mmm DAILY EVENING EDITION 1h Rut Oronlan la Or. cini newspaper and aa a . llioir fore, slvaa to tha adv.rtia.ra ov.r twice th" ajiiarant.ed paid alrru latlun In P -! ton and Umatilla ooun ty of any oth'f nawapapar. DAILY EVENING EDITION Number ul copies printed of iatiTdo' Unlly Edition 2,91.' This paper la a m i m r an .1 n milted b tb Audit ItuirtiU of Circulations. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 4909 VOL. 81 DAILY EAST OBEGONIAN, PEliDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1919. BUSINESS HOUSES MUST CLOia 4 O'CLOCK TO CONSERVE ELECTRICITY IS EDICT FUEL BANS ARE BEING LIFTED mmm j- a k aba . m IflKULO COAL MIUFDC Majority of Union Men Will Obey Orders But Some Are Ex pected to Remain Out, Standing Pat on Demands for Im mediate Wage Increase of 31 Percent; Stores Open. , CHICAGO. Dec. 12. Fuel bans hi being lifted throughout bituminous i M il consuming regions whcio miners have returned t(j wurk. Stores which haw liceu operating un a hIx hour schedule will start t heir regular nine hour schedule tomorrow. The hun wiih lifted tatty In the case of stores duo tit the upproii thing holidays. Reports reaching here today Indi cated that n majority of nilnera will obey orders and return to work. However, some are expected to remain Mrike here wen made by the crown out, standing pat on their demand today In th" trial of It. B. Russell, lo for nn Jncreas of 31 Per cent In their ' al trik.- lender. JuMlee Melcalf rul- wuges immediately. Depaty srvhur ftubpoenne. Deputy .Sheriff Joe Hlakfey went to; Freewater today to nerve subpoena on a number of witnesses to appear before the grand jury here next week. I Thero are two cases originating there. LOCAL PEOPLE ASKED TO VOTE IN NATIONWIDE BALLOT UPON DISPOSAL OF THE PEACE TREATY i ihn roqiawrt or the. Leacu m i n- Suva i-eat" 01 wiiK'ii roi-jnr i iinmii ill ; wiiimm i ',!. a, , i iitii i.s trr-wi nr. ilie Kat i i ."nian will ItfaOTWll it Mllol i4 dctei'iunae Has HontiimMit or rmaiii la ommt) r-Hi'illnf wlmt -h-.nlit be ttoiie with llu- iwcwi treaty. Tlte Iwil kn as pimli.l iiIhiii N BonCMCvd b) llu- U'aii- lo I nlori r I :, e and ill bn iimiI ilurliui ih ImUuUf.,. The rolhmliijc h-tlcr rrom lhe Nen YiH-k office of the len-uo s.M.s forth (ho reasons wh n lest of fiublie sentl MBnt Is desired. It Im'Jii the aim to nuke the ballot nafion-uitle. N'ew Vork, Dee. 4, tlf. To the Editor! The people of thin countr". the voter., mim take the jieaee treaty it uation into their own handn. The deadloek in Washington prom IpM to continue indefinitely tiniest. Hie eoide declare overwhelmingly and unmlHtakahly in fkvor of a compro mise. They must go further than Hi and indicate the kind of compromise THE PEACE TREATY BALLOT Following the armistirf, the representatives of 28 na tions, including our own. drew up and sinned at I aris a peace treaty with Germany. Part 1 beintt the League of Nations Covenant. This was also signed under compul sion by Germany. . .. . , During the special session ot congress that ended on November lftth, a scries of 15 reservations to this treaty and covenant was adopted by the senate on recommen dation of the foreign relations committee. W hen the rat ifying resolution came to a vote of the senate, however, a two-thirds majority being necessary for adoption, it was defeated; 41 senators voted to ratify with reservations. to ratify without reservations, while 15 voted against rati fication on any conditions whatever. This is a democracy and in the end the will of the peo ple will be acted upon by our representatives in Wash- illgTo test public sentiment on this most important ques tion of modern times, the Kast Oregonian asks its readers to state their atitude by checking that One of the follow ing statements which expresses their views. I favor compromise on reservatio'ns with immediate ratification of the Peace Treaty and the League of Nations Covenant. I favor ratification, but only with all the Lodge reservations. l. I favor ratification, any reservations. but 4. I am opposed to ratification in any form. Name .... Address Fill in your name and address and mail ballot to the East Oregonian, Pendleton. Ore. Ballots not signed will not be courted. The names of voters will not be published. RtUIUNS WHtKt ARF RAP K 4T WORK SEATTLE STRIKE LED TO WINNIPEG TIE-UP WINXIPKO. Dee. 12. Charges that the Scuttle strike of February, 1919, was the Inspiration of the general "1 that a pamphlet found on the cused, containing an outline of the I now until hristmas to reach Al ioattle Htrlke. could be udmlttcd ns ! hoe was not divulged, but he lendi I'vldfttice. The preset