONE FOR YOU WITH ONE OF OUR NEW Oil Mm BON AMI AND RADIANT MAKES which assures you of good stove material and at a low price. We are selling these stoves while they last for $7.50, $9.50 and $12.50. A few dollars invested in an oil heater will save many dollars of precious fuel. W.C. CRAWFORD nBjeSa tc wMiNT.roN arms umc co r "' yyssaii the h.nifit of foreign oountrloM. Of 1 oiaoaer pworam. oourM, In the rirnt inntanre it i baaad M PiiHh IficKprnalva und am-; on the ilerlre of the IR induHtrlnla not nnt Injur.-: makes ii aattfhtfSl effer-j to iihnre their profits extenHlvely with vem-ent llthla-wiiter drink whloh nil the laborer!.. Hut In the Heeond place : reunlur meat enterx xhnnld take now j and this is bjf no means a minor land then to keep the kldney.s Olaaflj consideration with the German imliia- and the blood pure, thereby avoiding"! trial -apl(iln the promoter wants to'nerlous kirln.-y complications. Complete Home Furnisher 103 E. Coui-t aAaaAAAAaa iSfeh a Phone 496