ulh'n staled, in asking the admission of the .Seattle pamphlet 1 that the Seattle strike was mentioned; in the first bulletin Issued by the Mrlke committee here. i the: -.r The datl' press fornl.hes the only machinery that can K-z alien an ex pression from the people. vote of newspaper readers will aeconipliah this purpose If It is undertaken on a national se.ile and the issui; is present ed clearly an J fairly. ovwsintriefa itrrearry- iiftve;rjiiii bond on which begnn atietr a ballot. We urge yon to Join them and to forward the final re sult of your vote to this office. We enclose a suggestion for a bal lot, to be printed in your paper every day for one week. Very truly yours. . LiKAdWR TO ENTORCB PEACE, As may bo seen from the ballot form a voter may express his choice for any one of four different lines of action. The ballot will he continued by this paper for one Week,, as quested and the results will then Communicated to the head ofrice the League to Enforce Peace. only without PC WRR mmmmmmm mm Sfc - MER TAKES PLljNGE CUPID COAXES GURDANE BRIDEGROOM-TO-BE TO DO THAT SHOPPING EARLY Wdford t 'oi ley, of (lUrdane, has i j vii ivuMiiih i m- nun in i ciiuiL'iun papers and "do your Chrlstm.u hopping early" has stuck. Mr. I 'orley came to I'eiidb t on todav, despite the chilly weather and put i tne county clerk's off Ice ' on his i shopping lit His chief pm chase ; was a marriage teen Me. Miss Frances Marie Dick, of Al- bee. is the bride-elect who will be ! j wedded to Mr. Corlcy on Christmas l day at her home In Albee. Whether ' i Mr. Corley flgnrea it will take from the t hnslmas shoppetK in t upld y hoj AGENT SAYS MEXICO just mm TIME Action on Request for Cancel lation of $500 Bond on Which Jenkins Was Released is Deliberately Delayed. aiKiih'O flTY. Dee. 12. American Consular AKenl Jenkins today charged In a niesfaSo to the 1'nlted I'reas from Puebla that the state court (hero la killing lime" on his reiuet to cancel lie was recent ly released froTn jail. The court nd- vised me that my reguest to cancel the bond is li trig wired. onsidered." Jenkins "As a matter of fact, they are kill ing time. So far as I know, there are no other mailers requiring resump tion of my hearing.'' Relief Is ex pressed In American circles her,, thai the Puebla court will continue to murk time until the Mexican reply to the last American note Is dispatched. The re- ' correspoimeni lesrneo mm wooe j eo bojklns was in the capital Tuesday Car ol j ranza Indicated a desire In see tbc American but diplomatic. SbstSI ISS prevented their meeting.' FOR TB 23 AN0 The coldest weut her In t he known '' ,.f l' ...eotiel Inst nifht when the thermometer drooned , lo -'a' degrees below zero. The near- i ' ' ..ut a nnaVisnh t , , t lie ri'i rird hrSfi ker .... hn,.r.. i7 tun: wt.un Hie ' thermometer went to tt below. LaHt 1 .... -j -- rn i n . ' uary 1. whi n the weather won two J ! degrettw above zero. 1 Jjt night's temperature continued Muring the forenoon toda) until the ravs of the sun warmed the atrnw- I phere to a maximum of 4 degrees be low zero. The weather is c lear and crisp, with no wind. The barometer reading is 30. SO, which indicates that the weather will remain clear but that the mercury will probably drop still lower tonight. Drop i Fast. Tin- loweri ni yesterday at 4 tern bi 'Ml love t rue hi n a max i m u m of 1 - a bo zero, the mercury In gan falling. At u h m l thermometer .show- (1 1 Z be. low zero, and still Hie fall continued. i'endleton h"tise dwellers arose nev- tal timet .lining ilie ntL-iit to iciden- i sii flriH. Manv water plpea were Irozcn in Bpito of ull efforts to siive I hem. ami rrozcii u'llumolillc la-lla- tors ore conimon torlui;. :t llclou at Mc io h. mi. At Meaeham the temperature is US decrees below zero, and every indi cation is that it will sro lower tontkTht. At I klall the weather is S dejerees helow. Iloth plac a well supplied v. ith fuel, says report from each of the localities. Trains are still Ijeld up by. the storm. No. ti arrived from Portland at noon todav. Trains No. 1 and 17 west bound, scheduled to arrive hero yes terday at 7:45 a. ni. and 11:J5 a. in. respectively, arrived today at 9:S0 a. PV They were held up tor ne nours tall and snow. Toifay train No. 19 came m two sections.. ne ut 1 p. ra. and a second at I P. m. No. 17 is expected at 4:S p. tn THE 6 A. M. ALARM f-V, ) THEWTAIrlER conthiLKj ? jUI L ' CITY Although laHt night's niiulnium la lower than for 30 years, the w;nter of 1SS3-1SK4 wall more fr.igl than n -w, according to Lot I.ivermorc, In that 1 HeaSOIl there was a Sfi-hour siege of 40 below weather. Mr. Liverinore al- ;"0 recalled today sleigh ride taken by himself and six couples from (Jftia- tillii on January 1, 1S67. to a dam Meaeham. They covered the entir illslance of 75 mllcH by six horse ta.i in the day and then danced all night, l-very station through which the passed that day registered 10 degrees below. That' plan to fjeeze'the tound-1 'p ground fbr skating still look feasihh acoofjStn to W. H. Morrison, who says that Helix made a first class skating pond a few winters ago by; scraping off the anow and sprinkling the ground with small streams of wa- : ter. "A big fire hose Is not the thing; several small sprays will freeze as' quickly as the water hits the ground. Talk it up." ' V"isonsin winters have nothing on j our rnegon weauwr, i-euo. agriculturist at the American Nation al nam;, oeciaieo uua. .Mr. i-me Otld that the hot water pipes in his, house froze last night, despite the fact j that they were less than. three feet, from a hot stove. Similar experience' was reported by Judire Thomas Fit The Indiana were right, tavat sum mer they predicted a ions", hard win ter, basing their proplu'cies on Indian superstitions and signs. Major Lee Mi orhouse. official weather observer, is not without his troubles this cold weather. An eager public besieges him daily for weather reports and he estimates that he an - swors 7na queries a day. in tne tunc hours of the morning today when the mercury was playing tag with the -3 : below zero ruark the Moorhonse resi lience Van colled"nd Mrs. Moorhouse summoned from bed to tell an anxious Pendleton citizen Just how cold It was. Don't go too close to a stove or ra diator with a frozen nose. toe. ear or finger, say local physicians. The best remedy for a frozen member is to rub it vigorously with snow. After the frostbite is thawed out, bathing with warm witch hazel will take, out the sting. It is said that after a part of t he body has once been frozen, that part becomes most suscept'hle to cold and is liable to freeze again. Stanley Jewett said t his morning that after freezing his face one winter In Lake county, he felt the effects for 10 years (Continued on page 5.) "" ENDANGERED REGULATION FOR USE Of LIGHT RESTS WITH I1.S. ADMINISTRATORS; GAS SUPPLVJS BEING TAXED Exceptions in Closing Order M ade in Cases of Restaurants and Hotels. Drug Stores, Hosp itals and Newspapers; Cigar Stores Open Until 9; Rest aurants to Draw Lots. In compliance with an edict that electric power for Pendle ton will be shut off until rigid conservation measures are taken. Mayor Vaughan this afternoon announced the following instruc tions for local business houses: All business houses, with exceptions noted below, must close at 4 o'clock. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Farmers Meeting Tomorrow. A meeting of the farmers of Pendle ton and vicinity will be held tomor row at 2 p. m. in the library. Matters of importance wnl be discussed and Fred Bennion, county agriculture agent, is anxious that a large crowd be present. 0o'lttion is Serious. The condition of John Murphy, who ,roze his feet recently, is still se rious. Murphy is at St. Anthony's hospital. Improvement from frozen ffeet is slow and It Is feared that it may he necessary to amputate the a ' j IVtitions fur Xaturalizaztion, Arthur Christian Jeneen. of Athena, has filed papers with the county clerk asking for his final naturaliza tion hearing. Mr. Jensen Is a native of Denmark and a tailor by trade. He arrived here seven years ago Decem ber 5. Ma.. Itrmgs in t ar of Wood. A carload of fir, tamarack yellow and white pme wood was brought i down from Meaeham today by D. A . Smith, who resides there, and retailed l by him from the railroad yards. He had 16 cords and found little difficulty , in disposing of it at a good price. There are 500 cords of wood in the timber three miles out of Meaeham i but all at the station Is contracted for, he says. There is about one-tenth as much wood at Meachnm this year as usually at this time, according to Mr. Smith. Are Attending Conference. Among the CmatUla count ters who are attending ' the Church World Movement training con ference In Portland this week are Rev. B. P. Harper, of Milton; Rev J. Fran cis Morgan, of Pendleton; Rev. J. T. Bickford of Pilot Rock; Rev. R. E. Gornall. of Pendleton: Rev. M. R. Oalhigher. of Hermiston: Rev. W. H. Cox, of Pendleton. Rev. R. E. Cleven eer of Athena: and Rev. Robert Lee Hussabarger. of Pendleton. The minis ters are from various denominations. Every county in Oregon is represented j it the training conference. Chairman of Armenian Belief. Plans are being made throughout I the state for a Christmas drive for the benefit of Armenian relief. Chair- 1 men for the various counties have ! been named and Fred Bennion of thistollay the nvera(re indicated that 15. city, has been named cnairman ioi Cmatilla county. - - - t ayn-c Are Suffering. Indian Cayusrs are suffering from lack of teed. Many of the Indians have an insufficient supply of hay to last during the cold snap and the horses are going hungry In conse quence. Any pasturing Is impossible. FROZEN BODY OF 1AMES OATLEY, AGED FARMER, F( INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS TodaCs W'catlicr Maximum. 4 degrees below zero. Minimum. 2 degrees below zero. Baroreter. 30.50. s-cUon Two. Pendleton markets; F. el ett True . . Wani ads. classified direct ory and loins of the Duffs Special news of I'matilla count . At the movies, eoming programs. . . tette news of city and state Seethm One Social and persona! Storiuourani.t Editorial page; ovei-seas diary News notes of Pendleton Communicated . . . .' tLJve news ot city, state and uallon The cxtx'iithms are: Itetauranls and hotels, llruic Stores. I lospitals. Newsmwrs. t'igar store. Iiimeicr jimy remain ripeu UMQ ni ir ttiey do not use eleerricity or as. (This Im to pr,, vlde aecs-MiimrMlations for men vim do j not liaw iMinies or may be,niti in He city.) ItesuiurantK may all remain open until midnibl. Two restaurants will k. ,,,Tniinil u ia ,i'n all niirht for j j, t i.mmodatlon of neces(ar.v m-udiii? people arriving on trains, , TIm- raut-s to stay open wilt draw IOC from uie olli-e deiatlm'fit. Ihjwki: IS KVIA n . r i : i d. ! It Is expUined that drastie steH to sate ' i n i' ii and -a- beeame abmt lutely nexwsary to save the eity from i wi left wttiKHit electric servli, "Regulation of the use of coal rests with local officials, but consumption 1 of light Is regulated by the coal ad ministration in Washington." Dr. F W. Vincent, local manager of the Pa . ciflc Power & Light Company, said. "Kvery town in Washington served ly our system has obeyedthe renuesti to i conserV power. Now they demand that Pendleton do likewise." entailment General. All power now furnished Pendleton j Is generated by steam in plants of the I company in the nighboring state. The : Natch es plant had but two days' .sup- ;p,y OR hanrf V(?8terday Dr. Vincent , an - VArv fllWn nn ita . Wfl forced not only to curtail the use of power but also of fuel. "Someone reported that Pendleton was 'hogging' all the power," Dr. Vin cent declared. Threats of cutting off the city's supply entirely were made unless obedience to the order was forthcoming here. Even the supply of gas here Is be ing taxed to the utmost. The local plant this morning generated 0,000 , cubic feet, usually a day's maximum, i By noon the tank was nearly empty minis ' ano- efforts were being made to gene . . . rate more. Users are welcome to the Inter- . . , B" w mi u Jtt oe liiaue uy litf plant, but there is a limit. jDr. Vin cent said. He believes that persons have turned to gas for lighting; and heating, as well as cooking. One carload of gas coal arrived to oaly. giving the local plant sufficient for 10 days in addition to the 30 day supply reported on hand yesterday. The coke supply of the plifnt, however is exhausted and as fast as it is made there are orders waiting. Phones Handle 15.000 Calls. Not since the first and second arm istice days of 1918 have there been such heavy demands on the local tele phone service, according to J. A. Mur ray, local manager. The average day's run Is about 9;0 calls, he said, but i0(o calls would be handled. The j most calls, operators say. are for plumbers, the trains and the weather observer. Nearly all business is being transacted over the phone and many who are obliged to stay home are do ing their visiting the same way. The peak load today was between Tto and 1 1 a. m.. with 10 operators working at top speed. The frozen body of James fhitley. aged SO, was found lying faco down ward In the house on 'latb-y'a ranch In the I'klah region Wednesday morn inc by t.eorge Ness, of I'klah. Tho body was brought to Pendleton lat night and is at Coroner J. T. lirown . It Is thought that Mr. Otttley, who had been in poor bealth for some tlim . died Tuesday night from Illness and that the bod) froze after death. Mr. Ness ha- been making daily trips to ee Mr. ailey and visited th rancli -ti TasSdsy Mr. Ness offered to re main at the ranch but Mr. Oatley de clared that he was well enough to take care of himself. He had a supply t wood. Mr. Oatley ban lived In t'klah regiort for the past 30 years and was a bsche-t lor. He has no known rUtlrsa 4